My Sister Made Me Ch. 21


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Turning her head back, she paused, looking out across the mass of crowded, undulating bodies. A man wearing a mask was staring directly at her, but then someone moved through her eyeline and the figure was gone. She looked around a little, confused and starting to feel like there was something wrong. The sexual haze seemed to fade from her head at that point, and she frowned.

In front of her, Marvin must have sensed or seen that she was out of sorts. He stopped dancing and looked at her with concern clear in his eyes.

"Alex, you good? Need a break? Some water?"

She put a hand to her temple as pain throbbed into it and turned to look in the other direction. For a moment there seemed to be another man in a different mask, but she closed her eyes and he was gone when she opened them again.

Behind her, Vince had stopped dancing as well, and both her and Marvin grabbed her tenderly by the arms and started to help her off the dance floor.

"Everything okay?" Bryce asked, having seen that something was amiss and coming over.

"Water," Alex said. "I'm just thirsty and probably need a break."

The group went over to the bar and one of them managed to flag down the bartender and get a cup of ice water for her. She drank deeply, immediately feeling better and taking a moment to scan the room. Seeing nothing, she rolled her eyes at her ridiculousness and gestured for the secluded spot that they'd been before, leading the way as she headed over.

Taking some time to rest, she leaned easily into Bryce's arm, still scanning the room for signs of the masked strangers she kept seeing.

Something still felt wrong, she realized. Like she needed to do something or hadn't done something. She frowned, wondering if she was coming down with something, or that maybe the food she'd had earlier wasn't sitting well with her stomach.

The guys found a table and chairs and the five of them went over to take a break. They occupied themselves by people watching, and Alex eventually began to feel bad.

"You guys should see if you can score tonight," she said. "I'm sorry I'm ruining your fun."

After a fair amount of dismissing the thought and asking if she was sure, the other three did indeed leave to go and see what luck they had with the girls that night.

"Sorry if I ruined our fun," she said, squeezing Bryce's hand.

"As long as you and I are still together, we're fine, babe. Do you need anything?"

She shook her head, smiling at him. "I appreciate you letting me be myself tonight."

He chuckled, offering her a shrug. "I just know the types of attention that you like and figured that the guys could benefit from your needs."

"It's very sweet," she assured him.

Her head thudded again, and she winced in pain, raising her hands up to her temples as pain pounded them.

"You okay babe? Do we need to leave?"

She shook her head, squeezing his hand comfortingly again. "I'll be okay. Just... give me a minute."

She sighed, wondering why she felt so rotten. Toni entered her mind in that moment, though wouldn't really be able to help. She realized that she'd left her purse and phone in the truck and swore when she realized that she hadn't told her twin where she was going or with whom.

"What time is it?" she asked, looking up as her temples thudded. Out of the corner of her eye, one side and then the other, she saw a masked figure appear and disappear, as if he were moving through the crowd. She fought off the urge to look, staring at Bryce and wincing as he looked at his phone.

"It's just after midnight," he said.

Genuinely shocked to hear that it was so late, she looked at him in surprise for longer than she'd intended.

"Do you mind if go ahead and leave?" she asked. "I'm just not feeling so hot."

"Of course not," he said. He looked around for a few seconds, then gestured behind Alex for someone to come closer.

Vince appeared a few seconds later, coming up to the duo and kneeling down.

"I'm gonna take her home. You guys okay to get a ride?"

"For sure," Vince said. "Sorry you're out of sorts, Alex," he said, offering her a conciliatory frown.

"I'm sorry I ruined the fun," she replied.

He offered her a kiss on the cheek and stood, clapped Bryce on the shoulder, and then disappeared back into the crowd.

Leading her out of the building, Bryce helped her into the truck and pulled out of the parking lot shortly after. Reaching down, she found her purse and pulled her phone out. Unlocking the device, she was surprised to see that she'd missed a dozen texts from Toni and half as many calls.

Sighing, she shook her head and began to thumb through the messages. All of them were some combination of asking where she was and for her to call or text. She put her phone down immediately, not wanting to deal with her lunatic twin that night. She had enough to worry about.

