Luna's Angel Ch. 17-21


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The room erupted in noise again, and it took the chair a minute to restore order again. Alpha Renald looked at me. "The question posed to Alpha White was how his son could protect and defend a Pack with almost no warriors. Your answer, Alpha?"

"My son is immortal, blessed by the Goddess herself, and fights better than any Pack. He's proven this over and over. The real question is, once he has this Pack set up and running," I looked around the room, "Who among you is STUPID enough to go against him? Have you not seen the evidence of his might? Did you not hear of his mate's POWER in her magic, enough to open the gates of Hell and cast people into it? Or his mother-in-law, one of the most powerful White Witches? Who among you is terminally stupid?" I sat down, smirking a little as they fidgeted uncomfortably.

It took the rest of the day and into the night to work out the details, but in the end, my son had a territory and a Pack, one that could end up being quite large. In the end, the property rights of those forced off their property were respected, their houses and properties allowed to be sold to humans or the new Pack at fair prices. The Alphas agreed to facilitate safe travel between locations, and that all displaced persons could not be threatened into joining or not joining particular Packs. I may have reminded the group once or twice that Nathan was here on earth to ensure justice was done, and by Luna they better provide it.

Finally, the meeting broke up just before the bar closed. Tensions were still high between the packs I was allied with, and those who hated Nathan, his witch mate and all he stood for. I had a couple shots of whiskey with Christopher then we headed back to our room.

I showered and headed towards bed, checking my phone for messages. I had an email from Nathan announcing his adoption of a girl named Jessi, and about forty messages from Maggie talking about how she was now a grandmother and all the stuff we needed to do. I flipped through them, then called her back. She was planning to visit our son in the morning to see her new granddaughter.

I figured I'd give Nathan a day or so to get used to having responsibilities for a daughter before I handed him a Pack.

He was going to kill me, and if he didn't, Maggie would because her grandchild was moving to western Washington.

Ch 21

I smiled as Wendy walked into our bedroom and closed the door behind her. She'd only been a Mom for two days now, and she was a natural. She and Jessi had bonded quickly, and after spending the night she arrived and last night together in her bed, she was coming back to mine. "Jessi asleep?"

"Went right down. We had a big day, you Mom just MAY have gone a little insane in her shopping trip. I mean, what little girl can even WEAR that many clothes?"

I shook my head. "Do I really need to answer that? I mean, I've seen your closet." She smacked the back of my head as she walked by the bed. "And Mom, well, she's over the moon that I'm mated and have a child. Since she's older, she's decided she can skip diapers and go right into spoiling her princess."

"She's doing a good job, then. I just wish we could go into town on our own, but..." She sat next to me. "I know this witch thing really has people freaked out. I tried calling some of my friends in the Pack, and none will come see me. I know the Alphas have said to protect us, but I'm not sure going out of our little territory here is a good idea."

I pulled her into my side. "I know, honey, it's tough. Sooner or later they'll realize you're still the same person they grew up with, just with a few added talents."

"I did discover a few talents recently," she whispered as she turned and straddled me on the bed. "And I've missed sharing them these last two nights. And I've missed your talents. A girl has needs, you know." She wrapped her arms around my neck as we fell into a passionate kiss. I took my time, enjoying the tingles that coursed through every place we touched. There weren't enough places we were touching quite yet. I broke the kiss, reaching down for her T-shirt and pulling it over her head. I took just a moment to enjoy the view, before she was returning the favor. I kissed her again, this time feeling the sensation of her upper body against my chest, her nipples hard and scraping on my hot skin.

"And I love sharing my talent with you," I whispered in her ear as she ground her center against my rapidly hardening cock. I put my hands under her butt and stood, then turned around and laid her on the bed with her hips near the edge. Leaning over her, I kissed down her body, paying homage to her fantastic tits on the way down. They fascinated me, I could play with them all night if she'd let me. Hell, if I had boobs like that, I'd never leave my bedroom.

"Suck on them," came her throaty command, and I was quick to oblige. My lips and tongue worked their magic on one side while my fingers and thumb worked the other, then we switched sides. When she started to arch her back into me, I'd flick the end of her nipple with my tongue as I sucked as much as I could into her mouth. She moaned loudly, then started to beg me to stop as he head whipped back and forth. "Please... I'm so wet for you!"

