Locked Away

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A dangerous "guest" arrives to a secret holding facility.
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Locked Away

Two men stood at attention during a briefing from their superior. A new "guest" had arrived at their covert holding facility tucked away in... someplace hidden! Some things just aren't meant to be shared with the public. Truth be told, even the staff didn't know the facility's location. They worked shifts which lasted months at a time, and were delivered there by truck, in strict blindfolds.

"You are to feed her once a day and have no contact beyond that. She is to remain locked up for your own safety."

"Yes, sir!" Peter replied. Standing six-foot tall, with buzz cut black hair, he was the ideal soldier; loyal and unwavering. "If I may sir, why only one meal a day?"

"Because prolonged contact is ill-advised. If her hands were not held immobile, you wouldn't even enter the room. Just like with our other guests."

Peter nodded, keeping his back straight, hands by his sides. His mind started to wonder, since they kept only highly dangerous people locked up there, just what this five-foot two girl could have done to not only be sent here, but also be chained to the walls with her hands bound...

"We'll see it done, sir!" Peter's fellow guard, Mark, interjected, loudly and proudly. The cockier of the two guards, Mark stood at constant attention at a less imposing five-foot eight. Peter often had to babysit the man to make sure he stayed out of trouble during their shifts.

"I expect the best from you two. We've never held a guest like this before. The holy man even insisted he had never seen anything like her. Their exorcism failed even with their most experienced priest. Part of me wishes to let her starve rather than risk it but, alas, that would be inhumane."

Mark chuckled, only to swiftly receive Pete's elbow in the ribs. Mark grunted but saved face by not reacting otherwise.

Their superior flashed a look at Mark before continuing, "Any other questions?"

"No sir, we'll handle everything," Peter replied. To which the man nodded and dismissed them, only to call back to them a second later.

"Peter, I think it would be best if you handled this. Mark can take over your other duties in the meantime." When Mark opened his mouth to complain, their commander stood firm, "Exactly my point- Peter, you're in charge of our new guest." The man turned his formidable focus back on Mark and continued, "and you'll follow orders, or else..." he let the threat linger before dismissing them both.

Shortly thereafter, Peter stood before the holding cell in question, clenching a tray of food firmly in one hand and taking a deep, steadying breath. His mind raced with thoughts of what he could be walking into, knowing no more detail than the earlier briefing provided. A young woman had started acting in strange, concerning ways. He wondered what that meant. Did they send people here for simply acting abnormal? For years he had worked without any direct contact with their "guests." For all the others, they just slid the trays of food into the floor-level door slot. They'd retrieve the trays later, in the same manner, or the guest wouldn't get another meal.

He took another breath and prepared himself for entering a cell for the first time. The guards within the facility underwent intensive training, both physically and mentally, yet he still felt nervous. He just kept repeating to himself, "do not speak. Feed her and leave."

With one hand balancing the tray, he dexterously twisted the keys with the other. The door slid open with an echoing bang, making Peter wince. He didn't know they were that loud. At least no one would be sneaking out of their cells. He imagined that echo would have been heard on the other side of the compound. The lights flickered within the room, and he made a mental note to write that down in his report for repair.

The tall guard gulped as he laid eyes on their new guest for the first time. During his earliest encounters with guests at the facility, they would try and grab him when he slid their food into the slit, but he had never seen more than a hand or an arm. He had not been expecting such a beauty- young and petite. The available report only stated that her name was Kaitlyn, while giving no physical attributes.

Peter took another gulp of air and focused before his thoughts were allowed to wander. He unhurriedly walked towards her, noticing the substantial chains stretched out from the walls. Each were attached to a leather cuff wrapped around thin wrists. Her hands had stiff leather gloves that kept her fingers spread wide and as immobile as her arms. Her pale skin appeared to glow in the flickering light, as did her long, blonde hair, giving her a supernatural appearance.

She looked so small and fragile as she gazed up at him, wide eyes glistening with tears, "Please, I don't belong here!" Her voice broke as she whimpered at him.

Peter, ever the professional, kept a stern face as he held the tray with one hand and grabbed the utensil with the other. He scooped food and offered it to her. He didn't speak, simply stared at her bright green eyes and made a motion with the spoon.

