Mine...Yours Pt. 11


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"Lucretia has been closer to my son than anyone for the past few months. I say let her decide his fate." Mr. Brooks said smoothly. Hildy seemed to mull the idea over and then nodded. Soon the rest of the wolves were howling their assent. I sized up the old Alpha, now a human, and thought about my options.

I had warned him not to harm us, that I had his scent...he attacked anyway. I listened as he spoke his side of the story. I heard about his mate, and about his actions. It was still no excuse for what he had done, but it helped to understand him. I took a few steps closer, and tucked my wings around my body while I studied him. He was scared, of that there was no doubt. What was he scared of? Well his security was taken away. He was no longer the Alpha, and no longer a werewolf...I REALLY wanted to learn that spell!

I looked over at Mr. Brooks who was casually watching the situation with his arms crossed. I wondered why he wanted me to make the decision. I was not human, and had no ties to anyone except Greg, if anything Greg should be making this decision, not me! Then I thought some more about it and my face must have changed because I saw Mr. Brooks smile slightly and give a barely perceptible nod.

I was bound to Greg, in a very real sense I was a part of him and he was a part of me. With Greg...hurt, I needed to step up and make the decision that he would if he was here.

So what would Greg do?

I looked over at Hildy, I could see all of the emotions running across her face. I also could see she still cared for her Dad, even if she hated what he had become. I turned my back on them all and stared across all of the werewolves. I could feel their Fear and their confusion. They were pawns in a larger game, and I felt...sorry for them!

That loud voice began clamoring for my attention! I listened to it, and agreed with it. These things wanted to hurt my Greg, they did it once and they could do it again! The quiet voice was speaking now, but I ignored it. I pushed down to where Greg was inside of me. It had always been silent, I think because my Greg is still broken, but every now and then I could taste thoughts and feelings from that part of me where I kept him close. I felt nothing, well...almost nothing. It's like when he is asleep, well, almost. There was that one time when he woke up and his eyes were giving off blue light and I couldn't dodge fast enough and he broke my jaw! He didn't remember it and felt awful afterwards, but normally I can feel him better when he is asleep.

Emotions slowly filtered out of that area, and I breathed them in. It felt good, very good to touch even that small part of my Master. My eyes flew open as my thoughts coalesced and I turned to face Judge Roberts. I walked quickly towards him and grabbed his head, holding his face firmly framed in my clawed fingers. I heard him give a yell before my lips found his and I kissed him, hard! He squirmed but I held him firm and I heard him moan in panic as I slowly began to pull his energy from him! I slowly began to feed, his life smoothly trickling down my throat to pool in my well. I could taste the flavors of Fear, Pride and a deep and dark Sadness. A light sprinkling of Regret seasoned the whole meal. I was very tempted to take all he had...

...but I stopped and pulled my mouth from his. He was shaking as I licked my lips.

"Know this..." I said softly.

"Know that your life could have ended right now. Know that I have decided to show you mercy." I blinked suddenly and looked over at Mr. Brooks with my mouth open wide in Surprise!

"This is what you meant! Where Vengeance and Mercy work together instead of Justice and Vengeance!" I crowed happily as I finally figured it out. I looked back down at the Judge who was shaking and sweating in my hands.

"I show you Mercy instead of taking your life because you will be a better Alpha now! You will learn from your mistakes and do what is right, because you know, you know absolutely, that if you attack us again we will end you!" I gave him another kiss and took a little more of his life from him and I savored it, rolling the taste of Terror now in my mouth before swallowing. I purred at feeling it sink into my well.

"Alpha...?" I asked him coyly, I was feeling a little frisky.

"Ye...Ye...Yes?" He stuttered.

I got down into his face, so close his nose was touching mine.

"I have your scent!" I growled. Then shoved him over on the ground. I spat once on him then walked over to Hildy, who almost took a step back from me, but then squared her shoulders and looked me in the eye. I thought that maybe I should change back to my human form, but decided she needed to see me like this.

"Thank you for trying to stand up for my Greg. Thank you for not trying to pursue him. I like having you for a neighbor...and I hope...hope that in time, I can be friends with you like I am with Jemima and Gwen."

