Incident in the Library


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Frank nodded. "I need to go make my rounds and lock the exits," he said. "I'll come back and check up on you after that. Maybe I can help."

Sarah was surprised at the offer, and nodded gratefully up at him. She watched his ass again as he turned and marched away. She gave a surprised little jump when it hit her—for once she had met a guy and talked to him without putting her foot in her mouth!

Sarah still had to straighten up the library from the school day. She carefully removed the staples from the pamphlet they wanted copied and started the first page. She did not trust the machine to take all of the pages at once. The copier had jammed before when she had tried to feed pages into it that had been folded or stapled. Once it was humming and spitting out copies, she busied herself picking up the stray books and putting them back where they belonged.

A few kids dashed in to return books they had checked out before they left. She smiled gently at them and waved as they hurried away. She quickly checked the books back into the computer and then took them around to shelve them. It was quiet in the library except for the copier. She hummed softly to herself as she made her rounds.

At the same time, Frank was making his rounds of the hallways. It always amused him how guilty some of the kids looked when he caught them messing around. His slacks and work shirt looked like a security guard or police uniform just enough to give him that air of authority. He did not carry any sort of weapon, just a walkie-talkie and flashlight on his belt. Still, people—particularly the kids at the school—seemed to think that he might arrest them or drag them down to the principal's office. He didn't have the authority to arrest anyone, and he never had to trouble the principal.

The walkie-talkie was only for emergencies. It would allow him to contact the police if there was ever a real emergency. In the wake of some of the school shootings around the country, they practiced their emergency response in case the unthinkable ever happened.

Frank dropped by several classrooms on his route, flirting briefly with some of the teachers. One of them was a very young English teacher named Desiree. She was barely twenty and clearly had "daddy issues." She looked up at him with undisguised lust when he stopped to lean against the doorframe. He could picture bending her over his knee and spanking her pert bottom. He had no doubt that it would turn her on something fierce.

Desiree had perky breasts and her nipples were so hard that he could see those mouth-watering points pressing out through her bra and blouse. Frank was about to ask her out for dinner or drinks when he remembered the librarian. He was a little embarrassed to realize he didn't even know her name. He had quickly learned the names of half the teachers in the school, as well as the women who worked in the office.

He gave Desiree a sly wink and told her to have a nice night. Then he walked to the end of that hall and locked the door. Within thirty minutes, the school was almost abandoned. Outside, some of the kids had soccer practice. There were a dozen teachers who normally stayed after school for a couple of hours. Some of them tutored and others just wanted to do their grading at the school. Most of those were married women who had kids at home. It was easier for them to knock out the grading and lesson plans here before leaving work behind.

Frank checked in on each of them, to get an idea how long they would be staying. One of those married teachers looked him over and licked her lips. They had been flirting for a while. He had to assume she was kidding when she suggested that he should just take her there on her desk.

"You are so naughty, Theresa," he grinned.

"It would be amazing," she sighed wistfully. Then she gave him another smile when he shook his head.

Even though he was pretty sure nothing would ever happen with her, he was still aroused at the thought. He finished his rounds inside the building and popped his head into the library. The librarian was bent over the copier again, so her shapely bottom was pointed right his way. Frank walked over to her and she jumped and whirled around when he cleared his throat.

"Oh, you startled me!" Sarah gasped, putting a hand onto her heaving bosom.

Frank tried not to stare at the way her massive melons jiggled and bounced. "I'm sorry," he said, extending his hand. "I realized after I left that I don't know your name. I'm Frank."

"Sarah," she replied.

She reached out to shake his hand, but he turned her little hand in his and bent to kiss the back of her hand. There was nothing overtly sexual about the way he kissed her hand, but seeing him look up at her like that sent a shiver through her.

"Lovely to meet you, Sarah," he said. He didn't want to overdo it, so he released her hand and stood upright. "How's it going with the copies?"

Sarah sighed. "It's printing the backside of the first page now. It's almost done with that one, but it will take another three hours just to finish printing."

"Is there anything I can do to help?" he asked.

She shook her head. "You could help me staple them together, but until it's done printing..." She shrugged.

