Mardi Gras Party

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Max encounters an mysterious MILF at a Mardi Gras party.
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Maxwell Anderson Jr., or Max to most of his friends, had waited years to be allowed to attend his parent's annual Mardi Gras party. It was considered by many in their social circles to be the grandest party of the season. Max's mother, Edwina Anderson, was born and raised in New Orleans, and left when she married Maxwell Sr. so he could take a position that ultimately led to his running his own law firm. Edwina, like so many other wives of wealthy and successful husbands, was a 'bored housewife' who did charity work, worked out, and drank too much. Max knew his parents' marriage was more about appearances than anything else, but on some level, he believed they still loved each other in their own way. Max was the middle child, his older sister Rosaline was a legal intern at their father's law office, and his younger brother Alexander was in college to become a doctor. Max had just graduated in Business Management and was working for a corporation run by Mr. Thornton Hudson, a friend of his parents.

Max, like his brother, was tall, with thick black hair and a muscular build. His sister had the same black hair but a more slender build. The key difference was he had green eyes, his sister had ice blue eyes, and his brother had gray eyes. Max was friends with the sons or daughters of most of the guests who would be coming to his parents' party, and looked forward to seeing some of them, and their parents. The dress code was tuxedos for the men, evening gowns for the women, and everyone had to wear some form of a mask. Max had chosen a basic black tuxedo and a green mask that matched his eyes. The house was decorated with colorful beads and streamers, giving the whole 'New Orleans' feel to the party. Edwina hired a local jazz band to keep the party rolling and provide music for dancing. Though Max wasn't much of a fan of jazz, he understood it was part of the party's theme and enjoyed dancing.

The guests began to arrive about 5 pm, and it was clear they came dressed to impress. Most of the men were wearing basic black tuxedos and simple masks, but the women were in elegant evening gowns and wearing some of the most exquisite and ornate masks Max had ever seen. Every woman Max saw was wearing thousands of dollars of diamonds, rubies, emeralds, or other precious stones with gold and silver, in form fitting gowns with varying levels of cleavage showing. To him, it seemed like the ladies were playing, 'who could out-bling whom,' a game he never understood. Max had brought his on-again, off-again girlfriend Suzette, who was wearing a short, sexy dress and matching mask. Max didn't want to bring a date, but his parents did say he could bring someone, which meant they didn't want him to be dateless. Suzette tried to guess who was who behind the masks, and Max found that annoying. He enjoyed the air of mystery that came with an event like this, even if some of the guests were more easily recognizable than others.

Soon the party was in full swing, the band played assorted jazz songs, and Max and Suzette danced a bit, but she complained her feet hurt and decided to sit down. Max spotted his boss, Mr. Hudson, talking with his dad and some other men. Mr. Hudson wasn't hard to miss since he was such a burly man with graying brown hair. Mr. Hudson was also a notorious flirt with the ladies, especially the younger ones, and it was rumored that he was having an affair with his assistant who was Max's age. Max decided he needed a drink, and asked Suzette, who politely declined. He walked to the bar and ordered himself a Martini. A petite blonde woman in a form-fitting strapless wine gown stepped up. Her dress showed off a lot of cleavage. Around her neck, she wore a simple diamond-drop pendant that sat elegantly on her chest, and her mask matched her dress with silver trim around the edges that covered her forehead and cheeks, but not her nose or full, luscious lips. He noticed she wasn't going for the most 'bling for your buck' but rather went for a more simple elegance that he found sexy. Though he didn't know who she was, there was an air of familiarity to her.

"What can I get you ma'am?" asked the bartender.

"Champagne please," she said. Max found her voice soft and sexy.

"Coming right up," said the bartender.

"Nice mask," said Max.

The woman smiled and it seemed to light up her face. "Thanks. You too."

Max's eyes were drawn to this mysterious woman. Her blonde hair hung in curls over her bare shoulders and down her back. The amazing view of cleavage, unmarred by the necklace she wore, gave Max a naughty sexual shiver. "Did you match the dress to the mask, or the mask to the dress?"

"Actually, a friend of my son's made the mask to match the dress."

Max had an idea who the mask maker was when he asked, "Is your son here?"

"Somewhere, as is my daughter."

Max nodded. He was sure he knew one or both of her children, but he decided he'd rather not know who she was, especially since the mystery added to the fun of the night. He sipped his Martini and said, "This is quite a party."