Hildy didn't seem to know what to say, then she gave me an incredulous smile...at least I think that is what you call it and hugged me! I tentatively hugged her back, and felt another strong twinge of jealousy as I felt her shape! I wish my body was shaped more like hers!

Then I stepped back and saw Mr. Brooks looking down at the Judge. "Will you go after my boy again?" The Judge shook his head. Mr. Brooks nodded once, then bowed his head. I could hear him speaking, but I could not make out his words. Then he held his hand out to me, and I walked over to take it in mine.

"...thank you Lord for Your aid, may Your will be done, and let things go back to the way they were. Amen."

I heard a collective groan from everyone in the room and suddenly the Judge rose to his feet and his eyes blazed with amber light. I could see he was furious, but afraid. Mr. Brooks gazed at him steadily, and since it seemed to work so well for him I did the same, just regarding the large Alpha calmly. He seemed to wither under our gaze and settle back down.

Then Greg's father and I walked out of the room, out of the mansion, through the gate and back to his truck. He opened the door to his truck, helping me in, then reached for the seatbelt and belted it on me. I had changed back to my human appearance, makes it easier to sit in seats without my wings getting in the way. He leaned back a little and then hugged me, gently cradling my head against his shoulder.

"I am so PROUD of you Lucretia!" Mr. Brooks said to me.

"Mmmy mis mmatt?" I mumbled against his shoulder. He pulled back and I repeated myself.

"Why is that?" I asked again.. He ruffled my hair and kissed my forehead.

"Because you are growing, a lot!"

I didn't understand, I was still the same size as I always was, but...if he was happy that was a good thing. He got into the driver's side and we started backing down the drive to a turnaround, then he started driving, bringing us back to the hospital.

"Why did you choose to show mercy?" Mr. Brooks asked me. I had been wondering when he was going to ask me that. I had been wondering that myself.

"Greg would have shown mercy, at least I think he would have..." I said quietly. Mr. Brooks was waiting, either that or he was thinking, or maybe both.

"Gregory seems to think life, all life is valuable. He would not approve of me killing the Alpha like that." I said quietly while looking out the window.

"In the middle of a fight if I was to do it, it would make sense, and I would have his complete approval. While the Judge was...weakened like that...?" I sighed and looked down at my hands.

"While he was weak one side of me said that there was never going to be a better chance to take him out, the other said that if I did, there would be more problems created. I felt down to where your son, my Master is inside of me. I made my choice upon that." I looked over at Mr. Brooks who glanced at me every now and then while he drove.

"What does Gregory feel like? It's your bond that you're telling me about right?" He asked. I nodded. "What is it like...this bond? What does it feel like?"

I sighed and thought about it. "You ever watch that movie called Lord of the Rings?" I asked. Mr. Brooks chuckled and nodded.

"Remember that big fiery eye thing on top of that tower? It was called the...I don't remember what it was called but it could see everything." I rubbed my lower stomach, feeling my bond to Greg.

"It's a lot like that, but with Greg, his eye is shut. There have been several times it has cracked open and I feel him, just like I am sure sometimes he feels me...but most of the time it is closed."

Mr. Brooks was nodding his head, but didn't ask for me to continue so I didn't. Besides, it made me feel uncomfortable to talk about. I understood that my Greg was broken inside...somewhere things didn't connect. I had seen his Door inside of his mind. I'd heard the voices of his two parts of himself as he spoke to them, and it frightened me.

Terrible things had been done to me by my last master, but it seemed that humans were able to hurt themselves more than what anyone could do them. The very idea that Greg would do what he had done to himself, to keep...I wonder...?

"Mr. Brooks?"

"Yes Lucretia?"

"What happened that made Greg lock himself away? He never told me more than a little, but I want to understand...he is sleeping right now and I don't know when he is going to wake up. Could you tell me, please?"

Mr. Brooks was quiet, obviously thinking about what he should say, or maybe how to phrase it. Or maybe not...his knuckles were white on the steering wheel.

"That is for him to tell you. It is something that he knows from first hand experience...it would be best if he tells you." Then he paused, considering. I saw a tear come to the corner of his eye and I reached out to touch it. It was small and felt wet, like regular water. Warm though since it came from a body. Not hot or cold like it comes from the sink in the kitchen. I licked it and tasted salt. I had wondered if human tears were the same as my own.

