My Beautiful Brother David


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I could tell my brother was beyond excited, and - Oh my God - I wanted - I NEEDED - him to look at me. The way I was lying, my arms stretched out above me making my chest so flat - I dearly LOVED letting him see me - my hard nipples. David was staring at me, at my chest - and I just felt so beautiful.

David stared wide-eyed, he looked absolutely euphoric. My heart was pounding. I was unbelievably joyous.

Then, I watched as he squirmed on the bed and pulled his shorts off, and I saw his erect penis spring out.

I gasped, "Oh my god..." David was totally naked, and was sitting next to me so close.

My brother was acting so desperate as quickly climbed up onto the bed, next to me, and he was on his knees, looking down at me.

He whispered, "I love you Little-Lisa-Baby..."

I couldn't answer, it was like I was hypnotized by the sight of his beautiful erection so close to me.

And then, without me really realizing how, he had climbed onto me - he was suddenly straddling me - on his knees - with one leg on each side of my hips. He was right above me, and he was naked and beautiful.

His erection was breathtaking, and it pointed at me, just above my tummy. I was looking up at the underside and I could see it was sort of throbbing. Oh fuck, I was afraid to move.

David's eyes were focused on my flat chest. My nipples were as hard as I had ever seen them, and they were pink and plump against the almost perfect flatness of my chest.

He stammered, "Oh - Oh god, Lisa you are so beautiful."

And then I watched as David leaned over and reached above my head, and put both his hands on my out stretched arms, and he sort of extended them out even more. I arched my back and kept looking at his erection

My brother was over me, his knees pushed tight into my armpits, and his hard penis was touching me, sliding against my nipples and the smooth pale skin of my chest. His hands we holding my arms in place.

I am so short and tiny, and David is tall and thin, and his erection - oh god, it felt SO heavy against my petite torso. I could feel its weight, and I could feel its warmth.

At that moment, I felt more beautiful than I ever had in my life. I loved what was happening.

It was so electric, I mean - David's penis was just a few inches from my face. And then, he firmly rubbed the big purple head of his penis against my hard nipples. I literally gasped from the sensation.

He whimpered slow and shaky, "Y-yes - Oh god - Yes..." As he spoke he sort of shivered, and his erection seemed to get even bigger.

I was suddenly flooded with a kind of ecstasy, I had spent so long hating my breasts - and now all that was gone. My beautiful brother was on fire because of me - because he loves my breasts.

I wanted to touch myself so badly, I could feel my clit straining for my fingertips. But I was held in place by my brother's gentle hands and I stayed in that pose knowing it was electrifying for him to see me like this.

And then he lifted erection up a little, and there was a tiny thread of liquid that had moistened my nipple, and it was connected to the little opening on the end of his penis.

When I saw that, I began to involuntarily pump my hips, I was eagerly humping from the intensity of everything, I could tell David felt it.

I kicked the blankets off the bed so now I was lying under my brother completely naked and uncovered.

We stayed like that for a long time, David firmly holding my arms in place and rubbing my hard nipples with his hard erection. And as we stayed like this, I could feel the rhythm of my hips getting stronger and more enthusiastic.

Oh God, I could tell I was getting really wet, and I desperately wanted to move my hands and start rubbing myself.

Suddenly, my brother moved down along the bed, he was on all fours down between my knees. I could see he was staring at my freshly shaved vagina.

Before I knew what was happening, David had his erection pressed against vagina. I was thunderstruck by the sensation.

David was breathing deeply, his chest rising and falling. Seeing David so eager - so hungry - made me feel entranced, like the whole world was telling me yes.

I begged, "David - Oh God - Please!"

Then I felt him sort of rubbing the head of his erection on one little point, on my sensitive clitoris.

"David - Oh GOD! This feels so good - Don't stop."

And he pressed a little harder.

I moved my arms from over my head, and I sat up on my elbows to see what was happening. I looked down at the head of his rock hard dick pressing firmly against my vagina. I just felt swallowed up as the sensations began to build, to multiply.

And then I started to whimper, I couldn't help it - the feeling of beauty and love was exploding in me. I felt myself start to shiver - all over.

I sat up a little bit taller, I needed to see. David knew I was watching, and I was shaking with excitement. Then, I watched him, he pushed his erection firmly against my slippery vaginal lips.

