N is for Nude Ch. 03


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Beth cut him off. "I'm a woman now. I gave Nick my virginity last night."

"And this morning," Elaine said softly.

"Shit! How come she gets all the good stuff?"

"What?" Paul asked.

"I've been eighteen almost a year and no one volunteered to take my virginity and teach me anything about sex!" He was genuinely angry and hurt. He glared at Paul and Elaine.

Holly looked at me and I smiled. She stood right in front of Sam and said, "Ever gone for a real ride in a motor home?" Before he could answer she kissed him. We all saw the front of his jeans move. Holly was nude. She left her clothes on the couch and walked Sam out to the motorhome.

Paul looked like he'd been hit by a train. He sat at the table looking at the door. Elaine put her tit in his face and he came back to us. She pulled away and sat down.

"I need a nap and I don't think I can go home right now."

Elaine took my hand and led me back inside her bedroom. The bed had not been slept in. She pulled back the covers and tucked me in. She kissed me and said, "Thanks. I looked in on you this morning. I've never seen such a erotic, sexy sight."

"Believe me, it was my pleasure and my honor."

I was asleep in seconds. When I woke up the shades were drawn, the room was dark and my cock was being swallowed. I assumed it was Beth. Elaine had a chance at me and turned it down back at Sandy Shores. Whoever it was knew what she was doing. Beth had shown a natural talent. I relaxed and participated. When she was happy with my hardness she climbed on and put me inside her. She didn't feel like Beth. I looked closer and it was Elaine.

"I want to scream! I want you to help me scream!"

"Slide your pussy against me. Rub your clit on me! Feel me inside you."

In rodeo they only ride for eight seconds. Elaine could get a gold belt buckle. She rode for a lot longer than eight seconds. I started to worry that all my pubic hair would be worn off. The only thing that kept the friction from starting my hair on fire was the steady flow of Elaine's juices onto my hair. She panted, moaned and gasped along the way. I thrust up and held her hips. She got louder. Remembering Beth's sensitive nipples I reached for Elaine's and pinched. She screamed and soaked me, her, the bed and the nearside floor. Her body twitched and shook. The muscles inside her pussy grabbed me tighter than I could remember being held. I held on and she shook some more. Elaine collapsed on me and either passed out or fell asleep. Again, I got the wet spot.

About a minute later she woke. She jumped off me and the bed, surveyed the damage and said, "We need to do laundry." She was smiling.

I got up and we stripped the bed. When we got to the laundry room Holly was loading the washer. She smiled.

"I guess the whole family is squirters."

"Paul too?"

Holly nodded. I hugged her and we kissed. She tasted of cum and her own juices.

"Where are the kids?"

"Sam had a game to get to. He's watching, not playing. Beth had arranged to study with a couple of friends this afternoon." Elaine said.

"Sam made me promise we wouldn't leave until tomorrow."

"Do we need to go to the market and get more laundry soap?" I asked.

"Nope! I have two more boxes in the garage."

As the laundry went we sat out on the patio and talked. We talked about our trip to Jasper. We talked about the reunion in October and if Beth and Sam should be invited. Then Paul asked, "How do you think Beth is doing emotionally?"

"She's healthy and has a good head on her shoulders. She thought about what we did long before we did it. It helped a lot that Elaine and she are so close and share everything. I'm glad she talked with you this morning. That helps her process things."

"How do you know we talked?"

"I know."

"You don't know what she told me."

"I'd like to know."

"She said, Mom, Nick just met me and he loves me. Not like he loves Holly, but he loves me and treated me like a woman. And sex is incredible. I want more but I know that most boys have no idea how to love me and sex without love isn't going to be worth taking my clothes off."

"Would you like to know what Sam said to me before he left?" Paul asked.

We all nodded.

"He said, Dad. That was incredible. I've masturbated for years and it felt wonderful. The inside of Holly is a million times better, and not because it's a pussy. It's better because Holly cares about me. I could see it in her eyes and the way she touched me. I've just become a big fan of older women, I think."

"What did you say to Sam?" Elaine asked.