"If Gregory does...not...wake up. Then I will tell you everything you want to know about my son. Both my wife, his mother, and I will tell you...everything." His voice broke and he coughed and sniffed. Then held my hand in his as we drove back to the hospital.

I hope Greg is like his Papa when he gets older.

Chapter 33: Portals

The sun had fully woken up by now and the alarm clock on Mr. Brook's truck told me it was 10 o'clock in the morning.

"Where are we going now?" I asked.

"We are going back to see Gregory." He told me as we got off of the highway.

"Unless you want to go back home?" He asked. I shook my head, my place was by my Master. He was hurt and we had been gone long enough. The enemy was now...well, was Judge Roberts still an enemy? I understood him better now. He had originally done...

"RaaaAAaah!" I shrieked! My fist hit the window of the truck and strangely it didn't break it. Mr. Brooks swerved slightly and glanced over at me.

"Lucretia! Settle down right now!" He said sharply. I hissed at him, though since I was in human form it didn't seem to sound all that threatening to me.

"Don't make me pull over, I will and you will not like it if I have to!" Mr. Brooks said in admonishing tone.

"I let him LIVE! Why did I let him LIVE?" I shouted and then slumped in the seat. I pulled my hood over my face to hide my expression. I was so confused, not so much about everything around me. I really was getting a better understanding on that. Little things tripped me up, but...inside of me. That was different, I didn't understand what I was feeling...everything was different. It felt like something was changing, a lot.

Mr. Brooks kept driving and put his hand on mine in my leg. I was looking down and could see a thick and battered gold ring on the third finger of his right hand.

"Talk to me..." he said quietly. His voice was gentle. It's warmth soothed me, but...inside I was snarling!

Do you know how many times Greg overrode me? Hardly ever...well, sometimes. But he always explained it. I may not agree with him and sometimes I wanted to hit him, or bite him. I made a decision, without Greg, that went completely against who I was. I see it, it bothers me or threatens me then I kill it. Sometimes I eat it too, depends on how I feel at that time or if I am hungry. This time though, this time I let an enemy live. I had the choice in my hands, the Alpha's energy on my tongue and I let that miserable dog live!

That loud voice inside of me was talking fast and I listened to it. The small voice was there but hard to hear in all of the noise inside of my mind. I looked over at Mr. Brooks and his face blanched at seeing mine.

"Please take me to Greg, now!" I whispered. He pushed harder with his foot and the truck made more noise and went faster.

At the hospital I quickly climbed out of the truck and hurriedly jogged into the hospital. I followed Greg's scent past an older woman looking at paper. She was talking and Greg's name was spoken, I listened with only half an ear and caught the words, "Incredible" and "Amazing...Recovery" whatever that meant. I opened the door that had Greg's scent the strongest.

My Master!

I moved to the side of the bed and saw Gwen slumped over in a chair, sleeping. The smell of her magic, like lavender and this funny tea called chamomile lingered faintly about her hands. I carefully sniffed Greg and smelled cleansers of some kind that made my nose wrinkle, but under that was his scent. I lowered my head and breathed in the scent of my friend. Everyone has smells of their own, a unique flavor. Greg blushed as he told me how I smelled like vanilla and tangerines. I found each one of these things and while tasty I did not think they smelled good together.

My Greg smells of denim, mint and a smell like old books. It makes my belly grow warm and I salivate sometimes when I smell him. I told the truth to Mr. Brooks, many times in the early morning when Greg was sleeping and I was laying next to him, I had been tempted to drain him.

The few times I had tasted of his energy, his life...I don't know how to describe it to someone who is not one of us. It is like food, and yet it also is like blood. When you don't have enough blood you feel weak, sluggish and dizzy. Your body aches in all of your joints and its hard to move. Its the same with being hungry. You get sleepy and sluggish, you have no energy to do anything. I have been doing much just under my own strength.

When I am fully fed I can do so much more!

I climbed over the rails of the bed he was in. The beds here are funny. They bend in the middle so it is like a giant chair, and they have those rails. Normal beds don't have them. I wonder if they are to keep someone inside...like a cage? I snuggled next to my Master and he turned a little in his sleep. There was a tube attactched to his arm, my eyes followed it up to a bag that was hanging by the bed. I started to play a little with the tube, running it through my fingers, and felt a cold liquid inside. Are they putting water into Greg or taking it out? I carefully watched the bag while my head lay on his chest. It was emptying. Makes sense in a way. You cannot drink when you are asleep, so they make it so his body can still drink.

