Just the Six of Us Bk. 02 Ch. 03


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"I'm gonna shower if that's okay," he murmured.

"Of course," she said with a smile.

Turning, he padded quietly into the bathroom but heard her following behind.

"I just want to get away from it," he sighed. "I need a vacation from my brain."

She hopped up on the counter in front of the shower as he stepped in and turned on the water. It was cold, but it wasn't anything he wasn't used to.

"You know baby, that's not a half-bad idea," she said.

He grabbed the bottle of soap that one of his sisters had recently bought for him and lathered himself up. Looking over curiously, he cocked his head at her. "What's that?" he asked.

"Getting away from it all," she said, obviously lost in thought.

He began to lather up the rest of himself as she fell silent. After a minute or so, she nodded and smiled at him.

"I know what we can do," she said. "Let's get out of here."

"The apartment?" he asked, confused.

"No," she said, sighing. "You and I are going to take a road trip!"

Mike frowned. "But... you have work."

"I've got lots of vacation saved up, and if they don't want to grant me time off, I'll just put in my notice and find another when the time comes," she said, smiling widely and obviously loving the idea.

"You're going to quit your job?" he asked.

"Well, no, I can't just quit. I could lose my nursing license that way. I'll talk to my supervisor today and see what we can come up with."

"I don't know," he said. "I wouldn't want you to lose your job just for me."

She smirked. "Mike, I'm an RN. I'll be able to find work, trust me."

He still wasn't convinced, and he suddenly realized why.

"It feels like I'm making you change your life around for me, yet again," he said.

"Baby, you are my life," she said. "I would change whatever I had to for you."

He smiled despite his misgivings. "What about Emma?" he asked, realizing that it might cause issues with his twin.

Danni frowned for a moment, but then shook her head. "I'm sure she wouldn't be upset by something like this. She cares just as much as I do about you."

Mike started to protest again, but Danni shushed him as she hopped off the counter and stepped into the shower with him.

"You let me handle talking to Emma," she said.

She gripped the girth of his cock with one hand, then the other and looked down at it for a few moments. Looking back up, she raised an eyebrow provocatively. "I'd love to take care of the big guy for you, but I might need him later after Emma and I talk."

Mike sighed as he looked down at his diminutive sister.

"Now, hurry up and finish washing yourself so you can wash me too," she said, giving him a playful smile.

"Yes, ma'am," Mike said, scrubbing himself again.

After quickly finishing cleaning himself up, he grabbed her soap and dutifully started to scrub her down.

"You know, taking a road trip isn't a bad idea," he admitted. "But there are some stops I need to make along the way."

"Oh?" she asked, standing still in front of him and letting him work.




After she'd gotten the call from Beth at lunch the day before, Emma had contacted Danni to make sure it was still okay with her. Beth had let her know that she needed to get laid, and she hadn't been coy about it either. Emma made sure that she stopped back at home and had some snuggle time with Danni before she left. When they'd gotten up from their cuddling, they both noticed Mike asleep on the couch.

She'd briefly considered waking him up with his dick in her mouth, but Danni assured her that she was going to make sure he was taken care of that night. Eventually, Emma gave Danni a kiss goodnight and went over to have sex with her other sister.

Sarah was reading a book when Emma got there, but they only had about thirty seconds of conversation time before Beth had come bounding down the stairs in nothing but panties and one of her ridiculously small and tight shirts to grab Emma's hand and kidnap her upstairs.

The moment the door closed Beth practically attacked her, Emma laughing in helplessness as she was stripped down and pushed down to her knees. Beth was giggling and laughing along with her, but it really seemed like she was desperate to get laid. She grabbed a handful of Emma's brown locks with one hand while she haphazardly yanked her own panties down with the other.

Dragging her forward by the clump of hair in her hand, Beth pushed Emma's giggling mouth directly against her pussy. Smuggling her still-laughing sister's lips tightly up against her needful pussy, Beth let out a groan of relief as Emma began to lick.


One extremely long and sex-filled night later, Emma awoke to the sun shining through the curtains and Beth's spectacular breasts next to her head. Despite the desire to act on her impulses and do something to her tantalizing older sister's perky attributes, Emma slid quietly from bed and gathered her scattered clothing as quietly as she could. Not wanting to wake the sex-demon that was her sister, she stepped out into the hall and began to pull her clothes on.

A few minutes later, she went downstairs to find Sarah humming adorably while she folded some towels at the kitchen table. Smiling sweetly, Emma went over and gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Fun evening?" Sarah asked, glancing over with a bemused smile on her face.

"God," Emma said, grabbing some juice to drink from the fridge. "I think she's getting worse."

