Our Other Selves


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"No!" Mark almost restrained his frustration. But then he looked confused, "I know they're gone. Shouldn't we still lay low?"

Kary waved a dismissing hand. "Sure. But that just means the show will start soon. Follow me, oh one of no foresight."

Following his wife, they entered her work space. It was filled with a rather elaborate computer system. She had dozens of screens. Most of them were off, save four. Peering at them more closely, he realized two of the monitors showed what Kim and Zane were seeing through the rigs' eyes. The other two monitors just showed readouts of all sorts of numbers.

"Woah, did you hack the rig software?" Mark marveled.

"Oh, you're just so cute," she reached out and pinched his cheek. "That's the first thing I did after we came up with this plan." She walked over and sat at the main chair.

Mark looked around until he found another seat and moved it close to sit beside her. "Um, isn't this sort of an invasion of privacy?"

Kary gave him a stunned look. "Mark, our two friends are going on a date in which they think they're on with us. Wouldn't it be odd if we didn't know what happened on said date?"

"Yeah, but.... hmm, that makes sense." He gave his head a scratch considering her point.

"Besides, it's a total invasion of privacy," she chirped. "And I'm going to enjoy every minute of it." Turning to her screens, she messed with the controls. "And since they're using one of our cars." More screens flickered to life as more angles of the two appeared. Each had to come from a different camera inside the vehicle.

"Uh, do you um, ever spy on me?" Mark wasn't sure if he wanted to know the answer, but asked anyway.

Kary busied herself with her machine. Absent-mindedly she responded, "If you mean, do I watch you masturbate in the shower? Of course, I do. You're better than porn."

Mark wasn't sure how he felt about this revelation. It did explain why Kary was so horny after those showers though. His thoughts were interrupted by Kary bringing up the volume.

Zane sounded a little uncertain, "So, Kary, we should probably use different names while we're walking around like this."

Kim chuckled and replied, "What? You don't want me calling you Marky boy across a crowded room?"

Kary tilted her head to one side. "Isn't that what Kim calls you?"

Mark buried his face in his hand. "Yes. This thing is all going to fall apart..."

"Well, it would turn some heads. But that's not the evening I was hoping for." Zane's voice had a flirty quality to it.

Kim nodded, "I see your point... how about you just call me K?"

Zane turned to face Kim and asked, "What? Like the letter?"

Kim, shrugging, responded, "Sure, it's the first letter of my name. I'm bound to respond to it a bit better."

Zane pondered this. In a bright cheerful tone, he said, "Yeah, that's smart. Then, you can call me, uh, Z-oey."

"He's an idiot," Mark declared.

Kary snorted at Mark's dig at his friend.

Kim perplexed asked, "How is Zoey like Mark?"

"See, even she realizes he's an idiot." Mark gestured at the screen.

"Well, it's because I'm just a more sophisticated individual. I have a greater ability to handle complex thoughts like names that involve more than a single letter." This was stated in a relative erudite manner by Zane.

"Oww, that was slick," Kary observed.

All were silent for a moment.

Kim grumped, "Hmph, maybe I'll introduce you to another letter I fancy later."

Kary sat up straight, startling Mark. "What?" he asked.

"Our little Zoey really liked that," Kary pointed to one of the numbers on the text heavy screen. "That's his heart rate picking up." She typed in a few more commands then pointed to one of the screens in the car. "Here's the replay at half speed."

As they watched, Kim had reached a hand over from the steering wheel and caressed Zane's thigh. Both Kary and Mark found themselves repeating the action to their partner. Sharing a look, they laughed.

The rest of the evening had the couple glued to the screens. Between the readouts of physical reactions, the ability to play back moments, and the deception they were a part of, made it hard to look away.

They cheered when the two would do nice things for one another and laughed when they tried to dance with Zane in the lead. And even a chaste kiss outside the restaurant got them all hot and bothered. They were reluctant to leave Kary's office, but the two had made it back and were about to come inside.

"Don't worry," Kary rasped. "I'm setting it to record. We won't miss anything."

With that, the two ran to meet up with their respective friends.

Mark was no sooner sitting down and picking up some random item next to his seat when Zane entered the room. By Mark's estimation, he seemed flush. "Hey, Z..." he mentally stopped himself from saying Zoey. Zane couldn't know that they were spying on him. Fortunately, he had shortened Zane's name before to Z.

