Inspiration Ch. 01


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Jake tormented himself with endless ruminations and doubts, always going back to that fateful night, puzzling over the few words he remembered her saying, finding meaning in them at times but making little sense of them mostly. He felt briefly happy when he imagined that she actually did care about him, then he despaired when he couldn't believe she would accept his love, cursing himself for a fool because he was just deluding himself into thinking that maybe someday she would love him the way he loved her.

On top of it all, he was perpetually obsessed by mental images of Jess's big heavy tits, her long shapely legs, her creamy thighs, and that ass, that beautiful, juicy, tight, round bubble-butt of hers. He would masturbate furiously thinking of her, browsing for porn extensively, but always picturing his sister whenever he closed his eyes.

And, all the while, Jess kept to herself, devoting her energy in full to her writing, putting her thoughts into words, her secretiveness making Jake crazy. Those words and thoughts tormented him because he was not allowed to read them while he ached to know what was going on in his twin sister's mind, her distance and silence making him despair to ever find out.

By the time they started college, things between the twins had settled somehow. A muted, lingering, crippling tension still remained and they were both well aware of it and of how limiting it was to their previously vibrant empathy. But to the rest of the world it wasn't that big a deal. It was just a twin thing, too intimate, too specific to the two of them for people to really notice. In the eyes of everyone else, starting with their new roommates, the twins were just a couple of normal siblings, blond and slim and good looking, with piercing green eyes and young, firm bodies. They were a bit on the quiet side maybe, not openly affectionate, yet it was somehow clear to everyone who saw them together that they were deeply connected emotionally, albeit in a strange, silent way. At least that was what they looked like.

During their first months of college, the twins didn't seem too interested in partying, they had not found nor looked for a partner, and they just seemed to throw themselves into their studies, Jess in particular. She took her writing aspirations pretty seriously and spent her nights holed up in her room, sitting at her computer, writing stuff that she never let anyone read, her reclusiveness making her even more of a mystery to their roommates, except Nina, another freshman whom Jess had become sort of friends with, meaning that they talked a bit when they ran into each other. Their other two roommates were a couple of sophomores, Todd and Veronica, who spent most of their free time either out partying or locked in their room having fairly loud sex, not really caring either way about the twins.

Where Jess had an aloof air about her, Jake came off as quite more mellow than his twin sister. He too seemed to be trying to fill up every day with as many classes as possible, as if he wanted to take his mind off something by overloading on schoolwork, but at least in the evenings he relaxed a little, sometimes agreeing to go to a party on campus, even though he never drank and always seemed to leave early. He generally took off in a hurry, flustered and flushed and mumbling to himself, usually after stealing guilty glances at some blond chick while shaking his head and sighing.


Lying down on his bed, his eyes closed, Jake was stroking his rock-hard cock. He kept his naked body as close to the wall as possible, his side pressing against that cold concrete barrier, his ears filled with the sounds coming from Jess's room.

She was typing. He could hear her fingers firing away at the keyboard, as usual. And, as usual, Jake's mind started wandering while his hand kept working his erection.

In his mind's eye, Jake saw his twin sister. He could picture her sitting cross legged on her bed, inches away from him, on the other side of that wall; her laptop lying on the bedspread in front of her, her green eyes fixed on the screen, her body leaning forward, her big boobs jiggling slightly with her steady breathing, rising and falling, rising and falling. He imagined how his hard cock would feel between those juicy tits, trapped in his twin sister's soft cleavage, massaged by those pillowy mounds of tit-flesh, and his hand rubbed faster.

Deep groans escaped his mouth as, with practiced gestures, he reached with his left hand into the first drawer of his nightstand, grabbed the bottle of lube he kept there, uncapped it, poured the oily liquid on his palm and then lathered his throbbing erection with it.

"Ooooh Jess..." he moaned, as the transition to the fluid, squishy sensation coming from his lubed up dick pumping into his fist merged with the mental image of his twin sister's mouth engulfing his cock; her beautiful, bee-stung lips wrapping around his girth, the wetness of her sucking mouth bathing his meat in irresistible pleasure.

"Oh Jess... Oh yeah, Jess...Suck me, Jess..."

He was so horny, so achingly in need of release, so lost in his fantasies about his sexy twin, that he barely registered the absence of sound from the other side of the wall.

Jake's hand pumped his dick faster as his incestuous visions shifted and flashed before his closed eyes, until he imagined himself fucking his sister's moist, warm, virgin pussy.

