Hayley's Party Ch. 07

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Broken Dreams.
14.4k words

Part 10 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 05/31/2015
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Hayley's Party Ch. 07 – Broken Dreams

Walking in the rain, I can't believe the way I'm feeling;
Lonely once again, could it be that I'm still dreaming;
I thought I heard you talking,
But deep inside I know, this heart of mine has left me walking

Down the Boulevard of broken dreams,
Down the Boulevard of broken dreams,
You left me broken hearted, before we got things started...

Boulevard of Broken Dreams, Smokie

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Please note: this chapter continues on from where Chapter 6 left off

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When I came back downstairs after changing out of my bikini, I was in my running shorts and tank top. I really needed to sweat this one out. Dad had disappeared but I could hear Rachel singing happily. Some old cantopop song she liked. I'd give her that, she sang well.

She looked up as I walked past the kitchen. "Going for an afternoon run, Hayley? It's warm out there."

"Yeah, I need a good run to clear my head." I really did.

Rachel laughed. "Good idea, just take lots of water and your phone, okay."

"All taken care of." I pointed my thumb over my shoulder at my CamelBak. I didn't bother pointing to my Ruger SR9 tucked away in its holster in back of my running shorts where I usually carried it. Rachel was always nervous about my guns, not that I had many. She hadn't grown up shooting them like I had. I had two spare mags in the pockets on the shoulder harness. No point in carrying a gun if you run out of bullets and the extra mags need to be accessible for a quick reload. A girl should always be protected! Even out here. Master Kim had drummed that in to me.

My South Korean MUSAT knife sat in its special side pocket on the CamelBak! Master Kim had given it to me as a present which was totally nice of him – not just anyone got given a South Korean Special Forces Multi UDT SEAL Assaulting Tactics knife. Half a dozen spare Tampons, wet wipes, a small first aid kit, matches, firestarter tabs, paracord, a recently added packet of condoms, clean panties in their own Ziploc, half a dozen bars of chocolate, lipstick, a foldup hairbrush, my Leatherman, a small flashlight, a survival blanket - everything a girl might need in an emergency was in that little CamelBak. It still weighed very little until I filled up the drinking water!

"How long do you think you'll be?"

"Two or three hours, I'm going to run down to the river and back. I'll be back by seven."

"Okay, just remember to call if you're going to be late."

"I will. Bye." I gave Rachel the obligatory hug and then I was out the front door like a shot, already sweating by the time I hit the end of the driveway. I really did need that run to flush out the last of that Jack Daniels from last night. I still didn't feel great but a couple of hours in the Hot Tub with Old Joe and lots of water and painkillers had helped. A good long run with a few liters flushed through me should see me right and get me set for training at Master Kim's on Monday after school. I headed down the road, settling into a slow steady pace that I knew I could keep up for hours. A few mouthfuls of water and I felt better already, the mid-afternoon sun heating me up nicely. Warm but not baking hot. A nice breeze with the air coming down of the mountains. Perfect running weather.

Jogging down the road, sweating, I couldn't help thinking about Steve and me. Talk about broken dreams! Mine weren't just broken. They were shattered into little pieces. Shattered and broken. God, I'd totally loved Steve. I'd have done anything for him. Okay, almost anything. Obviously there were some things I wouldn't do. But how could he have been such an asshole? Why had I never realized? Okay, maybe he did love me; I knew I'd loved him. But I didn't love him enough to let him do what he wanted to do. Not when I loved him. No way. But I'd done what Steve had wanted me to do; only I'd done it with Barry and Joe. And it'd been so good.

Why was it good with Joe and Barry and not with Steve? I knew the answer to that one as soon as I thought of the question. Because Steve had tried to trick me into doing what he'd wanted. With Joe and Barry, it'd been my idea. Nobody had tried to trick anybody. What if Steve had been open with me about what he wanted? I knew that one too. I'd loved Steve back then, yesterday. Last night. I'd loved Steve and I wouldn't have done it. I'd regarded myself as Steve's and Steve's alone. The thought of him sharing me with another guy was something I would have totally rejected. I absolutely knew that.

Was I being a hypocrite? Maybe, but really, I didn't care. Steve had totally destroyed my love for him by doing what he'd done. At the same time, he'd made sure that Joe had introduced me to the delights of sex. That night with Joe at Claire's party had been ... wonderful. Really, I might have been in love with Steve but sex with Joe had been so good. I'd heard other girls talking about their first time, most of them had said it was nothing special, or that they hadn't enjoyed it. If it'd been me and Steve, it would probably have been romantic and lovely and everything, but the sex would have been so-so.

