Happy Birthday to Me Ch. 02

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Isabelle is slowly learning what excites her husband.
8.2k words

Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 02/16/2016
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Happy Birthday to Me - Chapter Two

Ten minutes past midnight
Leaning out of the window to see the dim light outside
Lost quiet rainy night kisses passersby
Once you whispered in the rain:
Happy birthday my loved one

Ten Minutes Past Midnight, Sally Yip

* * * * * * * *

"Did Tom really do it with you seven times in one night?" I leaned in towards Fan, my voice soft. I didn't want anyone overhearing us. The café was noisy, but still.

Fan leaned in, her lips quirking into a smile. She had black rings under her eyes that even her makeup didn't hide. "Every night Isabelle, I'm exhausted. Honestly, he just doesn't stop. The man's insatiable." She glanced around, lowering her voice to a whisper. "He did it to me on his desk this morning at work. One for the road, he said. Honestly, he's so good, he just makes me scream my head off but I can see why his wife stayed in the States." She giggled. "I'm actually relieved he's gone back to the States for a couple of weeks."

That was why Fan and I were having coffee. Tom had left at midday to catch a flight back to the US. Kam had gone to the airport with him, they were working on another client, Kam wanted all the time he could get with Tom before he left. My work was quiet, I'd asked David if I could leave early. So there we were, drinking coffee.

Fan shook her head. "It's not like he takes anything, I checked, it's totally natural, he's just insatiable."

I giggled. "I wish we could average him and Kam out, Kam's always so tired." I was disappointed. It'd been two days since that wonderful night and nothing had happened since. I'd tried. Maybe tonight. I must have looked disappointed. Fan rested her hand on my arm.

"Don't worry Isabelle, they've been working hard, he's probably just tired and exhausted, be patient."

"I know," I said, "but I do wish he was more like Tom." I looked at myself. "I mean, I'm attractive enough aren't I Fan?"

Fan smiled. "I'd die to have a figure like yours Isabelle, I mean look." She gestured with her head at an American guy across the café who was looking at us. Me. My boobs. No eye contact. Until he saw us both glancing his way. Then he smiled, still looking. My eyes met Fan's, we both giggled. "See, that's what I mean Isabelle, everyone looks at you." She looked a bit more serious. "You're not having a problem with Kam are you?" Her hand touched mine. "I'm not being nosey Isabelle, I like you, just, I know you don't know much about guys, so if I can help, just ask, okay."

I nodded, touched. "Thanks Fan. It's just, I love Kam, I know he loves me, but ..." I blushed.

Fan giggled. "You want him to fuck you more, right?"

I blushed even more, nodding my head. "I try to encourage him, but honestly Fan, I don't know what I'm doing wrong, I mean, I'd die for Kam to do it to me seven times in one night." I almost shivered at the thought. Three had been heaven. And then... Nothing.

"I mean, a couple of nights ago we made love three times in a row and then ... nothing."

Fan squeezed my hand. "Was there anything different? Did you do anything you don't usually do? Dress differently? Act differently?"

I must have blushed. Fan looked at me, tilted her head, giggled. "See, you know something was different. Whatever it was, try it again... No, don't tell me ... Just whatever you did that got him excited, try something similar and see if it works."

I nodded. Yes, I remembered Kam's excitement when I walked out of the apartment in that dress, how excited he'd got over that American's business card. Hmmmm.

"Thanks Fan, I will." I smiled. Tonight, after Kam got back for the airport.

Fan's cellphone sang. She looked at it. "Mei-mei. Excuse me a minute Isabelle." Then she was on her phone chatting with one of her friends. I watched the passersby, idly sipping my coffee. It was fund trying to figure out what they did from the way they dressed and walked. Most just typical but every now and then, mixed in with the crowd, you see those girls, the ones who make you feel inferior. Perfect hair, perfect skin, perfect makeup, perfect boobs, long silky legs, tall and slender and good looking, all perfectly packaged in clothes that show them to glossy perfection. I saw one.

She had "fuck me" written all over her.

She was beautiful. She was the kind of girl I'd always wanted to be. Confident, sexy, self-assured, the sort of girl that made boyfriends stop talking to their girlfriends, husbands ignore their wives and turn their heads to look at. She was so comfortable displaying her body, so confident, so aware of her attractiveness and so natural in the way she carried herself. Her legs moved with a sleek smoothness, she exuded sensuality, she drew eyes like a magnet. Even mine.

I envied her.

What was it like to be her?