"Oh hey." Zane's mind seemed elsewhere.

"Did everything go all right?" It was a little odd for Zane to be this short with words.

Zane bit his lip and shook his head. "Everything was fine, great in fact. I just... uh. Liked it."

Mark waited for Zane to continue.

Putting down his purse, Zane looked down and wrapped his arms protectively around himself. "Uh, after the first time... I sort of thought I just wanted to fuck again. So, I was kind of bummed that I was just going out on a date." He looked up at Mark, "And before you say anything, I wasn't a slut or anything."

Mark nodded in understanding. He knew for a fact Zane had behaved properly.

"But it felt so good to be on a date. I wasn't trying to make a move or anything, but I felt... desired." Zane stared off at a picture of Kary and Mark on the wall. "You don't suppose..."

"That you can go out again?" Mark filled in for his friend. "I suppose something could be arranged."

This brought a huge smile to Zane's face. "Really? And you're not weirded out by me and your wife... sort of dating?"

Mark gave a lopsided shrug. He didn't know how to tell Zane that he had a fantastic date night with his wife watching him and Kim on a date. What he managed to reply with was, "When we're operating the rigs, we know it's not us."

"Wow, that's really open-minded of you, Mark. Oh! Before I forget, you should probably know that your wife likes to be called K when she's a guy and I kind of named this body Zoey." He seemed rather sheepish at this admission.

Mark nodded in acceptance, "Eh, it's a good name. I just won't be surprised if she yells out that name in the bedroom I guess."

Zane turned a bright shade of red at that comment. "Okay... with that, I should get out of your hair, I suppose."

With that, the rig powered down and the control bed in one corner came to life. Zane stretched and got off the control bed, patting down his pockets and firmly not looking at Mark. "Looks like I got everything." With that he headed out the door. After a few seconds he popped his head back in.

"Zane? Forget something?" Mark asked.

"Nah, just checking to see if you only masturbate when I'm Zoey. And it looks like that's the case. Good to know." He ducked out of the doorway as Mark threw a little plush toy from at him.

"Glad, that wasn't breakable." The tossed toy was an instinctive reaction. "Now let's hope Kary doesn't break me when I have to tell her we need to do this all again."


Over the next few months, the ruse continued. At first, Mark and Kary came up with all sorts of reasons why they needed their friends help to impersonate them. But it quickly became obvious that their friends were eager to participate. Friday night became date night.

Kim and Zane would show up and Zoey and K would head out. Meanwhile Mark and Kary would watch through Kary's hacked link with the rigs. The couple even joked to themselves it was their date night as well, it just happened to be at home watching their favorite show.

They kept Kim and Zane apart in real life, since the drama between them still existed. Of course, this led to its own awkward situations. Zane was now subconsciously looking to Kary for approval. Meanwhile, Kim was invading Mark's space and doing things for him without his asking. However, Kary and Mark felt this hadn't gotten out of hand. Or at least, they kept telling themselves that, since there was another part to their voyeuristic passion.

During the times they weren't watching their friends date, they would take the rigs and roleplay certain situations with a more sexual bent. Having their favorite stars of their show as bodies they could interact with was intoxicating. Then everything changed one night.

Mark and Kary were in her office watching the feed. Kim and Zane had gone to a movie, which to their surprise was definitely on the more erotic side.

"Geez, this film is making me wet," Kary said aloud.

"Oh yeah? Want to do anything about it?" Mark gave her a playful nudge.

"You know what? Yes. I do want to do something about it." With that, Kary stood up and began removing her bottoms. As she bent forward, Mark could see and smell the slick sign of her arousal.

"Um, what?" Normally, they were so engrossed in their friends that they didn't mess around.

"Mark, pull out your cock," Kary ordered.

Not needing a second command, he slipped his pants down. No sooner did he kick his pants away than Kary moved in front of him. Reaching between her legs she got hold of his dick and guided it inside her as she sat on his lap.

"Oh fuck," she sighed. "Much better."

To his shock, she didn't start bouncing on his lap. Instead, she went back to watching the monitors.

"Uh, honey? Are we having sex?" Mark was thrilled to be inside his wife, but he wasn't sure what he was expected to do.

"You're fine," she soothed. Reaching one hand back, she patted him on the side of his face. "I just really wanted something hard filling me up. Oh hey, looks like K is fully hard too."

