Holiday with Mom

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Sons help newly divorced mom over Christmas.
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All characters are over 18 years of age

Chapter 1

Maggie Thomas was drunk. Tipsy, really, more than anything. There was an empty bottle of wine on the counter and she was responsible for the whole thing. The stack of papers on the counter were freshly signed, her divorce was official. She looked at her signature, in dark blue ink, on the top page. She had signed multiple times, with each stroke of her pen she won more of her freedom. Finally, she said to herself, it's over.

Maggie's husband, Pete, had left her for one of his dental hygienists. Her lawyer was good, and took everything she could from him, including half-stake in his dental practice. She had moved out, and was settling into a new house. All around her boxes formed stalagmite-like structures. She'd get settled once her sons arrived.

Her sons, Michael and Bradley, were coming from college to help her get settled over the winter holidays. It was another sunny Florida winter, and they were eager for some warm weather as much--she assumed--as they were to help their mom. Michael was a junior and Bradley was a freshman, both living in other states. She missed them terribly, and the divorce has been difficult to handle alone. She was ecstatic to see her boys.

Her boys. More like men, she thought to herself. Both were sandy-haired, handsome men who took after her more than their jerk of a father. At the thought of her ex-husband, she reached for a new bottle of wine and uncorked it. As she drank she fought dark feelings by thinking about her new life, and what it entailed. A new house, a new start. An empty space. She poured a full glass of wine and drank it.

Maggie continued to drink as she unpacked. The house was warm, with the windows letting in the evening breeze as she continued to sip wine. She felt warm, flush, and soon started dancing as she worked. She enjoyed movement, feeling her body move. It was a sore point in her marriage; her husband never noticed her. It turns out he was too busy having sex with twenty-year-olds in his office. She had given him two sons, supported him through dental school and in the early days of his practice. She had stayed fit, for him, for nothing.

Maggie downed another glass of wine. She paused as she dropped a box off in her bedroom. She stood in front of the mirror, examining herself. She hadn't really looked at herself in the mirror since her married went sour, really looking herself over. On a whim, and maybe it was the wine, she slipped off her shorts and shirt, standing in a bra and panties in the mirror. She spun once, then twice, giggling as her balance faltered slightly. She studied herself; she was still fit, trim. Her tits, she mused, had succumbed slightly to gravity but were still full. Her butt, she noted, was still a tight bubble.

She felt warm, but not from the weather. She unhooked her bra and let it fall to the flood, and slipped off her panties. A neat but full bush of light-brown hair burst forth from between her legs, and she lightly touched her soft hair there.

"The boys aren't due in yet," she thought to herself, and laid down on her bed. She spread her legs wide, her pussy already damp with anticipation, and she slid a finger down her stomach while her other hand cupped her breast. It had been a long time, she thought, as her finger slid along her slick labia. "Just one," she said to herself. Her fingers parted the slick, soft folds below and she traced them slowly, her fingers electric against her skin. Her free hand roamed her breasts, she always loved when a man touched them. It had been too long.

Her hand worked in earnest, hitting her clit expertly as it had hundreds of times. She spread her legs wider, her hand moving at a faster pace. She gripped her breast and bucked her hips as her orgasm overtook her. Waves of pleasure crashed over her and she bucked and thrashed on the bed. She stifled a cry but then let it out, there was no one home to hear her. A guttural moan escaped her lips as she let go of herself and thrashed lightly on the bed. Immediately, she heard a voice.

"Mom?" It was Michael, somewhere in the house.

"Shit!" she hissed to herself, darting up off the bed. She had been careless, she knew they were driving in tonight. "Hang on, just changing!" The door to her bedroom was wide open, she hoped they would not come down the hall just yet. She scooped up her panties and slid her t-shirt back on. She went to put on her shorts but looked in the mirror. She didn't need to walk out there braless in front of her sons, but the last thing she wanted was to do was put her bra back on. She quickly dug through a suitcase and found some overall-shorts and slid them on. Better than nothing, she thought. She picked up her wine glass and headed down the hall, her legs still unsteady from her orgasm.

"My boys!" she exclaimed as she entered the living room. Her sons were standing next to their bags, surveying her new house.