I looked down between my legs and said, "David, it looks too big - I don't know if I can..."

He begged, "Please Lisa - please..."

I whispered a shaky, "Okay, I'll try."

"Lisa, I love you. I truly love you."

The kindness in his voice just seemed to make me melt.

"I love you too."

And then I simply allowed myself to trust my beautiful brother. I tried to relax, but it was just TOO intense. He was pushing against me pretty hard, but nothing was happening.

My brother suggested, "Maybe you should lie down instead of sitting up, that might help."

I replied, "David - please - I want to watch, please."

My brothers moved his hands and held me up enough so I could look down and watch. I stayed propped up on my elbows - watching - as my brother kept pressing against me. I moved my legs a little wider on the bed, hoping it would help.

My brother arched his hips and push a little harder in towards me, the sensation was smooth and beautiful. I could watch the big head slowly enter me, and it felt different than I imagined, it felt so much more smooth and slippery.

David held onto me, and he was cautious and tender, helping me as he cautiously inched his erection up into me. The sensations were so deep, smooth and wet - it was completely overpowering.

Oh God - It was happening so slowly. The way I was propped up on my elbows, I could watch David's beautiful penis slide its way up inside me - further and deeper.

I was in such a dream state, the staggering feelings - the love between us - was something mind-blowing in a way I had never felt before.

I watched as he continued to slide it in even deeper, I felt him filling me, I tried to stay still until he was all the way inside me, the entire length of his huge erection. It felt like I could grip his hard penis, like I could squeeze it.

I whimpered, "Oh God David, I didn't believe it would all fit..."

He asked me, "Does it feel okay?"

He sounded concerned.

I gasped, "Oh fuck, It feels SO good!"

Then, David gentility moved his hips upward, and it felt so delicious. I melted, I was transfixed by what I was seeing down between my legs. David's penis felt absolutely enormous inside me.

Except for our breathing, both of us were silent, we were riveted by what was happening. Everything felt so smooth and dripping, and I could tell I was incredibly wet.

Then I felt my brother ease away from me, and I watched his glossy erection gently slid back out me, my brother was moving slow and smooth. And then - I watched as he tenderly slid in back in again.

I couldn't believe the ecstasy I was feeling - I was lost in the emotional pleasure. I watched as he slid it out again, and pushed it back in.

He was slowly gaining speed with each rhythmic thrust. I was breathing with short little gasps, and the only noise that filled the room was my panting.

My gaze was fixed intently on his erection as it would glide in and out of me, over and over, it was so much wetter than I ever imagined. It felt velvety and slippery, and my sopping vagina just seemed to swallow his long shaft with each pumping motion. Oh God, it was heavenly.

I whispered, "This is - so beautiful."

The way I was sitting upright, and looking down between my legs, I could watch as my tiny little breasts would bounce with each thrust from my brother's hips. I knew he was looking at my breasts, and it made it feel even more exhilarating.

My little nipples where SO hard, and it seemed like David was getting hypnotized as he watched them jiggle. I was amazed at how emotional it felt.

Then he softly gasped, "Little - Lisa - Baby..."

Oh God - I loved hearing him call me Little-Lisa-Baby, I loved it SO much. Hearing him say that, made my heart began pounding even harder. There was a pleading in his voice, it was so sincere. I was instantly SO turned-on I thought I would explode.

I responded by gasping, "David - I love you - I love you SO much!"

I was losing myself, what we were doing together felt so magical and beautiful.

I watched - I looked down at myself, and I watched my tiny breasts move as my brother pumped harder. The sensations unleashed emotions that pushed me even farther, and I knew I was quickly approaching an orgasm.

I was gasping in a quickening rhythm that matched my brother's pumping hips. I started panting, "I love you - David - Please - David..."

My brother was pumping firm and smooth, he responded by putting his lips to my ear and whispering, "Oh Lisa - I love you - so much."

Hearing him say that was unimaginably thrilling, and we continued fucking in a powerful beautiful rhythm. Looking down between my legs, his hard erection was sliding in and out even faster. Everything looked oily and gleaming, I was so wet that it was gliding effortlessly. I watched as my brother began to increase the rhythm, the long shaft would glide in and our, over and over, faster and faster. It felt velvety and slippery, and my vagina just seemed to swallow him with each pumping motion.

