My Naughty Neighbour Ch. 05


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"Oh, God, I pissed everywhere, didn't I?" she groaned, finally noticing the wetness beneath us.

"Well, yes, but I cant say as I blame you," I reasoned. "That was a pretty intense experience for you, after all, and that gearshift kept you plugged up pretty good."

"Mmmm, it's sweet of you to make excuses," she cooed, smiling into my eyes and stroking my cheek. "I hope I can only be one tenth as nice and understanding to you as you are with me."

We snuggled close, lying on our sides, kissing gently when I caressed and fondled her incredible breasts. It felt so good to be pressed to her, holding that lovely body close. Her breath seemed like flowers and even when sweating the scent of her body was intoxicating.

After some time she moved gingerly, letting me spread her legs so I could take a look at her. Her lips and the gap inside had closed and I slid a finger in slowly, testing her sensitivity.

"Does that hurt?" I asked.

"No, not at all," she said lazily, lifting her head to smile down at me. "Keep it there and I may just get horny enough to fuck you."

I grinned. "Save it up for later, let's get you dressed and play spy..."

While I toweled up the mess on the floor, Lynn got into a change of clothes and we resumed our wait, the windows closed. We did little more than hold one another's hands and chatted idly about whatever came to mind until I saw something in the rear-view mirror...

It was Carter. He was dressed in his work clothes and looked hurried. I felt Lynn grip my hand tightly as he walked by, paying no attention to us. He walked up the short set of stone steps to the indicated apartments and rang a buzzer. About two minutes later, his secretary came to the door and flung her arms around him. She was wearing a rather threadbare robe and one of her breasts came out as she kissed his ear hungrily.

"Guh, look at her..." Lynn hissed, her eyes hard as ice and her teeth gritting. "She's greasy and has a huge fucking nose. Look at her grope his dick, right there on the landing. Fucking slut..."

Lynn was not being catty about this woman's appearance, she really wasn't that attractive. Her dark hair was lank and she had a pudgy waist, punctuated below by chubby legs mounted on what could only be described as cankles. I really had no idea what Carter was thinking. I shrugged and continued observing.

Carter reciprocated the kiss for a few moments before urging her inside. She did not go, however, without a sly smile, untying her robe and flashing herself at him. Lynn snarled and I gripped her hand tightly to keep her from bursting out of the van. The woman's pussy was ridiculously hairy and her muffintop really ruined any aesthetic she might have had. She wasn't even Runbinesque, she was just... thick and dumpy.

Finally she pulled him into the apartment and Lynn leaned back in her chair and sighed, looking at the ceiling. "I don't get it..." she mumbled. "What on earth is wrong with me that he's been going behind my back for a piece of that pork fat? Two years. It doesn't make sense! What does she do that I don't?"

"There's nothing wrong with you, Lynn, trust me on this," I said, stroking her hand. "Whatever the reason is, it sure as Hell isn't justifiable on any level I can conceive of. Like I said before, maybe Carter can't feel dominant with you and he needs the power trip. You're a very active, engaging and dynamic woman. I somehow doubt that thing is."

"So now what?" she asked dully.

"We do what we came to do," I replied. "We wait a few minutes, find a way in and do some eavesdropping. I brought some microphones and recorders that I bought online, we can put these to good use once we know where she lives and if we're careful."

"Ooh, aren't you the clever one." she said, smiling at me now. "Sounds like fun. Wanna make out for a few minutes until it's time?"

I nodded and leaned in, pulling her to me. We kissed and fondled one another for a while until she looked flushed and horny again. I then told her it was time to go get some evidence. Lynn nodded and waited while I dispensed our trinkets and I explained how the microphones and recorders worked.

"Do you know her last name?" I asked. "We'll need to know what apartment is hers."

She thought for a moment. "I think its Vargas or Vega, something like that. Hopefully it'll be on the buzzer list..."