"Mom!" they exclaimed, rushing over to meet her. She hugged them both, almost cracking their ribs with how hard she embraced them each. Hugging them so soon after climaxing reminded her of being a young mom, when her boys would burst into her room shortly after she and their father had had sex. She shook her head slightly, and walked into the kitchen and poured herself some wine.

"Let me give you the tour," she said. She led them through the house, explaining her plans for what items would go where. She had them for two weeks, and was determined to put them to work while also spending some quality time with them. She instantly felt better having them in the house.

"Holy shit, is that a hot tub?" Bradley exclaimed, looking into the back yard. There was a hot tub built into the pool, a first for them.

"I wasn't going to hold back," she said.

"You deserve it," he said, giving her a high five. Michael was quiet, looking around the house as they toured. She also noticed him sneaking glances at her braless tits. Even with the overalls she was showing more than usual. Maybe it was her imagination, but Michael always seemed to enjoy her physically, which made her blush. She didn't mind the attention. Sure, he was her son, but a young man staring at your tits was not to be taken for granted.

Maggie found herself flush and feeling, for lack of a better term, extremely horny. It was a mix of wine, having just rubbed one out, and knowing Michael was looking at her tits. She had thought of his gaze often. Maybe because their father was so neglectful, she thought, taking a sip of wine.

"This is a nice place," Michael finally said, his eyes roaming the room and her as well.

"It will be even nicer when we're settled," she said. "I can't thank you boys enough for spending Christmas with me."

"We wouldn't miss it for anything," Bradley said.

They finished the tour and ended in the living room. The couch was laden with suitcases so they sat around the coffee table. A pizza arrived and they ate while she drank more wine. She was drunk, not slurring drunk but definitely not a minor buzz. The wine made Maggie even hornier. She was going to have to masturbate several times tonight to fall asleep, she thought to herself. Just thinking about it made her wet. She stretched, leaning back, and thought she caught Bradley and Michael taking a look. She enjoyed it. Even though she knew she shouldn't, she always enjoyed giving the boys a look or tease. She knew it was just normal hormonal curiosity, but she loved it.

Maggie would later wonder why she did what she did next, but never once did she regret it. "I'm going to change," she said. "Let's test out the pool." She got up and headed to her room. She left the door open and unbuttoned her overalls. She let them fall to the floor. She stripped bare and fished a bikini out of her bag, slipping on the bottoms. She heard someone approaching and turned her back to the door, still topless.

"Mom," she heard Michael say from the hall, she looked behind her, he was lingering in the hall, seeing her open door and waiting.

"Come in," she said, her back still to the door. She heard him enter. She put on her top, sure that he at least saw the sides of her tits.

"I didn't know you weren't decent," he exclaimed, his eyes straining to look anywhere but at her body.

"It's fine," she said. "What's up?"

"Oh, um, I just wanted to know if you had unpacked towels?" It was a flimsy excuse, she knew, to see her like this. She had wondered, before, if she should discourage his interest. But he was just looking, after all. She nonchalantly adjusted her bikini top, revealing more of her tits as she did, and then adjusted the bottoms as well. She noted his eyes were glued to her.

"They're in a huge box in the front bathroom. Grab a couple, we haven't hooked up the washer and drier yet," she said, patting him on the arm as she walked past. She had turned on the heater for the pool and hot tub and she was glad that she did. It was a warm night but even so the warm water felt good when she slipped into the pool. The boys appeared with towels, her bottle of wine, and her glass. They set a full glass on the edge of the pool and joined her. They swam and made small talk, all the while she stopped to drink more. She found she was now maintaining a constant buzz, and she enjoyed the fine line between control and letting loose that she was straddling.

They talked about college, about how their year was going, and avoided any discussion of their father. It was only when they transitioned to the hot tub that she finished a glass and said "I'm so glad you're spending your break with me, and not your father."

The boys grew solemn. Michael spoke first, "Mom, Dad's a complete asshole. Even before you caught him cheating, I hated spending time with him."

"Me, too," Bradley said. "I'm fine if I don't see him again."

