Mr. Lewis Ch. 07

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The party's in full swing when an unexpected visitor arrives.
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Part 7 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 12/02/2013
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Chapter Seven: The Uninvited

With graduation ruined and my senior year behind me, there was little else for me to do other than prepare for my transition to college life. My parents still felt I was too weak from the prom incident to go anywhere alone, so they insisted accompanying me on campus to find the location of my classes as well as picking up my books. At times, though, I idly wondered if they were simply fearful that Dustin would pop out of the bushes to finish me off.

I hadn't heard from Dustin since I was in the hospital and that was four days ago. Per Cori's suggestion, I told him to leave me alone or I'd report him to the cops for violating the no-contact order my parents and I filed against him.

Filing the charges hurt me to my core. If someone would've come to me all those years ago and said my friendship with Dustin would be over because he tried to take advantage of me, I would have laughed them to scorn.

The ultimatum Dustin gave all those days ago still rang through my brain and there was no doubt in me about what "secret" he referred to...but how? What could have possibly given us away? And what proof did he have?

If I were in his situation and had such leverage, I would waste no time in showing my hand to help produce the outcome I needed to see. Dustin's moves were sneaky and silent, leaving no indication of his true motive, and that's what led me try and talk my parents out of pursuing legal action against him.

Of course, my parents weren't trying to hear anything of it.

"Don't you think we should just drop it, Mom?" I asked, not looking up from my bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch. "I mean, he's lost everything from what I heard. No scholarships and his admission to school was revoked, his job fired him. His friends bailed on him after the text records were released. His life is ruined."

"Dani," my dad interjected before my mom could answer. "I know your heart is in the right place, you don't want to see your old friend suffer but, we do," he shrugged. "We could have lost you and by his hand."

"Okay, but did I die though?"


"Mom," I sighed. "He's not going to be able to live this down. Ever. What does this help?"

"It is the principle," my mother huffed in staccato. "No one should be above the law."

"This will also reflect badly upon his parents who had nothing to do with this. Their practice is under fire."

"Which is unfortunate," my dad sighed, "but this is what happens in these circumstances. He needs to understand the severity of bad decisions."

"Not just bad decisions, those choices he made could have cost you your life. No, we will be seeing this through to the end and we will not be settling for any amount of money they offer."

"But Mom—"

"End of discussion. Look, we have something we want to talk to you about, Danica." My mom took a breath before continuing. "While you were in the hospital, you missed graduation."

"I know," I sighed.

"We realize how big of a milestone that is for a teenage girl and we're livid you had to miss it so...we decided to host a party in your honor."


"Everyone else's graduation parties are done so there's no reason you shouldn't be able to have yours without interference. Everything is set up for this Saturday."


"We booked a photographer, have catering organized. Cori helped me find decorations, and, oh, I just know you'll be so excited once you see everything come together," my mother gushed, our earlier conversation seemingly forgotten.


"This was her idea, really," my dad chuckled. "Quite determined, that girl."

I laughed, "That's definitely Cori."

"The guest list is set and all your friends will be here. Your grandparents are even going to come up from Florida. That teacher of yours will be here."

I dropped my spoon. "Teacher?"

"Yes, Ryan Lewis," my mother sighed, "keep up, Danica. If he hadn't acted so quickly on your behalf at the prom, we don't know what would have become of you. He will always be welcome in our home."

I almost said it then and there. I was going to tell them how happy I was to hear those words because Ryan was in my life and I loved him but I knew the timing wasn't right. They would definitely have to know, but not so soon after graduation. We would be forced to wait until my sophomore or junior year of college, at least.

"Danica, did you hear me?"

I cleared my throat. "I'm sorry, I must have missed it."

My mom shook her head. "How your mind wanders. I said I have a salon appointment set up for you, Cori, and Erin. Hair, makeup, nails, all of that."

My mom's chin lifted as her chest poked out some.


"She was constantly visiting you in the hospital and was very concerned. Cursed Dustin's name every chance she got. Cori said you two have been forming quite the friendship with this Erin so I thought—"

"Mom, that's awesome. I can't even begin to thank you guys enough." I hugged them both as my mom continued explaining all the events she planned.