I let her aroused nipple go, then ran a finger quickly down her slit causing her to shriek her excitement. I stood by the bed admiring her before I bend over her again. I ran my tongue down her stomach as she spread her legs wide for me. I skipped her core, blowing softly on it as my lips moved to the soft skin on the insides of her thighs. "NO! PLEASE!!" She tried to use her legs to wrap around my neck and pull my mouth to her, but I was quicker and stronger. Catching them with my hands, I bent her knees back to her shoulders as she tried to raise herself up to my lips.

Smiling devilishly, I dropped my mouth down and extended my tongue, pushing it deep into her channel as my lips moved sideways on her lips. She screamed with pleasure, her first of many orgasms I planned for her crashing over her. I found her nub and sucked hard as she was still twitching, driving her to spasm even harder. "NO NO NO STOP I can't take anymore!"

I looked up at her and smiled as she closed her legs, trying to catch her breath. I moved until my knees hit the bed and was about to push my shorts down and take her when the door crashed open. "DON'T HURT MY MOMMY! DON'T HURT MY MOMMY!" I turned towards the door just in time for her to crash into my side. I was already leaning away and with the bed right there I was off balance and crashed to the floor, taking out the bedside table along the way. I rolled to my knees to see her standing between me and my mate, hands on her hips, and a killer glare in her eyes. "You promised not to hurt her," she cried.

I needed time for Wendy to pull something on, so I sat down and put my back against the chair. "I know, Jessi, and I didn't. I've never hurt her and I never will. I told you, she's my mate, and a man doesn't do that to his mate."

"But you were hurting her! I could hear her screaming from my room!"

I looked at Wendy, who had just pulled on her robe and was coming around to my side of the bed. "He wasn't hurting me, Jessi. He would never do that, and I would never let him." She sat down next to her on the bed as I stayed on the floor. "Your father, he was just..."

"I was blowing raspberries on her tummy," I said quickly. "Like I did with you when we were playing."

She looked from me to Wendy. "He didn't hurt you?"

"No, baby. It was just a little too much. Now, come on, let's get you back to bed." She stood and picked Jessi up, I gave her a quick kiss before she was carried out of the room. I ran my hand through my hair, then got up and turned the covers back. My hardon had quickly abated once we were interrupted, and I didn't know how long it would be until she came back. I was quietly thanking Luna that when it came time to teach her about sex, I could let her mother handle it.

The bedside table was a goner, so I moved the light and the clock-radio to the corner and cleaned up the mess. I took the pieces outside to the fire pit, then went back to bed to wait for her. A few minutes later, she opened the door and came in. Her face and ears were still red with embarrassment and the remains of her orgasm, and I laughed a little as she leaned back against the door. "Lock it this time," I said.

"Oh Luna, never again," she said as the knob clicked.

"And I'm ordering you a ball gag."

She walked towards me, opening the robe and letting it fall to the floor along with my jaw. "That could take days, and I'm not waiting a minute longer." She pulled the covers back, her eyes raking down my body. "I guess I'll have to find something else to put in my mouth then." She grabbed my shorts and pulled them down, exposing my rapidly hardening dick to her eyes. She jumped onto the bed and settled between my legs. With an evil glint, she took me deep into her mouth, sucking hard enough to make me gasp. She had to back off as she got it hard, using her hand on the part her mouth couldn't reach. I started to moan in pleasure as she swirled her tongue around the head.

"Oh baby, that's so good," I moaned.

She popped off and looked at me. "Keep it down or we'll have company again." I dropped my head back, grabbing a pillow to stop the moan as she took me as deep as she could. She was driving me nuts, my dick was so hard a lineman couldn't climb it. She licked up the sides as she held it straight up. "I think I need this deep inside me," she purred.

"Please," I begged. She moved up, her feet planted by my hips as her left hand steadied her above me. She reached back and lined me up, then sank down with a moan. She paused at the bottom, wiggling around a little, then started to bounce up and down. She fell forward onto my chest, biting into my right shoulder lightly to silence her moan. I pulled her lips to mine as I pounded up into her.

