Life on the Ranch Ch. 01


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"Well get to it you little slut before we shove that pretty little face of yours into another cow pie." Dylan ordered. I just wanted to disappear and cry.

"Ha that's rich comin from you three." Amanda finally spoke up. "I'm surprised Steph still keeps ya worthless shits around. God knows she's overpaying yall. If it were up to me, you three would quickly learn the hard way what real hard work feels like. Now the sooner we get these chores done, the sooner I can get away from you three dipshits." Amanda sent a glance my way that made me quak as she put those jackasses in their place. she walked up to me and swiped the chore list form my hand and glanced over it. "Why don't you lazy shits sweep out the stables and I'll do the rest like always."

With that being said left the three of them speechless. I quickly followed her out the door. Now was my chance to talk to her. I caught up to her outside. My hands started to clam up and my heart was pounding 50 million beats per second. She turned to look at me when she heard me coming. It's either now or never. "Thanks for that."

She turned and gave me a smirk. "You need to stop letting them push you around."

"I've tried, but they're stronger than me. Last time I stood up to them they shoved my face in poo." I felt so vulnerable telling Amanda this. I shamely looked down to the ground. I could feel my face turning red.

"What a bunch of dick weeds. I'll tell ya what, next time they give ya shit, you come get me. Is that clear? You cute little thing you," As she spoke she gently slapped my cheek.

"You really mean that?" Did she really just touch my face!?!?

"Of course, I'll protect ya." She said. Her hand was still on my cheek, she gently gave it a nuzzle before sliding it down to the back of my neck. She pulled me close as she brought her lips to my ear. Goosebumps showed up on my skin.

"I'll take good care of ya, although I'm going to be wantin something in return." Her free hand slipped down my pants giving my ass a good squeeze causing me to thrust my hips into her. I definitely didn't expect that. I had no idea what to do.

She tightened her grip on my neck. "Once I get these chores done I'm going to take you outback and teach you how to satisfy a real cock. Understand?" She pulled on my neck as she gave my ass another squeeze. Did she just say she's going to teach me how to satisfy a cock? What did she mean by that? I'm so confused by her words, not to mention how uncomfortable this all is. This wasn't what I had in mind.

"Ye... Yess ma'am," I stuttered out, my heart pounding in my chest. Not knowing what else to say.

"Good boy!" She released my neck and took her hand out of my pants. She gave my ass a hard slap before she went off to start those chores.


The day only got hotter as the sun made its way through the sky. Steph still wasn't back from town. After finishing up my school work, which was no easy task since I couldn't get Amanda off my mind and what she said, I decided to bring the farm hands some lemonade I freshly squeezed up, well mainly just Amanda. I was still a little confused about what she said earlier. Did she really mean all those things? About teaching me how to satisfy a cock? I wonder whose cock is she referring to? None of this makes any sense.

I brought out the pitcher of Ice cold lemonade and a stack of glasses. I found Amanda finishing up the last bit of fence for the new pasture. She was slick with sweat, just a-glistening. Her shirt was tied up revealing her tight, sweat covered abs. Her cowboy hat shielding her beautiful face from the sun. She had on a pair of cut off jeans that barely managed to hold her sculpted butt. Her legs were toned and muscular yet had a beautiful curve to them. She simply glowed. She saw me coming and quickly finished putting in the last post.

"I thought you could use something to drink with this heat baring down." I said to her as she lifted her hat up and wiped the sweat from her brow.

"Well isn't that awfully thoughtful of you." I set the extra cups down on a flat tree stump we often used as a table as I poured her a drink. She gladly took it and slammed it down.

"Where's Justin, Dylan and Bruce? I brought them out some as well."

"Even after they treat you like shit, you still do these nice things for them. Honestly, I have no idea where those shitbirds are, probably off fucking around somewhere. I doubt they've even set foot in the stables." She set the empty glass down on the stump and gave me a wicked glance.

"I've only got a few chores left," she said as she stepped closer to me. She grabbed the pitcher from me and set it on the stump. She brushed her hand through my hair. "Once I finish, you and I have some unfinished business outback. You didn't forget, did ya?"

