One More from the Attic Pt. 02


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"Okay," she nodded. We still couldn't take our eyes off of each other as we got dressed.

I realized with a start that Aunt Cathy was getting dressed up, but only after she had already put on nylon stockings and was buttoning up her dress.

"You look nice," I said. "Where are you planning to go today?"

"Oh, I have to work today," she said. "Your parents got me a great job here. I'd love to spend the day in bed with you, but I've only just started." She stepped over to me after I pulled my shirt over my head and gave me another lovely kiss. "Next time you come to visit, I'll make sure I have the weekend off."

* * *

I cooked scrambled eggs with bacon and pancakes. Aunt Cathy stood in the kitchen and told me about her new job while I cooked. She stopped speaking for a bit, and I turned to look at her.

"Daniel, can you keep a secret?" she asked.

I nodded, thinking of everything I was already keeping secret. "Of course," I said.

"Your parents are really cutting us a break on the rent," she said. She looked thoughtful as she went on. "It's less than half what it should be. I'm not complaining, of course. But..." she leaned close and her voice dropped to a whisper. "I think they plan to move back after they have a long vacation in Florida. I know how kinky my sister is, and I think she plans to turn me into a big-titted cock-slut for you and your father."

She shivered delightfully when she said it. Despite all the intense sex we'd had, I got hard at that thought. She kissed me on my cheek and reached down to feel my dick through my sweat pants.

"Maybe that's just wishful thinking on my part," she sighed.

"What's that?" Danielle asked, causing us to look over at her. She was wearing a fluffy bathrobe, and my sister and Annette were coming up the hallway behind her wearing matching bathrobes. They all looked like they had just woken up.

"Nice bathrobe," Aunt Cathy said. "Where did you get those?"

"Oh, they were in the linen closet. Hope showed us where they were, when it started to get chilly last night."

I turned my attention to the pancakes, flipping them over before looking back up at the three gorgeous women. It was obvious at a glance that all they were wearing were those robes and skimpy panties. Aunt Cathy got a plate and served herself eggs, bacon and pancakes.

"I hope you don't mind," she said to me. "I really need to eat and get going."

"No problem," I replied. I started serving up plates for everyone else, and brought those to the table before starting the next batch of pancakes.

Aunt Cathy made quick work of her breakfast, and brought her dishes out to the sink.

"Just leave those in the sink. I'll get them," I offered.

"Thanks," she said, giving me a kiss before depositing her dishes in the sink. "You guys have a great day!" she said, and then she headed out the door.

I put the last batch of pancakes onto a plate and turned off the skillet. When I sat down and started eating, all three girls were smiling and looking at me. I raised an eyebrow as I chewed.

"Thanks for fixing breakfast, Daniel," my sister said. Our cousins nodded in agreement, but they were all still looking at me and smiling. I swallowed the bite I had been working on.

"What?" I asked them.

They looked at each other, and none of them could stop smiling. Annette finally spoke up.

"Thanks for taking care of Mom, last night," she said softly.

"Oh, geez," I said. "Were we that loud?"

All three of them laughed at that.

"Oh, no," Hope said, resting her hand on my forearm. "It was just obvious, looking at her. She looks like she's walking on air this morning."

"I just thought she looked nice in that outfit," I stammered, blushing furiously. I looked at my sister closely, and smiled at her when I realized she was not the least bit upset. If anything, she looked happy.

"You don't mind?" I asked her. Immediately, I realized that was a mistake, but Hope just shook her head.

"Not at all," she said simply.

I tried not to be too obvious as I ate my breakfast and tried to gage my cousins' reaction to what I had said. Hope lightly patted my arm again.

"It's okay, Daniel," she said. "I told them you were mine."

I did not know what to say to that. I looked from my sister to Danielle, who was nodding and smiling, and over to Annette. Annette swallowed and said, "But she did promise to share, if you don't mind."

I looked at my sister and raised an eyebrow. She actually blushed. "I didn't think you'd mind," she said.

I had to wonder about the conversation those three must have had last night. That was going to be some interesting video, to be sure. I took three more bites of my breakfast before I realized they were looking at me, expecting a response. I swallowed and said, "Hey, I'm obviously going to need my energy!"

It wasn't that funny, but they laughed. I'll take pity laughs from beautiful women any day.

