Kaylee's Wild Weekend


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As the group continued drinking and talking, it was divulged that the guys were college students, although they were a few years older than Kaylee and Heather. Along with Shane and Blake, there were three others.

Mason was a skinny loudmouth who obviously thought more of himself than anyone else did. Kaylee immediately disliked him, finding him arrogant and irritating. He tended to monopolize the conversation and seemed to find great enjoyment in making misogynistic and off-color comments. He also possessed a lot of self confidence, which seemed strange since he probably one of the least attractive members of the group. It seemed that no matter what direction the conversation took, he would find a way to work in some story about a past sexual conquest. His facial features were sharp and angular, possessing a youthful quality that made him look more like a junior high school adolescent than a university student. He was wearing striped, long-sleeve dress shirt which was unbuttoned a little too far, showing off his flat, hairless chest.

Sitting beside Mason was Ryan, a plain, nondescript engineering student dressed in an equally plain and nondescript grey t-shirt. He seemed quiet and introspective, opening his mouth only to take drinks or laugh at the occasional joke. Several times, Kaylee tried to talk to him, as she thought he might make a good match for Heather, but she soon lost interest in his one word answers. The more she drank, however, the more attractive she found him.

Russell was a heavy set guy who probably would have been good looking if lost a little bit of weight. He had a very outgoing personality with an entertaining, self deprecating sense of humour. His carefree attitude and complete lack of conceit gave him an endearing quality that Kaylee began to find enticing as the night wore on. His style of dress was unremarkable as was his hairstyle. Kaylee noticed this and immediately wished she could give him a makeover as she thought a few changes could make all the difference in providing him with an appearance that matched his personality.

As the night wore on, the crowded patio began to clear out as numerous patrons began leaving the laid-back lakeside ambience for livelier settings. Kaylee had consumed just enough alcohol by this time to put her in a delightfully lively mood, although Heather had barely touched her last drink.

"Well," Blake said with finality as he slammed his empty glass down on the table. "We should go soon. I don't want to be waiting in any lines.

"I think we should go back to that strip club," Mason offered, his eyes lighting up at the prospect.

"I think once a day is good enough," Shane countered, shutting down his friend's idea as he turned to Kaylee to explain. "We were there this afternoon."

"Oooooh," Kaylee teased as she licked a drop of margarita from her thumb. "Strippers in the afternoon. Classy."

"Oh come on Kaylee," Mason pressed. "It'll be fun."

"No thanks," she answered adamantly. "I feel like dancing."

"You can dance at the strip club!" he continued, growing excited at the prospect.

"Haha," she giggled. "I think I would need a few more drinks before I did that."

"Hey," Mason said, holding out his hands as he eyed her lecherously. "I'll buy you drinks all night, if get up on stage.

Kaylee dismissed the notion with a soft laugh and a wave of her hand. She actually thought it might be fun to go to a strip club, but she knew that Heather would never go.

"So..." Shane interjected. "Would you ladies like to accompany us to the bar?"

"Sure," Kaylee answered quickly, earning her another scowl from her friend across the table.

She pretended not to notice Heather's disappointed glare as she continued.

"What bar are you going to go to?"

"Whatever one has no line," Blake cut in anxiously. "Which may be difficult if we don't hurry up and leave."

"Alright, alright," Shane muttered as he withdrew some money from his wallet and laid it down on the table. "We're going."

As the group excited the restaurant and made their way down the street, Kaylee and Heather hung back a few strides behind the rambunctious group.

"So which one do you want?" Kaylee whispered.

"Which one do I want?" Heather scoffed, walking briskly with her arms crossed. "I don't want any of them."

"Oh come on," she prodded, giving her friend a playful shake. "Lighten up. We're supposed to be having fun this weekend."

"Yeah, but I thought it was going to be just you and I."

"Oh what's the big deal?" Kaylee asked, growing annoyed by Heather's reluctance. "We were planning on meeting some guys at the bar anyways..."

"You were planning on meeting some guys," Heather seethed. "I just wanted to have a nice relaxing weekend."

"It will be fun," Kaylee promised. "Just try and have a good time. Please."