With Joe, there'd been fuck-all in the way of romance, but the sex. Oh fuck, the sex. I could still remember every second of that night with Joe, every single thing he'd done to me. Last night? Last night had been shorter but even better. My body glowed at the memories. Would I have glowed like that thinking about Steve if he hadn't tried to trick me last night? Remembering the way he'd rammed half his cock up my butt last night, I doubted it. Disillusionment, thy name was Hayley.

But I wasn't going to cry about it! Not anymore. I was done with crying over Steve.

All I wanted to do now was put the past behind me and focus on the future. That was far brighter. I had a date coming up with Brad for Friday night, probably a date with Mark on Saturday if I really wanted to go out with a guy ten years older than me. I still hadn't decided on that one. Then of course there was Barry lined up for the following weekend. And Joe? Of course there was Joe. I had to smile at all those choices. Yes, there was a lot for me to look forward too.

I ran on without a plan other than to head down towards the river, avoiding heading downtown, jogging in a wide loop down the side streets until I came to the Number Ten Side Road. Without giving it a thought, I headed out on Number Ten. It was a good road for running, quiet, tree-lined, the houses far apart, plenty of room on the side of the road with a wide grass verge. I was in my stride now, running easily, sipping from the CamelBak every regularly to keep well hydrated, sweating hard, and enjoying the exercise. I wasn't pushing myself at all but I was feeling better and better with every mile that passed.

I came to the track that led off the side road and down to the swimming hole from last night, jogged past it, thought about it for a moment and turned back, jogging down the track towards the river. I was running more slowly on the uneven ground, dodging the overhanging branches of the cottonwoods, enjoying the trees and the birdsong that was all around me. The half mile to the river didn't take me long. It was only a few minutes before I jogged out into the grassy clearing by the swimming hole where I'd been with Joe and Barry last night.

There was nothing to show that anyone had ever been there. Just the short green grass and the cool clear blue of the river water. I slowed, then walked to the edge of the river, standing there breathing in the clean air of the mountains, enjoying the fresh smell and the heat. Nothing but trees and grass and water and birds singing and the warm afternoon sun, cleansing my lungs, cleansing my soul, leaving me relaxed and content.

Of course, as you'd expect, that was when it started to pour with rain. A sudden summer afternoon shower out of a cloudless sky with nowhere to shelter! The trees were second growth, still small, not much use at all against the rain. At least it wasn't cold. I dropped my CamelBak and lay back on the grass, closing my eyes, stretching out, feeling the rain soaking me from head to foot, enjoying it. There's nothing quite like a warm late summer torrential rainstorm when you don't feel any concern about getting wet.

With the rain pouring down on me, my eyes closed, I thought again about Steve and my decision to terminate our relationship. About Joe and Barry and last night. About Brad. About Mark. Out here, it all seemed far simpler, far easier to make decisions, to push Steve aside. Yes, I could safely say he was history now. We were over. I'd made up my mind, I'd told him to his face and I was done with Steve. Enough with the broken dreams and the broken heart! In my mind, I washed my romantic dreams of Steve away with the rain, feeling him flow from me, washed away, detritus in the storm, going ... going ... gone. A weight finally lifted from me, a weight of negativity I hadn't even realized was there until now. Until it was gone. It felt good.

As for the rest, I knew I'd take it one date at a time. I didn't want to find myself in the same position with another guy.

"Hayley! That you?"

"Jesus!" My eyes flew open as I levitated to my feet in a nanosecond, my heart almost bursting. "Fuck! Joe?"

"What are you doing here?" He sounded as surprised as I felt.

"I went for a run and came down here. What are you doing?" Okay, breathe again Hayley. It's only Joe.

"I went for a run." He was grinning. I guess he had. Running shorts, tank top and CamelBak, same as me. He was soaked to the skin and breathing hard. Just like me. "I was thinking about last night and I guess I just ended up here."

Just like me, now that I thought about it, although I didn't say that. We both laughed. It felt good to laugh. It felt like I hadn't laughed in a long time. Steve hadn't been a laughing kind of a guy. Yes, it felt very good.

"I was going to call you this evening, see how you were feeling."

"I had the hangover from hell this morning," I told him. "And Father O'Reilly caught me drinking the Eucharistic wine at Mass."

"Jesus Hayley!" Joe looked surprised, then slightly worried. "What'd he say?"