"Your place?" he asked, looking over still concerned.

"Yours is fine," she said. "I might have to just go to sleep, but I still want to stay with you."

"Only if you're sure," he said, but made the turn toward his apartment anyway.

Whatever the hell was wrong was starting to irritate her. She was tired of feeling out of sorts, and like something had gone wrong that she wasn't aware of. It had gotten very old, very quickly. She was ready for it to be done with.

The two got back to the apartment and stripped down, falling into his bed and snuggling up together. She thought about making sweet, gentle love to him, but her head kept pounding and she couldn't stop thinking about her sister.

She'd always been the one to take care of Toni, not the other way around. The new dynamic they seemed to have was weird, for sure. It wasn't like Toni was actually taking care of her, either. It was more like she was worried about Alex not being there with her when they slept, though God knows why she would have been.

Still, the evening had been fun up until she'd started to have the weird visions and headaches. Bryce dutifully doted on her for a bit, but eventually fell asleep. She managed to as well, but things didn't go much better than they had been.

Her dreams were odd, to say the least. In one, she was in a smoke-filled room with people she couldn't recognize milling about around her, then they'd all pull out masks and offer them to her. In another, she was surrounded by her family members, all of them staring at her as she screamed at them to say something, anything to her. They wouldn't though, and simply faded out of existence as she screamed at them.

Something was very, very wrong.




As she'd stated previous, Hannah had indeed let him have her ass that weekend. Three times, in fact. It weirdly seemed like he and his little brother had basically swapped girlfriends Saturday and Sunday. Sally spent most of her free time fucking Danny, and Hannah seemed to never get enough of Dane himself.

That was fine with him. Sex was good for keeping your mind off drama and other shit. It was just those times in the middle of the night when he couldn't sleep that his thoughts drifted from problem to problem that he had to resolve.

Monday came and he still didn't feel any better. Tuesday was the same. Wednesday wasn't looking much better, but then his mother had called, telling him in clear language that she had to see him as soon as possible. She'd clarified that it wasn't life or death, but it couldn't wait.

Of course, being the oldest of his siblings, he wondered if something had gone wrong with his folks, or maybe one of his sisters. He knew better than to try and find out from his mother before she had him in front of her.

So, after texting and confirming with her that she'd be there after he got done with class, he drove over to find out what was so important. Walking inside, he went to the kitchen, laundry room, and looked upstairs before finally finding her cleaning her bathroom.

Knocking on the door frame, he waved when she looked up.

"Hey honey," she said, turning and heading over to hug him and kiss him on the cheek. "Give me just a second and I'll join you in the living room."

"Okay," he said, turning and heading that way. "I'm gonna grab a drink, okay?"

"Okay," she said. "Get me one of my diet sodas please."

He turned, the wheels in his head turning as he tried to figure out what could possibly be wrong. It was to no avail, though, and he knew that he just had to wait and find out from her.

After grabbing a soda for him and his mother, he went and sat down on the couch as she walked through the room and headed to look out the front door. Then, curiously, she locked it and came back over to where he was.

"Thank you," she said, reaching for her drink and cracking it open. Taking a sip, she cleared her throat as she sat down next to him and turned.

"Is everyone..." he began.

"Everyone is healthy," she said. "I'm sorry I couldn't elaborate, but I wasn't going to send any information over texts. It's too delicate of a matter."

He nodded, slightly relieved that no one had gotten hurt or was dying. Looking back up at her, he not-so-patiently waited for the details.

"First, I want you to know that you've done nothing wrong, okay? You need to understand that first, and foremost."

"Okay," he said, frowning in confusion.

"Second, you need to promise me that you won't rush off, and you'll stay until I've had time to explain everything."

After nodding that he wouldn't leave, he began to wonder if she and his father were okay, and that maybe they were splitting up or something, though that seemed incredibly unlikely.

She took another drink and set the can down, then turned back and put a hand on his knee.

"Honey, your father and I know about everything that's been going on in our house," she said.

He felt a lump of regret and embarrassment growing in his throat, making him need to swallow but unable to do so.