Heather reluctantly agreed, although her sour demeanour changed little by the time the group arrived at the nightclub. After waiting in line for ten minutes, they entered the bar and quickly found an empty table. Russell, Ryan and Mason headed towards the bar to buy drinks while Shane and Blake remained with the girls. As they talked, it became increasingly obvious that the two young men were competing for Kaylee's attention. Shane mentioned that he was in a band which increased Kaylee's interest, forcing Blake to sit quietly aside, growing more anxious by the minute.

"Did anyone ever tell you that you look exactly like Elisha Cuthbert?" Blake asked, steering the conversation away from Shane.

"Who?" she asked as the rest of the group returned, bearing drinks for the table.

"Elisha Cuthbert," he explained. "You know...the actress. She played the daughter on 24?"

"Okay," she answered. "I know who you mean. No...Nobody has ever said that before."

She was lying. The comparison had often been made. In fact, her college friends had even taken to nicknaming her 'Elisha' for fun.

"Here you go," Mason offered, sliding a Long Island ice tea over to Kaylee.

"Thanks," she chirped with a smile. "You didn't put any roofies in it did you?"

"Nah," he answered. "I'm saving all my roofies for someone way hotter than you."

Kaylee feigned offense, and pretended to be hurt although she was becoming increasingly impressed with Mason's witty banter. In some strange way, by showing complete lack of interest in her, he was becoming more and more attractive to her.

The club soon filled to capacity and the drinks kept flowing. Russell even bought a whole try of shots for the table, which the group made short work of. As Kaylee continued to drink, Heather begged her to slow down.

"I think you've had enough," Heather admonished as Kaylee braced herself to down another shot.

"Don't worry," she ensured, waving off her friend's concern. "I'm fine. My tolerance is a lot higher than it used to be you know."

Heather backed off but remained cautious, secretly monitoring her friend's drink intake.

Mason soon left the group to "cruise for chicks," although he had a hard time convincing any of his friends to join him. Blake and Shane remained glued to Kaylee's side and Russell declined with disinterest. Reluctantly, Ryan agreed and the two took off for a quick tour around the bar.

Although, she had originally been more attracted to Shane, Kaylee was now finding a hard time deciding which of the two friends she was going to be going home with. She had decided to hook up with one of them, but the decision was becoming increasingly difficult. Throughout the night, the girls made frequent trips to the dance floor. She danced with both Shane and Blake, and even managed to pull Russell out for one song. Mason had hit on several girls, but remained alone at the end of the night. By the time last call was announced, Kaylee was quite drunk and quite horny. She took turns slow dancing and making out with both Blake and Shane, much to Heather's disapproval.

"The girls here are bitches!" Mason spat as the group filed out into the street.

"Awww, don't worry buddy," Russell consoled, throwing a drunken arm around his friend. "We always have the strippers."

"Not tonight," Mason said with dismay, glancing at his watch. "It closed an hour ago."

"Well, I'm not ready to go to bed yet," Blake piped up. "We should get some beer and head back to the motel. "

"Sounds good to me," Kaylee chimed in. "Where is your motel?"

"Kaylee!" Heather scolded, under her breath.

"Oh come on Heather. It's still early."

"We're at the Lakeside Motor Inn," Shane said, answering Kaylee's question. "And I think there's a cold beer and wine store close by that's still open. "

"Perfect. Well why don't a couple of us go grab some drinks and we'll meet the rest of you guys there."

Again Heather cast her friend a disappointed scowl, although the others all heartily agreed.

"Sounds good," Blake agreed. "I'll go with Kaylee to the store."

"Me too," Shane added, reluctant to allow his friend any time alone with the cute girl.

As soon as it was decided, the group split up and set off in separate directions, with Kaylee casting her irritated friend an apologetic smile as they parted ways.

"What's your friend's problem?" Shane asked as the trio made their way down the lamp lit street.

"She just has a hard time getting to know new people," Kaylee explained in Heather's defence. "I think she just needs to get laid!"

The guys laughed at her blatant manner of speaking.

"That reminds me..." Blake began cautiously, his voice taking on a more serious tone. "What's going on here?"

"What do you mean?" Kaylee asked, oblivious to the reasoning for his question.

"Well..." Shane added in. "We were just wondering...what your intentions were."

"What my intentions are?"

"Yeah...I mean...we're both obviously interested in you..."


"And...we were wondering which one of us should...back off."

"Who says either one of you has to back off?" Kaylee chirped back with a teasing, playful smile.