"Nothing, he gave me a shot of whiskey for a chaser."


I laughed at his expression. "He was right, I felt a lot better after the whiskey."

"Good. I was a bit worried about you last night." He had that concerned expression on his face.

I giggled. "I was so mad with Steve. Thanks for looking after me Joe. You and Barry. Honestly, I feel way better over the whole thing now."

"Ahh, well..." He still had that concerned expression.

I sat back down on the grass and patted the space beside me. "Sit Joe." It felt funny, me telling Joe what to do, but he did it. He sat, shrugging off his own CamelBak and leaning back against the big rock behind him. Perfect backrest. His CamelBak was the same model as mine but mottled green and brown where mine was bright pink. Guys! "About last night."

"Yeah." He sounded so cautious. I had to smile. Joe, nervous? That was funny.

"It's like this Joe." I moved, sitting myself between his legs, leaning back against him and taking his hands in mine, resting them on my legs.

"Ouch!" He yelped. "What the ... what the fuck's that?"

"Ooops, sorry." I leaned forward and pulled the Ruger out from its holster, tucked it safely into my CamelBak. Joe knew I carried more often than not, he didn't look surprised. Not like Steve always had when one of my guns came out. Not that I had many. I leaned back into Joe again, retrieving his hands.

"Okay, let's start again," I said, leaning my head back on his shoulder. We were both soaked through; the steam was starting to rise from my clothes as the sun came out again. Wet tank-top time. But today I had a sports bra on as well. I peeled my tank-top off and flipped it onto a nearby bush to dry.

"Okay, about last night?" He still sounded cautious. I wanted to giggle.

"Yeah, remember last night. Me and you and Barry."

"Ahhh, yeah, I do remember that." He still sounded cautious.

I laughed. "I hope so, coz you know, I enjoyed that, a lot, but I have this question Joe."

"Yeah?" My, he was really being cautious.

"Well, you know, you've fucked me a couple of times now Joe. Back at Claire's party with Steve, and, you know, last night with Barry, and I was just, you know, wondering..."

"Wondering what?"

"Well, do you really like watching other guys fuck me all the time, or is just me and you good enough for you? Coz I think I'd really enjoy, you know, just me and you... If you wanted that Joe, that is?"

Joe's hands moved up, leaving mine behind, moving to cup my breasts, very gently. I liked that. I liked that a lot. I rested my head against his shoulder. Feeling his hands on me. Enjoying.

"You know Hayley, I'd really prefer just you and me."

"Good, I was beginning to get worried."

"You were?"

I turned in his arms and pushed him down onto his back, lying on top of him, looking down into his eyes, stroking his hair with one hand. He felt so good under me. So big and strong. Hard as well. I wriggled. Yes, definitely hard. I smiled. "I was. I was thinking maybe you had this thing about me and other guys at the same time. And ... I mean ... that's okay once maybe, but not every time ... a girl likes a bit of romance ... And you know, if it was just you and me, I wouldn't worry at all. I'd like that, Joe."

His hands were on my butt, holding me. Pulling me down hard against him. God, he was really hard and I loved it. My breath huffed out in a moan of pure enjoyment as he pressed against me. That felt so good. I loved that his eyes were so blue. It was like looking into the sky on a mid-summer day.

He smiled up at me, his hands stroking and kneading my butt through those wet running shorts. I liked that too. A lot. "I'd really prefer that, Hayley."

It was my turn to smile. "Good, because I told Steve we were done this afternoon and I don't want another boyfriend right now Joe, but you know, if it's just you and me, you can have me whenever you want me." I kissed him, just a quick kiss. "Like now." Because suddenly I wanted him that much. Then I kissed him again.

His eyes widened a little and then he was kissing me back, his hands moving up to my head, fingers threading through my hair as his tongue danced with mine inside my mouth, as his lips took control of mine. Those kisses, they made me feel as if I'd never been kissed before, passionate, lingering, knowing exactly how I would respond. I could have kissed Joe for hours like that, but he wanted more. I wasn't arguing.

His hands left my hair, found the bottom of my sports bra and eased it up. I raised myself up, sat up on him, peeled it off over my head to drop it on the grass beside us. I smiled down at him, studying his face, his strong features, the slight stubble that said he hadn't shaved this morning. He smiled back for a moment before lifting me and rolling me onto my back so that now it was my turn to look up at him.