"Aaah Jess, your pussy is so tight..."

He had taken her virginity now so many times in his nightly masturbatory sessions that he sometimes wondered if he should change the script for his little dream pornos, but he couldn't. He wanted to re-enact the fantasy of being her first lover over and over, he wanted to re-enter and stretch her tight, sweet, untouched snatch again and again, all the while imagining Jess's squeals of pleasure. He pictured her pretty face distorted with lust and then brightened by a blissful orgasm as he pumped her full of his meat until they both came.

His climax was close, he could feel his balls start to contract as he fisted his hard-on faster and faster, ready to blow to the mental image of his twin sister's pussy bathing his cock in her girl-cum, her beautiful visage smiling at him, his twitching boner ready to explode. His heart pounded with fleeting, ghostly contentment as he lost himself for a moment in that impossible picture soon to dissolve in the bitter frustration of reality.

"Oooh fuck... Oh Jess!... I love you Jess... Ooooh Jeeeeess..."

"I love you too, Jake."

His eyes popped open.

His heart skipped a beat, his breath caught in his throat, his hand stopped, frozen, still clenching his pulsing cock, his whole body shuddering. Jake felt like he had been thrown into a pool of ice-cold water as he took in the sight before him.

Jess, his beloved, adored, unattainable Jess, the forbidden object of his burning sexual desire, his twin sister Jess was standing right before him by his bed.

Her blond hair was up in scrunchie, a few stray locks cascading by the sides of her sculpted face. She was wearing an old Nirvana T-shirt that she had appropriated from Jake, and nothing else. The T-shirt reached her upper thighs revealing her long, shapely legs, and though it was too big and looked baggy on her slim frame, her proud boobs still bulged underneath it. Her face was flushed, her expression seemed nervous and she was rubbing her legs together. Her brow was furrowed as if she was thinking hard on something. She was biting her lower lip as her jade green eyes stared into Jake's.

For the longest moment, the twins just looked at each other. Jake forgot about everything as he lost himself in his twin sister's soulful eyes. For a second he thought he saw a spark of desire in those deep green pools. Then self-consciousness returned and with it, shame. The shame of getting caught jacking off. By his sister. While moaning her name.

"Jess!...What are you..."

He was squirming, reaching for his discarded clothes to cover himself up, when he felt Jess's hand on his arm, holding him, and her other hand on his cheek, turning him to face her once again. Her touch electrified him and calmed him at the same time, so he just gave in to her gentle pull.

She placed both hands on his cheeks and sat on the bed right next to him, making her T-shirt hike up a bit to reveal her thighs completely, flashing him her crotch for a second. In a daze, Jake realized she wasn't wearing any panties.

"Jake," she said, locking eyes with him, "I love you."

He could hardly breathe as it all suddenly sank in, the reality of what was happening and what had just happened finally hitting him. Jess had not only seen him masturbate to sexual fantasies of her, she had also heard him say he loved her. And she had just said she loved him back.

She loved him.

His eyes bugged out, then suddenly filled with tears. He felt his heartbeat pounding erratically in his ears and the cold sensation he had moments before turned into a scorching, enveloping wave of warmth. He had a lump in his throat as he spoke.

"J-J-Jess... You... You l-l-love... Love m-m-me too?..."

"Yes, Jake. Yes. I love you."

Jake felt tears streaming down his face as he watched his twin sister nod her head, smiling and sniffling, as she began crying herself. Seeing her then, looking at her tear-filled eyes through his own tear-blurred eyes, feeling her close to him in body and soul, perceiving their life-long bond being revitalized and overflowing with energy, alive again like it had not been in months now, Jake let out a long drawn-out sigh of pure relief.

All the pain, the desperation, the frustration, the self-doubt, the isolation, the impression of being starved for oxygen because he couldn't communicate with his other half, the unbearable distance from the one being in the world he had always known and trusted and loved, the feeling of having a part of himself cut off from his body, all of it melted like snow in the sun and was washed away with the tears that trickled down his face and down the delicate face of his beloved sister.

She loved him. He knew now. He was sure. She had been through the same hell as him, and now not only had she managed to pull through her own torments, but she had also come to rescue him as well. He could not have loved her more if he wanted to, and he did want to.

"Jess... Oh Jess..."

Jake sat up straighter and reached his arms to hug her, but she pushed him back.