It didn't take long before I was doing math problems in my head to try and stave off my orgasm until she had hers. She could sense I was close, and she started to slam her hips down on me even faster. I caught her scream in my kiss as she broke, and I was with her. I held her tight to me, keeping myself still as her channel milked the cum out of me. We just stayed there, relaxing in the afterglow, until I popped out and the remains of our love gushed onto the sheet. She rolled off, and I got up and wet a hand towel so she could clean herself, tossing it to her while I washed up in the bathroom. I kissed her as I walked out and she walked slowly to the bathroom, holding the cloth to herself to catch the remaining leakage. "I love you, I'll do anything to make you happy," I said.

"Then you get the wet spot."


We slept late the next morning, and waking up with her in my arms never got old. I checked the clock sitting on the floor next to the lamp, it was just past nine. My parents would be awake. "Mom, are you guys still coming for lunch?"

"Of course, dear. I wouldn't pass up a chance to spend time with my daughter and granddaughter."

"What am I, chopped liver?" So quickly do you lose most-favored child status, even as an only child. "Can you bring the bedside table from my room? Mine broke last night."

"Sure, we can. Next time, bend her over the bed or the dresser. Much more stable."


"What, you think your mother doesn't know her way around the bedroom? I love taking it from..."

"MOM! I don't want to know."

"It's all right, I'll get all the details from Wendy after lunch. She's not a shy one about..."

"MOM! Enough!"

There was a pause, then I heard my father break in laughing. "We'll be there in an hour, we're bringing my parents along as well."

"Really? I thought they were in Florida?"

"I gave them a call, they are needed here. See you soon." I was shocked, I hadn't seen Grandpa Charles and Grandma Elanor since before I graduated from warrior training. They were officially Pack Elders, but the Miami area was considered an open territory, and many retired wolves from cold-weather Packs spent their retirement down there.

I carefully moved Wendy so I could get out, she immediately rolled into my warm space and pulled the pillow tight. I took a quick shower, dressed and went downstairs where Stephanie was already fixing eggs and toast. I didn't need to eat as an Angel, so it wasn't for me. "Can you go get Jessi ready for breakfast, Nathan?"

"Of course." I turned and went back upstairs, knocking on her door before going in. She looked so peaceful, tucked into the bed and holding onto the stuffed wolf doll that was mine as a child. I knelt down and brushed the hair out of her face. "Time to wake up, my daughter."

Her eyes slowly opened and she smiled when she opened them. She took a sniff. "Breakfast time?"

"Yes, your Grandma Stephanie made eggs and toast for you. Come on, go use the bathroom and I'll pick out some clothes for today. Your other grandparents are coming over later, and you'll get to meet your great-grandparents too." Ten minutes later, she was eating breakfast and I went to wake up my mate. She came down just as I was getting Jessi cleaned up from her meal.

"Hi Mommy!" She ran over to Wendy, who bent down and picked her up for a hug. "Did you have fun with Daddy last night?"

I snorted, Stephanie buried her face in a towel, and Wendy just turned red. "I did, but did you have a good sleep?"

She nodded. "Now Daddy can blow raspberries on MY stomach!!" She let her down, covering her face with her hands as she ran to me. I tossed her high in the air, catching her and blowing a big raspberry on her tummy which was not covered by her T-shirt. She giggled and struggled to escape, but I didn't stop until she was screaming for me to stop.

"See? You can only take so many raspberries," I said.

I played with her until we heard my parents and grandparents arrive. I did the introductions of my new family to my grandparents, who were beaming with happiness. We moved towards the living room to talk, and that is when Dad and Grandpa Charles pulled Wendy and I aside. "Son, we need to talk about some things that happened at the Alpha Meeting. Can we go outside?"

"Sure, Dad." I led us out to the chairs and table on the deck, as Wendy quickly ran to the kitchen to make sure everyone had something to drink. Dad waited until the door was closed and Wendy was at my side, then he took a swig of the beer.

"Son, let me start by saying I got your email about the Packs and I share your sentiments. Unfortunately, it was a minority opinion. The decision was the worst possible outcome- the non-viable Packs are going to have their territories absorbed or divided, but there is no requirement for any Pack to take in the remaining members."