This afternoon there was no doubt, no hesitation. Both of us knew exactly what we wanted, exactly what was going to happen. There was no reason to stop. No thought on my part of stopping. I wasn't Steve's. I wasn't anyone's. I was my own and I could do what I wanted to do without any feeling of guilt. Sex with Joe felt overwhelmingly good and I wanted it, I wanted him, badly. He began to peel my running shorts down and now I moved. I moved to help him, raising my hips, pushing my shorts and panties down to mid-thigh, baring myself. His hands pushed them down further, to my knees, then helped me as I kicked one foot free, then the other.

I watched as Joe undressed. As quickly as my clothes had disappeared, so did his. Naked, the sun warming my skin, Joe's eyes on me warming my soul, I waited, stretching my arms out above my head. I didn't feel like doing anything at all. I wanted to be done to. I wanted to surrender myself, I wanted to be taken. I wanted Joe to take me.

His hand rested on my stomach, circling, stroking as his mouth came down on mine to kiss me again. Kisses that I welcomed, shivering as they moved from my lips to my neck, my shoulder, my neck again. His hand on me moved slowly, caressing only my stomach, my hips, the outsides of my thighs, arousing a deliciously intoxicating heat that slowly spread through my body. I stretched languorously under his hand, wanting more, but also enjoying the anticipation, the knowledge that there was no need for haste, that we had all the time in the world and that there was only the two of us.

Now his hand moved to one of my breasts, cupping it with an undisguised possessiveness that drew a long sigh from me as I arched my back and pressed into his hand. I knew he wanted me, he was erect, hard against my thigh, and the knowledge that he was delaying his own satisfaction to ensure mine aroused me further. His mouth dropped, enclosed my other breast so that while his hand kneaded one, his lips and tongue worked on the other, sucking deeply at my sensitive nipple.

Now, now I couldn't just lie there. My hands clutched at his head, held him as his mouth suckled at me, the pleasure rippling from my nipple to my center and back again. I wanted to cry out but while my mouth worked, no sound came out, just panting little gasps as I breathed. His mouth lifted from me, I looked down, saw my nipple shining with his saliva, watched as he moved his tongue in a gentle circle around my nipple before licking it with the leisurely licks you use on an ice-cream cone.

I was already wet; I could feel my own hot slippery excitement, feel my own readiness. When his hand slid down to cup me and touch me, I knew Joe felt that too.

"Oooohhhhh." The sensation as his finger found me and slid inwards so easily sent ripples through me. My legs just seemed to fall apart; my hand found his cock, held him, stroked him gently, savoring the rigid hardness of him. Knowing that he wanted me as much as I wanted him. I tugged at him lightly with my hand, urging him up and over me. "I don't want to wait, Joe," I breathed. "Just fuck me. ... Now ... please."

He smiled as his weight came down on me, as I drew my knees back, opening myself to him, my hand guiding him to where I wanted him so much.

"Neither do I," he breathed in my ear as the head of his cock pushed against me, making me shiver. God, he felt so big and then he pushed and I felt myself stretch and open to him, the head of him slipping inside me.

"Oh God." My hand fell away from his cock, both my hands clung to his back as his mouth closed on mine, as he sucked my tongue into his mouth, as his cock slid deep inside me, deeper, all the way in until he was pressed up against me and I was full, so full, so stretched around him.

God, he was just so big. I sucked in my breath, feeling him inside me, making me feel so full, so completely full that all I could do was lie beneath him and whimper. I wanted to beg him to fuck me, to take me, but for a moment my mouth wouldn't work, I couldn't talk. All I could do was make those little noises as I adjusted to the feel of him inside me.

"You okay Hayley?" He was smiling down at me. He knew what he was doing to me. He was enjoying this.

"You're huge Joe." It was more of a gasp than coherent speech.

His smile glowed with male pride mixed with concern. "I didn't hurt you did I?"

I shook my head, breathing hard. "God ... no ... I just need ... to get used to it."

"Maybe I can help." He began to move inside me, slowly, gently, his cock easing out and thrusting into me in easy slides.

Oh Christ, that did help. That did. I wanted more. "Ohhhhhhh ... Oohh Joe ... Joe." Just the feel of his cock, sliding inside me, drawing back slowly, thrusting in slowly, sinking into me, so deep, so thick where our bodies joined. I felt every inch of him inside me, felt him moving in me, sliding inwards past my labia, which were stretched around him, the unbelievable sensation as he slid into me, out of me, moving, moving. All I could do was lie there and feel him, experience what he was doing to me, luxuriate in the sensations.