It's Only Fair Pt. 02


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We all nodded. Well, this seemed perfectly dignified. Nothing inappropriate at all. Well, except for the underage drinking. But honestly, on the scale of what we'd done already, that barely registered.

Amy refilled her shot glass and leaned back in her chair. "OK, so since Brianna just went, I'll go. Never have I ever taken an AP physics course."

The twins both downed their shots. They both coughed, but steadied themselves. Amy poured them more, then gestured to me. I had to think about it for a moment.

"Never have I ever owned my own car," I said. Amy gave me a dirty look, but she did her shot.

"Never have I ever gotten a C or worse in math class," Jenna said. Both Brianna and Amy did their shots.

"That's not cool, Jen," Brianna said.

"Maybe not so granular next time," Amy said, "But still, good."

Yup, this was quite tame. Nice and safe. Brianna did hers about a sailing trip, which made everyone drink except her (we'd gone when I was in high school, but Brianna had missed it with the flu), and now we were back around.

"Never have I ever had a circumcision," Amy said. The girls all giggled as I drank.

"Fine, play that way," I said, "Never have I ever had a period." Obviously, that meant all three women had to drink.

"Never have I ever..." Jenna began.

"Hang on," Brianna said, "I have to pee." She stood up from the couch, but stumbled back laughing. "Whoops!"

"You ok, Bree?" Jenna asked.

"Yeah, just... Woo. Lost myself there for a sec," Brianna said. She stood again and, balancing herself on the couch, slowly made her way out of the living room. Grabbing walls as she went.

I shouldn't have been surprised. We'd killed a whole bottle of wine, had a glass of whiskey, and now we were slamming shots. What's the old saying? One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor?

I'd only had two shots, myself, but was feeling warm. The twins had each had three while Amy had done five. My older sister seemed fine, she'd drank plenty in her life and knew her limits. But our younger sisters hadn't had more than a few sips of beer before that night, as far as I knew. We were lucky they both weren't completely wrecked.

Brianna came back a few minutes later looking a bit steadier. But her face was still red as a fire hydrant and she leaned into the couch more than she sat on it.

"OK, back to it," Amy said.

"Hang on," Jenna said. Her words slurred slightly, and so she said it again. This time with one finger in the air like she was getting ready to pontificate in front of the General Assembly. "Hang on. Maybe we need to slow down on the whole thinking drink. The whole dringing ging. You know. This."

"Come on, seriously?" Amy said, "I thought we could finally hang out together. Like real adults. I guess you're still babies. You want me to read you a story before night night?"

"No!" Brianna and Jenna said together.

"So let's keep playing," Amy said.

"Fine," Jenna said, "But maybe not for alcohol."

And right then, in the midst of everything -- through the haze of alcohol and argument -- I swear I saw a twinkle in Amy's eye. "The game's not fun if there's nothing to lose," she said.

I started at that for a moment. I had a friend of a friend who told me about something his older brother had gotten into. A bunch of kids started having Mario Kart tournaments and ended up in an orgy. That's what he'd told me had started it all. Those words. It's not fun if there's nothing to lose. Did Amy understand the power of the words she'd just spoken? Heck, had she heard that very same story?

"Why don't we just play for something else?" Brianna asked.

"Like what?" Amy said, but I could tell she already had the answer in mind. She was smart enough not to say it though. "Any ideas, Chase?" Goddamn it -- my sister was so good. Jenna and Brianna may have had twin-tuition, but Amy and I had clearly mastered our own tawdry sibling telepathy.

"Well..." I started, as if I was really considering options, "How about this? Let's say on your turn you said something I'd done before. But instead of drinking I had to, maybe, take off my shirt?"

"Ooo, Chase! That's a great idea!" Amy said. She actually managed to sound surprised by my suggestion. Clearly, my sister was wasting her time as a real lawyer and ought to be playing one on TV.

"Strip Never Have I Ever," Jenna said flatly. She wasn't nearly as impressed by my ingenuity, clearly. Brianna also seemed to shake her head.

It wasn't surprising. The twins had just given me the talk about being more chaste. Now here we were, getting started all over again. Was I really going to let this opportunity go? Hell no! The USS Fuckalot had just docked right in front of us. And my dick was already waiting for me in the well-named cockpit. Fortunately, my older sister was on board, as well.

"Come on, it'll be fun," Amy said, "How much are you wearing anyway? It looks like a lot."