"I reminded him that it isn't age that is the deciding factor in Holly. It's something even more difficult to find. Holly understands how to love. There are no games in Holly's love. Sam asked me if Holly loved me. I said yes, she did and that didn't mean we had been sexually intimate. He smiled at me and walked out of the house."

"Wow!" I think our kids took a leap into adulthood."

"I think so, too." Holly said.

"How's that?" I asked.

"Do you remember the first time you had sex with a woman?"

"Yes. It was last week in my bed. I found a woman in my bed and she begged me to have sex with her." We laughed and when we stopped I said, "Yes, I remember."

"How long did it last?"

"Maybe a minute."

"I undressed Sam and he was rock hard. He said he felt like he was ready to cum without even touching. I said lets see if we can make that happen. We played together and he did cum without touching. I caught all of it in my mouth. As he started to cum I just swallowed him. Well, he didn't soften. We did lots of other things before he came again. I coached him about going slowly, for the benefit of his partner. He listened. When he ate me I thought I would die of pleasure. He is a natural at eating pussy. He teased me to the brink twenty times before he let me go. Then he didn't hurry to something else. He held me and talked softly to me until I was ready for more. He came in me seven times, counting twice in my mouth!"

"My God. What have we done?" Elaine said.

"They are old enough and showed themselves ready to take the step in front of them." Paul said, "I'm just glad they could have great coaches when they went."

"Beth isn't a little girl and never will be again." Holly said. "She's changed."

"If I may ask, what changed with you Elaine? At Sandy Shores you decided not to have sex with me."

"All Beth could talk about was what you did with her and how she squirted so many times. Until today I've squirted twice. Now I know next time Paul and I do it we better be ready for the flood."

We dressed and went out for dinner. We laughed and danced and had lots of fun. When we got back to the house some of the lights were on. We went through the back door and Beth was sitting on the couch watching TV with Sam.

Beth got up and hugged her parents and then hugged Holly and me. Sam went straight to Holly and hugged her. Then he hugged his Mom. Beth said, "We remade all the beds except Sam's. Well, that isn't quite accurate. We did all the laundry but I couldn't remake my bed. It's still wet. I opened the window and set a fan to blow across the bed and out the window."

Elaine looked at Beth and said, "Are you sleeping on the couch down here?"

"I guess." Holly and I noticed her head start to turn towards us, but she stopped.'

"She can come with us," Holly said. "Our bed holds three snuggly but if we're friends it should be OK.'

Paul put his head in his hands. He didn't say anything. Beth went to him and hugged him.

"Daddy, I love you. All my life you've wanted me to grow up. Now, I have. I have lots more to learn and you get to teach me lots of stuff. Let Nick and Holly love me too."

"You're right. I just thought you'd wait... til you were thirty!" We all laughed. I glanced at the front door and noticed a pile of towels. Beth had a plan and we went for it.

"Well, it is late. Beth, do you need help with that pile of towels or can you manage?"

She blushed and knew she was found out. "I can manage." I let her. Holly and I went first and she followed. At the door, I went in and took the towels from her. She came in and saw that Holly was already nude. I stripped and so did Beth. I moved into our bedroom and kissed Holly.

"Love me." It wasn't a question. It was a request.

"Every moment of every day. Please let me taste you."

She leaned back and put herself on the bed, legs hanging off. I knelt between her legs and kissed her pussy.

"What should I do?" Beth asked.

Holly lifted her head and looked at Beth. "What do you want to do?"

"Can I watch?"

"We didn't close the door. Do you want to watch from there on from in bed with Holly?"

She wiggled past me and up onto the bed. She stayed quiet and still.

I resumed kissing Holly. I touched her breasts with my hands as my face lapped up her juices.

"Yes, Nick. You know where to get me. Yes!"

Her hands held my head. I flicked her clit and probed her opening, lapping up her flowing juices. She moaned.

I rolled her over and her legs touched the floor. I stood and pushed inside her pussy, slowly and holding her hips. Beth watched and didn't move. Holly thrust back against me and started our motion. I took my time and moved so she could feel me hitting her g-spot.

