Holly Helps the Displaced Elf


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"How does that answer look?" she said.

Linus had an awkward look on his face.

"It's close, but not quite right. Sorry," Linus said. His shouldered sloped.

"So, let's keep working on it. I'm a bit tired, but I'm free the rest of the night."

Line shook his head.

"I'd like to work more with on this, but I have another engagement. And I have to study for the math test in our class."

Holly looked puzzled, since she couldn't remember the last time a man gave up the opportunity to be with her. "Can I come with you to your engagement? I'm also a pretty good tutor."

Linus looked horrified. "No! Absolutely not!"

"Why not?" Holly and Whsht said together. Linus looked around for the other voice but Whsht was too quick for Linus to see him.

"No women allowed, unless they work at the club. Yes, it's that kind of club," Linus admitted.

"Well, that's okay. After tonight, I'm going to need a new job."

"I'm sorry about tonight. It sound like the art teacher is pretty upset. She may not want you back."

Holly shrugged.

"No big deal. It was only $75 for the three hours, and usually only once a week. I could make more at Petco grooming cats. Do you want to get some coffee and talk about your math problem?"

Linus shook his head.

"I can't. I have to be at True North."

"What's True North?" Holly asked, although she had a pretty good idea.

"It's a cool gentleman's club. A nice one, believe me. Look, if you want a new job, I have an in at True North. It pays great money, and the owner is a friend of mind. You're beautiful, like being on stage, and nudity doesn't bother you. You might as well get paid well for letting people watch you get naked. It pays more than $25 an hour once a week."

"Could we still work on your problem together?" she asked.

Linus looked at her out of the side of his eyes.

"You'd seriously consider working at True North?"

She looked at him with her cornflower blue eyes, hoping that he wasn't just leading her on.

"To work with you, I would do it" she said, bouncing on her toes. She turned in a circle to remind him of the curves of her body. "You think they would hire me?"

"In a Miami minute. Tell Andrew I sent you. Here's Andrew's number. He owns the place. He'll want to see you before he hires you, but I bet he could see you tomorrow. Then we could continue working on the app at the club between your sets. Remember, you don't have to do this."

Holly took the number, and smiled looking at it. She threw her arms around Linus's neck, and pressed her nicely rounded breasts into him as she gave him a sweet kiss. Linus blushed furiously. He was so surprised he could not think to kiss her back.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you," she said. "I can't wait to solve this problem, and I'll be getting paid to do it. In our spare time, I'll tutor you, too. This is perfect!"

After leaving Linus, Holly and Whsht argued all the way to her apartment.

"No!" hissed Whsht in her ear. "You need to stay on Santa's Nice List. I have a feeling this is a road straight to Santa's Naughty List, if not his Deplorables List!"

Holly shrugged. "Look. I need a new job. Linus and I need to keep working on the problem, which helps you, right? And it can't hurt to check out the club, can it?"

"Oh, you have no idea," Whsht said. "Santa can be rather a prude."

Holly was exhausted from the mental exertion she had used to examine the math problem.

"I'm going to call Andrew, and then get to bed. We can talk more tomorrow."

"So," said the elf, "you're close to the answer, right?"

"I got most of it, not all of it," she said.

"Most! I can't use that. No one gets credit for almost helping with a splendid, wonderful act. What more do you have to do? Maybe I can help?"

"How are you at differentials?" she asked.

"Piece of cake," he said. "I can differentiate a 3 from a 5, and a 7 from a 9. I get a little confused on numbers over 10 though."

"Keep working on those numbers over 10," she said.

Holly dialed Andrew's number. When it was answered, the background music and noise was deafening, even over her phone's tiny speakers. It took nearly five minutes for him to pick up, and Holly nearly nodded off while waiting.

"True North. Andrew."

"Oh, hello," she said. "Linus said to give you a call, that you might be able to offer me a job."

There was a pause at the other end of the phone before Andrew said, "You lookin' for full or part time?"

"I'm a full-time student, so I can only work part-time."

"So you want to be a waitress or a bartender?"

"Well, I'm okay with anything you can give me," she said.

"Linus tol' you call me?"

Holly yawned.

"Yes. He thinks I would be an asset to your business."

There was a pause again.

"You know this job means pole dancing? Stripping?"

"That shouldn't be a problem. We didn't have much privacy in the orphanage."

"Huh. Ok. Tomorrow morning, 11:00. Wear something comfortable. Do you have tan lines?"

