Jack's Daily Grind


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"Oh! She's fallen asleep? How strange!" the Phem Kalos exclaimed.

"No, she passed out from too much sensation or excitement. That's not the same as falling asleep," Jack explained as he carefully laid the woman back against the cushions. "Get me a towel from the bathroom please."

SennLann darted away and was back in a second with a towel. The female was twitching and almost dancing in place. Jack tried to ignore her excitement and tucked the towel under Diana's ass. She was going to leak once he pulled out. He did so carefully and used the corner of the towel to dry himself. Then he pulled the couch blanket over Diana's sleeping form.

The moment Jack leaned back from Diana SennLann surged forward and ran her tongue down the length of his cock. He jolted and stumbled up to his feet to move back. SennLann followed his movements to keep her tongue running along his hardening flesh.

"SennLann! Give me a second! Where's FennLann?" Jack barked, thinking her lover should take this lusty vixen back to their room.

She paused in her licking long enough to look up at him. "He went back to Phem Kalos. He's organizing an arm wrestling tournament and will be away for two months!" she pouted then went back to licking.

Jack was hard enough to bend steel at this point but still she licked. He tried lifting her away from his cock but she slithered from his grip with an impish smile and gave him more licks.

Finally he lifted her off her feet and set her over the arm of the couch with her ass pointing back at him. Her feet couldn't reach the floor so she couldn't get any purchase. She looked back at him with heat which changed to surprise when he dipped his face to her ass. Jack ran his tongue across her opening and she yowled as her legs went straight out from her body.

"WHAT! What are you doooAHHHH!" she cried as Jack's tongue returned to stroke her again.

Jack did it a few more times and dipped his tongue deeper each time. Her yowls grew louder and her purrs afterwards threatened to shake her from the couch. When he began to fuck her with his tongue she shook with a release. Jack stood up and pushed the fat head of his cock against her dripping opening. Her legs jolted again as he forced his way deep inside. Her head whipped back to look at him. The look of bliss on her face was beautiful! Jack pulled out slowly right to the edge then slammed in deep and she yowled. Growling, he grabbed her hips and began to pump his cock into her roughly as she tried to push back. He increased his speed and rubbed the pad of his thumb against her puckered asshole.

Panting, SennLann gave him a wild, wide eyed look over her shoulder as he massaged the tightly clenched muscle. She was trying so hard to maintain a tight seal but his slick thumb spread her juices over its surface and dipped a little deeper with each rotation. The nerves around the edge were sending delicious sparks all through SennLann's body and the pounding of her pussy was crumbling her defenses.

His thumb finally slipped in and she began to shake. Jack continued to pound her deeply with his cock while he slowly and gently stroked his thumb in and out of her ass. He was getting close so he sped up his thumb thrusting and she made a crazed chattering sound. Jack exploded deep inside her and slipped his thumb from her ass. She flopped down against the cushions as she lost her muscle coordination.

Jack squeezed the last of his cum from his spent cock and slipped it from the female's exhausted body. He staggered back and dropped into a chair. He saw Diana sleeping comfortably on the couch with a blissful little smile on her lips. At the other end of the couch dazed gold eyes turned to look at him. She still couldn't reach the floor with her feet so she pulled herself forward onto the couch. She gingerly pushed herself to her feet and wobbled from the unfamiliar tingling sensations she was feeling in her ass. She carefully walked over to his chair and looked for permission before she climbed on to curl up on his lap.

SennLann nuzzled his neck and rubbed her face against his jawline. She pulled back to blink her large eyes seriously at him. "You do such strange and wonderful things to me! FennLann must learn these new ways." Jack nodded and rubbed his chin on her cheek.

"You know you shouldn't have assumed Diana was ready and willing to have you join us," Jack said.

"But you were not in a private place! You were having sex in the public area of your home. I took this to be an invitation and I was very excited by the sounds you two were making!" SennLann looked at him questioningly. He realized she had a point and nodded.

The female looked over at the sleeping woman. "So, is she staying?"

"I don't know. I hope so but it's up to her. She's carrying my child."

"Our child," came a whisper from the couch.

"Our child," Jack agreed and smiled.

Diana opened her eyes and looked over at Jack. Then she slid her eyes to SennLann. Her expression swung through confusion, awe, worry, longing then settled on happiness. Her eyes returned to Jack. "There is no way I could feel this good on Earth. When I look back at the path my life has followed so far, it only started to get better when I started working at the Gate Terminal and came into contact with all the wondrous beings who passed through. Jack, you're such a departure from everything my life was and when I look forward I know I want this. I'm excited yet terrified about being a mother. On top of that I'm completely out of my element. I don't know how to react and behave around non-humans. I'm worried that may prove troublesome for you. I'll try to do my best to learn but I'm going to need your patience."