I knew I was blushing as I looked away. I wasn't quite sure what she had planned for me, but I knew darn well it wasn't related to business. She had that insatiable look in her eyes whenever she glanced at me. I slowly shook my head no in response. Once again her hand slipped down to the back of my neck and she leaned in close to my ear. "That's a good boy!" She whispered in my ear. My knees get weak after hearing what she calls me. She let go of my neck and gave my butt a soft slap. Her hand stayed on my ass cheek, grabbing it with her sturdy grip. "I'm going to have a lot of fun with you."

Finally she let go. "Now I need to get to work or these chores will never get done. You go on inside and wait for me to finish. Once I'm done I'll come get ya. Understood?"

"Yes ma'am," was all I could muster.

"That's a good boy!" My heart did a somersault. I quickly refilled her cup and left it for her. I then grabbed the rest of the cups and the pitcher and headed back inside. What kind of "business" did she have planned for me? For some reason I don't quite like the sound of it. The way she has been looking at me really makes me feel a little on edge. I mean don't get me wrong, she is one fine woman, but I all of a sudden feel a little anxious around her. Like how a bunny would feel being in the same room as a wolf. Not saying I'm a bunny or anything, but she definitely seems like a wolf.

I spent the last few hours balancing the books. It was well into the afternoon, so I decided to fix everyone some lunch. I made them all fat sandwiches and grabbed a big bag of chips. I took the food to the farm hand's lunch area. Once I neatly set the table, I rang the horn signalling lunch was ready.

It didn't take long for the three no good jerks to get here. "Finally making yourself useful?" Bruce commented. The other two smirked.

"The only thing she's good for." Justin remarked. His implication wasn't lost on me.

"Besides taking dick," Dylan added. The three of them all laughed. I tried to ignore them.

"Yeah I bet she is a good little cock sucker." Bruce said

"Maybe after lunch we can find out, eh boys?" Dylan suggested. I felt a tinge of fear creep in as I looked at them nervously.

"No way in hell I'm letting that little sissy near my cock. It's reserved for his mother." Justin joked.

"Ha, no I wasn't talking about letting him touch our cocks, I was referring to one of the horses." Dylan smirked. "That slut doesn't deserve our cocks."

"Shit, I would actually love to see that, I bet a nice horse cock would put her in her place." Bruce said.

There is no way they're going to take things that far. Still, I was freaking out. I darted towards the door. Dylan leaped up and blocked it. "Where do you think you're going princess?"

Justin came up behind me, "yeah mommy's not here to protect you, you little queer."

I was in full panic mode. Fear took over me like a flood of ice cold water. I tried to push past Dylan, but he grabbed my arm. I squirmed to break free, but Justin grabbed my other arm. "Let go of me!" I yelled.

Bruce jumped in as they wrestled me to the ground. "Time to suck horse dick bitch."

They grabbed my arms and legs, carrying me out of the farm house while I writhed and fought to escape. "Please don't do this!" I cried. Oh god, this can't be happening. "Please!" I begged once more.

"Shut up fagboy!" Justin yelled as they dragged me into the stables tearing my clothes as I struggled. This can't be happening! Bruce ripped the remaining rags of my shirt off, while Dylan tore my pants and underwear down pass my ankles. Justin opened the door to Nessy's stall, a giant black shire horse. Definitely the largest horse on the ranch. They threw me in as I begged and pleaded.

"You're not getting out until you're covered in that horses cum." Dylan told me as I fell to the feet of Nessy.

"What in the fuck is going on here?" Amanda's voice roared behind them, catching them off guard.

"Look bitch, stay out of this if you know what's good for ya." Bruce glared at her.

"Yeah, that little slut's not leaving that stall until she is sticky with that horses load," Dylan stated.

"You dumbasses know Nessy is a female right?" Amanda pointed out. I got up and peered out the bars as the three of them looked at each other dumbfounded. "Now you three good for nothing dipshits are going to put in your resignation and steer clear from Steph, Kyle and this ranch. Is that understood?"

"And you're going to make us?" Justin stepped up with a cocky smile.

"Damn straight," Amanda said with a smirk.

"Ha you're asking for it, you know I've always wondered what it would be like to fuck you." Bruce said, "what do you say boys, want to find out how loose this bitch is?"

"Oh I've been waitin a long time to try her out," Justin said with a long grin on his face.

"After we finish with her, let's find a horse with a fat cock for that little fucking faggot to suck on." Dylan added.

"Sounds like a good idea to me," Bruce replied.

