Mom Takes It Slow


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And on the day I kissed her the longest, and when the edge of my palm rested on the edge of her breast, she said, "Andy, are you getting sexy with me?" I was struck dumb. From that little touch she was asking me that question? That was my first lesson in learning something I would find out later, women know a whole lot more of what's going on in relationships than men do.

I tried to fudge my way out of it. "What are you talking about mom?"

She wasn't buying, "Never mind that, are you trying to have sex with me? I want you to tell me what's going on."

I sort of mumbled, "No…I just like you…I mean I love you mom and I guess I think you're sexy but…"

"That's sweet honey, but you know you just can't feel that way about me, and what do you think your father would say?"

Oh yeah, in my fantasy there is no father, but in my reality there is one - but I don't consider him mine. I haven't thought of him as a father nor have I called him that since I was twelve. He'd been around since I was four, and for almost fifteen years, he's disliked me only a little less than I've disliked him. So I said, "He's not my father mom and I wish stop calling him that. My father is dead."

I guess I was still angry about that and mom softened, putting her hand on my face. "I know honey, I'm sorry, more sorry than you can ever know, but Ted hasn't been so bad has he?"

"No, he's been worse. He hates me, he cheats on you…fuck him…just tell me one thing and I'll shut up, do you love him, or better yet, do you think he loves you?"

Mom got quiet and I could see I'd struck a nerve, "Look, you don't know what it is to be alone with a young child, barely able to keep a roof over our head and food on the table."

This time I softened, "I'm sorry mom; I know you did what you thought you had to do, and you always made it all right for me, but maybe it's time to do something else for yourself."

"It's not that easy baby, do you think I can just go off and start again with nothing?"

"I could help mom, I'm working now and in a few months they said I'd be making more…"

She was looking me in the eyes and I could see tears forming in spite of her smile, "And don't look at me like that," she said. "With that wide eyed enthusiasm your father always had…and that handsome face your father had." One tear rolled down her cheek.

From the pictures I'd seen, I really did look like my father. Especially in his Marine uniform when he was only a few years older than I was then. I never got my head around it; it wasn't even a war, just a stupid accident while he was training some raw recruits. Just like the fifteen thousand that have been maimed and injured in Iraq, those we don't hear about. He also wasn't considered a casualty, because it didn't happen in combat. Looking at the pictures it was almost like looking at myself, waving, smiling, with an arm around my mom. I guess it made it that much harder for her too.

So I held her, and she was so close, and so soft, and smelled so good. She pulled back and said, "I guess I just don't understand it, is it something I'm doing? Why do you feel like this?"

She wasn't intending a double entendre but we both knew I was getting hard and that was why she pulled away. "Look mom," I said. "I won't bother you, I won't kiss you if you don't want me to, but do you want to know what going on in my head?"

"Of course sweetheart, I always want you to tell what you're thinking and what you're feeling…I'm just trying to understand."

"Mom, it's what I feel and it's also what I think. And I know all the things other people might thing, but I don't care. Mom, I love you and even if I shouldn't, I want you. And here's my fantasy. We both get out of here and find a new place to live…and we live together."

"You mean like lovers?"

"No mom, more than lovers, because we already have something together that's even deeper than that."

"But honey, you're a young man...and why would you be interested in me…physically?"

"Because I love you, and that makes me want you, and I think you're the sexiest looking mom I've ever seen."

"Oh God, I can't believe I'm having a conversation about having sex with my son. I must be losing it."

"Mom, maybe it's time to lose it, time to find a new ‘it,' one that has some love and desire in it…or are you going to tell me that's what you have with Ted?"

"No honey, you know it's not, but…" I put my arms around her and kissed her deeply. She responded and I took her breast in my hand. She finished the kiss and said, "No honey, please, not here; I can't do anything with you in this house."

"Mom, tomorrow were going to look for a place."

"Oh God Andy, my head is spinning, there's so much to think about. Listen, I'll consider it under one condition. The physical thing has me tied up in knots, it's probably a crush, or an obsession, or some crazy fascination for you to have sex with your mother. I couldn't bear to have sex with you and then have you decide you made a mistake. What if I'm not even good for you…like that…?"

"You have to be good for me mom; we were made for each other." I kissed her again and just held her tight.

