Lacy Underwear, or Not


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I hurried past Lacy's room in my underwear, as I noticed she was back in there again. She was across the room digging through a pile of clothes on her closet floor. She was bent at the waist with her feet apart, and as I walked by I swear I saw her full moon naked butt sticking out!

I stopped dead in my tracks past her door and leaned my head back to see around the frame again.

Whoa . . . that was intense! Her creamy calves and thighs were full length on display as her shirt was covering none of it. I could almost see her lips between her bare ass cheeks due north, and as I looked harder I noticed her shirt had actually slipped to her shoulders, her pale naked breasts hanging free and upside down.

She was clearly searching for something and I dared not linger, staring at my platonic roommate in all her exposed glory. I made my way quickly to the bathroom and closed the door behind me.

Holy shit . . . that was something else! Again I knew I had seen this girl a thousand ways, but that wasn't one of them. I couldn't get the image out of my head. Suddenly I had to run a cold shower!

I climbed in and started the water running. The vision of Lacy bent at the waist was burned in my mind, and I started getting hard; very, very hard. I wanted badly to take care of it right away, but I just couldn't do that with her right across the hall.

It quickly occurred to me that since my bedroom door was closed, it also made a distinct noise when I popped it open. It also occurred to me that even though Lacy looked to be very concentrated on her task of digging for clothes, she must have been keenly aware she was basically bent over nude as my door popped open.

She wanted me to see her like that! She might have even set it up to be in that compromising position as I walked by, hoping I would catch her, no . . . knowing!

I realized quickly what I was up against, and it wasn't looking good for me. I knew how weak willed I got around women, and so did she. What I wasn't sure of was whether she was just playing cat and mouse or if she was seriously trying to get with me.

I thought about it while I showered and came up with a quick plan to find out.

"Hey Lace, can I borrow you for a second?" I called out from the running shower.

I heard the door open and saw a blurry head through the smoked glass door appear.

"What is it? I'm trying to get my laundry together," she told me.

"Well, you don't have to do this, but I could use a little help." I spoke evenly.

She entered the bathroom and closed the door behind her. Now, knowing her as well as I did, I knew for a fact was she was trying to stare a hole through that foggy glass door to get a look at me.

"Okay, well what is it?" she said simply.

"It's kind of weird. I totally wouldn't ask if I could think of anything else," I dragged her along, knowing how her curious mind worked.

"You can ask me anything, I don't mind. Do you need help with your hard-on or something," she teased. I expected this, as she was trying to turn the tables on me.

"Ha ha Lace, you wish!" I teased back, "I just need you to scrub my back really hard with this loofa. After working out so much in the dense heat every day, my back is drying up and driving me crazy. I have no way to get to it, and I'm desperate. I know it's weird and all, and you can wait until I'm out of the shower if you want."

"Don't be dumb Michael," she replied, "You need some good soap and probably an exfoliating scrub for that. Hold on."

I smiled as I knew my idea would get her. I listened intently as she started digging around in one of the overflowing drawers of beauty supplies in the vanity.

"What are you doing?" I asked, trying to sound annoyed.

"I told you I need my exfoliating scrub," she replied.

"I don't need any of your lady potions," I joked, "I just need a good chunk of tree bark or something."

"Ha ha Mr. Funny Guy," she snorted, "this isn't a potion, it's a scrub that's full of emulsifiers for removing dead skin."

"What the hell is an emulsifier?" I continued with my charade.

"Jeez, it's like liquid soap with sand in it. It'll really scrape at your back," she said in a huff.

"Oh, that sounds okay," I said, "Should I just sit on the edge so you can foliate my back?"



I turned off the water and cautiously slid the door open. Lacy was standing there with a shiny white tube of something in her hand. She waved it at me and gave me a "Well?" look. I opened the door wider and kept my body behind the protective cover of the glass, laying a wash cloth over the sharp door track.

"Good idea," Lacy said, "hand me your loofa."

I reached my hand out with the spongy ball, and then turned around and sat on the edge of the tub with my back facing out.

"Wow, you really do need this don't you? Poor guy," she said as she inspected my exposed back with her light touch. She dragged her fingers up and down my rough and peeling skin, which had honestly been driving me insane.