I watched intently, I was hypnotized by what I was seeing, especially with everything so wet. We could hear warm wet squishy sounds from between my legs. I whispered emotionally, "Oh David, this is - so - beautiful."

I kept my head arched down, focusing on the sopping wet activity between my legs. There was something so amazing about it. I loved the feeling of watching my brother fucking me, it felt electric.

Oh God - I was so wet it was gliding so smoothly. I watched his hard penis slide its way up inside me - faster and faster - further and deeper. Everything felt so smooth and dripping. The squishy sound of my own wetness was so sexual, and David continued to pick up speed.

Then, my brother forcefully pumped his hips against me, and it felt like he pushed himself even deeper inside me.

I sort of screamed, "Oh my GOD - David!"

I fell back down from my upright position, and I lay submissive on the bed. I put my arms back up over my head so my brother could look at me, and my hard nipples on my flat chest.

And then, little by little, he got even faster. His eyes were focused on my tiny breasts.

He began to pant, "Lisa Baby - oh God - Little-Lisa-Baby..."

His motions were so passionate as he pumped harder, my sopping vagina swallowing his erection over and over and over.

I whimpered, "Oh God - David - I love you..."

My emotions were spiraling out of control, the room felt incredibly hot. I stretched my arms further above my head - I loved knowing David was looking at me - At at my flat chest.

I felt wet tears running down my face, my whole body was quivering; I could feel my hips start shuddering.

My brother was gasping fast and loud, repeating the words, "I love you - I love you - I love you..."

I was lost in passion. His erection was slamming in and out with such electricity. Right then I absolutely exploded, I was shaking, an orgasm was ripping though me.

I cried out, "Oh God - David!"

My brother's eyes were entirely focused on my shuddering breasts - he was pumping so hard now that they were shaking with each forceful thrust - and I was literally convulsing with ecstasy on the bed - my naked chest was trembling with ecstasy. I started cumming - so hard. And it just went on and on and on. It was incredible how long it lasted.

I was insane with eagerness, and I wriggled on the bed as my brother stared wide-eyed at my jiggling little breasts.

At that shivering moment, I was simply swallowed up in devotion. All I wanted was for David to feel what I had just felt. I wanted - I desperately NEEDED him to cum too.

Then I realized that my brother's erection was out of me, and he was eagerly climbing back on top of me, straddling my torso. He was up on his knees, and I was looking up at my beautiful brother, at his bewildering erection, and it looked SO HARD, like it was somehow straining for relief. And now it was soaking wet - from me.

I was so turned on at that moment, I was just all swallowed up in a profound sense of ecstasy.

Then, his hard erection glide across my breasts. Oh God, it made me insane, I absolutely LOVED it - and I was worried I was going to cum again - just from the slippery feeling against my nipples.

"This is beautiful..." I gasped.

David was up on his knees, and he was feverishly rubbing his hard penis all over my breasts. I wanted to scream with Joy.

He began panting, "I love you - I love you..."

I was on my back, melting into the bed, and my brother was on top of me, forcefully rubbing my tiny breasts with his thick warm penis.

David's penis just seemed unimaginably huge as it glided across the milky pale skin of my tiny breasts. And his dick was soaking wet - from me.

Oh God - I wanted to see him cum.

Then, my brother eagerly inched his hips forward, towards my face. I watched as his beautiful erection got closer and closer. I was looking up at the underside of his beautiful oily penis - it was looming above my mouth. It looked wet and exquisite.

Before I knew what was happening, my lips were wrapped around my brother's wet erection.

He instantly gasped, "Oh God - Lisa!"

The feeling was so delicious - I was tasting my own wetness - I was shocked at how wonderfully smooth the big hard head felt against my wet tongue. It felt slippery and firm in a way that seemed magical.

Without hesitation, I started sucking the head of my beautiful brother's throbbing penis. Everything was happening with such a haunted intensity. The sensations were mind-blowing.

I didn't move, I simply held myself still as I sucked. I loved the feeling of my wet tongue wrapped around the head of his rock hard penis. I knew he would cum any second.