"Your first time?"

"Yes. You?"

"No. My husband and I have been coming for years... and years," she said with an air of sadness, then smiled, sipped her drink and continued. "But then, we usually hit all the major social events, though I must admit, I like this one the best."

Max was sure the woman knew who he was and was trying to be polite, yet he was curious about her statement. "May I ask why?"

"Well, Mrs. Anderson does such a wonderful job with the decoration and to be honest, she's kept to a specific theme or motif. So often everyone tries to do what's 'in' if you will, but this is always Mardi Gras. Formal wear, elegant masks, a great local jazz band, and Cajun food. That's why I like it. It has an air of familiarity. Have you ever been to New Orleans for Mardi Gras?"

"Couple of times. In fact, I went last year and had a wonderful time. You?"

"Sadly, never. My husband is a very busy man and has never seen the need to travel to Louisiana when Mrs. Anderson brings it here."

"Well now, that's a true crime!" exclaimed Max. "Everyone should experience Mardi Gras at least once in their lifetime."

"Hmm, you think so?"

"I know so."

The woman sipped her champagne then said, "Well, since my children are grown now, maybe I'll go next year. It's not like I'd miss this party since she holds it before the real one anyway."

"There you go," said Max finishing his drink. "Would you like to dance?"

The woman smiled and finished her drink. "Sure, thank you."

Max took her hand and escorted her out to the dance floor. He noticed Suzette was busy flirting with some men near the buffet table and didn't even notice he was dancing with this woman. He took the woman's hand into his and they danced gracefully together, gliding across the floor. It was now that he saw her bright blue eyes behind the mask as he looked down at her. He also thoroughly enjoyed staring at her cleavage from behind his mask. "You've got beautiful eyes."

"Thank you," she said, smiling. "Oh, and your eyes match your mask. How clever."


"Yes, most men just go for the basic black or the occasional white. You actually thought about your mask. I like it."

Max smiled, pleased she noticed something Suzette failed to do. "Well I thank you ma'am, I actually did pick it for the exact reason you mentioned."

They danced together for a few songs, then decided to part for a few minutes as she needed the powder room, though he didn't want to let her leave. Max noticed Suzette was now flirting with his boss and it upset him, since he didn't need her screwing up his job. He'd only brought her because his mom didn't want him to be alone, but he was pissed she was being such a flirt, especially since she was supposed to be his date. He thought about saying something to her, but decided against it because, truthfully, he really didn't care. Now he could end things with her once and for all, and move on. He'd only started dating her because she let him fuck her on their first date, and she let him fuck her ass anytime he wanted. Though he enjoyed fucking her, they had little else in common, and it made for a difficult relationship. He knew there were rumors about her fucking every guy in their age group, and a few of their fathers.

A young man walked up and said, "Looks like Suzette moving on to her next target."

Max turned to see his friend Christian Edwards, wearing a cobalt blue mask. "I just wish it wasn't my boss," said Max.

"Who was the lady you were dancing with?"

"Don't know. I never asked her name."

"Why not?"

"I enjoyed the air of mystery. I like the illusion that she's a mysterious and exotic woman I could ultimately seduce and fuck."

"Careful now Max, didn't you go down that road before?"

"Yeah, and luckily for me her husband was a lousy shot."

"True. But was she worth it?"

"If you mean the sex, then yes. Older women are such amazing fucks. And for the record, she wasn't the only one. Just the only one I got caught with."

"What if it was your mom?"

"You think she hasn't fucked one of my friends by now... Christian?" Max gazed into Christian's brown eyes with a knowing look.

Christian held a firm gaze before he dropped his head and said, "When did you find out?"

"I'd love to say just now, but I've known for a while. There were rumors of you and a MILF, and it didn't take me long to figure out it was you and her. Look man, I don't fucking care, you're an adult and I know my old man's been fucking around on my mom for years. Why did it end?"

"Honestly, it was mutual. Your mom's a great lady and part of me wishes it hadn't ended, but we've both moved on."

"So now who are you fucking?"

"Honestly Max," sighed Christian, "I was fucking Suzette."

Max nodded. "No worries man, I knew she was a whore. I only brought her because I knew I could fuck her."

"Suzette's looking for a new sugar daddy. You think Mr. Hudson would–"

"Nope. He's too cheap and lazy. He wouldn't even fuck her if she was on top."