"That is to say, we've become aware that our children have started," she took a deep breath. "Our children have started to become intimate with one another."

Dane closed his eyes, shame nearly overwhelming him.

"Honey, look at me," she said, repeating it several times.

Finally, he forced himself to look up, hating himself and what he'd allowed to happen.

"It's okay," she said, smiling at him. "As parents, all we've ever wanted for you and your siblings is to be happy. That's all any parent should truly want for their children."

"Mom... I'm..."

"Shh," she said, shaking her head and pushing a hand to his lips. "Don't apologize. You've done nothing wrong."

He sighed, shaking his head.

"Dane, you have to listen to me," she bade him. "We don't have a lot of time but there's a lot we need to discuss. You're going to have questions, and I'm going to answer everything you need to ask me, okay?"

He nodded, still shamed, but growing more curious as to what she needed from him, especially since he'd allowed such things to happen with his siblings.

"Honey, I'm honestly more shocked and concerned about you and your brother sharing two girlfriends than anything else."

He looked up, his eyes going wide. "Seriously?"

She nodded. "I won't lie to you, honey. I'm fine with what I know about happening in my house. I always have been."

He sighed again. "What... I guess, what do you know?"

She snickered quietly, her hand resting comfortably on his knee. "Well, I know that the walls of our house are pretty thin. I know that you've been with Sam."

He winced, closing his eyes and lowering his head.

"I'm not shaming you, honey. I need your help, okay?"

Surprised again, he looked back up, though he felt his face burning from embarrassment.

"I wish there was an easier way to go about all this honey, I really do."

"Thank you for being so understanding," he replied. "I don't really know how or why you are, but I do appreciate it."

She smirked and shrugged. "I'm getting to that part. Just bear with me." She cleared her throat and took a deep breath. "So, you know that the women in our family have a much, much higher sex drive than normal women, right?"

"I've been told as much, and given current circumstances, I guess that's pretty clear."

"Exactly." She squeezed his knee comfortingly. "It's not just very high. There's honestly not a verifiable limit to how horny the women in our family can get. I know that sounds weird, but trust me, I'm speaking from experience." She took a pause to get a breath. "I'm sorry in advance for what I have to tell you. I know you probably don't want to hear what I'm about to say, but there's absolutely no way around it."

He looked up hesitantly.

"I understand the appeal of being with a sibling in the way that you and Sam have been. I get it, more than you realize. I've been in the same situation when I was younger."

He frowned, cocking his head curiously.

"Before your Aunt Steph and her husband passed away," she said, sighing wistfully. "She and I..."

Dane's mouth dropped open.

"Yes," she confirmed. "We were intimate. But it wasn't just us two. I mean, it actually was for a while, just us two, but when we got married your father and your Uncle Carl would share the two of us. It wasn't because we were bored. It was because our sex drive was much higher than any of us were ready for. But, once she and I had crossed that line, there wasn't much that we wouldn't try or do."

Dane took a drink of his soda, trying to process everything.

"Now, please understand that I'm not telling you this to gross you out about your parent's sex life, but to help you realize why your father and I aren't upset. We've been there, okay? You and I already had a conversation about your father and I being swingers when you caught us making out with that other couple."

He nodded. It had been several years, but the image was still fresh in his mind. His father and mother both had been kissing another man and woman and he's come home early from work.

"Are you okay?" she asked, still comfortingly rubbing his knee.

He nodded.

"Good," she said. "So, you can probably understand that being sexually free as your father and I are, we can easily get into some kinky stuff. Your father has fantasies, just like I do. We've recently gotten back into swinging. Now, I know you don't want to hear the gory details, but again, I wouldn't be inflicting them on you if they weren't absolutely necessary."

He nodded. "You've been extremely understanding so far, I owe you the same. Just tell me what's going on."

"This previous weekend, your father and I went to a local swinger club. It's owned and run by a doctor friend of your father's that we used to party with. It's actually the guy and his wife that you caught us with that time. Regardless, we went and had fun with them and a bunch of their friends."

She took a deep breath.

