My Sister Made Me Ch. 14


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"Sam," he said, drawing her gaze upward. "It's not about the kiss. I understand what caused it. That's why I wanted to apologize and talk to you. There's something bothering me, and I don't want to ruin our relationship or hurt you in any way," he said.

She wondered where this was going, and felt butterflies forming in her stomach again.

"When we started doing snugglebugs again, you noticed that I got aroused; probably more than once. It's happened pretty much every time since then, and I don't know what to do about it. I don't want to take snuggling away from you, since you really seem to enjoy it."

He looked at her, and she nodded.

"I do enjoy it. And you're right, I noticed the first time. I always notice," she said. "It's kinda hard not to."

He chuckled, and she was glad to see it, her nervousness abating just a bit.

"I never actually admitted to using it, but I wanted to let you know that I was sorry for the video."

"I know you are," she told him.

"I just... I feel like I'm dancing around what's bothering me; what the issue is."

"Well," she said, wondering how she could help him relax. "Just say it, then," she decided. "We've always been honest and I'm not going to get upset."

He nodded and took a deep breath. After closing his eyes for about ten seconds, he opened them and looked at her.

"I'm attracted to you," he said. "I... I'm..." he stammered. "It's more than that," he said, shaking his head again. "I'm sexually attracted to you," he said, squeezing his eyes shut.

In her head, Sam was laughing her ass off. "That's it?" she kept thinking. "Oh Dane, if you only knew what went through my mind.".

In her bedroom, though, she was stone-faced, but patient.

"With everything you've been through, it's really tearing me up inside that I'm having the feelings toward you that I am."

He raised his hands and placed them on his temples, his eyes shut through his fingers. "You've been through so much, and now your older brother is sexually attracted to you."

He seemed to be squeezing the sides of his head, and she winced, reaching out to place a hand on one of his.

"Stop," she whispered. "It's okay."

He shook his head. "It's not."

"It is," she said. "You really think I didn't know why you were getting an erection every time we were snuggling?" she asked.

He stopped trying to explode his own head with his hands and looked up at her.

"Mom and I had a talk recently, that Saturday before Keith and I had our fight, in fact, and she filled me in on a family secret."

She sighed, quiet for a moment as she thought of the conversation and how much she loved her mother for letting her know.

"The women in our family have always had notoriously high sex drives," she explained. "She admitted that she and my birth mom were always horny, and always raising hell. She also told me that it only got worse as she got older."

Dane looked a little disgusted, and very surprised.

"Dane," she said, drawing his attention again. "I kissed you, because... because Sam wanted me to," she admitted.

His look of confusion was understandable.

"Sam and Samantha," she said, looking down and chuckling in sad resignation. "Pastor Dickhead and his whore wife talked to me about it a few times," she said. "Samantha is the girl I was. She was the one that went to church and did all the right things. She was a good girl. But Sam?" she asked, giving him an intense look. "Sam is a bad girl. Sam's the type of girl that won't say no," she said, giving him a mischievous grin.

Her grin vanished and she shook her head.

"But that wasn't the truth. The truth is that... Samantha is the naïve little idiot that let that happen to her. Sam... Sam is what's left. Sam is stronger. Sam is sexy and... she has sex... and she likes giving blowjobs, and swallowing cum," she said, wiping a single tear away.

She sighed and rolled her eyes, wiping another tear away and taking a deep breath before continuing her rambling.

"Sam is the one that would have seen those two coming a mile away. I'm not Samantha anymore. I'm not the one that's going to get used and thrown away. I'm a sexual being now. I've got guys and girls at school that flirt with me and I flirt back with. I find myself being attracted to all sorts of people. Even you, you clueless dolt," she said, looking back at him. "When I was in your room and hugged you, I wanted to kiss you," she admitted. "So, I did," she said with a simple shrug. "I couldn't tell you at the time that I wanted to do more to you."

She looked at him, trying to judge his reaction.

He chuckled, and she felt better almost instantly.

"So... we both want to hump each other's brains out," he said.

He'd said it quietly, but it broke the tension in the room, and she couldn't help but laugh.