Before they had a chance to move, Amanda's boot slammed so hard into Bruce's crouch it lifted his feet off the ground. Justin and Dylan were so shocked that they didn't have a chance to react before her fist slammed into Dylan's throat causing him to drop to the ground gasping for air. Justin went to throw a punch, but Amanda was already one step ahead of him. She ducked below Justin's feeble attempt and landed a blow straight to the kidney. He screamed as he fell to his knees.

"You fucktards better get before I castrate you all." She commanded as they all scrambled to their feet and ran for it. She unhitched the stall letting me out. Then she followed them out and watched them get into their truck and take off.


I was still completely nude. I locked Nessy's stall up as Amanda came back. She looked at me and her eyes journeyed down my body. "From now on, no one will lay a hand on ya besides me. Is that clear?"

I felt so embarrassed and humiliated. I couldn't even look her in the eyes. I looked away with shame as tears rolled down my cheeks. She came up to me and pulled my chin up. "You look me in the eyes when I'm speaking to ya. Understand?"

I hesitantly looked into her dark brown, piercing eyes as they roamed down my naked body making me feel completely exposed and vulnerable. I nodded as I closed my eyes. Her hand slid down to my throat tightening her grip as she pulled me closer. "Open your eyes I want you to look at me."

I obeyed her and looked at her as our faces were only a breath apart. She stared into my eyes as her free hand grazed my shoulder blade slowly traveling down my back until it arrived on my bottom. She gave it a squeeze. "You're mine, you hear me?"

I'm speechless as I stared back into those dark possessive eyes. She gives my throat a squeeze waiting for my response impatiently. She can't possibly mean that. Why would she want me? What does she want to do with me? The thought sends a shiver down my spine. Do I even have a choice?

Without warning her hand releases my neck and slides down to my shoulder as she exerts just enough strength to force me down on my knees. "Let me make myself clear! From now on, you're my fuckboy! I want to see those pretty lips around my fat cock before I lose my patience. I want my dick nice and wet before I fill that fine ass of yours with it!"

My mind is swimming in confusion and fear. Amanda has a cock!? Is she really going to make me suck it? This can't be happening!

She pulled down her jean shorts revealing the biggest cock I've ever seen. It slapped me in the face as it swung wildly, finally free from those shorts. "Well what are you waiting for? Put that mouth of yours to work!"

I desperately looked into those hungry eyes, "I've never done this before..."

"What, sucked cock?"

I could feel my face turn red, "I've never been with anyone before."

"I figured as much. There is always a first time for everything. Now either you're going to suck my cock with that pretty little mouth of yours or I'm going to fuck it."

I can't believe this is happening. Oh my god I can't do this.

"Please don't make me do this!" I begged. "Please!"

"I guess I'm just going to have to fuck it!" She grabbed my hair and pulled up causing me to scream. Just as I parted my lips, my mouth was immediately filled with the massive tip of her girl cock. She kept forcing it in until it touched my throat. I started gagging. She slapped my face with her free hand. My eyes began to tear up. She grasped my head with both hands as she gyrated her hips back in forth bringing her cock in and out of my throat. Finally she pulled out as a string of spit followed. She grabbed her cock with one hand as the other still gripped my hair. Her cock smacked so hard against my cheek it made a loud smack. She then rubbed her cock across my face, smearing my own spit everywhere. I could barely hold two thoughts together as she slammed her cock back in my mouth all the way down my throat and held it there. I couldn't breath! I was panicking, grasping her thighs trying to push away. More tears falling from my eyes.

Finally she pulled out again. "We're going to have to work on your gag reflex. Once I'm done with ya, you'll be able to take all my shaft like a good little cocksucker."

I was desperately trying to catch my breath. "Don't worry darlin, you'll soon come to enjoy worshipping my cock. God you're the cutest thing I ever did see."

I searched those lustful eyes, still panting for air. "Please... Hhhhuhhh... No more..."

She bent down and as she pulled my hair bringing me closer. "I decide when we're done."

"Why are you doing this to me?"

She looked down at me with this wicked grin. "I've wanted you ever since I laid eyes on ya. I can't resist that cute innocent face with those blue adorable eyes. I gotta have ya!"

She stood back up and forced her dick back in my mouth. Grabbing my head with both hands once more as she started thrusting fast and hard, getting into a rhythm. I reached up to her hips and tried to break free, but she is just too strong. She grabbed my hands and tossed them aside and slapped my face. "Quit struggling!"