The two friends exchanged excited, surprised glances, smiling at the night's prospects.

After picking up a couple cases of beer and a four-pack of wine coolers, the trio headed back to the motel. Unlike Kaylee and Heather, the guys had opted for a lower budget establishment with two adjoining rooms for the five of them. As Kaylee entered the cluttered room, she immediately noticed Heather seated in the corner of the room looking extremely bored as the three guys sat around a table playing a game of quarters. The guys tore into the beer like a pack of wolves, as Kaylee offered a cooler to Heather.

"Hey, come here," Shane said, coaxing Kaylee to follow him into the other room. "There's something I want to show you."

Kaylee giggled and smiled at her friend one more time before following him. The second that they were separated from the group, Shane closed the door and pinned Kaylee against it forcefully as he looked down into her captivating, crystal blue eyes.

"So what did you want to show me?" she asked naively, her cute little mouth forming an innocent, child-like smile.

Shane just stared for a brief moment before leaning down and pressing his lips into hers. Kaylee immediately responded with an enthusiastic, lustful kiss, her hands clawing at his hair with long awaited, alcohol induced vigour. Pulling her wet, gasping lips from his, she dropped to her knees and began fumbling with his zipper with frantic desperation. A few seconds later, Shane's dick was out and expanding in Kaylee's hand as she gave him once more naughty glance before flicking her tongue out to tease his growing tip.

"Mmmm," she moaned, sucking his bulbous head into her mouth, wetting it with her swirling tongue. "I've been wanting to do this all night."

The sound of the others, just on the other side of the thin door, excited Kaylee and she quickly consumed the length of his cock with ferocity as she felt her panties moisten with arousal. Shane groaned with gratification and slumped back against the closed door as her lips slid down his shaft with quick, jerking thrusts.

"Are you going to let me fuck you tonight?" he asked with a grin as he watched his dick disappear between her lusciously soft, pink lips.

Kaylee let his rigid pole pop free as she gazed up at him with a smile.

"You can do whatever you want to me."

Stuffing his cock back into her hungry mouth, she gripped him around the base as she bobbed her head back and forth. Kaylee loved sucking dick. She didn't like to admit it, but she would much rather give than receive. She especially enjoyed being on her knees, having a guy standing over her as he guides her head onto his cock. She had heard numerous girls verbalize their distaste for that particular move, but for some reason it turned her on even more.

"Kaylee?" Heather's voice called out from behind the door, followed by a few sharp knocks. "Is everything okay?"

"Dammit," Kaylee muttered under her breath, cursing her friend's overprotective nature. "Uhhh, yeah Heather, I'm okay!"

"I...guess we should get back," Shane offered reluctantly with a disappointed frown.

Kaylee agreed and stood up to wipe her wet lips as he put his dick back in his pants. The party was in full swing as the pair emerged from the opposite room, catching a multitude of knowing glares from the rowdy bunch. Heather's eyes were locked on hers with a disapproving expression, while Blake displayed a crestfallen appearance at having seemingly lost out to his friend in the struggle for Kaylee's affections.

"Pull up a seat," Mason called out to the pair as he sat at the table, flipping a quarter in his hand. "We're playing drinking games."

Shane grabbed a chair, but Kaylee hesitated.

"Oh, no, no, no," she said with an adamant wave of her hand. "No drinking games for me."

Her refusal earned her more than a couple of admonishing glares from the group as the guys broke out into a chorus of drunken taunts.

"Awww, come on!" Russell called out. "You're not finished drinking already are you?"

"No, not completely," she answered with a laugh as she scooped up her half empty cooler. "But I definitely need to slow down a bit."

The guys seemed a little disappointed, but Mason was quick to come up with another idea.

"How about if you provide the prize?" he suggested, raising his eyebrows as a horny smile appeared across his think face.

"What kind of prize?" she asked suspiciously, fully expecting a perverted adolescent response.

"Lap dance?" he suggested hopefully as several of the other guys looked up with renewed interest.

Heather scoffed, but Kaylee remained lost in thought as she rolled her eyes and pursed the corner of her lip in a wondering expression.

"Sure," she peeped after a few seconds of deliberation. "Why not?"

The guys cheered and Kaylee blushed a little, taking a sip from her bottle in an attempt to avoid her friend's glowering stare. Shane also looked over at her, his face portraying an expression of curiosity although he appeared to remain unbothered.