"You aren't going to be looking at anything else are you," I asked with a wry twist.

"Just your back, Mr. Paranoid," she quipped at me, "and anything else you might leave hanging out."

"That's what I was afraid of," I shot back.

I heard the sink turn on behind me and the water splashing around. Then Lacy returned with a wet loofa dripping down my back.

"Let me get some of this on you first," she said, completely businesslike.

I felt the first squeeze of cream drip out onto my upper back and then she spread it around, working its way down to my lower back. It was thick and felt like peanut butter.

"There, that should be plenty, now this might hurt a little," she warned and started dragging the scratchy cream around on my back, starting between my shoulders. It was very abrasive, and the way she moved the loofa I could tell she was adept at using this type of product effectively on dry skin.

At one point I felt a hand resting on my lower back while the loofa in her other hand worked its magic.

"How's that, does it hurt?" Lacy asked.

"Not really, but I can definitely tell it's working," I said, trying to keep my balance on the edge of the tub.

"Well this should really peel that junk off of there for you," she added putting her back into it.

"Thanks for doing this, I know it's awkward," I said.

"Oh please Michael," she said as she pushed downward using two hands now, "It's nothing, now lean forward a little."

I leaned over and felt her hands rubbing the lotion around on my back without the loofa now.

"This should sit for a minute before we scrub it out," she mentioned, and then I smiled knowingly as she chirped, "Oh shit!"


"I got it all over my shirt," she said.

"Well rinse it out," I suggested, knowing this was most likely her intention anyway.

"No, I'd have to take my shirt off," she feigned, "you're already naked and I would be topless.

"Why, aren't you wearing a bra?" I slyly asked.

"Well, if you must know . . . I'm not."

"What!? You mean to tell me you're on the loose?" I said in mock contempt. "Well, I don't think you should be in here like that. In fact, maybe you should just leave; I'll take care of it."

"Please, like I'm that much of a prude I wouldn't pull my boobs out in front of you," she proudly stated, "There's nothing here you haven't seen before."

"True. Go ahead then, I don't mind." I said.

"Well, there's something else," she muttered.

"There is?"

"Yes . . ."


"I'm actually only wearing this shirt," she said matter-of-factly.

"What!?" I feigned disgust, "So you're naked under there."

"It's just that I'm out of clean everything and I'm getting ready to do the laundry now," she quickly explained.

"Well, I guess that is a little much," I resolved, "that's okay Lace, I'll take it from here."

"What if you promised not to look," she suggested.

"I could do that for a couple minutes I guess," I said, "This is just between us then? I wouldn't want Kevin getting all pissed that his girlfriend was giving her ex-boyfriend a naked back scrub."

"Please," she retorted, "Kevin gets hugs and shoulder rubs and who knows what else from all the radio groupies that are always climbing all over him. I wouldn't care if he did find out. What about S-a-a-m?" she sang her name out like a child.

"Sam is Sam I guess. I'm not sure what's going on there," I revealed honestly, "I mean I've been giving it a try, but I'm not really expecting much."

While I was talking I heard what sounded like a piece of clothing coming off.



"Are you naked?"

"Yes Michael," she replied with a familiar hint of playfulness to her voice, "now don't go getting all excited, this is strictly business and just between friends."

Yeah right. I knew better, and her dander was definitely up at this turn of events. I stayed leaned over looking at my feet in the tub while I heard her rinsing out her shirt in the sink. When she was done she came back and rubbed her hands into the lotion on my back.

"Oh, that's definitely working, just a little more," she said as she placed a hand on my shoulder. "So not expecting much huh? That doesn't sound promising."

"I know, and it seemed so good at first," I said, trying to keep my mind away from the fact that Lacy was standing behind me completely nude.

"I could tell she was no good for you . . ." she stopped, quickly correcting herself, "I mean, what I meant was, she doesn't deserve someone like you."

I could feel her leaning a little closer now, her hand still on my shoulder. Something, a bare hip perhaps was up against my back. She started rubbing my shoulder and stammering on.