"The girls are going to be staying the night tomorrow and Saturday morning are your appointments. Just relax and enjoy it all, okay?"

"I'll definitely try."

"Now, we have to talk about your outfit."

"Mom, I still have my graduation dress that I never got to wear."

"Yes, but it doesn't match the party's theme, so you girls are going shopping tomorrow. Your father and I will be treating so please, get exactly what you want."

"Lunch is on us, as well. And if you want to grab some of those mocha-choka whipped shits from Starbucks, that's fine."

I laughed as my mom gasped, playfully slapping my dad on his arm.

"Hey, I know how it goes with you women. You shop, sip beverages, and gossip."


Naturally, I knew Cori's game, and she was quite skilled at playing it. After talking to my parents about the party, I promptly texted her to say "thank you" for manufacturing a reason for me to be out of the house, which gave me the excuse to be sitting on Ryan's couch first thing Friday morning.

We'd stayed in contact every day since I woke up from the prom incident, but nothing could replace the face to face contact we both craved.

At that point, I would have rather been tucked into his chest with his arms wrapped tightly around me, but I knew that type of contact would be a distraction from the conversation we needed to have about the state of our relationship.

"How are you feeling?" Ryan asked for the two-millionth time.

"Back to normal. Human. You?"

"Relieved. I was worried about you. So many people were."

"So I've heard."

"Has he...has Dustin tried contacting you?"

"Actually, yeah." I sighed before launching into the details of Dustin's threat and what I did about it. I saw Ryan tense, but he didn't let my hands go or look away from me.

"I can't see any fuel he would have other than you calling me by my first name while you were falling down."

"I—what?" My grip on his hands tightened.

"Yeah, but I'm curious as to why that would send him off. He was aware of our interactions before your parents sent you to California. He's always known we were close. My real question is, what does he benefit from having the lawsuit dropped?"

"I honestly don't know," I shrugged. "Are you worried?"

Ryan rubbed his face with both hands before answering. "I'm not sure how to feel at this point, to be honest. If he had proof, he would have provided it."

"That's what Cori said," I nodded. "I feel like he's just desperately grabbing at straws now. Trying to save what bit of his life he can. I feel—"

"Don't you dare say you feel bad for that little motherfucker."


"No, Dani. He deserves everything that happened to him and then some. What he did was vile, at best."

"I just...can't imagine what he must be feeling. To have lost everything at such a young age," I shook my head. "But I'm not sure I want to let my guard down. He may not have proof, but if he hasn't stopped to consider his actions, he's bound to cook up some other plot." I turned to face Ryan now. "I know I'm graduated and of age, but until this thing with Dustin ends, I think we're gonna have to be very careful about our interactions. Even though he doesn't have proof of our relationship and we definitely weren't involved before I turned eighteen, this could still reflect badly on you and I don't want that."

Ryan looked into my eyes, seeming to search for something. "You've matured."

"What?" I cocked my head to the side.

"You don't think the same as before. I was geared up to have a discussion about how we couldn't be as public as we would've hoped and I was ready to hear you disagree, quite vehemently, with me." He took one of my hands into his. "This is what I meant when I said I wanted us to grow together. I'm so relieved you came to this conclusion on your own. It lets me know you are looking at this relationship as more than a reaction to feelings we share, but you're thinking about the long term. I agree, although reluctantly, that we have to be diligent in keeping our relationship as secret as possible." He delicately placed one of his hands on the back of my neck. "But that doesn't mean I won't be at that party tomorrow."

I smiled.

"I think it's good your parents are comfortable with inviting me over. I wouldn't go as far as to say we're in the clear, but it's a start."

"Definitely a start," I nodded. "So...does this mean...we're together, together? Like you're my boyfriend?"

"That's such a trivial title for how much I want to be to you; but, yes," he said before leaning and pressing his lips to mine.


My entire being thrummed with satisfaction to hear that Ryan was mine and that he accepted me as his.

He was right though, the term "boyfriend" did seem trivial when placed in context of how much I loved and appreciated him. What I felt in my soul seemed to stretch itself into an eternity symbol, an irreversible mark, a timestamp of when forever officially started.

I couldn't help myself. I leaned forward to deepen the kiss. Ryan accepted me, placing his hands on either side of my neck, cradling me as if I were a porcelain doll; fragile, delicate, and priceless.