The twins were still wearing what they had on before: long sleeve shirts and jeans. Amy was wearing a heavy white sweater with dark slacks. I had on jeans and a t-shirt. Overall, it was pretty even.

"Besides, it's nothing we haven't seen before," Amy said.

The twins turned to me, obviously looking for help. But it was sort of like when you spray a cat with water, and it runs to you for safety. Wrong choice, pal. I smiled, kindly. "It's harmless fun," I said.

"Exactly," Amy said.

My younger sisters both nodded, resigned. Amy poured us more tequila ("To sip as we play," she said) and we settled back in.

"I'll start," my older sister said. She rubbed her hands together like she was getting ready to announce her evil plan to take over the world. "Never have I ever touched a girl's boob," Amy said.

The twins seemed taken aback by that one.

"What?" Amy said, "If we're going to be losing clothes, then I think the questions should be dirty, too."

I shrugged and reached down for my sock.

"Socks don't count," Amy said.


"Why not?"

"It's not fun that way," Amy said, "Besides, who's excited to see feet? No, only the good stuff: shirts, pants, underwear. That kind of thing."

I let out a deep sigh -- not nearly as upset as I pretended -- then reached down and lifted off my shirt. Of course, I had nothing on under it. One question in and I was already half naked. At least the house was well heated. But that didn't stop the rest of my body from stiffening up. We'd barely started and already I felt as hard as I ever had in my life. Then Amy said something that made my dick go from rock to diamond.

"You too, Jenna," Amy said, pointing at our brunette younger sister.

Jenna looked confused.

"Yesterday," Amy said, "When we were... Anyway, you totally touched Brianna's giant tit. Did more than just touch, if I remember."

Jenna growled in her throat, but took off her purple turtleneck. The brunette was wearing a tiny, sky-blue bra. Amy clapped as Jenna's covered boobs came out, but my younger sister only looked down at her chest with a kind of resigned disappointment.

My little sister really needed to work on her self-esteem. Size isn't the only thing when it comes to breasts and Jenna was obvious evidence of that. I couldn't wait for her to take off her bra and reveal her sexy, skinny, upturned pink titties. I had no doubt now that that moment wasn't too far away.

If I had any doubts about where the game was going, Jenna's shirtless-ness made them melt away. If I was worried about our talk earlier, about limits with my sisters, then this certainly solved that problem.

And if you thought that having already seen my sisters naked -- had done way more than just looked -- I wouldn't be so excited the second time around? Please. Once was never going to be enough. I wanted, needed, to get those girls nekkid. It was my turn, and Amy had already shown me an easy way to advance the game in my favor.

"Never have I ever kissed a boy," I said.

"Do relatives count?" Brianna asked. I could see where she was going.

"It should be, like, romantic kisses," Jenna said.

"Right, like, on the lips only," Brianna said.

"You kissed Chase on the lips yesterday," Amy told our blonde little sister.

"Just a peck," Brianna said.

"Still counts," I said.

Amy pulled off her heavy sweater. I leaned back in anticipation of my older sister's resplendent rack. But to my disappointment she had a thin pink shirt on under her top. Amy gave me a cheeky wink, seeing how she had me going.

Brianna, on the other hand, had no such luck. She took off her peasant shirt, revealing a heavy black bra that poor little Jenna probably could have used as a shirt. Even then, the bra seemed barely able to contain my baby sister's massive mounds. A bit of brown areola peeked out the top of one cup, as if checking that the coast was clear. If Brianna didn't lose her underwear on her own, it seemed liable to snap off by itself.

But the blonde twin seemed barely bothered by her big reveal, launching right into her own assault on her sisters. "Never have I ever sucked a cock," Brianna said with a satisfied grin. Amy glared at her sister but took off her shirt. She was wearing a silky crimson bra that made my impossibly erect dick practically leap right off my body.

Then everything got even better as Jenna reached back and started to undo her own bra. Brianna stared at her twin, shocked.

"Last night," Jenna said.

"Wow," Brianna said.

"I needed to get him hard and... Anyway," Jenna said. She unhooked her undergarment, freeing her little titties. They bounced happily as they were released -- puffy, pink nipples standing out stiff.

"How was it?" Brianna asked.

"It was really neat, actually," Jenna said. "I felt really sexy. The way he got all hard in my mouth."