"Of course, but just around the usual bits. And they are small. Really, really small. I'll be there at 11:00 tomorrow morning. If it goes well, could I start tomorrow night?"

"If it goes well, you can start at three minutes after the audition." The phone clicked off.

"Oh, that's wonderful. Thank you. Goodnight," Holly said, with a yawn.

"So?" asked the elf. "What's going on?"

"I have a job interview tomorrow. But right now," she stretched her arms over her head and arched her back, "I have to curl up in bed."

Holly didn't wait for his reply, but shucked off her shorts, her blouse and her purple undies. She slid under her cool sheets and turned off the light.

"Hey, Whsht?" she called.


"Would you mind doing that thing with the razor again tomorrow? My legs are a little stubbly, and you have a nice touch down there."

The elf shivered at the thought of touching her again between her legs. "Well, if it helps get the problem solved, I'll guess I'll do it."

Holly purred as she settled in. "Goodnight, little fella," she said.

"Goodnight," he replied, then added under his breath, "you big, blond, bulgy cow." His shoulders shuddered when he thought of her body compared to the muscled blocks he was used to rolling with in the caribou barn. "Hmmph! Little fellow."

The next morning, hot water in the shower splashed over Holly's tan body. Her eyes were sudsy as she scrubbed her short golden hair under the shower head. Lather slipped slowly, seductively down her torso. Rising steam formed indistinct shapes around her. The only sound was the splashing of water onto the tiles at her feet. Then, there was a voice.

"Promise me you'll quit as soon as you solve the problem."

"Is that you, Whsht?"

In answer, his fingers raced over her long legs ending with her recently shaved pussy.

"You could use some detailing," he said.

He grabbed some lotion and her razor from the shower shelf. He put the cream in hefty swathes down the lengths of her legs. He shuddered as his hands slathered the lotion up and down her tight curves. He could feel the taut muscles, and the bones of the kneecaps. With a heroic effort, he even slicked lotion onto her pussy again. Finally, he parted her butt cheeks and took a quick look at her asshole, which caused Holly to squeak. It needed a bit of trimming, too. Taking a deep breath, Whsht began the beautification process on her. He worked as quickly as he could, but thoroughly. By the end, she gleamed like a brand new Corvette.

Holly ran her hands over herself, and could find not a hint of a follicle. Then, she raised her arms over her head. He had forgotten the pits!

Holding his breath one more time, Whsht made short work of the armpit. He also found a single stray hair growing on the underside of her left breast. It had to go. He re-examined her. From the neck down, she was as smooth and hairless as a well-polished cello, but with more disgusting curves.

He handed her a pink hand towel to dry off. She took it and applied it to her right boob, then her left; between her legs and on her backside; her legs, her arms. By then it was too wet to be any good on her hair, so she just shook it dry, spraying droplets all over the bathroom. None fell on Whsht.

"Let's get you dressed," he said.

Holly pulled out a tangerine sundress, and slithered into it. It fell along her lines, emphasizing the size of her buoyant breasts and her frisky rear.

"That will never do," said Whsht. "Here."

He handed her a pair of white granny panties, an underwired flesh-colored bra, and some tan pantyhose.

"Where did you find those?" she asked. "I didn't think I even owned that stuff."

"Well, you do now. Look, Miss Holly. You can't just drop your dress like it's a doctor's office. Part of the charm of an ecdysiast is watching the careful removal of articles of intimate attire. Hence, the underthings. Put them on," he ordered.

She slid into the granny panties. Despite her generous hips, her ass didn't really stretch out the fabric. They seemed almost loose on her frame. The same with the underwire bra. Her tits, each a happy handful, seemed to defy the laws of gravity, and rode higher on her chest than the bra's design. Hence, they had nice bulges of flesh spilling over the tops of the C cups.

Whsht couldn't wait for her to stretch the panty hose up the length of her legs by herself. He grabbed them and within a second, the panty hose were snug against her heels, her ankles, her knees, the bulge of her thighs, the heft of her rear, and the velveteen micro-fluff of her panty's crotch.

"There," he said. "Now, the idea is to remove the stuff s l o w l y. Okay?"

Holly shrugged, and pulled at the panty hose to give her ass a little more wiggle room.

"Just remember, Miss Holly, when you're naked, the show's over. The audience has nothing more to anticipate. You've gotten to the end. So, make a show of taking off each article of clothing. If you don't finish before the end of your set, no matter -- you'll have another set within the hour, right?"