"Wait," she said, and for a second Jake's brain was plunged in panic again. But it was just a moment. Then came pure bliss.

Before his disbelieving eyes, Jess pulled her T-shirt over her head, remaining naked, revealing herself to him, unveiling the glory of her soft, round, heavy tits to her puzzled twin brother. Jake's tear-filled eyes blurred his first look at her young, slim, flawless body, her gentle curves and soft lines, her smooth alabaster skin. Most of all though, Jake's unfocused gaze was drawn to that heavenly pair of boobs he had dreamed so much about. But no fantasy of the many he had concocted compared to the reality of their beauty, their perfection, their fullness, the delicate mouth-watering sheen of her rosy, puffy areola, the pink hardness of the long, erect nipples.

His gaze was still locked on her tits when Jess turned to him and threw herself into his still outstretched arms.

The twins fell back against the pillow, locked in a loving embrace. Jake's arms held Jess's slim frame to his chest as tightly as possible, her soft mounds squashed into him, her hard nipples poking at him deliciously, her arms wrapped around his neck. Their faces pressed into the hollow of each other's shoulder, their tears getting wiped away as they nuzzled each other's neck. Their nostrils were filled with the unique and yet familiar scent of their twin's skin, their naked bodies intertwining, their crotches coming in contact for the very first time.

As Jake felt his rock-hard cock press against the warm, wet, welcoming puffiness of Jess's pussy lips, a groan escaped from his mouth, mirrored by a muffled squeal from hers. He held her tighter to himself, making her squirm and feeling her grind against his groin, as she rolled them on their sides and began speaking between cathartic sighs.

"Oh Jake, I'm sorry, bro... I'm so sorry... I tried to deny it... This, us... I tried not to love you, bro, but I can't... I can't do it anymore and I don't want to, it's impossible... It's just not possible, I need you Jake, I missed you so much..."

They were facing each other, their eyes shining with emotion, their cheeks wet from the recent tears yet flushed with desire, their bodies pressed together, Jake's cock against Jess's labia, their noses touching, their lips brushing, their words spoken directly into the other's mouth.

"Jess, don't be sorry, you have just saved me from going completely crazy, or at least spending my life in misery. I had given up on us, sis, on our love, on being with you... I thought you'd hate me and be disgusted if you knew that I... "

Jess giggled and stroked his cheek, smiling, an impish light glinting in her big green eyes.

"That you jack off every night thinking of me? I know all about it, bro, this wall is not that thick you know..."

Jake blushed violently but couldn't help but crack a smile too. Of course she knew, she was bound to have heard him moan one of the countless times he stroked himself to climax groaning her name. He had never tried to disguise what he was doing, too horny and too resigned to his frustrating fate to care. Actually, deep inside his lovestruck and sex-deprived brain, Jake had even hoped sometimes that Jess would hear, would know, would somehow react. He certainly didn't expect any actual reaction, nor this one specifically, but he was surely happy that things had turned out this way, with the two of them lying together, naked, in his bed.

"I guess I wasn't too subtle, was I?"

"No, bro, you weren't..." Jess giggled, her hand moving like a feather touch from his cheek and tracing his neck, caressing down his toned chest, traveling lower still. "But it's okay, I... I liked hearing you, and... Well, I got inspired actually..."

Jake was shivering from Jess's touch, her words and the feel of her soft hand on his skin letting him know that he could get bolder. He placed one hand on his twin sister's back, pulling her closer so that her big boobs were squashed into his chest, feeling the poking hardness of her erect nipples, his fingertips tracing the arch of her spine and the lines of her side until he met the flaring curve of her hip, where he stopped to massage the soft, taut, luscious roundness of her bubble-butt. His other hand reached lower, between their bodies, resting on the inside of her leg, his exploring digits making their slow way up from her warm thigh toward her steaming crotch.

"What do you mean you got inspired? Like, you masturbated too while I did, or wha-ah-aaaaah!..."

Jake's words dissolved into a moan as he felt Jess's tiny hand reach his throbbing cock, her fingers caressing his spongy, purple, pre-cum oozing glans. Her fingertips dipped into the big dollops leaking down from his knob, lubing his length and then deftly wrapping around it, barely reaching around his girth, squeezing his hardness. He moaned deep in his throat and grabbed her ass harder with his left hand as the fingers of his right hand reached his twin sister's labia, meeting her wetness, basking in her warmth, and pushing further up into her hairless, dripping pussy.