Sarah snickered. "She likes sex, hun. You don't want to share Mike, so you'll have to deal with the repercussions."

"Yeah, I know," Emma said, setting the glass down and reaching out to grab one of the towels to fold. "You and Matt could always help out and let her fool with you guys."

Sarah shook her head immediately. "It's hard enough to have a stable, monogamous relationship with other horny women in the house," she said. "Matt and I are focusing all of our attention on each other."

"I'm teasing," Emma said. She took another drink and looked back over. "How are you guys?"

"Good," Sarah said. "We had sex yesterday morning, plus Bethy got him all turned on after breakfast by bouncing around half naked like she does, so I let him have a blowjob before work."

Emma grinned, but didn't interrupt.

"Then, we fooled around again last night, but that was just to drown out the constant moaning coming from upstairs," she added. "Seriously, are you two okay?"

"I'm glad you guys are connecting," Emma said, ignoring the question.

"Me too," Sarah said. "But if I'm being honest, he kind-of threw me off with a question he asked yesterday while I was showering."

"Oh?" Emma asked.

Sarah nodded. "He asked if he was big enough," she said.

Emma sighed. "Boys can be so dumb sometimes."

"I just don't know where it came from. I've never, ever complained about anything like that," Sarah continued.

Emma raised an eyebrow as she glanced back over. "Seriously?" she asked.

"What?" Sarah asked, not understanding.

"Sarah, your big-dicked ex-lover just came back into town," Emma clarified. "I'm sure he's probably overthinking things, but he might be concerned that Mike was able to pleasure you more."

Sarah frowned. "You think that's the reason?" she asked, looking a little irritated. "God," she muttered. "I've never even hinted that that was the case!"

Emma stared at her for a few moments. "Is it?"

"What? No!" Sarah protested, but then sighed. "I don't know," she said eventually. "I'm happy, isn't that enough?"

"Of course," Emma told her. "You don't have to convince me."

After a few seconds of shaking her head, Sarah went back to folding towels. "God men can be dumb," she said eventually. "Dick for brains."

The two sisters exchanged a look, then burst out laughing.

"I'm going to head home before I get kidnapped again," Emma said, smiling and giving Sarah another hug. "Love you."

"Love you too," Sarah said, patting her on the back. "Let me know when we can all have dinner some evening. I'll make Bethy put clothes on long enough to cook for us."

"I will," Emma said with an easy laugh. "Talk to you soon."

"Bye, sweetheart," Sarah called.


Ten minutes later she was back at the apartment. Though she tried to sneak in and catch her siblings in the midst of something, Emma was only mildly surprised to see Danni sitting on the couch when she went in.

"Hey, you," she said, standing and bouncing over to where Emma was setting her keys down.

"Hi," she replied, amused at how happy and excited Danni looked. "Fun night?"

Giggling, Danni grabbed her and dragged her over to the couch, then proceeded to detail the incredible night she had. After the story was over, she immediately pressed Emma for details and listened as she told the story of Beth attacking her. When the story ended, Emma glanced toward the bedroom.

"Mike still asleep?" she asked.

Danni shook her head. "He's out for a run," she said. "He wanted to clear his head and give me time with you."

"Oh?" Emma said.

"He had another breakdown," Danni said, her cheerful demeanor disappearing in an instant.

"Damn," Emma said, sighing deeply.

"He's okay, but he said he's getting tired of it happening," Danni explained. "So... we came up with a plan."

Emma looked back up at her, curious to hear what it was.

"I'm going to take him on a vacation and get away from all the worries for a while. I was thinking a road trip might do him some good." Danni was staring at her as she spoke, a mild look of concern on her face.

"Just you two?" Emma asked.

Danni nodded. "When I suggested the idea, he told me that there were some other stops that he needed to make." She cleared her throat, then started to speak a little softer. "He said that he wants to visit a few other Marines on the way, as well as some of the families of friends that he lost."

Emma immediately felt selfish for feeling a little jealous when Danni had explained things. "I understand," she said. "That's going to be hard for him to do, and it would just complicate things more if there are several of us going."

Danni nodded, a hopeful smile coming to her face. "You've also got to remember that we tend to be very affectionate around him, and that can be a dead giveaway for people. Plus, you two look so much alike, so it would be easy for people to..."

"I get it," Emma interrupted, sounding more irritated than she'd meant to.

"Hey," Danni said, frowning at her. "I'm not stealing him away from you, Em."

"It's not that," Emma said. "I'm sorry for snapping." She sighed and rubbed her temple for a moment. "This sounds so selfish of me, but we've started some stuff together and now you're going to leave for God knows how long."