I looked up and watched my brother as he watched me, as I sucked the head of his dick. I was mesmerized by the image of my beautiful brother getting so lost and excited.

David was leaning over me, on his knees, and he held my head in his hands, he was tender and loving. And somehow, the feeling of my brother being so sympathetic made everything SO much more intense. And I sucked harder and faster. And I looked up as he started whimpering. Everything was multiplying.

He whimpered, "Oh God - Oh FUCK - Lisa - I love you..."

It was so obvious that he was about to cum, he looked down at me with such devotion.

He began to repeat, "I love you - I love you - I love you..."

I was sucking hard and I was amazed at how emotional it felt, the feeling of his pulsating erection in my mouth just felt so beautiful.

Everything was building as my brother shivered with passion, I sucked faster, and louder. The noise was sloppy and wet sounding and we both shivered from the overpowering sensations.

He gasped, "Oh Fuck!"

And then - Oh God - I could feel his penis throbbing with a dynamic forcefulness - it was pumping, and I could feel him cumming. My mouth was suddenly filling with something warm and thick - Oh God - it was glorious.

Suddenly, the wet purple head of his penis out of my mouth, and he was still shuddering from his orgasm, he was squirting a stream of pale milky cum out onto my chin, he sat up taller on his knees and I could watch it pumping out onto my tiny breasts.

I gasped, "Oh God - Oh God!"

I was astonished at what I was seeing - I watched as he sort of convulsed as he climaxed, and his penis was moving with each strong spurt - and then my smooth breasts were wet with come - it was pumping out and everything became slippery and warm. And it got all over my chin and neck too.

Then he pressed his big beautiful penis against my breasts, and now it was gliding - back and forth across my nipples in a glossy puddle of thick milky cum.

Oh my God - I felt SO beautiful!

David's eyes were electric and wide. He was utterly transfixed by the site of my chest all wet and warm.

He gasped, "Lisa, I love you - so much..."

I whispered, "I love you too..."

He was smiling, this haunting and beautiful smile. The powerful smell of my brother's cum, and the warm wet puddle on my chest filled my bedroom.

I was breathing hard and deep. And it took both of us a little while to calm down.

My beautiful brother just seemed to melt into me, in a tight and loving embrace. The smell of his cum was thick and it made me feel so exhilarated.

He stammered, "That was - that was beautiful."

I replied, "Yes - Oh God - yes..."

David was still above me holding my knees, and I watched his penis - still dripping - slowly get soft.

He whispered, "Little-Lisa-Baby - You are so perfectly beautiful."

"You make me so happy."

Then David just seemed to melt and he lay right on top of me and we hugged. The hot puddle of cum pressing on our bodies.

We both seemed to relax, and David leaned down, and gently kissed my sopping nipples, wet with his cum. They were so hard, and so pretty. And then he kissed my neck, and then my chin - I felt beautiful.

And then, David leaned in - and carefully kissed me on my mouth, he was delicate and kind, and the feeling of his warm salty lips made my heart soar. My lips were wet wet with his cum, and the joy that I felt is hard to describe.

I felt a joy so perfect and enormous, that I thought my heart would burst from happiness.

After a few minutes, David curled up against me, like a little boy, with his cheek resting on my soft flat chest.

I whispered, "Go to sleep my beautiful brother."

I lay there holding him, and I carefully reached down and covered us with my blanket. It was warm and delicious

As I drifted off to sleep, all I could think about was Mom being away for three entire days.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I wish I had a sister like that I am 77 this story makes me feel like a teen ager again

LegallySaneLegallySaneabout 3 years ago

I know you're trying to get the story to sound sweet and sensitive but the gushing on your brother and your intense embarrassment of your breasts made it impossible for me to get into it. Couldn't get past the first page and I skipped through half of that. 2*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

My penis staid stiff during my time reading your story I was wet with precut. I will fuck my wife.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Extremely hot brother - sister story!

This is an incredibly hot story.

I will keep reading stories that you have written.

They really excite this 75 year-old man.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Deja vu????? No!

I see at least three more chapters maybe five to come close to finishing this. Two neophytes learning how to please each other. Ease up on the love thing ,and work on the lust.Rick and Elisabeth are still out there.I'd go with Liz in a later three some. Keep it going.

Great so far.


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