One of the things I love about cooking breakfast is that it isn't hard to make really tasty food that everybody likes. It isn't like I am some amazing cook, but my cousins were impressed with any guy who would cook for them. Right after breakfast, though, I was reminded that I had promised Dad that I would take care of some minor maintenance things around the house. "Take a look at the garbage disposal" had been on that list.

When I rinsed off the dishes and ran the garbage disposal, it didn't sound right. After I quickly stopped it, there was a faint but nasty smell. I also heard a little bit of dripping coming from under the sink. When I opened the cabinet under the sink, it reminded me a bit of the attic before I had cleaned it out. There was all manner of clutter under there. That cabinet had been a catch-all for cleaning supplies, bug sprays, dish soap, rubber gloves (there were six pairs, plus one extra), roach and ant baits, and mismatched plastic containers. I was surprised that the realtor hadn't cleaned that mess out when she staged the house.

I sighed and started pulling all that junk out. Once I had about half of it cleared, I saw that there were a couple of small, funky puddles. The liquid was thick, indicating that the sinks, pipes or garbage disposal had been leaking slowly over a fairly long period. I sighed and called my dad.

That was a quick call, just to let him know there was a leak. I'm not a plumber, and I knew one of my dad's friends was a plumber. He said he'd call his friend to come take a look at it, and I went back to work cleaning out under the sinks. A lot of what was under there had been there for years. I got a plastic garbage bag and tossed a bunch of that stuff into it. Some of what I saved needed to be rinsed off.

I did that, and watched under the sink carefully as the water went down the drain. I spotted where the water was seeping out around the juncture of the sink and drain pipe on the left side. On the right, it looked like the garbage disposal unit itself was leaking, but I couldn't figure out where. I got a big sponge and a small bucket of soapy water and cleaned up the nasty little puddles. When I was done, it smelled much better under the sinks.

I would have been done faster, but Hope could not resist coming up behind me and squeezing my ass when I was bent over with my head under the sink. The first time she did it, I jerked reflexively and banged my head. I pulled out from under the sink and looked at her while rubbing my head. "Sorry," she murmured. "I couldn't resist." She kissed the top of my head where I had bumped it.

The second time I felt her hands on my ass, I was expecting it. I stopped scrubbing and looked back at her. "You know I love feeling your ass in my hands," she growled. I nodded, thinking of all the times she had grabbed my ass while I was fucking her. She gave my right cheek a light slap before walking away.

Not three minutes later, I once again felt soft hands squeezing my butt. I started to get annoyed, but then quickly realized that wasn't Hope. I looked back over my shoulder, and saw Annette looking back at me. Danielle was standing behind her watching. "Hope was right," Annette breathed softly. "You do have a nice ass."

"Thanks," I said.

I went back to scrubbing, trying to ignore those hands sensuously working over my ass. Danielle was a little harder to ignore, since she slid her hands between my cheeks to fondle my balls as well. By the time I finished cleaning out the mess under the cabinets, I was ready to return the favor and do something to their shapely asses. Naturally, that was when the plumber showed up, so I had to put that on hold.

I vaguely remembered Gary, even though I had not seen him in a couple years. He was a really nice guy in his mid-thirties. I pointed out the leak I had spotted on the left side and told him the garbage disposal unit was leaking. He took it from there. It did not take him long to pull the disposal unit out and show me that it had leaking seals. I could see it when he showed me, but I never would have figured that out.

He called my dad to let him know, and then left to get replacement seals. He had already fixed the leak on the left side, so that sink was usable. I went through the other items on the list. None of it was hard work, but my sister and cousins followed me around and molested me the entire time. After Gary finished and left, they stopped being subtle about it.

I was replacing a light bulb in the front closet when Annette came up behind me. She reached her arm around my waist, slid it into my sweat pants, and started stroking my dick while I was on tiptoe screwing in the new bulb. I finished tightening the bulb into place, and came down onto the balls of my feet. When I turned my head to her, she kissed me and groaned into my mouth.

"You've got a really nice dick," she said when she finally released it.

That had pushed me a little too far. I pulled Annette into the closet, spun her around, and pulled her panties down her thighs. She squealed at that, and then groaned, "Ohhh!" when I drove my dick into her pussy from behind. She was very tight.