Our lips performed an elaborate dance, one where we were in perfect tandem. It was an intoxicating experience where I had no clue which direction was up or down, left or right. I just knew I needed him in that moment.

I laced my fingers into Ryan's hair as his hands traveled down my body, stopping at my waist. He pulled me closer and his hardness dug into my belly, causing me to gasp.

"Not today?" he asked.

"Today," I said, breathlessly. "Please."

Ryan stayed silent as he looked into my eyes, stroking my face with the back of his hand. I would have taken the gesture as one of affection if I wasn't aware of his intent.

I playfully swatted his hand away.

"Okay, okay," he said with a smile.

"I know you mean well, but I'm fine. I feel fine," I sighed.

He cocked an eyebrow and smirked before pulling me in for another kiss.

How we both ended up naked on his bed with him hovering above me was quite the mystery, but I welcomed it. His entry into me was deliberately slow, igniting fire in me with every inch he pressed forward.

"Whew, Dan," Ryan breathed, pressing his forehead to mine. "Are you okay? Are you comfortable?"

"Y-yeah. Why?"

"You're just...tight..."

I moved against him, grinding my hips.

"Da-Dani." He whispered my name as if uttering a sweet litany.

The other times Ryan and I had sex were not like this. In times past, we were a primal mashing together of raw lust and desire; at this moment, there was a blending of souls...a sealing of fates. I would have been comfortable going for hours like this, but there was something in my head...something I needed to try.

"Can I do it?" I asked.

Ryan's eyes opened and met mine. "Do what?"

"Be on top."

"O-of course."

Ryan slowly slid out of me and I straddled him, letting out a deep breath. I had no clue what I was doing but after taking him in my hand, I lowered myself onto his shaft.

"Hooooly...holy hell," I gasped. The stretch and feeling of fullness was unlike anything I'd felt before.

Ryan's breath came out in a harsh pant. "Don't feel like you have to take it all, Dani. It's fine," he told me, placing his hands on my hips.

I lowered myself as far down as possible before starting to grind backward and forward. The feeling was unique and quite alien but watching Ryan's face display his pleasure made the feeling worth it. He took his bottom lip between his teeth, his grip on my hips tightening.

Rocking faster and harder, I found a new rhythm that lit a fire in the lower parts of my belly. I groaned in pleasure and tilted my head backward, closing my eyes.

"That's good, Dani. That's it." Ryan's voice was breathy and heavy as he continued to praise and encourage me.

I loved that about Ryan. I didn't have to say a word but he knew what I needed. I wondered if that was a vibe other couples had or if I just happened to get insanely lucky. Ryan was so attuned to my needs, everything.

Do I do the same for him? I asked myself.

I titled my head forward and opened my eyes to find him staring at me. I chuckled. "What?"

He shrugged. "Admiring you." Ryan took one of his hands from my hips and used it to run a feather-light trail from my neck down to my navel.

"I love you."

"Yeah?" His answering smile was full of warmth. "I love you, too."

"Ugh," I groaned as his fingers found my clit. I was about to close my eyes and lean my head backward again, but Ryan protested.

"I want to see you come undone for me."

I knew he wasn't going to have to wait long for that to happen.

As always, Ryan's strokes were precise and never wasted. His hips moved in a rhythm that didn't impede my own, helping us climb to the precipice of pleasure.

Higher, still, we climbed until I didn't think I could take much more stimulation.

I came with such force I screamed. Everything south of my waistline clenched, trapping Ryan inside of me.

"Whoa! Holy fuck," he groaned as he rode the final waves of his own orgasm.

I collapsed onto his chest, an airy smile on my face. "I did it."

He chuckled, planting a kiss on my forehead. "You did it."


A sea of red, white, and black encompassed me as my parents wheeled out a massive cake in the shape of a bird. How they had time to order such an elaborate cake in so little time was beyond me.

"Get it, Dan?" my dad grinned as he and my mother came to a stop before me at the gift table. "It's a Redbird."

I nodded, feeling my cheeks heat in embarrassment. My eyes traveled to where Ryan sat—he was fighting back a laugh. The jerk.