Kaitlyn continued to whimper and plead for release, but eventually relented and ate slowly. As time passed, she began to moan with each bite. All the while staring into his bewildered blue eyes. She licked her lips after letting some soup drip down her chin. Peter wasn't fazed, nor did he wipe her chin. He had no intention of anything beyond feeding and leaving. Deep down it made him feel cold and heartless. Alas, he had orders to follow.

"Not even tempted, handsome?" Her initially squeaky voice turned low and sultry, sounding like another person entirely. The scared young woman was gone. "She's completely helpless and all too eager to feel your big, strong hands."

He offered the last spoonful as she teased him, acting like she was going to take it but pulling back. "She's completely soaked, can't you smell it?"

The air in the cell had in fact adopted a sweeter scent, but he refused to take the bait. Once again he gestured with the spoon. She playfully licked at it while still refusing to take it. Peter wasn't there to play games, no matter how erotically she behaved. He assumed it was all an act, being so innocent and crying and then when that didn't work, switching to being seductive. Nope, he wasn't there to play games or be manipulated, so he grunted, placed the spoon in the bowl, and turned to leave.

"Oh, don't be like that, sweet thing, we just want to feel your strong body against ours." She chuckled, and when he didn't even pause, she huffed. "Fine, I'll see you in your dreams, stud."

The door slid closed with an equally loud bang, followed by the lock grinding. Peter took the almost empty food tray back to the mess hall where the always cocky crew mate of his waited. Peter was already annoyed so he didn't have any patience for the smaller guard's behavior.

Yet, there Mark stood, leaning against the sink Peter needed to use, medium length black hair slicked back like always. "So... did you fuck her?"

Peter's eyes went wide, "What the fuck is wrong with you?" He pushed the smaller man aside and slammed the tray into the sink.

"You weren't even tempted? Is she hideous or monstrous? I figured she'd be a bombshell, so gorgeous you just couldn't think clearly around her. The crazy ones are always hot." Mark wasn't deterred by his comrade's frustration at all.

"We are to feed her and that's it. Don't engag-"

"In intercourse?" Mark interrupted, smiling wide.

Peter rolled his eyes, "Are you ever professional? We're not to speak to her or interact in any way, just feed her so she doesn't starve to death, because we aren't monsters."

"Alright, damn man, I just wanted to know if she was hot."

"No wonder I was given sole responsibility, you just can't stop, can you?" Peter went about washing the dishes.

"Where's the fun in that? Were just two buds having a laugh."

"There's nothing funny about taking advantage of another person."

"Nah, I guess not, when you're as dull as a board." Mark huffed, pushing off the table and leaving the room.

Once the door closed behind him, Peter finally let his frustration out, "fucking moron!" He longed for the day the man would get fired or simply be placed on another shift. Although he didn't mind having his other duties pushed on Mark, Peter hoped it would overwhelm him if not just keep him too busy. The less Peter was forced to interact with him, the better.

The day dragged on since Peter had much less to do. He focused on paperwork that had piled up while Mark covered his rounds passing food into the other guests' rooms.

Hours went by as Peter struggled to focus. He was skilled in many different areas, but paperwork was not his strong suit. His eyes ached and he longed for rest. It couldn't hurt to check in a little early for once. After all, his other tasks were being managed.

Soon after thinking that, his head hit his pillow and sleep took hold. Falling asleep had never been a problem for Pete. However, normally he never dreamt. He always woke feeling well rested and ready to conquer the new day.

This time as he dozed off he had been thinking of Kaitlyn and the way she acted in his presence. Innocent and scared only to flip a switch and behave completely different. Which personality had been an act? Or was she truly possessed by an evil spirit? The seductive voice had spoken differently, referring to herself as she, and we/us. It had been a bit unnerving, to be honest. Though his body had enjoyed the attention, even if he wouldn't admit it to anyone, least of all himself.

Had his thoughts been clear when he went to sleep, he might not have dreamt of her. His last thought before he fell asleep was her saying he'd see her in his dreams, like a haunting curse. And see her he did...

Peter twisted and turned as he dreamt of waking to find the gorgeous young woman on top of him, moaning as she ground her hips, rubbing herself on him.