The two of them fell over in her bed, laughing until they were clutching their stomachs. A minute or so later, she was mostly composed, but held her stomach as random snickers and giggles passed through her.

"You know, you've gotten incredible sexy," he said, sighing. "I know how fucked up it is to admit that, you being my sister and all, but I'm not taking it back."

She giggled quietly. "One of the first times you and I snuggled a few weeks ago, I'd woken up from our nap and you were still sleeping. You had a hard-on, and... God..." she whispered, closing her eyes and instantly recalling the image that had been burned into her mind.

A few seconds later, she opened her eyes and took a deep breath. "It was out of your underwear, and you reached down as you started to wake up, and just... gripped it."

He groaned and covered his face with his hand, eliciting a giggle from her.

"It was so... so gorgeous," she sighed. "You were so hard and big, and I just remember wanting to rush over and shove it in my mouth."

He laughed, blushing as he heard what she'd said. She wasn't going to take it back though. He uncovered his face then and looked back at her.

"I enjoy seeing you naked," he admitted, drawing an amused look from her.

"So do I," she admitted with a giggle. "I'm a sexy woman."

"Very much so," he agreed. "I absolutely love the way you feel when you're pressed up against me. It's all I can do not to just..."

He stopped talking and shook his head.

"Pull my panties to the side and slide it in me?" she asked, looking over at him.

"Fuck," he said, covering his face again.

She giggled. "I have the same desires, Dane," she said. She'd been about to say, "big brother," but felt the context would have made it a little icky.

"Sam," he said, sighing, "we need to figure out how to handle this."

She nodded. "I know," she said. "I'm talking with my friend Kara tomorrow about a possible outlet for my rampaging sexual appetite."

"Yeah?" he asked.

She nodded. "I'll tell you about it if you snuggle up to me," she said, drawing a raised eyebrow.

"You want snugglebugs after we both admitted that we want to..." he asked, trailing off.

"Fuck each other?" she asked. "Yes. It's not like we're going to."

He started to protest, but she wasn't hearing any of it, and flipped over onto her other side, scooting back up against him and reaching back for his arm.

"Sam," he said, sounding very trepidatious.

"I promise not to let you fuck me," she said, glancing back.

"Just... stop saying 'fuck' please," he said, sighing and finally sliding fully up against her.

"Mmm," she said, sighing in contentment.

A minute of silence passed between them, and she decided to break it. "See... this isn't so bad," she told him.

A few more seconds passed, and he replied, "No... you're right. It's nice."

"Now just slide it in..." she said.

"Sam... Jesus Christ!" he said as she erupted into laughter.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding!" she replied, grabbing his hand as he started to pull away. "Come back and I'll tell you all about what I want to do."

He sighed hard, and she could tell he was debating on whether she was going to behave or not.

"Snuggle me dammit," she said sharply.

"Fine... fuck..." he replied, chuckling

She giggled at his response, resisting the urge to make a juvenile joke out of it, and sighed happily again as his arms pulled her tight. Over the next twenty minutes, she forced herself to behave, and told him about Brandon and Zoey, even what had happened that day.

"But you didn't get any," he stated.

She shook her head. "I didn't have time, honestly," she said. "Work."

He nodded behind her.

"So, you only served to turn yourself on more?" he asked.

She frowned. "I... I did, didn't I?" She hadn't realized that.

After that, she told him about her friend Kara, her odd little relationship as well as Duncan and Kelly, and then all about the place they all fooled around at, The Mess Around.

"So, it's a swinger's club," he said.

She nodded. "They've got strict rules for people who join, and they have to get STD tests every so often. I'm thinking about going and seeing what it's like."

He nodded. "I guess that's one option," he said.

She sensed a bit of hesitation in his tone. "What?" she asked.

He shrugged.

"What?" she repeated, flipping over and looking at him. "What other options do I really have?"

He shrugged, his mouth moving but no words coming out. She realized that he didn't know what to say.