Thanks to Cori and my parents, the party seemed to go off without a hitch. It was as if we, somehow, had hired little elves to fill every empty glass, keep the food tables orderly, stocked, and clean; the music had to have been chosen by Cori because it was actually to my liking.

Very few people asked about the prom incident and for those that did, it was to make sure I had made a full recovery.

"Come on, Danica," my mother clapped her hands in rapid succession. "Blow out your candle!"

"It's not even my birthday, Mom," I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"Oh, whatever," she waved a hand dismissively. "Just make a wish."

I looked around at all my friends and family before my eyes landed back on Ryan and it was at that point I realized that I didn't see a need for the wish. Over the past year my life had changed so much. I'd lost one of my best friends, graduated high school, was in my first serious relationship, and I was starting college in just a couple of months. It took so much to get here, but looking back, I didn't think I'd change a thing. Still, I looked at Ryan as he looked at me. He picked up his red, Solo cup, tipped it in my direction, and winked. At that moment, I blew out the candle.

Everyone clapped and cheered.

"All right, all right," my father raised his hands, "if we have to wait any longer I'm sure your mother is going to have a heart attack. Cori." My dad motioned for my friend to come over to where we stood. "Dani, don't kill us," my dad said.

I smiled, shaking my head. "Oh, my God. What now? If it's another trip or car—"

"Scout's honor!" My dad put a hand over his heart. "No trips and no cars."

"Who'd complain about that?" Erin laughed.

"Just one more gift, from us to you and Cori," my mother said, wrapping us both under her arms.

My dad pulled black boxes out of each of his pants pockets and handed one to the both of us. We each took the lids off and lifted a set of keys.

"The condo is ready," my mom said.

"The condo?" I looked up at my parents.

"Why do I have keys?" Cori asked.

"Cori," my dad rolled his eyes while shaking his head. "Like you weren't going to be over there every night anyway."

The crowd laughed along with me and my parents.

"At least this way you're free to come and go as you please and are spared the horrors of cafeteria food," my dad fake shivered.

Even though on the surface they gave solid reasoning behind their decision to give Cori a set of keys, I knew the basis of it was monetary. Her living with me off campus would save her thousands of dollars in the long run. Honestly, I wouldn't put it past them if they secretly paid off her entire four years of school, too.

"Everything is done except your rooms. They really just need a theme, paint...decorations. We thought you two could work on those during the summer," my mom said. "Or you can get it done as fast as you like and get settled in well before classes start. You two are adults now, so it's your choice."

Cori and I looked at each other, our eyes wide. I knew Cori was beyond ready to be parted from her mother and incessant rotation of boyfriends.

I really couldn't find the words to say in the moment, not for myself but for Cori. My parents went above and beyond for her and a simple "thank you" wouldn't suffice, not in a million years. I turned in my mom's arms and wrapped her in the strongest hug I've given her in many years. Cori, along with me and my parents, ended up in a group hug while the other partygoers clapped and cheered.

"I'm surprised they're just gonna let this happen," I told Ryan after the party had settled back to its original thrum.

I sat across the table from him, looking at the twinkling lights strung from trees and bushes. Despite me and Ryan being in a relationship and my being graduated from the school he taught at, I maintained a respectful distance and tried to keep my eyes off him as much as possible. The way I loved that man was bound to be displayed all over my face and the party was not the time, nor place, to let the truth come out.

"I was sure they were going to cancel the condo and make me live with them all four years of school. Probably hire guards to escort me to classes and such."

Ryan laughed. "I mean, I don't think I would blame them."

"Of course, you wouldn't," I rolled my eyes. "I think I'm gonna head into the house for a potty break."

"Is that code for me to meet you in your room for a quickie?"

"Ryan!" I tore my eyes away from the party to catch him smirking at me.

"It was a joke, Dan."

I shook my head. "Don't leave while I'm inside."

"Wouldn't dream of it."

I rose from my seat, desperately fighting my natural inclination to kiss him.

Something so simple shouldn't be this hard, I thought as I opened the sliding, glass door.

Loving Ryan was simple. Showing him affection and attention was natural to me and a large part of me repelled the notion that I had to withhold those things from him but I understood why.

"It's for the best, Dani," I sighed while finishing up on the toilet.