She looked the same age as me. Was she married like me? Or was she single? I watched her as she glanced over past Fan and I, waved, smiling, turning and walking past us, sitting down at a nearby table with a group of young men. All young and handsome, all flirting with her. I'd never flirted like that. I didn't know how to flirt like that. I'd never even had a boyfriend until I met Kam and Kam had swept me off my feet. I'd never flirted like that. I'd never had the courage. And now? It hit me like a blow.

I was married.

I might look good but I would never be able to flirt with other men like that girl. I would never do what that girl was probably going to do and fuck a drop-dead gorgeous guy just for the sheer physical pleasure of it. I'd never dress like her, advertising myself sexually, putting myself on display to attract men. I was attractive enough, I knew. Physically, probably more attractive than that girl I'd been watching. My boobs for example, were far better looking. Large, perky and firm, Seoul boob job gorgeous but entirely natural. No, it was all in the mind, I knew. I was as good looking as that girl.

I looked at Fan, still talking. She wasn't as good looking as I was but she more than made up for it with her personality and her style. Her clothes as well. The clothes and the makeup made a huge difference. That and the attitude. I remembered again how excited Kam had gotten.

"What are you thinking about Isabelle?" Fan interrupted my thoughts. She'd obviously finished her call.

I made up my mind in an instant. "Want to come clothes shopping with me?"

"Sure, I'd love too." Fan squealed with excitement. "What're we buying?"

"Fan," I said, "I want to do a total makeover." I looked at her. Two years younger than me and looking so pretty and sexy in her short little skirt and a top that was wild but stylish. "I want to look sexy like you."

She clapped her hands. "Yes! Come one, let's go, I know exactly where to start, we're going to work from inside out, okay Isabella. Lingerie first! Shoes. Dresses. Skirts. Tops. Come one!" She was already on her feet, tugging at my hand.

* * * * * * * *

"More clothes shopping?" Kam looked up as I walked in the door, laden down with a dozen bags.

"Just a few bits and pieces," I smiled, heading for the bedroom to unload.

Well, more than a few bits and pieces. It took me half an hour just to pull everything out. Wildly sexy lingerie. A couple of new pairs of stiletto's. Skirts and tops, two new little black dresses, a couple more dresses, one or two rather more exotic purchases that made me blush to look at them. Those I tucked away immediately. I considered the clothes carefully. I stuck my head out the bedroom door.

"Honey, shall we go out for dinner? It's a bit late to cook."

"Sure." Kam was easy like that.

"Great, give me fifteen minutes."

"Take your time."

I didn't. Five minutes in the shower combined with a quick shave everywhere just to make sure, my last Brazilian had been two weeks ago, not that there had been much to remove to start with. Five minutes to apply my makeup. Dressing was quick. The little black lace French-style panties I'd bought - or rather, that Fan had insisted I buy. I hesitated to call them panties, really, they were loose-legged lacey and slit to the waistband on either hip. Totally designed for easy access.

My pulse fluttered as I slipped them on, thinking of how Kam would like them. How easily his hand would slip inside them whenever he wanted. I slipped one of my new black dresses on over the top, a loose little backless one with a loosely plunging front and a hemline at mid-thigh. No bra. I wanted to tease Kam, excite him. I wanted three times in one night again.

"I'm ready honey, let's go." I was out of the bedroom before I could have any second thoughts, straight past Kam to the door where I slipped a pair of my new stilettos on. Kam's eyes almost burned into me as he watched me. As for me, I was totally aware of my braless state, my unrestrained breasts bounced rather more freely than usual as I fastened the straps on my shoes.

"You look great Isabelle." Yes! His tone said I'd been correct with my choice. Wait until he saw the panties. I was almost wriggling with excitement.

"Let's go to Il Casino." That was a really nice Italian restaurant that was close by.

"Sure." I loved the food at Il Casino, we'd been there a few times for dinner. We walked to the elevator holding hands. I snuggled up against my husband, enjoying his enthusiasm. He smiled down at me. "I do like that dress."

"Mmmm, I thought you might."

The elevator chimed, the doors opened, we stepped inside, joining the half a dozen other occupants. A couple of the men eyed me surreptitiously. One eyed me openly. I felt myself blush. I blushed even more as I walked out of the elevator, my breasts quivering beneath my dress with every step I took. It felt so different with no bra beneath my dress. So exposed. My breasts felt free and unfettered, they bounced and quivered as I walked, my nipples rubbed against the dress's material. It was embarrassing and it was exciting all at one and the same time. I could almost feel the glances as I walked with Kam. I could see men glancing at me in the way that in the past I'd seen them glance at other girls dressed as I was.