I squeezed the arm of the chair, stopping only when it bent. "But... that's barbaric, Dad! Are they going to kick those people out of their homes? Steal their properties and businesses and leave them as packless wolves?"

"Not in all cases, and I was able to negotiate to ensure their properties lost would be fairly compensated. The other Packs, whether they just don't trust the remaining Pack members, or don't want a bunch of low-ranking and unranked wolves, they can be selective in offering membership. I also negotiated safe passage rights for those displaced to make way to other Packs or free territories."

I just shook my head and buried it in my hands. It was my fault. "I'm sorry, Dad. It's all my fault. I see now that my little reign of terror did nothing except create problems." I looked at my Grandpa. "How can I fix this?"

"You can't fix it all, son. Your Dad did what he could to give these people a chance, you need to find a way to give them hope again."

"But how? I'm just a glorified Pack warrior, not even nineteen yet. My territory is barely enough for my family."

"Well, I might just have volunteered you to help." My Dad pulled his iPad out, opening it up on the table and pulling up a map. "At the meeting, we wanted to settle the Pack boundaries so we didn't have wars over the open territories. Pack wars are too dangerous in terms of being discovered by humans." I nodded as the map of North America came up. "The shaded areas show the new Pack territories after disbanded Pack territories are absorbed by the other Packs. Our territories did not change since those around us are still fully functional, but it's not the case to the West as you know."

"Yeah, there are more than a few out there I decapitated."

"Yes. So, things went along as expected until we got to the last place you took out, the Olympic Peninsula."

That territory was untouched. "Why isn't this part of the Seattle Pack?"

"This territory is getting new leadership, a new Alpha. An Alpha that will keep ALL remaining Pack members, as well as taking in any unwanted members who choose to join it. It's the Pack of Refuge, if you will. We are calling it the Angel Pack."

I smiled and looked at my Grandpa. "Are you becoming Alpha, Gramps?"

"No," my Dad shook his head as he looked in my eyes. "You are."

I looked between them, they weren't smiling. This wasn't a joke. "You want ME to be Alpha of a pack where I killed a third of the members. Not to mention, where the Luna tried to cast me into the Underworld and kill my mate."

"It's already done, Nathan." Grandpa put his hand on my knee. "Tonight, the three of us fly to Seattle. The Alpha ceremony will be in the morning."

"What if we refuse," Wendy asked.

"Then the territory becomes free, and we have a thousand or so Packless wolves in a week with no one to take them in. Think about it, they don't want the women, children and low-ranks because they don't think they will make their Pack stronger. You, you don't NEED warriors to protect your Pack. I basically dared them to consider attacking an immortal Angel and his wolf-witch mate. You are the only one who can make a functioning Pack out of this group. Take the opportunity, Nathan. Make the kind of Pack you want to see, one that honors Luna and her plan for her people." Dad looked at Grandpa. "We will help you get set up, your Grandma and Grandpa will be going with you to help set things up."

Grandpa nodded. "I've seen a lot in my years, Nathan, and we can make this a Pack to be proud of."

I looked at Wendy, who was crying. "Nathan, you were just saying how you wanted to fix the damage you did out there. Maybe this is Luna's way of helping you do that." She pulled me into a hug. "We have to help, Nathan."

I leaned back in the chair, pulling Wendy into my lap. "All right, but only because they need it. Once the Pack is up and running, I can turn it over to a real Alpha."

Dad cracked up. "Sure, Nathan. When you die, we'll turn the pack over to someone else." Everyone else joined in.

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ZZchromosomeZZchromosomeabout 2 years ago

"Sure, Nathan. When you die, we'll turn the pack over to someone else." Muhahha! This is my second read-through and I'm really enjoying it. Thank you for sharing your art with us!

skippersdadskippersdadover 2 years ago

I love it there is going to be epic

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
One's touched Heart

I haven't read a story that has touched me quite like this one has, My Heart felt thanks, great read

RheamistressRheamistressover 6 years ago

The next installment will be an eye opener... Can't wait to read it. :)

willieonewillieoneover 6 years ago

AWESOME! Look forward to the next installment.

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