Peter didn't get a lot of action anymore, not since taking on the guard position. Before he had been active in both sports and women. It had been easy for him to catch a beautiful woman's attention. But lately, with his months at a time working, he wasn't allowed out during the day. So, needless to say, it had been a while since his last erotic encounter. He took great pride in his position and knew a promotion would be in order if he just kept his nose clean. But that didn't mean he was desperate or anything. Not enough to have wet dreams anyways.

He woke, startled and covered in sweat. A raging boner tenting his soaked sheets. Luckily, he had his own room, or he knew he'd have Mark laughing at him. Peter never remembered his dreams upon waking, if he dreamt at all. This time, however, he had vivid recollections of the new guest riding him like a bronco, screaming his name. He recalled her large chest bouncing hypnotically. His cock pulsated as he relived the pleasure in his mind. Damn... she was beautiful, that was for sure.

But he didn't remember noticing a large chest when he fed her. She had on one of those strait jackets that usually tied one's arms around themselves. So, it wasn't very revealing, not that he would have looked anyways. He prided himself on his professionalism, he followed orders and didn't mess around. Unlike other people he knew.

It took a while for him to get going that morning. He kept finding himself distracted as he went about his customary sunrise workout. It felt like someone was watching him as he stretched out on the floor, muscles tense, body covered in sweat.

Eventually the time came to bring food to Kaitlyn, and Peter found himself more nervous than yesterday. In fact, his furrowed brow had a layer of sweat dripping down his face as he prepared the food.

Completely lost in thought, he never heard the door open. When Mark patted him on the back in greeting, he jumped.

"Damn bro, what's got you on edge?" Mark laughed.

Peter rolled his bloodshot eyes.

"What? Nothing, just didn't hear you."

"Wasn't quiet... are you busy thinking of the drop-dead, gorgeous woman you're about to go spend time with?"

"No... I was just prepping the food."

"And not the usual slop of soup and bread? Feeling fancy this evening?"

Peter looked down and realized he had prepared one of the meals they ate. Not the food provided for guests. When he tried to rationalize it, he couldn't. He simply stared down at it dumbfounded.

"Dude, are you sure you're okay? Come to think of it, you look more tired than normal. Somebody keep you up late?"

"I—no, of course not!" Peter spat back in response. His thoughts flashed to Kaitlyn riding him in his dreams. He felt his face grow hot and flushed.

"Something's got you all hot and bothered. C'mon just tell me, is she hot?"

"Yeah," Peter all but whispered under his breath before realizing it.

"I knew it! Shit man, I bet you just can't help thinking of all the things you could do to her." Mark kept going, gloating about how he'd handle her, take control and all that. But Peter wasn't listening anymore. He struggled to stop picturing her gorgeous O-face as she rode him.

Finally, he splashed cold water onto his blushing face and brushed by Mark, tray in hand. The smaller guard kept laughing even after Peter had left the room. Thankfully the door muffled Mark's annoying cackles. He walked a bit awkwardly to the young woman's cell, pants feeling a bit tight after thinking of Kaitlyn subconsciously all morning.

When he reached the cell, he paused and thought of turning back. He only had to feed her once a day, it didn't matter when. He could turn back and wait until he felt more confident that he could be professional. But then he thought of Mark taunting him if he returned with the food untouched. He had to choose which one would be more embarrassing. Feeding a helpless woman who would tease him or walking back to the mess hall to hear Mark's annoying voice taunting him.

He sighed and twisted the lock, watching with bated breath as the door slid open. A wave of hot air slammed into him as if he had opened a sauna. Kaitlyn stood there, chained just as she was the day before. Her bright eyes turned towards him, and his body twitched in response. Well, a body part anyways. He could have sworn he saw her smile at him, but he must have imagined it. She simply stood there, waiting for him, her damp hair falling just out of place.

Everything felt tight on him suddenly, not just his pants. It felt like she was ogling him, but she simply stared, smirking. After what felt like an eternity he finally stepped into the room, body hot and sweating. Yet she said nothing, even as he couldn't look her in the eyes like last time. He felt flustered and out of place, in the presence of such a goddess. He kept averting his gaze as he found himself checking out her chest, wondering if it truly was as large as in his dreams. The straight jacket kept the truth from him despite how hot his cheeks felt. When he wasn't looking at her chest, he stole glances at her luscious lips, wondering how they tasted.