"OK, enough learning time," Amy said. "Let's get on with it."

"Never have I ever had sex in a public place," Jenna said without pausing. Amy and I both groaned and unsnapped our pants. Amy had a pair of red thong panties on that matched her bra. Holy fuck. Somehow that woman, with a body that could blind a man, found a way to look almost as good in underwear as she did naked. What can I say? I'm a sucker for a girl in red.

The sight almost made up for the fact that I was down to my boxers. Pendulous penis pushing upward quite prominently.

"Someone is enjoying himself," Brianna said, looking pointedly over to my erection as it pointed straight out in my underwear.

"And we wouldn't find any wet spots on your panties, right Bree?" Amy asked. That shut the younger blonde up. But Amy decided that wasn't enough and kept going right after curvy Brianna. "Never have I ever considered breast reduction surgery."

Brianna turned almost as red as Amy's underwear. Without a word, she reached down and undid her jeans. Jenna looked over at her twin in surprise.

"I have back pain," Brianna said, "How'd you find out about that, anyway, Amy?"

"Mom asked me a few months ago if I knew anyone in the city," Amy said, "Didn't take Stephen Hawking to put two and two together on that one." She took a big gulp of her tequila, smiling at us hungrily.

Brianna's eggplant-purple panties didn't cover much. Her pubes poked out either side of the material. But that was Brianna's secret weapon, no one could ever get past her ginormous tits long enough to look at any other part of her, even when her massive missiles were still stored behind a bra.

I tried to tear my eyes away and take my turn. The game had gone far more quickly than I think any of us imagined. I was sitting on the couch next to my nearly-naked younger sisters, with the older one sitting across from us in a similar state of undress. The more sober I was feeling, the more naked I was getting. I was down to my last shred of clothing -- my blue boxer briefs.

Fortunately, the girls were in a similar spot. No one was slurring or slumping nearly as much. Meanwhile, Jenna was completely topless, but she had on both her pants and panties. Amy and Brianna were both down to their underwear, top and bottom.

So, we were all close in clothing level, but not nearly enough for my liking. Jenna's boobs were lovely, but I wanted to see the whole package on all three sisters. Also, I'd once again convinced myself that I had to get my sisters naked before going all the way, myself. In retrospect it seems silly, like that was really going to matter now. But at the time, I told myself if I was down to nothing and the girls were dressed that... I don't know, bad things would come of it? I said I was horny, not rational.

Regardless, I felt like I needed a good question to even it all up. And I had the perfect inquiry in mind. "Never have I ever had sex with my brother."

"You don't even have a brother," Jenna said.

"Still counts," I said. My younger, brown haired sister hissed, but she shucked off her jeans, revealing a perfectly respectable pair of white panties. Not that propriety did anything to take away from the fuckable girl sitting next to me. God, Jenna was so hot -- her tiny, pink body practically pleading to be plowed by my penis.

But just as I was falling into the rapture of one sibling, I got ensnared by another as Brianna finally relieved her bra of its burden, letting her giant jugs spill out. God, had they gotten bigger overnight? Brianna's boobs looked even larger than I remembered. Her dark nipples were as erect as her sister's cute little pink ones.

But just as I was recovering from the second sibling's display, I got roped by the third. Amy, the sex goddess who happened to be my older sister, began to undo her own bra.

Both twins stared, jaws hitting the carpet so hard that they bounced. I guess they really didn't hear Amy and I, after all.

"When did?"


"What? So, it's only OK if you two do it?" Amy said

Brianna and Jenna looked away, a bit ashamed. But I could tell they were both still trying to piece it all together.

"It's not a big deal," Amy said, "Obviously. Seems like I'm in good company, actually."

Amy finished taking off her bra and smiled at me, warmly. God, her breasts really were perfect. All I could think about was kneading them in my hands. Suckling her nipples. I had to slow myself down. I knew I could have so much more if I could be patient.

Everyone was only wearing bottoms now. Just like the day before, I thought to myself, and smiled. These games really were more fun when everyone won.

"So, what now?" Jenna asked.

"What do you mean?" Amy asked, "There's still clothing to lose."

"Sure, one more each, but then what?" Brianna asked.

"Ooo, I like how you girls think," Amy said, as if our younger sisters had really been suggesting something, "Well, first, I'm starting to sober up so I think we should each do another shot to celebrate."