"You need someone who will be there for you a hundred percent," she was absentmindedly stroking my neck now. "If I didn't know better, I would say you've already moved on, in your head at least."

"That could be," I agreed, "I'm just never sure in these situations. I just seem to get caught up for too long."

She let go of my shoulder and moved back to the sink to add some water to the loofa. When she came back I felt the water dripping down my back and butt onto the washcloth under me.

"I know you do," she said as she started scrubbing my back again with both hands, "You seem to be unable to have an uncomfortable conversation when you need to. You just have to level with Sam about where the relationship is going; seriously."

Her vertical scrubbing turned into quick swirling circles on my back.

"I know, there's just never a good time," I confessed, "we're always around other people. When we're finally alone I'm too exhausted from having been up so early that I have just enough energy to, well, I'm sure you can guess."

"Have sex Michael?" she blurted out, "I know what you do, I can hear you two going at it in there." One of her hands left the loofa and rubbed my bare skin on its own while she continued to drag this out. My back was clearly exfoliated by now.

"You can?" I asked, "Sorry about that."

"Don't be sorry," she said, "We're roommates, that how it goes sometimes. Just turn up your music a little louder next time."

My face burned and I chuckled, "Okay, I'll try to remember."

Then Lacy was done with my back and said, "That should do it. Now stand up while I rinse this out. I need soap in here next to get that scrub off."

She turned to the sink behind her and I took that opportunity to get my naked body behind the screen. My erection wasn't full or anything, but I still wanted to keep this game going. It was kind of fun to see how far I could push it.

"Okay, you're going to have to rinse this," she said, "The sink isn't getting the lotion out."

I turned the water back on and put my hand outside the door for the loofa. She placed it in my hand and I could see the cloudy silhouette of her naked body behind the glass. I ran the loofa under the stream of water and turned the dial head to massage. That was working, but also spraying water out the open sliding door.

"Hey," she started, "You're getting me all wet out here."

"Sorry," I said over the sound of the water as I finished.

"Now put some body wash on there and hand it back," she said to me.

I squirted a good amount of wash onto the loofa and worked it into a frothy lather. I held it in front of the open door, but inside the shower.

"Perfect," Lace said grabbing the soapy implement from my hand, "Now back over to me so I can reach."

Tentatively I turned to face away from the door and backed over to it, knowing full well that she could see my naked butt as plain as day now. I decided to stay a bit into the shower so she would need to reach for it.

She quickly began to soap up my back and remove the thick lotion without saying a word. I knew her mind was racing with how naked we were. I was in a safer position because I couldn't see her nudity. She didn't have that luxury, and she was basically soaping up my bare body just above my naked butt, knowing she was doing it in the nude.

"Ah," she said frustrated, "the water's spraying all over the floor, back up would you?"

I took a step back to the door and then she started really soaping up my entire back. It felt so good and she was so gentle. Her soft hands roamed all over my back and started getting most of my sides and then easing gently down to the top of my butt. Shivers ran up my arms. The smooth soapy strokes were getting to me and I could feel myself getting harder underneath the spray of the showerhead.

She soaped above my ass and set both hands on my hips for a moment. I knew she needed a reason to continue touching me, but we were done. There was no reason for her to linger, but I knew she wanted one.

"Are you finished back there," I asked, seemingly impatient, "I'm standing here naked you know."

"So am I Michael," she came back, "in case you've forgotten."

"Oh I haven't forgotten Lace," I replied, "I am well aware that we're both totally naked in here now. Can I rinse off?"

"Yep, all done," she said handing the loofa around my waist to me, "that wasn't so hard was it?"

"I wouldn't say that," I said, turning to the side to rinse off my back, showing clearly the erection she had caused with her soapy lathering.

"Michael!" she announced, "you've got a hard-on!"

"No kidding, you were really soaping me up back there Lace," I said through the water spray with my eyes closed. I knew if I stood in the spray it would allow her plenty of time to get a good look at my mostly erect cock.

"Oh, uh sorry about that," she said, still lingering naked in front of the open door to the shower, "I didn't realize it was having that . . . effect."

"That's okay," I said, "I'll just take care of it myself once you're gone. Thanks again!"