"I need something! I've let it get to a point that we're both sexually attracted to each other. Obviously, I don't to ruin our relationship and actually have sex with my own brother," she said. "I'm not interested in Keith anymore, and I'm not really looking for a boyfriend. I just want to be able to focus on other things. Sex has seemed to become a weird focal point in my life."

"I understand that," he said. "I'm a guy. There are times that all I can think about is sex. I just thought... women were different."

She looked at him in confusion.

"Like... you can get horny, but not in the same way that guys get horny."

Her confusion turned to incredulous disbelief that he might actually believe that.

"I'm just saying, if I can't have sex with my girlfriend or..." he said, abruptly stopping mid-sentence.

"Or?" she prompted after a few seconds. He seemed to have been about to say something, but then cut himself off.

"If I need to clear my head, I just jerk off if Sally isn't around," he said.

She looked at him suspiciously, but then shook her head. "You realize that an orgasm is different for us, right? It isn't always just a matter of friction. Masturbating doesn't always do something for me. It's not... I'm not looking for just an orgasm."

He nodded, obviously understanding what she was saying a bit more.

"Sometimes it's about me wanting to have contact and be touched or give a guy pleasure. Sometimes I want to be desired and pursued. Its not just having the orgasm."

"Oh," he said after a few moments of silence. "I was..."

"Thinking like a guy," she ventured.

He chuckled. "Precisely. So, you want to explore your sexual side. I get it, but... I don't know those people that you were talking about. They could be just like Pastor Dickhead and I'm not letting that happen again if I can help it."

"Aww," she said, looking back at him. "You're being protective of me."

He raised an eyebrow and looked at her flatly. "Duh," he said, drawing giggles.

"Well, don't worry. I'm not Samantha anymore, remember? I'm Sam. Plus, when I told them a bit about what happened to me, they were just as upset about it as you were. These are good people, and I trust Kara."

He nodded. "Still, it makes me nervous."

"Well, why don't you meet them the first time," she said. "You and I can go, and you can meet them, even if we don't stay for the sexy times."

He raised an eyebrow. "I'm pretty sure that family members wouldn't be allowed."

She giggled. "There's two sets of sisters that go, that I know of," she said.

"Jesus," he said. "Seriously?"

She nodded. "Look, I think it's sweet that you're worried about me. I love that you come to my rescue. But... I need things that you can't... well," she said, correcting herself and looking at him pointedly, "rather... you shouldn't... give me."

He smirked at her. "Sam. You're not making things easy on me."

She giggled again. "I know. There's times when I can feel how difficult things are for you."

"Jesus," he groaned, closing his eyes and shaking his head.

"Oh, come on... can't we laugh about this? Seriously, if Alex or Toni were in this position, you don't think they'd find it funny? I mean, the other day Alex and I were both making jokes about how she and I were turning each other on. We were laughing our butts off!"

A weird look crossed Dane's face, and she looked at him curiously, but he chuckled quickly and shook his head.

"Yeah, I guess that would be funny," he said.

"Still... I've got something that might be able to help you, in a weird... sick sort of way."

"What?" he said, looking at her skeptically.

"I was talking to Zoey before she and Brandon started getting dirty in front of me, and she said that I looked like a certain porn star. So... I know it sounds weird, but you said it was a 'stupid guy urge' and you couldn't help it. So... if you need to jerk off, you could watch that girl."

There was a long pause, and Dane's expression changed from skepticism to disbelief.

"Tiffany Lace, I think is what..."

"SAM!" he said, his voice no longer a whisper.

She jerked in shock. He saw the look of surprise on her face and sighed, his voice dropping back down.

"I feel bad enough for jerking off to a video of you, and now you want me to do it again to a girl that looks like you? We're trying to move past this, not make it worse!"

She sighed, frowning at him. "That's a good point," she said eventually. "Sorry."

He shook his head and she looked at him and grinned, making him chuckle and causing him to close his eyes. Giggling, she leaned forward and put her forehead on his chin, his hand moving to stroke her hair. After a few minutes, she looked back up at him and sighed happily.

He rolled his eyes and pulled, drawing her into him as she giggled and shook her head, his strength and warmth soothing and calming. Their legs were tangled together, but he'd been able to keep his dick from getting hard, or his erection was hiding somewhere painful, as she didn't feel it at all.