"While we were there, Ed, the doctor friend of ours, showed us a particular feature of this club that he was very, very proud of. He bragged that the young woman that worked this feature was very talented, so your father's interest was piqued."

Dane began to get a sinking feeling. There was something about the description that was familiar.

"Do you know what a glory hole is?" his mother asked, blushing a bit. "God, I can't believe I'm asking my son this."

He nodded, blushing a little himself and hurrying to take a drink.

"Well, according to your father, his friend Ed was right. The girl in the box was incredible. Plus, she was apparently so turned on that she..." she sighed, pausing for a few moments. "She took him inside her, in a place other than her mouth," she continued.

"Oh... fuck," Dane said, covering his face. "Oh fuck."

He suddenly realized what his mother was getting at. He'd had a discussion about the club, the door, and the girl inside it before.


"Oh my God," he said, looking up.

"It's okay, honey," she said. "I'm guessing you've put the pieces together now. The girl behind the door was Sam. When your father... well... finished, I saw inside the little hole. There was light coming from somewhere below her. I think it must have been her phone. I saw who it was, and immediately got your father away from the door and away from her seeing us."

Dane sighed deeply, shaking his head. "God... poor Sam. Wait... does she know?"

Her mother sighed deeply and nodded. "I don't know how, but Sam figured out what had happened. All day Sunday she was secluded in her room. Something happened between her and Toni, leading to Sam yelling some curse words and locking herself away. Now, I can't get a word in with her before she's hurrying away from me. She's been locked in her room since then, save for going to the bathroom, work, and school."

"Goddamnit," Dane said.

"Honey," his mother said, scooting closer and putting her arm around him. "I know you might have questions, and I'm happy to answer them, but right now, Sam needs you. You're the one she always looks to for comfort. Plus, I know you and her have had your own issues."

He sighed, looking down at the floor for a long time, trying to figure out what he was going to be able to do for her. He felt terrible for her. So much had happened to her and she was such a good and wonderful person.

"Tell her whatever you need to about your father and I, what we've been doing, and whatever else you need to, okay?"

He nodded.

"I haven't told your father what happened yet. I'm going to, of course. I just needed to try and fix Sam first. Your father won't be nearly as hard to pull back from the ledge, so to speak."

Dane nodded weakly, but then turned and looked at her, seeing how concerned she truly was.

"I'll do my best," he said.

"I know you will, honey," she said, hugging him tight against her. "I'm sorry I had to throw it all out there like that, but I just didn't see any way around it. After you take care of Sam, if you want to ask me anything or talk about things, I'll be here. Okay?"

He pulled back a foot or so and looked directly at her. "I know," he said. "I'll take care of her, okay?"

She smiled, nodding, then surprised him by leaning in and kissing him on the lips. Several seconds passed before she pulled back and hugged him again.

"Thank you honey," she said, patting his back.

The conversation ended there. His mother stood, taking her drink and heading back toward her bedroom.

Dane stared down at his soda for a very long time.




She'd been a wreck for three days. School, work, and then home; that was all that she did. She put on a façade for her friends at work and school, but inside, she was constantly tormented and hating herself. She could barely stand to look at herself in the mirror long enough to get dressed to leave in the mornings.

Laying on her bed, wallowing in self-loathing, she stared at the ceiling, wondering what the hell she could possibly do to fix things.

There was a loud knock on her door, but she ignored it. Again, then a third time.

"Go away," she called out.

"Sam," a voice said.

She sat up, immediately recognizing who it was. She didn't move from the bed, though.

"What do you want?" she called, silently hoping that he'd just leave.

"To come in," Dane said. "Please."

She sighed, still not moving. "Go away. I'm not in the fucking mood."

He sighed, then she frowned when she heard him fiddling with the door. There was an audible click as he unlocked it and swung it open, pocketing the door unlocking pin that he'd just used.

Stepping in, he shut the door behind him and locked it, then went over to her.

"I'm not fucking talking to you," she said. "Just fuck off."

"When did you get to be such a potty mouth?" he asked, kneeling down in front of her. "What would Lord Jesus say?"

She turned her head, looking away. "You're not the least bit funny."