"I guess we're both just looking to be happy honey, so if you promise to go slow, and not push me, maybe we should find a place to live…to get out of here. You are right about that, it's time to leave; I can't live without love anymore…but remember, separate bedrooms."

"Sure mom, I know we can work it out."

"Talking about working it out," she said, "I have to work something out with Ted."

She gave me a kiss, a long loving kiss, but not before saying, "I've lost my mind, but if you…would you love me forever?"

"No mom," I said, "Longer than that."

The next day we started looking and within a week we found a place we could afford and put down a deposit. Mom told Ted she was leaving and he gave her a weak-hearted argument but basically, he didn't make much of a fuss. She didn't ask for much. Surprisingly, he was actually decent about it and agreed to give her enough to get by for a while.

My excitement was at a fever pitch. She kept making me promise to go slow and that we would have to see what happens and that the important thing was that we would have a new start. I was thinking mostly about having her.

The day finally arrived when we moved out of the house and into our own apartment. There wasn't much to it, but a sitting room, kitchen, and one bedroom. Since we were going to ‘take it slow' I was to sleep on the pullout sofa. We were both nervous and jumpy.

The first few days were rough. We knew it would be a struggle financially and personally. Somehow I was feeling better just doing things with her. I realized I was feeling happy even though nothing had happened between us. My ‘up' mood was contagious and by the end of the week, I decided we should celebrate. We had bought a bottle of inexpensive Champagne to celebrate our ‘liberation.' After finishing it, we were both looser, and laughing at every silly thing we could think of.

When it came time to say good night, I kissed my mother on the lips and held her. I could feel her trembling. I said, "It's all going to be fine mom, we're going to love each other and be happy together, no matter how tough it gets."

"I hope so baby," she said. I want that."

I kissed her again gently, trying to control my excitement. I could see her getting skittish even though through the champagne haze. I asked her to sit by me for a while and we just kissed. After a while I felt her melt and began fondling her breasts. She allowed me to undo her bra. Her bare tits were as feathery soft as I had imagined, full, with a silky feel. I felt her nipple become erect as I rubbed my palm over it. I put my hand on her pussy and she removed it saying, "Slow baby, remember, we're going to take it slow."

It wasn't two minutes later that I felt her hand between my legs. I was as erect as I could get in my pants and she said, "God, how could I do that to you; I still don't understand it." She started breathing harder and unzipped my pants. At that point, I think it was more to see how she turned me on than anything else. My cock was straining as she released it. "You're so hard for me, you really want me don't you?"

All I could get out was "Oh mom…" as she bent over to take me in her mouth. She held the shaft in her fist and took the knob between her lips and started sucking. I exerted all the control I could to stay calm so I wouldn't come too fast. I wanted the exquisite feeling to last. My eyes locked on the spot where her lips were closed around my shaft as she raised and lowered her head. I could feel her feel her tongue working on me as she sucked.

My mother was actually sucking my cock after all the waiting and fantasizing and all I could think was - I had to stop her. If I didn't slow down, I knew I would come in her mouth and that might be the last time I would ever have her. And I wanted so much more. I said, "Mom, let's go in the bedroom."

By the time we got to her bedroom, I had calmed somewhat. I sat on the bed and she unbuttoned my shirt. I opened her blouse and she let it drop but it remained tucked into her skirt. I said, "You have beautiful breasts, mom."

She said, "Oh honey…" as I approached to kiss her breasts, she cupped one and brought it to my mouth. Watching my mother offer her breast to me hardened me more. I sucked on the forcefully and let my teeth graze it.

She laughed and gave a little screech and said, "Easy baby." She went back down on me and this time took more of me into her mouth. Her easy strokes took me to the back of her throat but she didn't seem to have any trouble accepting me. She had already taken more of me than any other girl I had ever been out with.

And I realized that was what they were, ‘Girls.' The oldest had only been twenty-two. And now I was with my first ‘woman,' and I liked it that she was almost forty, and I liked it that my cock was in her mouth, and I liked it that she was my mother.

I was doing all I could not to shoot off in her mouth but mom was stroking my shaft up and down as she sucked me off. Every once in a while she would take her mouth off me and lick me with an enthusiastic, "Mmmm…" She still seemed surprised I wanted her that way. She said her words in a disbelieving tone, "You want me, don't you baby…I make you so hard…you like mama to do this don't you honey?" The answer to all her questions was the same, ‘Yes, yes, yes.'