I turned on the vehicle and pulled it around toward the back of the building, somewhere a little less conspicuous. We then found another entrance with a list of names of the mailboxes and scanned for them.

"That's the one," Lynn said, pointing to a small plastic label. "del Vega. I remember it now from a dinner party."

I nodded and looked around. No cameras. Classy area. I randomly pressed buzzers (except the del Vega one) until some person let us in without checking. We scampered in and began our sleuthing, moving to the floor indicated by her name. Rather than using the elevator, we made our way up the dimly lit steps. It was stake and smelled of urine.

"Oh, God..." Lynn grimaced, wrinkling her nose. "What a reek. At least you and I haven't pissed here."

"First time for everything." I replied, smiling evilly and stopping her. I pinned her to the wall and lifted her skirt. She seemed stunned as I pulled down her panties.

"Michael!" she rasped, seemingly in shock at what I was planning. "You can't fucking be serious! Here? Now?"

"If you want to continue spying, you'd better do it because I'm not letting you out of this stairwell until you do." I said in a stern tone. She looked at me in disbelief for several seconds and finally shook her head, squatting down and hiking her panties away.

"The things I do for you," she muttered. "What happens if someone comes down the stairs and sees us?"

"Helluva story to tell the arresting officers, wouldn't you say?" I answered, smirking. She sighed and shook her head again.

"Alright, just... gimme your dick if you're gonna make me do this. Sucking on you will probably relax me enough to do it, you know?"

I nodded and pulled my cock out of my pants. She took hold of it and began sucking willfully. She used her fingers to teased her pussylips and clit until she moaned and shivered a little, finally beginning to pee. It pooled in the corner and spread out slowly, yellow against the stale gray paint of the landing we were on.

"Good girl," I said as she let go of me and stood up, putting her panties back in position and lowering her skirt. "My turn."

"Oh God, I can't believe this is turning me on. What the fuck have you done to me?" she muttered as she watched me piss where she had. She bit at her fingernail as I did the deed and then we moved on, hand in hand, ready for adventure.

We reached the Fifth floor and made our way to the apartment number that Secretary del Vega lived in. We turned on our mics and I turned on my recorder and we pointed the units at the door. The hallway was dim, the yellowish lights of little help illuminating. The rug was patchy and stained, reeking of who knows what.

The little headpieces that came with my spygear began picking up sounds from inside, mostly the girl mewling and whining about wanting to try things and Carter promising they would.

"Carter, you keep promising we'll try it and we never do," she groused in her Latino accent. "We always fuck like this, we never do nothing different. I want to try new things! Uhhhnnnn, a little harder...

"I said we would and we will," Carter replied. "But not tonight, I have to be home before too long. I told them I had a meeting."

"Yes, yes, your precious family," the woman said snidely. "Carter, why don't you leave them for me? I'll give you good babies too, I- mmmmmmmmmmmm, yes, my dear, there... I will treat you so good..."

"It's... a little more complicated- mmmmmmm, than that, Lee..." Carter grunted.

"Oh God, he came already," Lynn whispered. "I almost feel bad for the little skank."

"Wow..." was my only reply.

"C'mon, Carter, let's do it again," she begged. "Please, lover, I want to feel you. And can we not use the condoms? I promise to not get you in trouble..."

"Ohhhh, give me a second, Lee," Carter said, clearly deflated and spent by his so-called efforts. "I might need some time here and if it gets late-"

"Oh, always with the excuses," she snorted, now stomping her foot. "For two years I have been a shadow and I want more. You leave me no choice!"

We heard rummaging and then firm footsteps.

"Wh-what are you doing?" Carter protested.

"Your clothes, big boy? They outta here!" we heard the secretary declare loudly. Carter gasped and moaned in distress at whatever she had just done.

"Too late, they on the street now, man," she said emphatically. "Now you staying until I'm satisfied, like I used to be when you first started hitting on me, remember? You fuck me good, I get your clothes..."