It did not take long—maybe a dozen hard strokes—before she was coming. All that teasing had these girls even more worked up than I was. When Annette came, her tight little pussy squeezed down and actually ejected my cock. She was trembling and panting, leaning against the wall. I gave her soft bottom a nice swat and watched her suck in her breath.

"There will be more of that later," I promised.

"O-okay," she gasped. Her eyes were wild as she watched me pull up my sweat pants and walk away.

I would have taken that time to fuck the hell out of all three of them, but the last job seemed like the most important one to me. "Fix leaks in attic" had made my eyes go wide when I saw it. I knew that the cameras in the attic were very susceptible to shorting out if they got damp. I had only saved it for last because I had hoped to move the cameras or take them out.

I went into the attic and came back into the house almost immediately. It was really cold, and I put on a long-sleeved shirt and coat before heading back up there. Danielle insisted on following me around in the attic. I could not believe that she wasn't freezing in her skimpy panties and bathrobe, but she looked more comfortable than I felt in my warm clothes. She turned out to be very helpful, bringing me the caulk gun and helping me move the ladder around while I found and patched fourteen very tiny leaks.

I was relieved that nothing had been dripping up there. Once we were done, the attic was noticeably warmer than when we had started. I made the mistake of saying, "Alright! That's the last one!" while standing on the ladder.

"Oh, goody!" Danielle said. She pulled down my sweats and started sucking my dick. I was too busy holding onto the ladder so that I wouldn't fall. I was in no position to stop her. However, I was in a great position to look down and see her huge tits wobbling around as she sucked me.

She was a little rougher than I like, but then she stopped and looked up at my face. "I knew it!" she said. "You taste like Annette's pussy!"

I damn near fell off the ladder. I recovered quickly, though, scurrying down the ladder while I had the chance. Danielle looked like she wanted to protest, but I closed the ladder and turned to give her a grin.

"That was my last chore," I said. "As soon as we put this stuff away, we can play for the rest of the day."

"Oh!" she replied. Her eyes really lit up at that.

* * *

Now, for any of you guys who have that fantasy of being with three sexy women at one time, I don't want to spoil it for you. Let me just say, it looked really hot on video when I watched it later.

We started on Hope's bed, but then moved to my parents' because it had more room. They had me on my back and used me like I was a piece of workout equipment. One of them was writhing on my face while another bounced up and down on my cock. Every time one of them would come, they would slide off of me to give that spot to whoever was waiting.

It was tough for me to keep up with what was going on at the time. They really rode my face hard, and that wasn't as much fun for me as it was for them. I wound up using both hands to grab the ass of whoever was on my face just so they wouldn't crush my lips and nose. Oh, those were some delicious wet pussies. They tasted fantastic, and felt amazing on my hard dick. They controlled the pace the whole time, and I never came even though we went at it for over two hours.

I was parched, and sucked down a huge mug of ice water afterwards. They were all fucked out and watched me with undisguised admiration as I stood in the bedroom doorway chugging down that water. I think that any one of them would have outlasted me, but the three of them all at once meant that I was still raring to go after they were completely done.

That was what Aunt Cathy came home to see.

I felt like some legendary sex god the way that played out. She came up the hallway behind me, to see me standing there covered in sweat, drinking ice water, with my dick still hard as a brick. She looked past me into the room, to see Hope, Danielle, and Annette all lying on the bed. They were exhausted, gasping for breath, and looking up at me in awe.

I had been taken to the brink of orgasm again and again, only to feel them shiver in orgasm and then slide off of my hard dick. After all that sex, I was hornier than ever.

"Oh, thank goodness you're here," I murmured as I kissed Aunt Cathy. "I am so horny right now."

"Jesus!" she whispered.

I helped her out of her dress and panties, but left the stockings on. Danielle slid over to make room on the bed, and I held my aunt's legs open wide when I eagerly fucked her pussy. Even then, Aunt Cathy came before I did. Twice. Later, when I watched the video, I was amazed at how I looked. The muscles in my arms, shoulders and chest were pumped and looked really impressive.