That helpless gesture did something to Frank. Something about this petite, soft-spoken younger woman really ignited a fire in his loins. He wanted to help her, to protect her. And then he wanted to claim her. He was aware that it was his inner caveman howling for release. That thought put a wry little grin on his face and he shook his head.

Sarah cocked her head. "What?" she asked.

Frank considered suggesting something they could do while they waited, but he saw someone passing by. The library had huge glass windows and doors. There was no privacy here. It was too soon, anyway. He had just met Sarah.

"I was thinking I could yell at the copier," he joked. He turned and addressed the machine. "Print faster!"

He grinned at Sarah, and she smiled back and chuckled. She looked at the counter on the machine and said, "It's not working."

Frank let out a deflated sigh and spread his hands. "I tried," he said. Then he smiled at her again. "I'll check back on you later," he said. She nodded and stared at his ass again as he walked away.

Frank left the building and walked all the way around the outside of it twice. He stopped and watched the kids playing soccer for a while. One of the soccer coaches was a woman who was obviously not wearing a bra under her t-shirt. Frank chuckled quietly when he realized that all of the boys she was coaching were staring at her nipples. She was talking and jogging around, giving everyone a real show. He shook his head and continued walking around to check the parking lot.

Theresa gave him a smoldering look when she left the building. He smiled and waved. She made sure he was looking when she bent over and wiggled her ass at him before getting into her car. Frank wondered again if she was only teasing. He went back inside the building, making one last round before checking in on Sarah again. She looked up at him and smiled ruefully.

"Page three is almost finished," she said, shaking her head.

"Sorry," he said. "I was going to make some fresh coffee, would you like some?"

"Please," she replied.

"Okay. Be right back."

He saw Desiree locking her classroom as he exited the library. He cleared his throat to get her attention and gave her a stern look. "Where do you think you're going, young lady?" he asked in a gravelly, deep voice.

He could actually see her get weak in the knees. She struggled to contain her arousal, but still let out a soft moan. The authority that Frank radiated just made her want to surrender to him. Desiree already had dark fantasies involving Frank. She could imagine how he would take control and use her body for his pleasure. It was a struggle for her every time she saw him. At that moment her panties were damp with her arousal and she stammered at his approach.

She was ripe for the taking and they both knew it. Then Frank looked past her and forced a smile. Another teacher had emerged from his classroom and was locking the door. It had to be this guy, Frank thought.

"Good evening, Mr. Clausen," Frank said. "I trust you had a good day."

The man regarded Frank and gave him a raised eyebrow. "It was okay, Frank. Did you arrest any children today?"

Dan Clausen despised the military and police. He was just short of openly hostile towards Frank and considered his presence on "his" campus an affront. Frank knew the type and refused to be baited. He was also aware that nothing he did would ever change Dan's opinion. Frank grinned softly and shook his head.

"Just kids being kids," he replied smoothly. "Have a good evening, Mr. Clausen. Desiree."

Desiree shivered. "Good night, Frank," she murmured.

She scurried out to her car to avoid Dan. He was a pompous ass, and he would bad-mouth Frank. Desiree didn't want to hear it. She was already annoyed with him. If he hadn't shown up when he did, she was sure Frank had been on the verge of making her fantasies come true. She plopped down in her car and shivered when her fingers found her drenched pussy. God, I want him so bad! she thought.

She sat in her car, thinking furiously. Unfortunately, she was just too timid to throw herself at him. Desiree knew there were still some teachers in the building and she didn't want to risk getting Frank in trouble. She gave out a frustrated sigh and started her car. It was already getting dark when she reached her apartment.

* * *

Frank brought two steaming mugs of coffee to the library. He tapped one of them against the glass door and held it up. Sarah bustled over to let him in.

"I added cream and sugar," Frank said. "Sorry, I didn't ask how you take your coffee."

"It's perfect. Thanks," she replied. She took a deep whiff of the coffee and sighed gratefully.

"Have you started page four?" Frank asked.

She nodded. "Just a minute ago, so it should run for a while."

"We could sit and talk," Frank suggested. She looked alarmed at the prospect, and Frank had to wonder if he'd said something wrong. "Are you okay?" he asked.