Since the first time they spied on their friends, Kary had improved on her interface. Now she had half a dozen screens with all sorts of images displaying various conditions. Most of them dealt with sexual arousal. The monitor she happened to be pointed at contained a nude model of her male rig. In the image, the dick of the man was sporting a very full erection.

"Well, can't blame a guy." Mark gestured to what the rigs were watching. On the movie screen, an orgy was taking place. Each and every shot involved multiple partners giving and receiving pleasure.

Kary reached down and cupped Mark's balls. "Yeah, well... I guess it can affect all of us. Oh, wow, check out Zoey."

Turning his head, he spied the screen with a naked female model. On that monitor, the nipples were hard and she looked seriously flush. And the space between her legs glistened. "Mmm, I see." Reaching around Kary, he found her breasts and began kneading them gently.

Kary leaned her head back against Mark's shoulder as she groaned with lust. Her nipples were responding to his administrations. She even rocked her hips ever so slightly. Then she went stalk still.

Mark for his part was nuzzling her neck and tasting her skin with his tongue. When she went still, he popped his head up. "What? What's wrong?"

Kary leaned forward and pressed some commands. "According to my readouts, I think they're touching... yeah, look." Two new monitors showed monochrome male and female images. The woman was in red and the man was in blue. On the male form was a red handprint. It was slowly moving along the man's thigh.

"Hmm, Zoey must be doing it subconsciously since both their eyes are still on the screen," Mark pointed out.

Then the colored figures changed. As they watched, the inner right side of the man's arm and side changed to red. Meanwhile the left side of the woman, as well as, the shoulder region went blue.

"Aww, K put his arm around her," Kary gushed. Though as they watched the red handprint moved to the inner side of the man's leg.

"Uh, I think Zoey, or Zane, is putting the moves on you," Mark observed.

"And Kim is responding," awe and shock mingled in Kary's words as the faces of the two forms swapped colors.

Mark blinked, "Hey! What happened to their visual feeds?" He pointed at two black screens.

"I think..." Kary typed a few commands. "They have their eyes closed. Cause they're kissing. Kim is making out with you!"

"Uh, I don't think kissing is what you should be worried about. If I'm not mistaken that hand is no longer on the thigh but looking for your cock." Mark remarked equally stunned.

In order to make sure, Kary pulled up a side profile image of the monochrome figures. This showed off the breasts and ass of the woman in better detail and the ass and penis of the man. From this view the blue dick was very red.

"Is Zane giving me a hand job?" Kary asked in a weak voice.

"He's not alone, look." Mark pointed at a blue handprint on the woman's breast.

"But, but, they think they're us," Kary squeaked.

Caught up in the sexual haze, Mark didn't pick up on the worry in her words. Instead, he said in a husky voice in her ear, "That's right. How do you feel cheating on me?" Lowering a hand, he found her very inflamed clit. Pretending it was her dick, he asked, "How do you like someone else stroking that big cock you have?"

This was sufficient to turn Kary's brain completely off. Growling she writhed on his dick. "Fuck, I'm such a bastard. Keep playing with my fucking huge prick." She gripped the arms of the chair as she ground against his hand and cock.

They were momentarily brought back to their senses when the visual feeds kicked back in. Kim and Zane were looking into each other's eyes then down to Kim's exposed dick. Licking his lips Zane lowered down and treated the couple to an awkward view of Kim's lap.

In a burst of understanding, Kary pronounced, "He's sucking my cock!"

Looking between the various screens, Mark could also make out the evidence. "Wow," is all he managed.

But now Kary was into it and fidgeting around. "Yeah, that's right baby. Suck that sweet piece of man meat of mine!"

Mark's hand hadn't left her clit, but it seemed the amount of moisture from Kary had increased. Wanting to participate in this fantasy, he once again moved his fingers.

"Shit! Shit! Oh shit! Fuck! I'm gonna cum!" Kary screamed. Somehow by some strange coincidence, Kim matched her own orgasm with Kary's release.

In the office at home, Mark's hand and balls were coated in a wet spray. Kary had never been a squirter, no matter how they experimented. So, this came as an utter shock to both of them.

Guilt must have radiated between the two in the theater, since once Kim reached her climax, they pulled apart for the remainder of the film. Mark and Kary watched in stunned silence waiting for the two to react to something, say anything. But both were silent all the way to the car.