"You seem to know a lot about this stuff."

"Elves are not monks, you know. Now, come on. You don't want to be late."

The gentleman's club was on the west side of Coral Gables, in a rundown commercial area with a gigantic parking lot. The club was a single use building that was the only one on the block. As they approached, the signs blinked on, revealing a neon outline of the mudflats nude, and another neon lady slipping up and down and twirling around an electric pole. The name of the club was the last bit of lighting to illuminate, but when it did, Whsht became excited.

"Look!" he said. "Look at that name -- True North Pole Dancing. It's an omen! It means I'll be getting back home soon. North Pole, here I come." He rubbed his hands together.

Holly did not seem nervous, excited or worried about her audition as they approached. In fact, she still seemed a little tired. Her smile was gentle, and her eyes were half-closed.

"Are you alright?" asked the elf. "You look bored."

"I'm okay. I just don't think this is anything special for me."

"Nothing Special? You'll be getting paid just for the great body that your parents' genes gave you! You'll get to solve a complex math problem in your off hours! You'll have a flock of worshipful admirers raining dollar bills at you. You'll be a star! And once you've solved the math, you'll be helping mankind, sure, but you'll have the pleasure of knowing that you restored a deserving elf to his rightful place back at the North Pole."

Holly nodded, took a deep breath and opened the large door to the club.

Whsht held her back, and said, "I'll be with you, but nobody will be able to see me. I move to quickly most of the time. But I will be right with you, just in case."

"Just in case what?" she asked.

"In case you need help," he said, but he was unable to look her in the eye.

"You're sweet," she said.

The interior of the club was dark with holiday light strings along the walls. Other lights were blue, except over the bar, where white LED lights sparkled through the bottles of liquor. There was no music playing yet. Last night's stale cigarette smoke lingered near the ceiling. The effect on Holly was soporific.

A large man in an extra large tee and a shaved black head approached. His eyes were set deeply in his head, so that Holly couldn't tell what color they might be.

"You be wantin' Andrew," he said, somewhere between a question and a statement. "Back there."

He pointed with a thumb as thick as an axe handle to a dark hallway to the side of the bar.

Holly nodded, and walked carefully toward the hallway, threading between the haphazard chairs and tables. At the end of the hallway, a sign read "MGR" on a wooden door. She knocked, and hearing nothing, entered anyway.

At a large metal desk, covered with papers, receipts and liquor advertisements, sat a handsome black man with short hair and a wisp of a mustache. He wore a dark blue shirt with a bright yellow tie. His sleeves were rolled up to his flexed biceps. He had a Rolex on his wrist, and a large screen cell phone directly in front of him. Behind him were eight monitors focused on areas within and outside the establishment.

"Holly?" he said. She nodded. His eyes looked her up and down. Without smiling or introducing himself, he motioned with his finger for her to twirl around. She turned to show her backside, paused, and took a step towards the door out of the office.

"Linus sent you." He growled when he spoke. "I like Linus."

Holly stopped and turned back. She walked until her thighs were against the front edge of the desk.

"I like Linus, too," she said. "He said you might have a job for me."

The man nodded.

"I have to be honest with you, though, sir. I just want to be here so I can do math work with Linus. He has this problem, and we're really, really, really close to solving it."

Finally, he spoke.

"Then, you being a barmaid or a waitress won't do. They hustle they ass all night. You want some down time, you need to get down. You know I'm saying'? Get down! Make damn good money, too. If you don't mine show'n yo' white ass."

Holly slapped her hand on her hip.

"It's no big deal, sir. It's just my butt."

The man's mouth curled into a grin. "I be the judge. You ready to exhibit the goods?"

Holly shrugged, and untied the top of her sundress.

The man cleared his throat. "If you like, you can go behind that Japanese panel there. Take off your clothes, come out and show me."

A lacquered trifold panel stood in the corner near the door. It even had a clothes stand next to it to drape one's wardrobe. Holly looked at the covered corner, and shook her head.

"It's not necessary," she said. She dropped the top of her sun dress off her shoulders and past her hips. The sundress covered the back of a chair near her. She stood in her underwear before him and then she kicked off her shoes.

"Wait," he said.

He picked up his phone and dialed.

"Moe," he said. "C'mere." He put the phone down.