Lynn began to smirk and looked at me, her eyes glittering with mirth. I suddenly had a wonderful and evil idea.

"Her window must face out the back, near where we parked," I whispered. "Go gather his clothes up now, I'll be right there and we're gonna bolt."

She smiled wickedly and kissed me before turning and leaving, scampering back to the stairwell we had come up. I waited about two minutes, continuing to listen and record. Carter was still complaining about his clothes having been thrown to the street, but at least he still had his wallet and keys. The secretary was still whining for more sex and it seemed like a bad movie plot.

"You have this coming, you colossal dickbag..." I thought darkly. "For Lynn. You don't deserve her..."

I then strode over to the fire alarm near the stairwell and pulled it. Instantly the bells went off and confusion ensued. I calmly and quickly retraced my route out and found the van, which Lynn was already sitting in. She was giggling so hard there were tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Oh, you bastard..." she tittered. "You did all this for me?"

We pulled back the van and tinted the windows, watching as people streamed out, complaining and arguing about who had done what. Many were in various states of undress. We pulled around to the front and drove by, Lynn howling with laughter as Carter stood there in his striped boxers, undershirt and socks, along with his secretary, clad once again in her crummy robe. Carter seemed panicked and confused.

"Don't worry," I commented casually as we drove away. "He still has his wallet and keys."

"He's gonna have to think real hard to come up with an excuse tonight," Lynn said cheerfully as she displayed his coat, shirt, pants and shoes. "The poor schmuck."

"What are you gonna do with those?" I inquired. "Keep them as evidence?"

Lynn made a show of thinking for a few moments. "No, I want revenge. And to be honest, Michael, I don't want this over with quickly. I am willing to let his little fling run its course because it means I can have you. This affair of his is a fucked up one, I'll let him suffer through it some more before I rescue him. His clothes will simply disappear."

"Well I'm not objecting to that plan," I said cheerfully, driving along. "Where to now?"

"We have time, since my darling hubby will now need to buy some clothes," Lynn observed. "Let's go somewhere isolated, I want to do something."

I nodded agreeably and drove us to the docklands. The sun was westering and the area deserted, except for the ever-present gulls. We got out of the van, Lynn brining the purloined clothes with her. She looked at them and sighed.

"You know, I bought this outfit for Carter several years ago," she mused, assessing them. "They used to look pretty damn good on him, but now I'll never be able to see them without thinking of that slut rolling around on them..."

She laid them out of the ground and then hiked down her skirt and took off her panties. I looked around to make sure we were not being observed and nodded to her. She smiled, stood over the clothes with her legs on either side and spread her pussylips. Tilting her hips, she began to pee up and down them, completely soaking the articles.

"Your bladder must be the size of a yoga ball," I said, watching her in amusement. "You are a urinary wonder."

Lynn giggled. "Admit it, you love it."

"With you, yes, there is no denying it." I confessed. She now carefully gathered up the clothes, took them over to the edge of the water and dumped them in unceremoniously. She dusted off her hands as she came back, a look of satisfaction on her face. She was still naked from the waist down.

"Anyone looking?" she asked, gazing around. I shook my head and she went over to the front of the van and bent over it, wiggling her ass at me.

"Then give it to me good, sport," she said in a low, daring voice. "Fuck the hell out of me to celebrate our successful spying..."

I nodded and dropped my pants, taking hold of her hips. I ground my cock against her ass and pussy until I was good and hard. No teasing this time, I shoved myself in hard and began thumping against her. My hands reached under and squeezed and mauled her tits until she was moaning and panting loudly.

"Ohhh, Michael, fuck..." she rasped. "You fuck me so good, my love... make me want to fucking scream... God, right there, yes..."

I slammed my hips against her hard, pulling my cock almost all the way out each time before sending it back in forcefully, battering her pussy. I would be amazed if her netherlips weren't bruised in the morning. But Lynn didn't seem to mind or care and just wanted it harder.