She started to stroke up and down on my shaft as she sucked I knew I couldn't take much more without coming. Just the idea of my mother sucking my cock would have been enough, but I was actually between her lips and in her warm mouth. And her noises told me she was enjoying it as she moved her tongue along my shaft. I went straight up and let go.

I said as fast as I could, "Mom, I'm coming…OH…" I expected her to pull her mouth off me but she didn't. I could almost feel the recoil as I shot off my juices into her mouth. I couldn't stop coming. She never opened her mouth for a moment to catch her breath or keep from getting overwhelmed; she just sucked and jerked me until I had that last intense spurt which felt like I was about to come for a second time. She cupped my balls and massaged them as I finished and I finally heard how hard I was breathing. I said, "God mom, that was the most awesome thing that ever happened to me." Up until that moment, it was.

As she lay down beside me, she kept her hand over my wet cock and said, "I'm glad I could make you feel good."

I hoped it wasn't all over and I said, "Mom, now let me make you feel good." She didn't stop me or say anything as I kissed her nipples and sucked on them for a little while. I knew that the longer you waited, the better it usually was for a woman, but I wanted to taste her pussy right then and there. Her skirt was up on her thighs and I reached underneath it to take off her satiny panties. I pulled them down without any resistance from her. In fact, she raised herself to make it easier for me to get them off. She was wearing thigh high stockings that had a slight shine to them and I ran my hand over both of her shapely legs.

I spread her thighs apart and went down on her. I licked her slowly with the flat of my tongue, washing over her vaginal lips, her hood, and her clit. I finally settled on the spot where I knew those sensitive nerve endings gathered in anticipation of firing off together.

As I licked that part of my mother's pussy she said. "Oh honey, your tongue is so soft on that spot…yes…there baby…you found me…oh God…how do you know me so well?" I kept pressing and painting her clit with the tip of my tongue, snaking over it and around it. Her fluids were beginning to feel thick as cream. Each time I took her up to that precipitous point, she seemed higher and closer to orgasm. "It's so good," she said, "It aches…a sweet velvety ache that's making me want to come in my baby's mouth."

I took my mouth off her for a moment to say, "That's what I want mom; I want to taste you coming in my mouth, like I came in yours." I kissed the soft pliant lips and sucked her pussy as she squirmed until I returned to her clit.

She said, "Yes baby, your making my pussy feel so good." I was glad to hear the sensuous words from her and listen to the sounds that she wasn't trying to hide. Soon I heard her say, "Baby…baby…I'm coming…mommy's coming in your mouth."

I pressed and licked as she arched and loudly announced her orgasm with squeals of pleasure that approached a scream. I stayed on her as she had stayed on me, rising with her as she arched and twisted. My mother was coming for me and it sent a line of pleasure that stayed with me until she stiffened and let out a long satisfied exhale. She drew me up to her while repeating, "So good…so good. Sweet love, come kiss your momma."

I kissed her and said, "I hope that was half as good for you as it was for me, because I know that would be enough."

"You're wonderful," She said, and she smiled. She was quiet for a while and then I could sense that she was regaining her strength as she sat up and pulled the sheet up to cover her naked breasts. I could see the consternation on her face and I wondered if she was sorry for what we had done and was reluctant to say anything.

Finally she spoke, "Andy, I have to tell you something. I've been seeing Robert at the office and you know I've mentioned that I like him and we're sort of involved and it wouldn't be fair to you…what just happened…it was lovely sweetheart, but we cant continue this because…I think I'm serious about Robert and…"

She went on like that and she spoke faster and more nervous with each sentence. My head whirled for a minute, but then it hit me. "Mom," I said, "It's okay, you're just getting panicked because this is all so strange." I stroked her hair and gave her a small kiss on the lips. "It's too good mom, too good to throw away. You're not seeing Robert are you?"

It was a small "No" that came from her. She looked sheepishly at me and said, "I'm sorry baby, I won't lie to you again."

"I understand mom, it's a little crazy for me too."