The two men laughed and the mysterious woman in the wine gown reappeared. She smiled at Max and Christian then walked to the buffet table and fixed herself a small plate of food. "Who is she? She looks so familiar," said Christian.

"I know. I feel the same way. However, I know who she's not. She's not my mom; she's not Mrs. Cutler, and she's not Mrs. Edwards."

The two men laughed and decided to get some food. Max noticed his mystery lady sitting alone and picking at her food while he fixed himself a plate. He bade Christian goodbye and walked over to her.

"May I join you?"

She looked up and smiled, "Please." She motioned for him to join her in the empty seat.

As Max sat down he asked, "Where's your husband?"

She blew out a breath and said, "Doing what he does best, flirting with younger women."

"You sound hurt."

The woman took a drink from her champagne then said, "Not really anymore. But you'd just think after twenty plus years and two kids he'd treat me a bit better. You know, remember he's here with me, and do his flirting when I wasn't around."

"You don't look old enough to have two kids. You can't be more than 25."

She smiled. "You're a wonderful liar, sweetie. I'd bet money I'm twice your age."

"So what? Age is only a number. Besides, there is no way you're that old."

"My youngest child is 19."

"Well, let me say that you don't look old enough to have a child that old, so you must have been about five or six when he or she was born."

"She, and no I wasn't you shameless flirt."

"So two girls?"

"No. I have one boy, he's 22. I'm sure you know them."

"I probably do, but I'm not interested in them."

"Oh? Who are you interested in then?"

"Well to be fully honest... you."

The woman choked on her champagne and her cheeks flushed. Max patted her back but no one seemed to notice. "Okay, who sent you?"

Max was confused. "What do you mean?"

"Oh come on," she exclaimed. "You're not the first one to hit on me. The problem is none of you boys can put your money where your mouth is. So, who sent you to hit on me? I know many of the ladies here enjoy the company of younger men like yourself and they've been badgering me for months to hook up with one."

"Well now, that sounds like a challenge."

"Are you up for it?" she asked, then laughed. "Oh who am I kidding. I turned 45 last November. I'm old, fat, and ugly, and I'll be damned to become your latest MILF conquest."

"You? Old, fat, and ugly? Well, speaking for myself, you're not old, 45 is still very young. You're only fat compared to a skinny-ass toothpick girl who is nothing but skin and bones with no tits and no ass, and for being ugly, though I can only see part of your face, what I can see is quite beautiful. And in regards to you being a 'MILF conquest', yes, I have enjoyed the company of an older, more mature woman, but by no means was she a 'MILF conquest', as you called it, and neither are you."

The woman blushed and turned away. "You don't mean that."

Max reached over, cupped her chin in his hand to turn her face to his. "My dear lady, I have always found curves to be sexy, and I must say you've got the sexiest curves I've seen all night. In fact, I'd say you're sexier than any other lady I've had the pleasure of sharing company with."

She looked up at him and smiled. "Are you just saying this to fuck me?"

Max knew she was right, but on some level, it was a bit more because he did find her attractive. "Well, to be fully honest, I do want to fuck you so hard you'll be begging me for more. I want to fuck that sweet mouth, that round ass, and that tight pussy. I want to eat you until you cum on my face, and then fuck you raw. But if you think I'm saying what I said just to fuck you, then no. I really meant every word."

She was visibly shocked by his outburst, as was Max. He had never been so honest with a woman before, and he blamed it on the fact he'd had four or five Martinis. Yet something about her sad blue eyes made him want to be fully honest with her. "Well, I will give you credit for your honesty. And you're a hell of a dancer. To be honest, I haven't danced with a man in a long time."

"Would you like to dance again then?" he asked.

She smiled. "I'd love to."

Max took her hand and led her to the dance floor. The band began to play a slow tune than allowed him to pull her close and rub his erection into her stomach. He could smell her perfume and enjoyed the view of her full, round breasts in the dress. One hand held hers tightly while the other rubbed her back and brushed her ass. He noticed her breathing became very labored and he was sure she was becoming aroused.

He leaned down and whispered, "My offer still stands."

She blushed and whispered, "I'm not a slut."

"I know. But you have needs now don't you?"


"When was the last time someone met your needs?"

"It's been a long while."

"How about just some oral? Let me eat your pussy and in turn, you can give me a blowjob. Come on, even former presidents have enjoyed their share of oral."