"Yes! Nick! Yes! Oh, I'm so close. Keep hitting me right there!" Holly looked up and saw Beth sitting cross legged with her hand in her pussy. She reached out and grabbed Beth's legs, dragged Beth to her and shoved Beth's pussy against her face. Without pulling out of Holly I reached the towels and tossed two to Beth. She somehow crammed them both under her ass before Holly tripped her and she came all over Holly and the towels. She used my pillow to quiet her scream. I pounded inside Holly and she exploded all over me. I grabbed another towel and tossed it at my feet. As her pussy squeezed me I attempted to keep stroking but she held me so tight I couldn't move. When the spasm let go all my pent up sperm shot into her! It felt like my dick had exploded! I was half afraid to pull out for fear the tip was gone.

I held inside Holly for a long time. Holly calmed down and then turned to look at me. I think we need to clean up before we go to sleep. We discovered the bed was pretty dry, the towels were soaked and so was Holly. Beth washed Holly in our tiny shower. I bagged the wet towels and put them by the door. I used a wet wash cloth and wiped off my equipment and my legs. Beth got out of the bathroom and cleaned my cock with her mouth. When she stood up she said, "I know now what Holly tastes like."

Holly dried off and said, "In the morning, you can taste me directly, if you want to." We moved to the bed and got in. They put me in the middle. Holly turned me so she could spoon against my back. Beth spooned her back and butt against my front. As I drifted toward sleep Holly draped an arm over me and Beth held my hand on her breast.

At five something in the morning I came awake and sat up. Someone was outside messing with our home. I carefully woke both women and had them stay quiet. I made my way to the front and grabbed my gun. A 9mm Ruger that held 14 rounds. I tossed Holly the cell phone and she hit 911. Whoever it was, was on the door side of the motor home. I popped the door open and was facing a man with a crow bar attacking the storage bin right by the door.

He looked up and saw that I was nude. He smiled. I showed him the Ruger and the smile vanished. "Lay on your belly. Drop the bar."

He hesitated. "Think you can outrun a bullet? Go ahead."

I heard a siren in the distance. So did he. He dropped the bar and put himself flat on the ground. Holly came to the door with Beth. Both were dressed. Beth was in Holly's jeans and her own t-shirt. I gave Holly the Ruger and I dressed. I took the Ruger back and the police arrived. Paul, Elaine and Sam came out the front door. A policeman had them stay on the porch. They cuffed the man and an officer took our statements. Beth had done some quick thinking and put a pillow and a sheet on the couch. They dusted and photographed the outside of the motor home and took our contact information. One officer asked to see my permit. It was federal. He wrote down the information and thanked me. Then they interviewed Paul, Elaine and Sam. As they got ready to leave the lead officer said the perp would be before the judge within 36 hours and he requested we stay until then. Beth said she lived in the house so she would always be available. Holly and I agreed to stay close by. Five minutes later it was quiet in the neighborhood again.

Ten more minutes and we were asleep. I was spooned with Holly in front of me and Beth behind. As I drifted off I thought about what a wonderful world it was, burglars and all.

We stayed four extra days. The lawyers interviewed us and one asked if I had opened the door nude. I said yes. He asked what the suspects reaction was.

"He smiled when he saw my penis and lost the smile when he saw the Ruger."

In front of the judge the same lawyer asked how I got the federal firearm permit. I smiled and said you can get that information from the agency that gave it to me. You already know they will not answer. Now you know I won't either."

The judge smiled at me and said, "I can compel you to answer."

"Yes, you can order it and I can still refuse. What will happen after that is that a federal agent will arrive and take me into federal custody. You will never see me again and your question will be unanswered forever."

"They won't know because you won't tell them."

"Judge, they already know I used the weapon. Your police called to verify the permit and ask why I have it. Sometime within the next three days an agent will walk in with all the authority he needs to do just what I said."

"The permit is valid and the weapon was not fired. We have fingerprints, the crow bar and Mr. Wallace's confession. We will not need you in court. You are free to go." As I walked from the courtroom I heard him say, "So please go." I waved.

On the ride back to Paul and Elaine's no one asked. Inside the house Holly sat looking at me.

I sat near but not next to her.