"Don't say that," she said, but she also smiled. She leaned back, letting the water soothe her. Her mind drifted, and she kept thinking about how good it felt to come earlier. Part of her wanted to call it an early night and get under her sheets, but part of her was enjoying time with her sons. As she leaned her tits rose out of the water, and she saw Michael sneaking a look at them. It might have been her imagination, but Bradley seemed to be doing the same. She thought of the times they has almost walked in on her over the years, and wondered how many times it was intentional.

The boys got out of the hot tub and went to grab more pizza. Maggie shifted in her seat and was pleasantly surprised to find a jet of water hitting right between her legs. She sighed as the warm water rushed over her. This, she thought, was going to be worth the price of buying this house. She untied her bikini bottom and stuffed the loose fabric under her thigh, letting the water hit her pussy directly. She didn't care that her sons were walking back to the hot tub. They couldn't see what she was up to, and she needed to come again. It wasn't the first time she had snuck an orgasm in front of others, she used to rub herself off in the back of the car on family road trips, her parents and sister unaware of her covert climaxes.

The boys slipped in across from her. They talked about their finals, how the semester went, and other things as she felt her pleasure build. Her nipples were rock hard, pushing against the white fabric of her bikini. The boys took notice, eyeing her tits when they thought they were being sneaky. Their furtive glances made everything more intense. She bucked her hips slightly, trying to avoid arousing suspicion, and felt her body lose control. She was coming in front of her sons, and they had no idea.

She sighed softly, again trying to avoid giving it away. She had to move back from the jet as she became overstimulated. Her legs trembled as her pussy contracted hard. As her orgasm faded she was now bottomless, her bikini had washed out from under her when she moved. She panicked until she found it again, unsure of which way was forward as she fumbled to slip it back on surreptitiously. The stealth orgasm has been the most intense she had ever experienced. If only her boys knew she had just gotten off, what would they think!

Chapter 2

Maggie woke up with a slight hangover. She groaned, her head throbbing. She downed some Tylenol and drank a lot of water as she showered and got ready. She paused as she got dressed, looking herself over the in the mirror. She looked good, she thought. She felt good, which was even more important. She still felt horny from the night before. Coming in the presence of her sons was intense. The stealthy nature of it only heightened the experience. She had enjoyed their eyes on her tits. She stood naked in her room, looking at the shut door leading to the hallway. She selected a pair of short khaki shorts and put them on, feeling the freedom of not wearing anything underneath. She pulled her hair into a messy bun, admiring her tits, gingerly cupping them. She shuddered. Control yourself, she thought. She put on a bra and a tight talk top, checking herself in the mirror one more time before going downstairs.

Bradley and Michael were already up and clattering about. Bradley was unloading dishes in the kitchen, while Michael was unpacking books. Both boys gave her a good look over, and she grinned to herself. They spent the day unpacking, focusing on the business of putting things where they needed to go, and making a list of what she needed to buy to complete her new house. The boys cast furtive glances at her tits and ass, and she enjoyed the tease.

At one point she bent over to pick up a dust bunny, and caught them looking right down her tank top. They blushed and tried to act cool, but she decided to have a little fun with her boys.

"When you used to have friends over, they'd trying to look down my shirt all the time," she said casually, not acknowledging them directly. "Some of them were pretty blatant about it." Their friends used to check her out all the time, and even though these were her own boys, she enjoyed the attention. They were just normal young men, she told herself, checking out some available sights. It didn't matter that she was their mother.

"Our friends didn't just sneak peeks," Michael said.

"Yeah, they definitely strained their necks to get a look," Bradley added. "Some of my friends begged me to get a picture of you changing or something."

"Did you?" she asked, surprised, but surprisingly not upset.

"Hell no," he replied. "If I had a photo like that, I would never have shared it with them."

"So you're saying you'd never share a nude pic of your mom, but you didn't say you wouldn't take one," she teased. Bradley blushed, as did Michael. She felt her nipples get hard.

Mid-day, she poured her first glass of wine.

By the time they broke for dinner, Maggie was both buzzed and incredibly horny. Her mind wandered, and she found herself even telling a sexual joke or two, to the surprise of her sons. She played it off as banter, but saw them staring more afterward. She decided to have a little more fun, she thought. She went to her room, stripping off her clothes, again with the door open. For some reason the open door was alluring to her, the idea that they could come down the hall at any moment and see her naked. She downed her glass of wine and checked herself in the mirror. She put on her bikini and headed back down the hall. As she did she ran into Michael, whose eyes widened and zeroed in on her tits.