Sarah shook her head miserably. "I'm terrible at small talk," she said in a near-whisper. "I don't want you to think I'm an idiot." She looked down self-consciously.

Once again, Frank felt an overwhelming desire to protect this vulnerable young woman. He also desperately wanted to kiss her. The whirring of the copier kept him mindful of where he was. He put two fingers under her chin and lifted her face up so that he could look into her eyes.

"It's okay, Sarah," he said softly. "I know you're not an idiot."

He gave her a wry smile. That smile was contagious. She could not help but smile back up at him. He walked over to the table and had a seat. She slid into the seat just on the other side of that corner of the table. Frank took a sip of his coffee and looked at her over the mug. He would need to get this conversation started, he realized. He opted for a safe topic.

"You know, I went to this school when I was a kid," he said. "It was a lot smaller back then. This library is one of the few things that hasn't changed. I mean, the books are mostly newer, but these are the same old wooden shelves we had back then."

They looked around at the spacious room, and then he chuckled again. Sarah looked at him. "I just realized I missed a couple of things," he said, shaking his head. He pointed to a spot near where the front desk was. "We used to have an actual card catalogue back then. I don't think there was a computer in the library." He grinned and looked at her. "And our librarian was a really old lady with white hair, instead of a pretty young woman."

He took another sip of his coffee. Sarah's eyes were wide. Had he really called her pretty? She nervously took another sip of her coffee, just so she wouldn't have to say anything. Frank read her nervousness and continued.

"Did you grow up around here?" he asked.

She nodded. "Yes, but I went to middle school at Williams, not here."

Frank nodded. "That's a much newer school. Do your parents still live here?" She nodded. "Mine too," he went on. "But I couldn't live with them. I got my own apartment two weeks after I got back."

"Yeah," Sarah said. "I have a roommate. She teaches here, actually."

"Oh, really?" Frank asked. Inside, he was thinking, Please tell me it isn't Sharon or Desiree. That would be awkward. Out loud, he added, "Who is she?"

"Denise teaches social studies and state history," she replied. She gave a few more details, and Frank realized who she was. He had never really talked to Denise, though.

"She seems nice," Frank said. His shoulders relaxed, but Sarah had never noticed his tension. He went on to give a brief version of his career in the Army. His eyes took on a faraway look when he described the beautiful sun-drenched beaches of Okinawa.

Sarah sighed as she looked at his face. She could practically see him in that setting, striding confidently along the beach wearing only a pair of trunks and a dazzling smile. Then she was surprised to see that her coffee mug was empty. Frank gave her a smile and stood up.

"Let's go get you some more coffee," he said.

Sarah only became aware when she stood up that she had gotten turned on listening to Frank. It didn't get any better when he "jokingly" offered his arm and she felt his firm biceps muscles. They walked to the office and he flipped on the light switch. She hadn't known the coffee pot was there, in that alcove behind the front desk. Frank washed out his mug while she got a refill. He turned off the lights when they left, and talked to her as they returned to the library.

"I'll need to make another tour around the building," he explained. "It usually takes half an hour." He felt awkward for a moment; he wanted to touch her reassuringly but it felt like it was still too soon. Instead, he gave her another smile and said, "See you in a bit."

Sarah watched him walk away and sipped her coffee. She knew that she would be thinking about him when she slid her vibrator into her hungry pussy tonight. She shivered and sighed softly to herself, then turned to check on the copier. Mercifully, the fourth page was almost finished. She took another sip of her coffee and set the mug down on the table so that she could start the fifth page.

She was sitting and sipping coffee a few minutes later when the copier let loose with a horrendous grinding noise. Sarah leapt over and stabbed a button with her finger, stopping the machine. She quickly bent and opened the access panel, crying out in alarm when it exploded in her face.

A thick, black cloud billowed out of the guts of the copier, and for a fleeting moment she thought someone had planted a bomb. Of course, that made no sense. When the cloud cleared, she realized that she was covered in toner. "Shit!" she gasped. Then she covered her mouth.