I shouldn't have been surprised because I knew how smart and intuitive my mother was, but it still floored me when she asked me, "Andy, did you ever make drawings of you and me, together?"

After stammering like I didn't know what she was talking about, she just looked at me with a ‘give me a break' look and I said, "Yes."

She asked, "Would you mind if I looked at them?"

I said, "Oh man, I don't know…I guess maybe a few of them; I'm not ready for you to see how completely nuts I am." She laughed as I went to pick out a couple of them. I brought her two of the tamer ones in which we were in an embrace with both of us nude. In one we were kissing and as I held her breast, she had my hardness in her hand; in the other, she was looking over her shoulder and smiling as I was about to enter her pussy. I was smiling back.

She looked at them and then looked at me seriously. "You really are an artist, they're awesome honey…and sexy"

"Thanks mom," I said, "But why did you want to see them?"

"I wanted to know if you only wanted to have me that way, or if you also loved me as well…I can see the answer in your pictures." She came over and kissed me, probing with her tongue. She let me fondle her until she pulled back, and then with a smile, she wagged her finger at me saying, "Slow…slow."

Finally, I ask her what she was thinking and she said, "I'm thinking how satisfied you made me feel, and I was wondering…well, you know, I haven't done this in a while with somebody young…so…did I satisfy you like your girlfriends do? I know it's silly, but I wanted to hear you tell me."

"You know how good it was mom, I practically exploded inside your mouth…in this sweet mouth." I let my fingers trace her lips and then kissed her. I took the sheet from her and exposed her. I said, "You are a good-looking woman," as my hand slid over her breasts and belly and then down to her pussy. She opened her legs for me and I put my hand on her slippery vagina and clit. It made me feel good that my mother was so wet for me. I then put two fingers inside her and told her what was welling up in me, "This is where I want to be mom, here, inside you."

She took two quickening breaths and said, "Yes baby, yes."

She looked so pretty with her breasts exposed. I wanted her body bare so I took off the skirt that ringed her waist and the blouse that was tucked into the waistband. She was naked except for her stockings. She closed her eyes and rested her fingers over her clit. Looking at my mother's pussy, I knew I had never wanted to have a woman as much as I wanted her at that moment. I came to her opening swollen hard, with a knob that seemed to pulse with the blood that coursed through it.

For an instant, questions of doubt flashed across my mind. What if she didn't like it? What If I wasn't good for her? What if she wasn't right for me? I placed myself on her entrance and pushed in. With the first insertion into my mother's pussy, all questions were answered. Her soft channel enveloped me and my shaft slid through the wet flesh that held me until I filled her to completion. I saw the smile I had once drawn on paper, now on her lips, a smile that mirrored my own.

I stroked in and out of my mother's pussy and knew that no matter how many times I had imagined or fantasized the moment in drawings and fiction, it paled in comparison to what was happening. I was having her, I was inside her, and the then the words left my head. I only heard my mother saying, "Yes…yes…" and I got lost in the sensations.

A wave of pleasure coursed through me with each insertion into the once forbidden center of my mother's body. She moved to meet my strokes and the instinctive dance of lovers synchronized. I said, "I love you," a hundred times and it seemed to fuel her toward more frenzied movements under me. I pushed in until our bodies were in full contact and she held me there, moaning, and grinding.

I rolled her over on top of me and she was momentarily surprised. She shifted her position and began raising and lowering herself on my cock. I seemed to go in even deeper than before. Her eyes were closed as she pulled her hair back from her face and her breasts jutted out. She looked beautiful to me. I massaged her tits until the nipples swelled as she continued to use my cock to impale herself.

I could hear the sounds of my cock in her wetness as I reached behind her to hold the globes of her ass. She gyrated when she had me all inside her and it was a sensation I had never felt before. Then with a moaning cry in her voice she said, "I want to come baby, make me come, make momma come."

I turned her back over so I could control the tempo of my strokes and began to accelerate in and out of her. Her voice mimicked the rising of her excitement as we both got closer to orgasm. She got louder as she said, "Oh, Oh, Yes…YES…YES…I'm coming baby, I'm COMING." I could feel myself about to shoot off as my cock pistoned into her pussy. The longest, deepest, and hardest strokes I could thrust into my mother's belly, didn't seem too hard, too long, or too deep, for either of us.