She pulled out and gave me a shove sending me to the ground. "Time to fuck that pretty little ass of yours."

"Please no!" I tried to escape, but she pounced on me like a lioness taking down a gazelle. Fear flooded through me like a breaking dam. "Please don't do this, Please! Ahhh, you're hurting me!"

"Oh shut up you little cock tease!" She grabbed both arms and constrained them behind my back as she grabbed some rope and tied them up. "The more you struggle, the more it's going to hurt. As hard as it is to believe, I don't really want to hurt ya, I just want to fuck ya."

I cried as I laid there with my face in the dirt helpless.

"Oh you haven't even began to feel pain," she growled. "Wait till I start pulverizing that gorgeous ass of yours with my womanhood. I bet you're real tight. Ummm I love me some virgin ass."

She grabbed my ass cheeks and spread them as I writhed and squirmed. SMACK! My ass stung like hell as she slapped it. "Just relax and take it like a good little whore."

There was nothing I could do as I felt a liquid substance drip down on the crack of my ass and seep into my little pucker hole. I had to do something! What could I do? She is much stronger than I am and my hands are tied behind my back. I'm completely helpless to her. I have to at least try. I started bucking, kicking and squirming. Anything to prevent her from sticking that monster in my ass. I could feel the back of my foot make contact with something. "Oh you little shit! I'm going to make you pay for that."

She leaned over and grabbed my throat and squeezed with her vice grip preventing me from breathing. I felt something press against my butthole. "AHHHHHHH!!"

Pain overtook me. Excruciating pain. I felt the pressure mount as her cock forced its way into my backdoor, stretching out my tight little asshole to make room for her massive shaft. I couldn't breathe, my mind was starting to go fuzzy until she released my throat. I gasped for air as her cock penetrated my ass going in deeper. I screamed from the pain until my mouth was clamped shut by her hand. "Shut the fuck up and take my cock."

She slowly brought her cock back out to the tip, but before I could finally catch my breath she began to force it back in causing me to groan in pain. It hurt so bad. I tried to yell, but her iron grip clasped my mouth shut. "Fuck you're so tight. I can't even get my dick halfway in."

I tried to pry her hand off my mouth, but her hold was too firm. She continued to feed her long massive shaft in my tush, the pain seemed to intensify. It felt like her cock was rearranging my insides. I groaned loudly into her hand. She now rested her full weight on me. I could feel her breath on the back of my neck as she pulled her long shaft out to the tip and slammed it back in, holding it there. The air was forced out of my lungs as her pole completely filled my ass. She leaned in closer. "UUuuhh you're the tightest pussy I've ever been in," she moaned in my ear as she tightened her grip on my mouth. "I'm going to need to fuck you a few times before I break that ass in."

Once again she pulled her cock out leaving just the tip in my ass, only this time she didn't hesitate before slamming it back in. She started to get into a rhythm pulling her butter churner out and forcing it back in without stopping. Fucking my ass with as steady beat. I don't how much more I can take... Each thrust causing me to grunt loader and loader into her hand. "Fucking take my cock, I'm going to fill that ass up with my seed, you little cumdumpster. You're my bitch."

Just when I couldn't take anymore, I felt it. The pain was still there, but something else was quickly overcoming it. A pleasure rapidly started to overtake me. I've never felt anything like this. She was all too eager to conquer my ass, slamming her cock to my very core, sending ripples of pain and pleasure through me. I couldn't help but moan. "That's it, I can tell you're startin to enjoy this." She finally let go of my mouth. I gasped as I tried to breath, each thrust leaving me heaving for oxygen.

All of a sudden she pulled out and swiftly flipped me on my back pinning my bound hands beneath me. Lifting my legs above my head, she locked her arms behind my knees as she forced her cock back into my rear causing me to cry out, "AAaaahhhh!"

The pain quickly returned as her pole stretched out my ass once more. The pleasure soon followed as my body began quivering. "Take my fat cock, you little skank! I know you like it." she growled, as she slammed into me with all her might.

"AAAAaaaaahhhhhh!" I screamed, as my dick started to pulse spraying my own cum all over myself. A giant load landed on my face. Waves of pleasure coursed through my body causing me to shake as more sperm spewed out. Amanda took her hand and smeared my cum all over my mouth before she shoved her fingers between my lips making me taste its saltiness.