"I can do that," Jack smiled.

There was a chime from his front door. SennLann jumped off Jack and shot away to go get some clothes. Jack got up and pulled his clothes back on as Diana struggled to remember how the gown went on. He gently pushed her to the bedroom and closed the door. The chime went off again and he walked over to answer it.

The moment the door was open Queen Elissa barged in with Max in her arms. Karrel followed her in with Alex clutched to her chest. He'd already grown a little and gave Jack a smile as they passed. Leffera came last and Jack ran his palm affectionately over her tummy. She gave him a kiss in return.

He looked up in surprise and delight as he saw Aaros standing in the doorway. He held out an arm to bring her in and gave her a hug. She moved into the apartment and Jack took a look in the hallway but that was the last of his guests. He came inside and closed the door.

"To what do I owe the honor of this visit from you lovely ladies?" Jack asked.

Elissa stepped forward. "I've been informed that a Human female from Earth has applied for political asylum and that this female was brought here last night because you're our resident human. This morning I was informed that she visited the hospital and was treated for injuries she sustained from a beating and she is pregnant."

"My, you are well informed," Jack said with raised eyebrows.

"I'm the Queen! It's my job to be informed!" Elissa blurted. "With the recent turmoil and intrigue on Earth our Security Ministry has been keeping a close eye on things. She informed me that this female has ties to the people who tried to have you killed!"

"Yes, her father was the man who supplied the silver bullets for the gun Lunnae used to shoot me," Jack agreed.

Elissa's jaw was open but no words were coming out. Karrel picked up the argument for her. "There is concern that this group sent the female to lure you back to Earth. Perhaps to deliver you into their clutches! You do have a soft spot when it comes to women in distress and children especially."

"We don't want you to go!" Leffera blurted with tears in her eyes.

Jack looked at Aaros to see if she had anything to add but she was looking as bewildered as him. "I just dropped by to say hello and got swept along with the group."

"Don't just stand there gaping at us! Tell us what you are going to do about it!" The Queen had her royal voice back.

Jack snorted then got control over himself. He walked over to the bedroom door and opened it. Diana was inside looking frightened and had tears in her eyes. He took her under his arm and led her out to face her accusers who were looking embarrassed and worried at Jack's intimate hold on the woman. Jack shared a look with SennLann who was watching the events with amused interest while stretched out on the back of the couch.

"Queen Elissa, may I introduce Diana Haven, my friend from Earth. As I said she was the daughter of the man with the silver bullets. Her father died after an altercation with Earth's police. Diana never had any involvement with her father's hate group outside of their getting her a job at a Gate Terminal. I know something about how hard it is to get work on Earth."

"The injuries? Her father beat her when he discovered she's pregnant with my child." The ladies went wide eyed when they heard that.

"She escaped with her life but had to flee Earth due to death threats. Diana has decided to have the child and she'd like to live here on Altaria with me... if her political asylum is granted."

"Oh!" the Queen said, seeming to have lost her voice again.

"Are these your children, Jack?" Diana asked meekly.

"Yes, Karrel is holding Alexander, which was my father's name. Alex was my first born." Karrel beamed with pride and brought the child forward for Diana to meet.

"Queen Elissa is carrying Maximilian who was named after my grandfather. She is also pregnant with a female." Elissa was still embarrassed about her earlier outburst but talking about her children always comforted her.

"Do you have a name for our daughter, Jack?" Elissa asked.

"Yes, but I'm not telling you until she's born and I see if the name suits her," he admonished.

"But Leffera will have her daughter first and you'll give the name to her!" she pouted as the truth came out. Leffera looked at the Queen in surprise.

"No, if Leffera wants help with a name I have another one in mind." Leffera's face lit up. "Again, I have to see the child first." She nodded rapidly.

"I'm sorry Leffera. That was wicked of me to behave like that. Sometimes I think my hormones are taking over," Elissa apologized.

"It's ok, I know how that feels," Leffera sighed.

Jack was smiling at Aaros who was looking distinctly embarrassed. She sent him some warning glances to be quiet but Diana caught on first.

"Eros is pregnant too!" she blurted.

The group spun and looked at the white furred female in surprise.

"Aaros, I know it sounds like Eros but there is a subtle difference," Jack told Diana. "And I believe she wanted to keep her condition under wraps," he whispered. She looked embarrassed and apologized to Aaros who just waved it off.