"Hey, Michael," she said, enjoying his gaze.

"Oh, hey, mom," he said, trying to invent a reason for coming down the hall.

"While you're here, would you retie my top for me?" she said, turning around. She felt his hands on her back as he untied her top.

"Tie it tight," she instructed, and she felt his fumbling hands against her. She turned, tugging the top this way and that, giving him an extra view. She saw him staring. "You're just like your friends," she teased, and headed down the hall.

They finished dinner while she elicited stares from her boys. She knew she shouldn't, but she was enjoying their interest. They were just responding to a half-naked woman, she thought to herself. They're my sons, after all, and they're just curious. She had another glass of wine and felt lightheaded and dreamy.

"Come on, let's go swimming," she said. She headed for the pool and was joined by her sons shortly afterward. They swam in the pool, again grateful for it's heated temperature. She swam close, sometimes hanging off of her sons as they stood in the parts too deep for her. She pressed her breasts against their backs as she wrapped her arms around their broad shoulders. She was less drunk than the night before, and in her improved clarity she noticed both sported erections under the swimsuits, and fought in vain to hide them from her. Knowing that they were aroused made her hornier, surprising herself. Maggie surprised herself, swimming closer and treading next to them.

"You boys have been so sweet to come and help me. I didn't want to make you guys spend your entire break with me. I'm sure you have fun stuff to do."

"Of course we'd spend time with you," Bradley said.

"Well, I want you to know I appreciate it very much," she said. Then she swam to the hot tub. The boys followed her as she slid to her new, favorite seat. She already had her bikini bottom off before they joined her, and the water was hitting her clit perfectly. She leaned back, enjoying the feeling of the hot water on her pussy, and her sons' eyes on her tits.

"We had a hot tub when I was growing up, I used to sit it in with my sister and cousins all the time after high school," she said casually, her voice dreamlike as she felt her body ripple with pleasure. She was so turned on from the all-day tease that she came fast and hard, her body fighting her to trash about. She maintained composure, enjoying holding back for her unwitting audience. When her orgasm ended she moved a little further from the jet, letting it hit her but not as intensely.

"Can I tell you two a secret," she said, giggling from the wine and her climax. "When my parents weren't home, my cousins, sister, and I would play show and tell in the hot tub."

"What?" the boys said together. Michael added, "Your cousins Nicky and Matt?"

"Yup," she said, grinning. Carrie and I convinced Nicky to take off her top one day, and then we all did. And poor Matt was definitely aroused. After that it was kind of a game, to see if we could do it without getting caught. I miss those days." Without another word she reached back and untied her top. The boys eyes widened as she took it off and tossed it into the pool. They stared at their mother's bare tits, and she felt her whole body tremble slightly.

"Go ahead and look," she said, taking a sip of wine. "I don't mind you looking, you've been sneaking peeks all day anyway." They tried to protest their innocence but she just laughed sweetly. She closed her eyes and let the water hit her clit harder. She knew they were staring, knew they were hard, and she felt herself coming. As she came, she was surprised by the visions in her head of two hard cocks sprung in her face, seeking her mouth. She opened her eyes to see them still sitting, staring at her tits, as her pussy contracted and she came. She bucked her hips slightly, stifling a more intense response. Coming in front of them, topless, was the best thing she had ever done.

Something had come undone in her head, she thought. This was not a normal thing to do--and I don't care.

Michael swallowed hard, finding his voice finally, "did you see Matt naked?"

"At first, no, the bubbles covered everything up, so it was just tits for him. But eventually he took off his suit. I saw the tip of it a few times, and then the whole thing finally. We almost got caught that time, because after a while we kept our tops on but sat with nothing else," She looked at her sons, and they shifted uncomfortably. "If you two want to take off your swimsuits, I don't mind, I can't see anything right now." To illustrate the fact she fully removed and tossed her bikini bottom into the pool. The boys looked at each other, transfixed.