She sighed happily and felt him kiss the top of her head.

"I'm just gonna go to sleep now," she said. "You're not allowed to wake me up though."

He chuckled, and for a moment she thought he might mistake that for her wanting him to leave, but he didn't. A few minutes later, she was out.

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NipkorNipkor10 months ago

Loved every part of this , gets us very horny reading together . Love how Sam is close to Dane . Bryce is interesting , hope he gets his cock in Toni too as well as Alex .

mammoetmammoetover 3 years ago
Loved it

read the series in one go and was disappointed there was no ch.15 to read.

More please asap!

candyman666candyman666over 3 years ago

I read all your stories except the first one 'Emely Untethered", which I hope to read in the next days. I ansolutely loved all of them and I really hope to read more adventures of Alex and her two sisters, the same goes for Little White Lies, more please. I learned a lot and you are one of the authors that gave me the idea to start writing myself. Compared to you I am just a beginner but with the help of my editor I hope to reach the same level as yourself.

PrinceLukePrinceLukeover 3 years ago
Conflicted But Just Superb Writing Skills!

So this may be a longer review but let me start off by saying regardless of what I say in this review it’s 5 stars from me as your writing is just superb. Your use of language and grammar is excellent and the effort for the story is outstanding.

Now for the story itself, I actually agree with where Beck is coming from, where I’m from if a girl at school has her nudes leaked as had happened a few times 99% of the male population at school just attached the word slut to her and pretty much treated her like a pornstar. What I trying to say thou not very elegantly lol is I also think doing porn shoots whether softcore or hardcore is a bad idea. The real world repercussions for example getting employed later on in life etc will be severely effected if the employer finds out about said background history. Soft core photo shoots etc I guess is fine especially if the model in question is doing it for a company like Victoria secret models do etc.

Now onto the characters, not sure what is going to happen to Samantha thou I’m happy she is feeling conflicted over things so it will be interesting to see where things go. I kind of want her and Dane to get into a exclusive relationship with one another and have a happy ever after eventually but not sure how you would remove Sally from said picture. As for Alex and Toni well what can I say besides they’re Alex and Toni lol. If they were in South Africa thou they would definitely find things hard as once a girl has been with as many guys as they have it would make it close to impossible to find a loving guy to settle down with if they’re being truthful with any they meet. Most guys wouldn’t want to date a girl into an open type of relationship or even just a girl that’s been with so many other guys before.

Back at the start of the story since I’m not really as into same sex relationships I was hoping for Alex & Kenny to end up together it would have been really romantic the teen best friends realizing their feelings for one another and falling in love but now at this point in the story I’m hoping to see Alex and Toni develops their relationship and maybe cut ties with their bf’s and be together instead. But knowing their personality’s I know that won’t be happening lol so all I’m saying to you is you do you and I’ll keep reading and leaving you feedback.

Now for those of you readers who see this comment please don’t take it in the wrong way at all, this story is brilliant and the author is amazing as well. Everything I’ve talked about in my comment is just my own personal feelings as I personally like monogamous relationships aka two people loyal to each other only. I used to hate stories that weren’t like that then I discovered MentalCase and JTSOU, the main character there is fucking 5 different girls but Mental did it slowly and in such a way that I accepted it all as it happened and since the 5 girls in question were sisters to the guy they were all fucking it made it a lot easier for me.

Long story short great chapter Mental and keep up the great work. My comment is way to long I know lol, but it’s just the monogamous, be loyal to each other side of me that’s showing. I trust you and I know you will take the story in the correct direction so I’ll sit back and enjoy said ride xD.

Gazman66Gazman66over 3 years ago

Outstanding writing as always!! Canoodled wait to read that the three sisters end up getting it on & share all sexual matters in their lives! Would love to read that Sam s

Becomes a Dom with women in her life like her Mum & Zoey! Also Sam becomes guilt free happily fucking brothers & sisters with her parents knowing full well what is happening with Sam guiding her mother (with her husbands knowledge ) into different sexual experiences as her Dom.

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