Though I had a small wonder if Greg got thirsty enough, would he wake up?

I closed my eyes and felt the warmth of Gregory's body. Even asleep like this, the touch and feel of him began to soothe the turmoil I felt inside of me. The clamor of emotions began to fade and a sense of peace and comfort began to cover me. The earlier questions I had and the decisions I had to make began to make sense. This was the problem that I'd had earlier...

I had needed my anchor.

I smelled Mrs. Brooks come in and heard her whisper to Gwen. I ignored it, though I did hear Gwen murmur a thank you. Then Gwen laid out across the chairs by the window and went to sleep again.

"Lucretia?" I heard Mrs. Brooks ask softly. I turned my head enough to see Greg's Mom looking down at me, with a touch of Concern on her features. "Where is my husband?" she asked me.

"He is parking his truck." I answered. The backs of her fingers brushed my cheek.

"Is it done...did you get them?" she asked me again...quietly.

My eyes began to tear up, but I smiled. "He lives, but he has paid for what he did." Mrs. Brooks nodded and then moved her fingers to Greg's face. Running her fingers through his brush of short hair.

"You care for him a lot don't you? Is that unusual for a succubae?" Greg's mother asked me. I continued watching her, not saying anything. Her eyes stayed on Gregory's face, her hands straightening the funny clothes he was wearing.

"Do you care for him because he is food, why do you care for him so much?" She asked again, quietly.

"The same reasons I told Mr. Brooks, he is kind and a good Master. He seldom limits me and he gives me choices." I replied back softly. I didn't want to talk anymore. I was comfortable, and ready for rest. I was holding my master, he was healed! Even if he was still sleeping and not waking up, then I would sleep as well.

My breathing slowed and I could feel myself starting to nod off. I held Greg closer, needed to be closer to him! Then I felt his arm shift and come around my back and heard him give a groaning sigh as he rolled slightly. I could hear his mom gasp a little and whisper, "Baby?" He settled and seemed to grumble a little to himself. I heard the words, "Grow." And "Surpass." Muttered in a tone of voice I didn't recognize. Then he squeezed me tight against him like he did sometimes when he had bad dreams. I had only seen the blue light appear from his eyes a few times after the first time after he had struck me. It didn't bother me any more, though I had been cautious.

When I had destroyed those werewolves who had attacked him by the road, I had seen that light flicker in his eyes before they had closed. I could see it now as well, around the bottoms of his closed eyelids, a glimmer that was a little brighter than the light of the room. I kissed his cheek and said softly, "I am waiting for you to get up Master, I will be here.' Then I fell asleep holding onto my anchor, and his arm holding me as well.

I was woken up by an annoying chirping ring! Gwen sat bolt upright in her chair, her wavy hair looking like Jemima's from how she had slept on it! She was rummaging in her large cloth bag and pulled out a cell phone which was making that annoying noise.

"Hello? There is? But...where's Hildy? She didn't come home? We can't...no...Jemima NO! How big did you say this was? No, call her again, have someone go to the Alpha's house and pick her up. If it's as big as...Oh...shit!" I heard her groan, but kept my eyes closed. I could feel my Greg's chest rise and fall with every breath. Every now and then he would take an especially deep one and it would raise my chin up higher and would almost always make me giggle.

How could Seneca, or Astar or Rulli want to destroy their masters if they were like this? How could...

"What's the matter Gwen?" I heard Mr. Brooks ask.

"Gatewatch stuff...I'm sorry I can't tell you." She said with a tremble in her voice. I moved my head slightly and tested the room for smells. I picked out Gwen's scent and tasted a tang of Fear in the back of my throat. This was different than her fear of spiders. It always amused me to hear her give a small yell when she spotted one. Then I found out that many of them have poison that could kill you or hurt badly.

I became more wary of them.

I heard Mr. Brooks chuckle, "I know more than you think, young witch. Hildy is busy dealing with the aftermath of what happened with her Dad. She won't be coming for a while. It's almost evening so I am sure if she hasn't contacted you now you won't hear from her for another day or two."