She giggled, and he could see by the look in her eyes that she was considering his proposal. "We'll get caught."

"No we won't. I doubt we'll even be missed. And I'll bet you taste sweeter than honey," purred Max.

"Oh, okay. But not in a bathroom. In a bedroom."

Max smiled wickedly. "Come on, I know just where to go."

Max took her hand and let her to the stairs. "What if someone sees us?"

"Look around, can you see anyone?"

She looked but saw no one. "If you don't want to, it's cool with me," he lied, hoping she wouldn't back out.

She sighed. "N-n-no, let's do it."

Max knew she was getting nervous and he didn't want to miss his chance to enjoy this amazing woman, so he quickly led her upstairs and into his bedroom. Once the door was shut, he locked it and asked, "May I kiss you?"

The look of surprise in her eyes spoke volumes. "You're asking to kiss me?"

He grinned sheepishly and said, "Well, yeah. I don't want you to be scared."

"What about my mask?"

"Keep it on please. It adds to the sexiness and I like the air of mystery."

"Will you keep yours on?"

"Of course," he said smiling wickedly, slowly moving toward her. "It adds to the fun."

"So, do you want to know my name?"

"No," he whispered, stepping up to her, touching the edge of her face with his finger just under her mask. "And to be fair, I won't tell you mine either."

He kissed her softly at first, then forced his tongue into her mouth. She resisted briefly then accepted his tongue while his hands began to caress her breasts. He pushed the top of her dress down, pulled her breasts out and fondled them. He could tell quickly they were real and she liked his touch. He tugged on her nipples, rolling them between his fingers. He kissed her cheeks, under her mask, nibbled her earlobes and whispered, "I knew your kisses would be amazing."

"Thank you," she whispered breathlessly.

Max kissed down her neck and down to her breasts. She gasped as he kissed the ripe flesh down to the left nipple. He noticed her nipples and areolas were smaller than the other older women he'd been with, and made him think of pink pebbles, while he sucked it into his mouth. The woman moaned softly and ran her fingers though his black hair, careful not to disturb his mask. He kissed across her breasts and suckled the right nipple, then kissed back up her chest to her mouth. She kissed him harder and with more passion than before. Her breathing became more ragged. Finally, she pushed him back and growled, "Give me your cock."

Max was surprised with her response. "What?"

"I want your cock," she said breathlessly. "Now."

Max smiled, quickly unzipped his tuxedo trousers, pushed his cummerbund up, and pulled his cock out while she grabbed some pillows and threw them on the floor. She lifted up her dress slightly, knelt down before him on the pillows and grabbed his steel rod. She could see the black hair that led from his abdomen to his penis smelling the faint aroma of his arousal. The mushroom-cap tip was shiny with pre-cum, the veins were bulging from the sides, and his scrotum was drawn up, the skin was wrinkled and dark. She had never seen an uncircumcised male before outside of an anatomy textbook, and was intrigued by the foreskin. It made her think of a policeman's billy club – long and hard enough to be a dangerous weapon. He moaned softly as she wrapped her fingers around his shaft, pushing the foreskin down a bit, knowing she had to put this in her mouth and taste his youthfulness.

She looked up and asked, "Are you willing to trust me?"

"Would you be here if I didn't?"

"Is your foreskin sensitive?" she asked.

"Yeah," he said, somewhat breathlessly. "There are a lot of nerves and blood vessels in it. I'm so glad my parents didn't have me cut like most baby boys."

She slowly pushed the skin on his cock's shaft toward his abdomen, his foreskin flipped over his glans. "It's interesting the way it slides over the head of your cock," she observed, "like a little turtleneck that keeps the end of it warm."

Max smiled. "I hadn't thought of it that way before, but it feels good."

She smiled and kissed the head of his cock, licked the fluid off, her hand still wrapped around the shaft, then slid it into her mouth. Max gasped, feeling the heat of her mouth surround his cock. He watched her head slide back and forth, taking more of his cock into her mouth until her chin hit his balls, her hand had freed his cock and he could feel the head in her throat.

"Sweet Jesus! Have you always sucked cock like this?"

"Mm-hmm," she moaned on his cock and winked up at him.

"Does your husband know you suck cock like this?"

She slid back, removed his cock from her mouth, holding it with her hand, and said, "It's why he married me, of course. But he hasn't let me suck him off in years."