"Ahhh yeees, Jake..." she moaned as he started fingering her soaked hole, his digits exploring her soft folds, sending hot flashes through her body, making her voice shaky as she continued to speak in whispers.

"Yes, I fingered my pussy thinking of you right here stroking your cock... Thinking of you touching my pussy like you are doing now... Thinking of lots of things..."

Her lips were brushing against his, her tits pressing into him so hard he could feel her accelerated heartbeat through that squashed, pillowy softness. Her hand was slowly pumping his long, rock-hard shaft and his fingers were soaked in her juices as he slid one then two of them in and out of her leaking, virgin pussy.

And, before they even knew it, the twins were kissing. Their lips were barely touching at first, their kisses light and delicate, their mouths tasting each other for the first time, then they gradually got more passionate, their long denied urges finally surfacing, their tongues exploring and dueling and dancing, until Jake and Jess lost themselves in a deep soulkiss as their hands masturbated each other's sex.

As their kiss deepened, a sense of joyous ecstasy enveloped the twins, a feeling of completeness that went beyond the mere re-establishing of the perfect understanding of each other that they had always had before puberty started shaking it. Some deeper, stronger connection was being made, and they could feel that the physical intimacy they were finally sharing was opening up new possibilities for love and trust and happiness between them.

To his own surprise, it was Jake who broke their lip-lock. The idea of finally getting to know what his beautiful sister had been thinking for all this time was just as exciting to him as the fact that they were naked and making out in his bed.

"What things, Jess? Tell me, sis, tell me everything, please... I want to know what you thought all this time, and what you do when you hear me jacking off..."

"Mmmh, naughty stuff, Jake..." she murmured, between kisses, her hot breath getting ragged from the pleasure they were giving each other, from the eroticism of what they were doing. "All the sexy stuff I wanted to do with you, bro... Oh Jake, if you only knew how much I've been thinking about you, about us, like this, and so much more..."

"So did I, Jess, you really have no idea... I thought I'd go crazy some days, I couldn't stop thinking about you, I wanted you so much, sis, so fucking much!..."

He pumped his fingers harder into her slick cunt, carefully easing a third digit into her tight entrance, feeling her tiny hand squeeze harder around his meat, her jacking motions getting more urgent, eliciting groans of pleasure from him.

"Oooh...! Mmmh, me too, Jake, I've had all sorts of fantasies about us... And since I couldn't make them come true, I started writing them down... Mmmh, yeah, finger me, Jake... Like that, ooooh yes... Don't stop, bro..."

"What do you mean you wrote them down? Like, sex stories...?"

"Yeah, kinda..." she said, biting her lips and closing her eyes, her hand pumping faster on her brother's cock, his fingers feeling amazing inside her tight pussy. "Actually, yes, sex stories. Erotica, you know..."

Jake couldn't help but laugh. "Oh Jess, I know. I really do. I read plenty of erotica online, and mostly, uhm, I..."

"You went for incest stories, I guess?..." she said arching an eyebrow and kissing his nose, biting at it lightly.

"Jeez, sis, how did you know!?"

They both laughed and kissed again, the irony of the situation too blatant to ignore.

"Well, Jake, I assume you've read incest stories because, I... I've been writing some, I still write them, so... What I meant when I said that I got inspired listening to you jerk off is, well..."

As she spoke she had turned her gaze down to their pressed together bodies, to their sexes, so close to each other, their hands masturbating them, his fingers sliding in and out of her wet pussy, her hand pumping his thick cock. It was a vision so erotic that Jess felt her stomach flutter with mounting libido, multiplying the pleasure from her twin's digits slowly pumping into her virgin hole. Her voice was husky as she continued talking.

"I started writing incest stories back at home, based on, ooohhh Jake, yessss... Based on my fantasies about you, about what I hoped to do with you, mmhhh... Yeah, finger me, bro, oooooh... I was just trying to make sense of how horny it made me feel to think about us together... Mmmh it's so good, you finger my pussy so good, Jake... So I turned my sexy mental scenarios into plots I could control, with characters that could do what we weren't doing.... Mmmhh, yeah, deeper like that, bro... And since we got here and I first heard you masturbate... Ooooh yes, finger my pussy, Jake, ooohhh... I always got so turned on at night when I heard you through the wall, imagining your hard cock, imaging you lying here, naked, stroking your big dick... Mmmh... I wrote my hottest stuff while you were jerking off, Jake, so that's how you inspired me..."