"I didn't know you had a gun."

"I do."

"I don't know who you are."

"Yes, you do. I'm a good guy. I love you. I won't lie to you, cheat you, leave you or betray you. If you must know, I'll tell you."

Paul walked into the living room. His family was with him.

"We talked. We don't care why you had the permit and the gun. We're just glad you did. If you want we'll leave while you two talk."

Holly got off the couch and sat in my lap. She said, "You don't need to do anything. I love Nick. I love each of you. It was just a surprise. A mystery. He promised me he would protect me and he did. I'm Ok."

"Can Holly and I take you all out for dinner tonight?"

Beth and Sam brightened. Paul said, "No! Your money is no good here. I'll buy."

A five minute haggle over where to eat happened and it was decided sea food near Pike's Market. At the restaurant I discovered just how hungry I was. Things were going great and we were back to the loving energy again when a man walked up to the table.

"Nick Evans?"

I raised my hand. He said, "Everything is Ok with the judge." Before I could respond he turned and walked away.

Dinner was over. We drove home and I talked.

"Years ago I worked for the government. What I did wasn't all that important but my bosses decided I needed lifelong protection. They issued me the Ruger and the permit. This is the first and hopefully the last time anyone will ever see it. I never fired it. I never thought I'd need it."

"Oh." Holly said. "I thought you might be a spy or something and one morning I'd wake up in a James Bond movie."

Sam said, "You get to play Pussy Galore!"

We all laughed. The tension was gone. When we got home we had ice cream and laughed some more. Elaine called her friends in Banff and they gave us directions on how to find them. I said to tell them we were leaving in the morning.

Elaine finished the call and hung up. Sam said, "Don't go."

"We need to go." We can have breakfast with you in the morning, if you'd like."

"What would you like for breakfast?" Beth asked.

I crooked my finger and whispered in her ear when she got close.

"Something that tastes like you."

She whispered back, "You can have me."

"Thank you."

Holly and I hugged all around and went out to the motor home. We didn't go to bed. We sat up front and realized how hard it would be to leave in the morning. We sat together and kissed and held each other until one in the morning. I said I had an idea and Holly sat back in the passenger seat. I muscled the steering wheel until our wheels were aimed away from the curb. We were on a very slight hill, facing down hill. I had Holly take the driver's seat and steer. I got out and pushed. It took a while and some sweat but I got us moving. I climbed back inside and a hundred yards down the road I closed the door. Holly started the engine and slowed us down to a stop at the corner. She turned on the GPS and I put in the entry: "Banff."

"I wonder what awaits us there? I asked.

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TheOldStudTheOldStud2 months ago

Nice concept but this tale is a couple of chapters too long. I'll bet Nick's first wife regrets ever letting him go...

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
a nice little story but he is potrayed as a sex fiend

and some things just don't sit right like charging three women $600 each for him to shave their cunts.....you have to be joking.....and why the hang-up with bald pussies...I - and a lot of men - prefer a full hairy bush....I get sick and tired of this thing you lot have with plastic tits - designer vaginas and bald cunts.....no wonder things are so shite....then I just cannot believe parents of a young 18 year old girl would have him take her virginity....surely that should be something for her to give to a first lover of the same age not some pervert like him then again they do the same for the boy...would have been better to let brother and sister fuck each other - vice is nice but incest is best....then you threw in a curve ball about him being in some government agency.....what a joke that last bit was...overall a nice tale but the bullshit spoilt it....

JohnnyMaxJohnnyMaxabout 12 years ago
3rd read !

Brilliant tale: suggest: when they delivered Hollys RV and she said about not playing poker she should have taken her shirt off, given it to him, and said "lost this too" just for an extra fillip.

This tale could easily continue - they get down the road and find Beth curled up in their bed.............

oldergentleman69oldergentleman69over 12 years ago

While reading I noticed I have lots in common with it. Full timing in a Converted coach and living in the Pacific Northwest. That's where it ends though. Looking forward to reading more!

sailordblj1966sailordblj1966about 13 years ago
More please

Have just reread the series again and still would love to have another chapter or chapters written. Can you please continue this series

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