Amy poured out more tequila and we drank. The bottle was getting low but, lo and behold, our older sister had another full one waiting in her magical bag of endless alcohol.

Amy sat back and began rubbing her hands again in full supervillain mode. "We can't drink and we're running out of clothes. So, what if we do dares?"

"So, if someone hasn't done something, they have to go moon the neighbors?" Jenna asked.

"Right but way more fun than that," Amy said. "In fact, what if we do this: Instead of saying what we haven't done, we say something we did. And if the other person hasn't done it, that's their dare. So, it's more like, I've done this -- have you?"

I'd had way too much tequila to track what my sister was saying. That last shot had put me right back over the edge again. But like a deaf man at a political rally, I knew to nod my head in agreement with whatever Amy said. She had my best interests in mind, after all.

"I'm so confused," Brianna said.

"Let's do one now," Amy said, "That'll make it clearer."

We agreed, like this made a lick of sense.

"OK, so like... Ooo! Here's a good one," Amy said, "I've given a boy a French kiss."

Amy looked over at the twins pointedly, but Brianna and Jenna didn't move.

"So now you two go kiss Chase," Amy said, "See? It's easy."

The twins were still sitting on either side of me, so they both slid off and turned to face me. I noticed both of them were back to leaning on the furniture to stay upright.

"Maybe do it one at a time," Amy said, like she was the sibling sex guru. Which, I mean, kind of?

Through some unspoken agreement, Brianna stepped forward to go first. She sat down next to me and leaned forward. I could smell the heavy waft of alcohol on her breath. Her lips tentatively touched mine.

"Remember, there needs to be tongue or it doesn't count." I heard my older sister's voice somewhere distant. Like she was shouting at us across the Grand Canyon. Making a long distance call from Neptune. I was completely locked in on my blonde, younger sister as she slowly opened her mouth and probed at me with her tongue. I did the same to her.

"Hmph," Brianna made a little grunt as we slid closer to each other. I'd kissed girlfriends lots of times, but this felt different. Familiar and strange. Kissing my sister while our other siblings watched. I know it's weird but the sex we'd had before felt so much less intimate than this.

I could smell my sister's hair. Taste her. I opened my eyes and saw her watching me. My heart raced. Instinctively I reached up for my sister's cheeks, accidentally brushing her boob. I mean, how could I miss such mountainous terrain?

Brianna giggled a little into my mouth and then fell back on the couch.

"That was fun," she said, "A little weird, but fun."

She slid aside and let Jenna take her place. Again, I pressed my lips to my sister's. Jenna tasted slightly different. Her touch was more tentative. Testing. Her little tongue slid into my mouth. I felt a similar shock in my stomach of arousal and wrongness mixed all together in a strangely addictive cocktail. If this was what 'kissing your sister' really meant, then sports games would always end in a tie.

I brushed Jenna's hair back and stroked her cheek (accidental boob touching was not an issue). She moaned into my mouth.

"Come up for air, you two," Amy said, "You're kissing not, you know, making out."

Jenna and I separated. She gave me a shy little smile. Both twins sat back down on the couch but sat closer to me than before -- almost touching. Clearly things were rolling forward, and none of us had the momentum to stop it now.

"Your turn for a dare, Chase," Amy said. She didn't even bother to keep the wicked smile off her face and lord knows, it was contagious. If that was only a kiss... This was going to be awesome. I just had to keep things going.

"Kissing was fun," I said, "So let's keep doing that. I've French kissed my sister."

My siblings all looked at each other, a bit confused.

"So now we..." Jenna started. Amy shrugged, but she motioned for Jenna to move over to Brianna.

The blonde twin leaned into the brunette one and their lips touched. They jumped back a little, then leaned into it again. I heard one of them sigh. Their mouths opened simultaneously. They moved closer...

"Alright, that's enough," Amy said. The girls jumped back to the far sides of the couch like Amy had hit them with a cattle prod. "Brianna, your turn."

I noticed that Amy had plowed through to the next question without doing her own part of the dare. That came along with our unspoken agreement, I guess. I couldn't call Amy out because she might decide to turn on me, instead. The twins, also, said nothing. Though I don't know if that's because they forgot or were too quickly cowed by their older sister.

Brianna paused. "Can't think of anything?" Amy asked, "That's fine, you both being so inexperienced and all. Here, let me give you one. You've rubbed yourself in front of your siblings."