The group immediately launched into their game, deciding that whoever could sink the most quarters in a row would win the coveted lap dance. Mason asked Heather if she wanted to join, since he mentioned that he wouldn't mind if she won, but she opted out, preferring to sit back with an annoyed scowl instead.

Russell went first, missing on the first shot. Then Mason sunk four in a row before patting himself on the back, casting Kaylee a cocky smirk and making an obscene gesture with his hand. Shane only got one in but seemed relatively unbothered as he passed the coin to Blake. As he prepared to take his shot, he seemed to be concentrating quite hard, seemingly taking the whole thing a bit more serious than the others. He scored three, but missed on his fourth, cursing as he swatted the cup with an annoyed wave of his hand. Mason was already celebrating his apparent victory, when Ryan took the coin and calmly sunk the coin in the cup nine successive times.

Russell and Shane cheered, apparently satisfied that the cocky Mason had not won, and stood up to pull Ryan's chair out from the table with him still seated in it. They turned up the music as Kaylee took another drink in preparation of her upcoming show.

"Kaylee," Heather warned, trying to get her friend's attention. "I don't think you should be doing this..."

"Relax Heather," she shot back with a frustration response, becoming increasingly annoyed with her companion's lacklustre attitude.

As the music roared to life, the hotel room became filled with jeering sounds of drunken cheers and whistles as the guys egged her on. Kaylee set her bottle down and immediately transformed her face from a cute, smiling expression to a sexy, seductive look as she strode over to Ryan and began to treat him to an extremely provocative lap dance as his friends watched in envy. As she danced, she became more risqué, straddling his body and grinding herself into the growing bulge in his pants and pressing his face into her breasts.

"Grab her ass!" Mason called out to his friend as he sat back and watched, achieving vicarious enjoyment through Ryan's prize.

Ryan obeyed, reaching down to grasp Kaylee's ass through her little blue skirt as his friends cheered in response. Kaylee just laughed continued grinding herself into him, finding her arousal quickly rising from her little performance.

"That's it!" Heather snapped, standing up with her arms tightly crossed across her chest. "Kaylee, I'm leaving. Are you coming?"

Kaylee turned to acknowledge her friend, giving her a shake of her head. Heather promptly turned and briskly headed for the door. She gave one last look back before making her exit and slamming the door shut behind her. Kaylee was actually relieved to have her friend gone. Now she felt that she could really cut loose.

As the song ended, the group resumed their seats around the table, eager to begin the next game.

"So what's the prize this time?" Russell asked, finding himself unable to pull his eyes away from Kaylee after her erotic performance.

"How about a blowjob?" Mason asked with an over-the-top grin.

"I think Shane already won that prize," Blake muttered, a hint of envy tingeing his voice.

Kaylee pouted her lips into a feigned sorrowful expression as she threw an arm around his shoulder.

"Aww, is somebody jealous?" she asked in a baby-like voice as the rest of the groups responded with a teasing round of laughter.

"So...," Mason began, eyeing her with interest. "You're not even denying it?"

"Why would I deny it?" Kaylee shot back with a shrug of her shoulders. "I sucked his dick. So what? I would have kept doing it we hadn't been interrupted."

A few of the guys' eyes widened with amazement at her blunt demeanour.

"Well don't let us keep you," Mason quipped. "Your bitchy friend is gone, so by all means, go back into the other room and finish up."

"Why would we have to go into the other room?" she replied with a sexy smile as she began to revel in the newfound sex-symbol status that she had achieved among the group of horny college students.

"So are you saying that you would have no problem giving a blowjob right here in front of everyone?" Mason asked, constantly prodding the conversation to his perverted interests.

Kaylee shrugged.

"Sure. Why not?"

"Bullshit," he shot back, crossing his arms in defiance. "I don't believe it."

"Wanna bet?" she answered, playing into Mason's little game as he watched her with a smug grin.

"Yeah," he said casually, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a twenty dollar bill. "I bet twenty bucks that you won't do it."

Kaylee's mind raced as she watched Mason slam the bill down on the table. Although, she couldn't care less about the money, she was becoming very excited by the way the evening was panning out. Calmly she walked over and picked up the bill, holding it in the air as she turned to Shane.