The tension was palpable as the silence stretched on. Meanwhile, neither Mark nor Kary could figure out where Kim was driving. Finally, she parked in a secluded space and turned off the car.

In a trembling voice, Zoey murmured, "I... I'm sorry... I just... just..."

K's forceful grasp of Zoey's chin came as a shock, but it was nothing to when that strong mouth of Kim's crushed onto Zane's lips. Rasping with desperation, Kim panted, "I need you."

In record time, they made it to the back seat and lost Zoey's panties somewhere along the way. Zane had his skirt up and Kim's dick shoved deep inside in mere moments.

"Oh, you're getting fucked now," Kary cheered. She now began bouncing on Mark's painfully erect member. "Kim is giving that little slut pussy of yours a real pounding."

This was too much for Mark and he erupted inside Kary. It didn't take Zane long to catch up with Mark. To his surprise, Mark found he was still hard, sensitive as hell, but still hard.

"You ready for more?" asked Kim.

"Well, are you?" Kary asked as well.

Mark nodded, "I think so."

"Mmm, please fuck me more," begged Zane. And with that the four enjoyed themselves making a complete mess.

Unlike the two in the car, only Mark and Kary had some idea just how big of a mess they needed to clean up. But in the short term, they were content to let everything get all fucked up.


"So, did you do it?" Kary asked Mark as he entered her office. She was bringing up some camera feeds set up in their main living room.

"Yeah," Mark brushed his hand through his hair then threw his hands out. "But I'm not sure how this will help anything."

"You did tell her what I told you to say, right?" Kary pressed.

"Yes, I told her that we should talk about what happened, but I felt more comfortable talking in the rigs," Mark replied.

Kary took a deep breath. "Okay, okay, I did the same with Zane." She was fidgeting in her chair. "I didn't think this would lead to Kim avoiding talking to me."

Mark moved over and held his wife. "I know. We both fucked things up. If we had just let things alone, but their reactions..." Mark trailed off.

Kary patted one of his arms holding her. "Yeah, we both thought it was good for them. And we didn't think they'd agree to it if we hadn't deceived them. It just sucks..." she cut off her words when one of their friends entered the room. It was Kim in the K rig.

Moving to the couch she sat down. Her nerves were on display as she rubbed her thighs then her face. It was while her hands were blocking her vision that Zane entered the room.

Zane stood in the doorway looking glum. In a small voice, he called out in Zoey's light soprano, "Hey."

Dropping her hands, Kim looked in his direction. "Hey," she responded.

"So, talking," Zane said with little to no inflection.

Sighing deep Kim gave a slow nod. "I suppose that would be the responsible thing to do." She gestured next to her on the couch to indicate Zane should sit.

Zane gulped, then asked, "Are you sure that's safe? I mean, haven't we betrayed... you know who enough?"

Kim looked as though she had been punched in the gut. "I... yeah, maybe you've got a point." Then her look turned from hurt to angry. "But if it wasn't for you touching me in the theater."

Zane held up his hands in surrender. Tears were beginning to run down his face. "No, no, I'm not blaming you for anything. I've done that before and I've fucked up what could have been a great relationship." Zane's words trembled. He reached up and wiped away tears.

"Then what?" a note of hopefulness tinged Kim's query.

Taking a deep breath, Zane screwed up his courage. "What I'm saying is... it was my fault. And if I sit next to you... I'm not sure I can't promise it will be possible for me to not touch you again."

Kim's voice went hoarse. She had to clear it before asking, "And what if I want that too?"

A fragile smile grew on Zane's beautiful face. Then he asked, "So, when did you find out it was me?"

Kary sat up. "I think this is our que to get in there."

Back on the monitor, Mark watched as confusion played across Kim's face. He turned and followed his wife as she asked, "What do you mean, about you? I was going to ask the same thing but about me?"

Before either could ask any more questions, Kary and Mark entered the room. Kary said, "Actually, neither of you know."

Zane's mouth fell open and pointed between Kary and K. "But how are you?"

Meanwhile, Kim was staring at Mark trying to comprehend just what she was seeing. By the tightening of her jaw and balling of fists, she came to the realization first. Springing to her feet, she pointed an accusing finger at the married couple, "You fucking assholes. You set us up, didn't you?"

Zane still hadn't figured it out. However, K was the one he knew he had feelings for so went to Kim. Grabbing her arm, he asked, "K? What's going on?"