Danni started to respond again but Emma shook her head and spoke first. "We have to help Mike, of course, I totally understand that. I just... do you really need to travel with him?"

"Em, do you really want him out on the road alone, facing his demons without any of the people that care about him to be there when he needs us?"

Emma frowned and lowered her gaze in embarrassment. "I'm such a spoiled brat," she sighed. "I'm sorry," she said, looking up at Danni again. "Ignore me, please," she said, rubbing her temple again.

"Honey," Danni said, "We were both worried about telling you because we didn't want you to get hurt feelings."

"I know," Emma said. "I get it now, I'm just... spoiled." She sighed deeply, then looked back up at Danni. "So, are you guys leaving soon?"

Danni shook her head. "I'm going to have to put in for vacation time at work, but I'm thinking that it's more than likely going to end up with me putting in my notice. If that happens, it's a few weeks at least until we can leave."

Emma smiled.

"Regardless, He and I are both coming back to you, and nothing will have changed between us, okay?" Danni said.

Not waiting for an answer, Danni leaned and kissed her, their lips pressing together as electricity coursed through them.

"I fucking love you," Danni said. "I hope you know that."

"I fucking love you too," Emma said through her laughter.

"There's my girl," Danni replied, kissing her again and pushing her back on the couch, then following to lay down on top of her. After a few minutes of smooching, Danni sat back up and looked at the time.

"I'm going to run up to work and see what Candace and I can work out," she said. "You better get to work, hadn't you?" As she spoke, she stood and started to head to the bedroom.

Emma nodded, and though she completely understood and agreed with their plan, she still felt a little somber.

"Hey," Danni said, pausing to look back at her. "I'm going to make it up to you. Okay?"

"I know," Emma said.

"I know just how I'm going to do it, too," she said, grinning mischievously. "I think that for the rest of the time we're here, up until we leave for the road trip, I'm going to be the brattiest little submissive I can."

Arousal surged within Emma then, and she gave her sister a smoldering look.

"See what I mean?" Danni said. "God, I'm good at this! Quick, tell me to do something!"

Emma couldn't help but snicker in amusement and thought for a moment. "Come kiss me," she said.

"Nope!" Danni yelled, then cackled and ran to the bedroom.

Emma giggled and shook her head but couldn't deny that she was looking forward to the next couple of weeks.

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Mike and his PTSD...this IS a real thing for veterans all over the world, along with anybody who spends any real amount of time as a first responder. We (I am one of them) NEED the understanding of those around us and those we work with/"for"!! This is NOT something that goes away with a slap on the back and a "Suck It Up!!" comment thrown around without any real thought on it.

Mike and Danni going on a trip is an excellent idea; more time as just them, working on their relationship; plus, Danni is there as support for him as he deas with his brothers, and the families who lost their son's and daughters. This will bring lots of closure, for many of them (or at least move in that direction!)

Emma, Beth, and Sarah...hhhmmm...while the other two travel, there will be decisions made and time to work out the emotional goings-on for all of them. Many other readers make excellent points about the sibling relations, which I agree with many of them!!

However, my feeling is...this is a family; I do not like them being separated like this, living in different residences. BUT, I also do not like the jealousy that caused Mike's original fleeing the sisters. I think that they can work this out better...talking always makes the being together better!!

All that said...Five**5**Stars for the chapter!! And, moving on to the next!!

DevilbobyDevilbobyalmost 2 years ago

I made my comments 12 months ago and nothing has changed my opinion since. Now on to chapter 04.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

The story is good, but you need to get Matt and his sister back together , either as lovers or family. It's wrong to dwell on the 5 siblings problems and issues ,but not Matt's problems and issues with his sister.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I've spent the last few days reading all 30 chapters of the first story, and now the first 3 of this one. One of the best romance stories I've read, even with the incest taboo. I love the way you write. I also should mention that it's nice that you've made these chapters longer, and even if it means less total chapters in the end, I think a lot of people will appreciate that.

I gotta say I am sensing conflict amongst certain characters building up. I'd be very surprised if Matt and Sarah don't have their relationship seriously tested, both with Matt's understandable insecurity of Mike coming back and Sarah probably starting to question her relationship with him (I'm assuming the latter might happen). I'm also assuming Beth won't be able to deal with just Emma occasionally satisfying her. And lastly, I have a feeling Mike's concerns about intruding on Danni's and Emma's love for each other isn't totally incorrect, except the ill feelings he's worried about causing due to his return probably won't come from Danni. That, or I'm reading way too into things. Either way I'm keen for what's to come :)

tmark0099tmark0099over 2 years ago

Just take Sarah back in the harem she will heal Mike in a jiffy lol and maybe Beth too, good Ole gang back together...

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