I leaned my head back and bellowed, "Yes!" when I finally came. After being teased all day long, it was a massive load of sperm that I shot into my horny aunt's pussy. She shuddered and came all through my orgasm. She moaned weakly when I released her legs and bent to suck her hard nipples. It gave me the five or six minutes I needed to get my second wind. Her eyes widened and she groaned, "Oh, god," when I rolled her over.

I didn't even get to work my entire length into her tight little butthole before she came. It was an impressive, explosive climax that caused her pussy to shoot my cum all over the bed. Aunt Cathy reached her hand back and pushed at my abdomen feebly. "I can't...I can't..." she panted helplessly.

"I can," Annette panted from my right. Her eyes were wild. Even though she was physically drained, she rolled onto her stomach and spread her ass cheeks. I pulled my dick from Aunt Cathy's tight ass and moved over to lie on my cousin's back.

I have never felt the sensation that I got from her from anyone else. I swear, the way her asshole opened up and took me in felt like a wet, sucking mouth. I gasped.

"Do you like getting fucked in the ass, Annette?" I hissed into her ear.

"It's my favorite!" she groaned.

I couldn't really see it at the time, but watching the video days later I could see Hope and Danielle slowly playing with their pussies and teasing their nipples while I fucked Annette's sweet, horny ass. Her mouth shot open repeatedly when she came, and her eyes rolled up into her head when I filled her ass with my cum. We lay there tangled together in that bed, slowly stroking and kissing each other for a long while after that. Again—super hot on the video but hard to see what was going on at the time.

We took turns using the shower. Hope and I had just enough energy to change out the sweaty bed linens while Aunt Cathy was showering. None of us felt like cooking, so we ordered pizzas. Everyone agreed that they slept well that night. I woke up between Aunt Cathy and Annette. Hope and Danielle had slept in the other room.

The next morning, we all slept in. I had slept a solid nine straight hours, and felt completely invigorated. There was lots of hugging, kissing and gentle touches between us as we woke up and shared another breakfast. Hope and I needed to get going right after breakfast. I got sensuous, lingering hugs and deep tongue kisses from my aunt and both cousins before we left, and so did Hope. If we had not needed to get going immediately, I'm sure it would have turned into an orgy.

I offered to drive first. Hope looked extremely grateful, and she leaned back the passenger seat and went right to sleep. She snored softly in the passenger seat, not waking when I stopped for gas just outside town. I let the stereo play quietly and watched the countryside roll by. I wasn't tired, since I had slept so well the night before. I was surprised when the gas light came on. I'd been driving for almost eight hours straight. My sexy sister had slept the entire time. She didn't even wake up when I stopped and fueled up the car, but she did wake up an hour or so later.

We stopped for dinner then. Hope was surprised—pleasantly—to have gotten so much sleep and to be so close to our apartment already. It was just a quick stop at a fast food place, and then we were back on the road. Despite the fact that I had driven all day, I was keyed up and felt like driving. As soon as we were back on the road, Hope leaned over and unzipped my pants. She looked from my throbbing cock up to my face.

"You are a fucking machine," she murmured before taking me in her mouth.

My sister is so good at sucking my dick. She really enjoys doing it, and it shows. Before I could give her a load of hot semen, though, I noticed a state trooper getting uncomfortably close. Hope growled in annoyance, but tucked my dick away and sat up. We got stuck in a pack of vehicles all going the same way we were, and the state trooper was within a hundred yards of us for the next hour and a half.

We finally pulled off the interstate at our exit. As soon as we were back in our apartment, Hope and I hungrily kissed each other inside the door. She cranked up the heater, and then we shared a nice hot shower. The bathroom was steamy and hot. It felt like it got even hotter when Hope pulled the anal lube from under the sink.

"I need you in my ass," she groaned. She leaned over the sink, spreading her legs and lubricating her sexy little butthole. We both groaned as I slid my hard dick into her. The mirrors were fogged up, and we sweated in that steamy bathroom. By the time I gave my sister the assfull of sperm that she was craving, we needed another shower.

That second shower was quick. We spent the rest of the night in her bed, gently making love until we fell asleep in each other's arms.

* * *

The next evening, Hope brought Amy home with her for dinner and a movie. After we had eaten, Hope and I were doing the dishes when Amy excused herself to use the bathroom. Hope whispered to me, "I hope you don't mind, but I told Amy she could sit in your lap for this movie."