Elissa looked around at the gathered females. "Princess SennLann and Karrel are the only ones currently not carrying your child Jack!"

"I am pregnant too," SennLann stated calmly. Heads whipped around to look at her then whipped back to look at Jack. "It's not Jack's though," she pouted.

"I want to get back to work. I can have another child later," Karrel said. "Alexander brings me all the joy I need for now."

Jack leaned in to Diana's ear. "Something you should know. Karrel is Elissa's daughter. So Max is her brother and Max is Alex's younger Uncle." Diana looked at the children with confusion.

"Not to worry. Altarians don't really follow the family tree very far. Mother's, daughters, and sons. Fathers rarely matter but this father doesn't play that game!" he growled. That drew smiles from the ladies.

"Are you going for a record or something?" Diana said nervously.

"No! This has been... an organic development. I didn't intend to have so many children. Karrel thought I was safe to have sex with while she was off the pill and fertile. I had no idea how to tell when an Altarian female was fertile. Queen Elissa saw Alexander and decided she wanted more kids with me as their father. She tricked me for our first one. I thought she was Karrel," Jack said with a smirk. The Queen had the good grace to look apologetic.

"Leffera's pregnancy was my first intentional effort. Queen Elissa's current pregnancy was my second. Aaros has no scent so I couldn't tell she was fertile and her pregnancy took her by surprise but I love that she's carrying my child," Jack said with a smile for the Judge.

"And you... you told me you were on the pill and you thought I was probably safe," Jack grinned. Diana looked embarrassed and looked at the other ladies. "Hey, we're all family here. We should keep no secrets from each other!"

Jack felt a deep feeling of satisfaction as he gazed upon their smiling faces. "I wanted a big family and I certainly got one. Now all I want is to settle down into a peaceful life to enjoy it. I can do that!"

Six beautiful sets of eyes fixed on him with various levels of skepticism.

"What? It could happen!"

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

It bears more than a resemblance to the USA first ambassador to France. Ben Franklin was a horny old goat in Paris, and eventually had 73 grandchildren.

Michael56SmithMichael56Smith4 months ago

... settle down, enjoy his big family, .... What? It could happen, .... yeah, right Jack, .... but not if this author has his way, ... ;-) ttfn

Jackspeed2uJackspeed2u6 months ago

This is fun! It’s also imaginative.

The complained about the challenge being stupid and unrealistic is completely unwarranted. FIRST this is an ALIEN society. That means that these beings developed from the primordial ooze completely differently with different values and ideals. They are essentially a grass eating herbivore herding species. So yeah if a female goes into heat then she gets the guy. That’s from an earlier story, the first one. Then on top of that a challenge is an ancient thing remember not a modern thing, so it’s really old school old world thinking. (Humans had some strange violent customs about honour and women in the old days, even just a few hundred years ago. Dueling with pistols and swords to the death or first very bad injury. That was over women and honour.)

So this challenge is literally a dual till the opponent is done or forfeits. So why can’t more than one person challenge someone to a duel over the same thing or woman? Fighting over women with violence is a thing to this very day! The abstenince is a VERY BELIEVABLE thing. This challenge was about mating rights and being attached to a female! An important female. So since his right to mate and be consort with the Queen was challenged to 245 duels of course he can’t fuck her! But the wording just says abstinence so that’s that. Without that then the perceived damage that he’s causing, hence the duel, would continue until the duels are done. So it’s fighting over a girl and no one gets the girl at all till the fight is sorted! Sounds reasonable.

Now the duel is reasonable. And the abstinence is reasonable. AND since the males are poncy useless wankers with a second class education and an inflated self value, and this is reasonable as the breeding of their race is dependent on just 9% of the population. That is precarious as just killing that 9% causes extinction. So then this self inflated wanker with a bruised ego CO-OPTED AN ACIENT LAW AND TWISTED IT FOR HIS OWN ENDS. USA citizens do that all the time seeing everyone over nothing because their feelings were hurt, so they co-opt a law that’s actually meant for more important things.

So write the stories they rock. Sorting them out by their date published is a pain though. Joe was brilliant and so detailed and complex. Does he live almost eternally? He is half of a very long lived Faraha. Please write more.

These are alien worlds so have alien ideas and perspectives. Otherwise it’s just an earth story with different looking people set in a strange place. MAKE THEM FUN I love the stories.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Super Human with the prong of steel !

RanDog025RanDog0257 months ago

Due to the comment below, I'd bet the words were just too complicated for the commentors understanding and so, left a very nasty comment. Probably never completed more than middle School and was picked on by other students.

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