"Fuck... fuck... fuck...ooh, yeah..." she hissed, looking back at me, her blue eyes flashing. "Ooh, God, cum in me, Michael... come on, get it all in me, fuck me raw..."

I jackhammered myself into her until her stomach was bouncing off the grille with each thrust. I clenched her tits hard and she squealed, squirming back against me wildly. I could feel the pressure building up in my balls and pulled her back, arching her back.

"Oh fuck!" she gasped, going rigid.

I growled as I began to cum, spunking deep inside her. Lynn wailed as loudly as she dared and came with me, her pussy clenching my cock like a vise. We thrust against one another madly, my cum filling her and hers bathing our hips and thighs. We eventually were spent and slowed down, my grip on her becoming gentler. In a wonderful display of flexibility, Lynn slowly lifted on leg to the side of her head and turned herself around to face me, still keeping my shaft inside her. I felt a bit of a twist on my cock as she did this but nothing bad and it was actually a rather amazing sensation. She put the leg back down and stared up into my eyes, saying nothing but just looking at me, as if trying to see into my soul.

"That was impressive." I said gently as I continued to slowly move in and out of her. She tilted her hips forward, changing the angle and sighed in pleasure.

"Ballet my whole life and now two hours of yoga and stretching every day," she said in possibly the softest voice I had ever heard her use. "How can I ever thank you for all you do for me?"

"I'd say you do a wonderful job and our arrangement is more than satisfactory," I replied amiably. "I think I'm getting the sweet end of the deal here."

Lynn blushed. "No, Michael, not at all. I am glad you like me, I mean really glad, and I am glad you want to help, because it keeps me from doing anything stupid, but I owe you. I hope you know that."

"How about we just call it even?" I suggested and I leaned in and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around me and we made gentle love in the setting sun.


Lynn texted me a few days later, sending me pictures of a series of novelty gearshifts she had found online and bought for herself. The collection included one that looked like a big, fat fleshy cock, another that was bulbous, one that had exotic ridges and bumps along the length and a fourth that was topped with a floppy rubber tongue. She told me she couldn't wait to install them in her car and try them out but wanted me present for their christening. I suggested that she wanted me there in case she couldn't install them readily, a fact she sheepishly admitted to.

Nice to know I was useful. This was turning into a pretty fun affair.


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StevenJayStevenJayabout 1 year ago

Enjoying this way more than I expected to as I'm not into waterspoprts in anyway.

Slightly dissapointed by this chapter as I was expecting the husband to be getting his own sort of kinky sex from the secretary, not that he was just as boring & useless with her as with his wife, bit it ain't going to stop me reading

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

I love the way you have organised the story. Makes me smile and horny. Keep it coming. Thanks for the entertainment.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
I swear i'm enjoying it a lot so far... .... but...

I may be the only asshole on earth to point this out, but what kind of psychopathic author would allow his characters to get kinky in the MOST CONFUSING cargo van ever manufactured????lmao

I know nobody else even noticed, but how the FUCK did she shift DOWNWARD from drive to reverse? Where was this thing produced? I've driven all over the world, and the pattern of PRND is pretty much universal from Vladivostok to Versailles. It doesn't matter the side of the road you drive or the placement of the shifter upon the floor or the column. Its a stupid, nitpicky thing to point out, but this shit addled me to the point of losing total focus on the hot fucking taking place in an otherwise superbly-written scene!

OK, All done being that asshole. Now I've calmed down enough to re-find my place on page 2 and keep going lol.


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
great story

whew, what a great story, find myself jumping on Literotica every day to see if there is a new entry

biphilmassbiphilmassover 8 years ago
Wow !!!!!!!!!!

So will Lynn and Michael fall in love because they are already saying my love to each other so will that lead to them falling in love and Carter being divorced from that hot wife of his and back to his secretary in her crappy apartment with no money after Lynn takes him to the cleaners ?? Maybe maybe not. Love the kink and the affair has to continue. 5 Stars BiscuitHammer *****

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