"Damn it man, get it together!" he cursed at himself. If she noticed him staring at her, she didn't make it known. She simply looked at him, so innocent. Not giving him any of the seduction from the other day. Maybe the spirit within her was asleep? She wouldn't be here if something wasn't truly wrong with her. At least he hoped. Then again, he didn't know anything about the other guests. Maybe none of them belonged locked up. That knowledge was above his pay grade.

He fed her slowly, constantly glancing at her lips as she ate. He couldn't help it, she was gorgeous. But he knew that wasn't a good excuse. He had to be better than Mark. He couldn't stand there feeding her while daydreaming of taking advantage of her. She was a prisoner, not a hot date. Not to mention that even if he was out on a date, he normally wouldn't be thinking of any woman like a piece of meat to use as he pleased.

Kaitlyn took the last bite of the sandwich and Peter didn't pull his hand away. He was once again looking at her chest, not paying attention. When she took his finger into her mouth, his dick noticeably jumped in his pants. He moaned quite loudly before catching himself. The fit guard pulled back, stepping away with his face turning bright red. The tray slipped from his hand and bounced away. He couldn't believe he let himself get so worked up and distracted, but she just smiled at him, licking her lips seductively. She watched him closely, like a cat watches a mouse, her gaze both amused and intense.

Despite his mind racing, he just stood there unable to move. His shock melted away as he admired her for a moment. She was petite, almost a full foot shorter than him, yet not in the least bit weak. He could tell she had dense muscles just from the way she held herself. Sure, she wasn't big like him, but having her arms stretched out by chains didn't appear to be breaking her spirit, either. Though Peter was in the position of power here, she was subtly challenging him at every opportunity.

Peter imagined what she would look like without the unflattering straight jacket. Did she have the large breasts he dreamt about? Was she petite all around? He lightly chewed on his inner cheek, trying and failing to focus as his dick throbbed incessantly. This shouldn't be happening, he needed to be more stern with her- to just feed her and leave. Why was that suddenly so difficult?

Through the fog of his thoughts, he noticed her tilt her head before licking her lips at him and that's all it took. Peter had to get out of the room! He spun on his heels and hurried out of the cell, slamming the door behind himself. Completely forgetting about the tray, his hands shook as he twisted the lock securely into place. With all the excitement of the encounter he realized he was breathing heavily. In order to calm down he leaned against the cold steel door and let out a ragged sigh. The coolness seeped through his veins in a soothing way until he heard soft laughter coming from within the cell.

It had only been two days and already she was getting to him. He knew he should have been stronger than that. His training alone should have better prepared him for dealing with a tease like her. She had spoken so strangely the first time he fed her that he didn't know which "being" of the two was actually in control. Was Kaitlyn really possessed, or was it all an act? What if the young woman was just a big tease, and someone in her life decided she needed to be punished for it? Some men always felt entitled to anything they desired regardless of anyone else's thoughts on the matter.

Hell, take Mark for example- with how he acted, that man clearly thought he ruled the world. Despite Peter being larger, stronger, and quieter, Mark always acted so smug around him. As if he could get away with anything, have any woman he wanted, so on and so forth.

Peter just needed a good distraction...something to get Kaitlyn off his mind and out of his head. With his colleague taking over the rest of his duties, he didn't have any other responsibilities. He'd finished all the paperwork yesterday. That meant he could hit the weights to blow off some steam.

Heavy lifts on the bench made for the perfect distraction. So perfect, in fact, that he never noticed the lights dimming above him. Pete's grunts were loud, his own steady breaths echoed in his ears... he was barely able to make out a strangely muted sound from above his head, almost a whisper. He looked up and swore loudly, almost dropping the loaded bar onto his chest. By the time a burst of adrenaline allowed him to push the bar to the side, the weight toppling to the floor, he was halfway to his feet, spinning in a frenzy... he was alone, the lights slowly brightening above him once again.