The large man in the black tee shirt came in the door. He nodded at Holly when he saw here standing in her underwear.

"Boss?" he said.

The man behind the desk indicated with a shift of his eyes that Moe should stand and watch over to the side. Moe moved nearer the wall. He breathed heavily through his mouth while he waited.

"Resume," said Andrew.

Holly looked at Moe and then turned to face the boss. She saw Whsht hiding behind the Japanese screen, giving her a thumbs up with his funny green digits. She curled the panty hose off her hips, and then down one thigh and the other. When she got to her knees, she sat on the chair that held her sundress and lifted her knees. She peeled the pantyhose off until they were grabbing her feet from her ankles down.

"Wait," the boss said again.

He picked up his phone and dialed.

"Fidel? I want you. And send in Lucy, too."

In a half minute, a middle-weight contender with a poorly repaired harelip and scar tissue over his eyebrows came into the office. He wore a black tee and black chinos. Holly sat in the chair with her knees near her chest, pulling on the pantyhose still attached to her ankles. Her bent legs put her calves in dramatic shape narrowing to those fine ankles. He took his place next to Moe.

"You enjoy an audience, do you?" said Andrew.

In response, Holly pulled at the pantyhose, stretching them longer and longer until they slipped millimeter by millimeter off her feet. When they were off, she flexed her toes, and stood up.

"Granny panties," said Moe, with a rumbling chuckle.

Fidel's laugh was more cackling.

Holly ran her hand through her short blond hair, and bent her arms behind her back, searching for the metal clips to loose her bra. Her eyes were still half-closed, as if the whole thing was a little boring to her.

Moe's eyes and Fidel's eyes were wide open. Moe's breathing became louder, and Fidel wet his lips with his tongue. There was knock on the door, and Lucy came in.

Lucy had long dark hair, deep brown eyes, and a calm face. She was taller than Holly, and more slender. She wore a robe, covering the costume she started her dance routine with. When Lucy came in, she saw Holly holding the cups of her bra against her breasts, the straps loose against her side. Lucy saw that Holly was less nervous than the girls who usually auditioned, so she was probably a pro. Except a pro would not have been wearing Grannie panties. She smirked at the boss, and stood at the wall opposite Moe and Fidel.

"Lucy's our number one. If she's impressed, I'm impressed," said Andrew.

Holly constricted her shoulders until the bra fell away. Then she straightened her back, and her full breasts floated high on her chest. She turned to Moe and Fidel, and then to Lucy, and then back to the boss. Lucy didn't smile, and looked a little confused when she looked at Holly.

"You're doing great," Whsht whispered to her. "Now for the finale!"

Holly bent at the waist, keeping her long legs straight. Then, she fished her thumbs into the elastic of the panties and with a swift move, slipped them down her legs and off. Then she straightened, her shaved pussy clearly evident.

Moe caught his breath while he stared. Fidel cackled like a rooster.

Lucy said, "What's the matter with her tits?"

The boss looked puzzled. "Them look pretty tasty to me."

"She hasn't got any nipples, Andrew," Lucy said. "Just scoops of ice cream up top. But where are the nipples?"

Whsht clawed at his face with his long fingers and pulled his orange hair. "Arrgggh!" he said.

Holly stood calmly before them, enduring their collective judgment.

Whsht didn't wait. He zipped in between Holly's legs. With his middle finger extended to its full probing length, he jammed it roughly into Holly's asshole, and wiggled.

Holly's eyes widened in surprise while her lips narrowed to keep in her surprised squeak. Her back arched, thrusting her chest forward. At the farthest tip of her soft mounds, two pink little tips popped out.

"Oh, wow!" said Fidel. "That's a showstopper!"

Moe breathed heavily again.

Lucy looked puzzled again. "That's quite some trick."

Whsht had disappeared again, but stood behind Moe and Fidel, rubbing his sore wrist and his middle finger.

The boss stood up behind the metal desk. He had a blue shirt, a yellow tie, and black pants on, all tight fitting. He stretched out his hand to Holly. When she grabbed it, he pulled her around the desk so that he could embrace her naked body.

"You pass. You go on tonight. Lucy, show her the dressing room and the costumes. Help her pick out some music."

Lucy sniffed at the word "dressing room."

"Thanks," Holly said. She grabbed her clothes in one hand and started out the door.

"You can use the panels to get dressed," Andrew said. "Although, I don't care if you ever get dressed."