Sarah knew from past experience that she needed to wash the toner off immediately or it would stain her skin for weeks. Thinking quickly, she hurried out of the library and headed down three hallways to the girls' locker room. She would be able to shower there, and hopefully there were clean towels. She just hoped that it wasn't locked. "Oh, thank God," she murmured when the door opened.

Frank was outside the school when he saw a light coming from beneath one of the doors. He frowned to himself. This hallway was far from the library, and there shouldn't be anyone here. He got out his keys and quietly unlocked the door to let himself in. Once inside, he immediately recognized that someone was in the girls' locker room. He figured it was vandals, and he steeled himself for an ugly confrontation. There was a dark smudge on the door handle, and he heard water running inside.

Dammit, he thought. He could picture the damage they might have already done. The water stopped, and he pulled the door open quietly. Nobody was in sight in the area of the lockers, and a cursory glance did not reveal any open lockers or other signs of vandalism, other than a few more dark smudges on the floor. His long flashlight felt dangerously heavy in his hands. It was one of those steel MagLights and he knew it would serve as a makeshift club if he needed to use it that way.

Frank stepped around the corner and turned on the flashlight, pointing it at the sound of wet footsteps. Despite his nervousness, his voice was powerful and commanding. "Freeze!" he ordered.

Sarah shrieked and dropped her towel, raising her hands in surrender. A second towel was wrapped around her hair, but the rest of her dripping body was completely revealed in the glare of the flashlight. Every inch of her body was seared into Frank's brain as his eyes swept over the busty librarian's lush charms. It took him three seconds to recover, and then he switched off the flashlight.

"Oh my gosh, Sarah!" he gasped. "Are you okay? What happened?"

She dropped shakily to her knees, sobbing in relief. It didn't immediately occur to her to cover her nakedness. Frank realized that the towel she had dropped was now soaked. He looked about frantically and located the stack of clean towels, rushing over to get her another one. He helped her to her feet and wrapped the towel around her body, gently rubbing her skin through the cloth to help dry her.

"The-the-the copier exploded," she stammered.

"What?" he asked. That didn't make any sense. "Is there a fire?"

"No! It was the toner cartridge. I knew I had to wash it off right away, so I ran down here as fast as I could."

"Jeez, Sarah, I am so sorry. I wasn't trying to scare you. I saw the lights on in the girls' locker room and thought we had vandals." Abruptly, Frank realized that he was caressing her bottom through the towel. He quickly withdrew his hands. "Should I give you some privacy?"

"No," she said a little too quickly. She turned and wrapped her arms around his waist. "I don't want to be alone right now. Please don't leave me."

He wrapped his arms around her in a protective hug. Sarah sucked in a sharp breath. She could feel his cock through the towel and his trousers, pressing firmly against her belly. It felt hot pressed against her like that. Warmth radiated from his entire body as he held her, but she was focused on the thick pillar of his dick.

That's what the real thing feels like, she thought. It was much thicker than her toy; much more substantial. Her pussy suddenly felt hot and her mind was filled with images of Frank's thick, throbbing cock filling her hungry little hole. Her body trembled in his grasp as those thoughts overwhelmed her.

Frank was embarrassed to realize he was sporting a boner. He hoped she wouldn't notice. It wasn't like he could help it; her huge, perfectly-formed breasts with those perky suckable nipples still filled his vision. He could practically see her puffy little pussy, sparsely covered with light blonde hairs and dripping from the shower. When he felt her shivering against him, though, he forced those thoughts from his mind.

"Are you okay, Sarah?" he asked gently. He tried to pull back to look at her, but she hugged him desperately. Then his eyes lit on a streak of black going down the middle of her back, disappearing beneath the towel. "Hey, it looks like you missed a spot. There's toner right in the middle of your back."

"Oh, no," she sighed. That finally pierced the fog of fear and need, forcing her to think clearly. She released her grip and turned around. "Could you get that for me?"

Frank looked around, then walked over to the showers and found the bottle of body wash Sarah had used. He looked at the bath sponge, now stained hopelessly with toner. He grabbed it and wrung it out in the shower area, noting that the water coming out of the sponge was clear. He walked over behind Sarah and gently tried to scrub the toner away.