"Ew, all over the shower?" she acted very offended.

"No, not all over the shower," I retorted from under the spray, "I just cum in my hands, and then I run it through my hair for extra body."

"Yeah right," she said, knowing I was teasing her, "I don't think so."

I peered quickly over at her and her eyes were glued to my cock, making it swell even more. Her eyes widened slightly. I peeked at her shapely breasts and bushy cleft through my watery squinted eyes. That wasn't helping.

"So tell me something Lace," I said in a conversational tone.


I could sense her enjoyment of my question keeping her right where she stood.

"Why are you checking out my cock?" I asked, looking her right in the eye.

"What?" she caught herself and stammered, "I wasn't checking it out, I mean I didn't mean to look, I was just . . .well you were standing there and I couldn't help . . ."

"Haha, it's okay Lace," I smiled and let my eyes wander unapologetically over her entire bare body. "I kind of like it. I mean, you've seen it all before right?"

"O-of course," she said diverting her eyes and turning quickly to the face the sink. She caught my gaze again in the mirror however, and I let her see me look down to admire her naked ass in front of me.

"I know we're playing with fire here Lace," I continued, "and I didn't mean for it to get all weird. I just want you to know something."

She turned back around to face me; I think her nipples were as tight as I'd ever seen them. "What?"

"This remains just between us, right?" I asked.

"Of course Michael," she replied, "what is it?"

"I want you to know that you can look whenever you want to Lace," I said seriously, "Any time we're alone and you want to see, just let me know." At that I turned to face her, my hard cock standing straight out in front of me. "Is that too much for you?"

"W-what?" she stammered off-guardedly, glancing from my eyes to my cock and back. I definitely got her at her own game, if she had been playing one anyway.

"I mean it," I continued, "You just say, 'let me see it', and it's out; just like this," I said looking down. She looked at my wet cock again and there was a faint grinding of gears going on in her head. She looked up quickly.

"Okay, that's just weird Michael," she said as she snapped out of it, putting her hands on her hips, "I'm going now, and leaving you with your hard-on, to do . . . whatever. Jeez!"

With that she grabbed her T-shirt from the sink and opened the bathroom door, stomping out of the steamy room.

I smiled wide to myself as I knew I got her, and also that she would absolutely bring it up again. That was the game, and she wouldn't be able to let it go. Her mind would busily work on a plan for whatever reason. There was never any logic to her mind games, which is why our relationship never worked. I was too logical, and her little games only worked with me in the bedroom.

I finished washing up and didn't feel the need to jerk myself off, I was too proud of my work. I dried off and strolled naked out of the bathroom with my towel over my shoulder to my room. Lacy was nowhere to be seen, so I just closed the door and got dressed for the day.


I hadn't seen Lacy again that morning, and I assumed she was doing laundry as a way of avoiding me. I created an awkward rift between us and I knew it. I was okay with that, because I also knew she was very good at confronting an awkward situation once she knew how she would handle it. I couldn't imagine what she'd come up with, but I did know she would escalate things rather than downplay them. What I didn't know was why I even wanted that.

I headed out with my six-string in hand to the guitar shop and then to Carl's house to play some music, drink some beers and see where the weekend took us. I ended up having a great time with the guys, and crashed on their couch overnight on Friday. We played music all day on Saturday and got pretty loaded Saturday night. Having no desire to wake up in the same clothes again on Sunday, I grabbed a cab and made my way home.

I unlocked the apartment door to the sound of music and the smell of lemons. I knew immediately Lacy was home and in cleaning mode. This was common on a Saturday night, as Kevin would be on the air until about 1:00am.

I stumbled in feeling fairly inebriated and set my guitar case by the door.

"Hi Michael," I heard Lacy call from the kitchen, "how was Carl's?"

"Hey Lace," I replied, rounding the corner to see her scrubbing the kitchen sink in her typical cleaning overalls and a hot pink T-shirt. "It was cool; those guys really know how to play. Who knew my classical training would actually come in handy one day?"

Lacy was looking back at me occasionally over her shoulder while she continued to scrub. She dropped her sponge after a minute and rinsed her hands in the sink as I continued.