We walked into Il Casino. Beneath my dress my nipples were swollen, aching, turgid with excitement, my body tingling. Kam kept glancing at me, I could see the excitement on his face. I smiled back.

Seated at our table, tucked in at the back of the restaurant, I sipped my wine as Kam ordered for us. The food at Il Casino was wonderful, I loved Italian cooking. It was delicious, I enjoyed every mouthful. I enjoyed the way Kam looked at me all through dinner and dessert as well.

"Would you like another drink at the bar before we go home?" I asked Kam innocently.

"Yeah, sure." Kam's surprise almost made me giggle. I'd never liked bars. I still didn't, but tonight I had a plan. I wanted to excite Kam. I wanted three times in one night again. I was willing to embarrass myself just a little to get what I wanted. I thought I knew what might excite Kam.

He walked me to the long curved wooden bar, helped me perch on one of the high bar stools, where I sat displaying a lot of leg. So much that I blushed. That short dress was short, I was very much on display. I knew that. Kam could see that. I could see that Kam liked that.

"Scotch on the rocks for me, white wine for her."

I hadn't even noticed the barman. I was a little hesitantly looking around the bar, seeing if I was drawing any eyes. Yes, yes I was. I took my wine, sipping delicately as Kam talked about this new client, about how much business they could bring if he got them signed up.

I leaned in toward Kam, enough that he could see down the front of my dress. "Honey, don't look, but those guys over there, they keep looking at me. It's embarrassing, can we slip out and go home now?"

Kam glanced sideways, smiled. He knew I was sensitive about being looked at. "Let's finish our drinks first Isabelle, you can't blame them for looking, you look hot in that dress."

"Okay honey," I said, very meekly, sipping on my wine. They were looking at me again. Kam was looking a little surprised. Surprised but pleased. I eyed the small dance floor, my heart pounding. I wasn't sure about this. The bar was filling up. The dance floor was popular too. "Would you like to dance?"

Kam stood without a word, leading me onto the dance floor, taking me in his arms, slow-dancing with me. It was that kind of music, that kind of dance. I loved it, moving, swaying, gliding around the dance floor in Kam's arms. Those guys, the group at that table that had been watching me, they were still watching me, watching me as I circled the dance floor with Kam. Kam saw then watching me, I know. He danced me towards them, past them. Of course I didn't notice, I was too busy gazing adoringly up at Kam. With just the occasional glance around.

After a couple of songs from the live band, Kam drew me back towards the bar. Our seats were still there with our drinks, but now there were a couple of guys there with drinks as well.

"Excuse me." Kam reached past them for our drinks.

"Oh, sorry, please..." one of them said, slipping of the bar stool and offering it to me.

"Thanks," I said, lifting myself up onto it. I wasn't sure whether there eyes were focused on my boobs bouncing as I lifted myself up or my legs flashing as that short dress revealed then almost all the way up to my panties.

"Care for a drink," one of them said to Kam, gesturing to the barman, who just as quickly replaced Kam's scotch on the rocks and my white wine.

"Thanks," Kam said, "don't we know each other? I think we met at the Trade Show earlier this year." He frowned. "You're with Orchid Venture Capital?"

"Yes, yes I am? I don't remember..."

"Kam Leung. My wife Isabelle."

"Albert Xiaoming, this is my friend Harry Yan, he's at Dragon Capital."

Albert and Kam started talking financial stuff, sounding each other out, well on the way to each of them establishing yet another connection that might at some stage prove useful. Harry and I chatted, the social chit-chat thing, music, the latest Angelababy movie, nothing serious. Kam ordered a round of drinks for everyone after asking me if I wanted to go home. I did, but Kam was enjoying himself.

"Oh no!" I smiled. "I'm enjoying myself, would you like to dance again?"

But Kam was too busy talking with Albert. "Birds of a feather," Harry grinned, holding out his hand. "Care to dance with me? If your husband doesn't mind?"

Kam grinned. "Isabelle loves to dance, go ahead."

I did, with Kam. I'd never really danced much with anyone else. Harry led me onto the dance floor just as the music changed to some fast-moving Cantopop stuff. I guess those four or five glasses of wine had had their effect. I danced with Harry, not quite as energetically as the other girls on the dance floor, but energetically enough. Enough that my braless breasts were doing a little dance of their own beneath my dress. Harry's eyes kept dropping from my face to my boobs. With that loosely plunging front every time he looked he got an eyeful.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Kam watching me as I danced. Seeing him looking at me, I put on even more of a display, aware of Harry's excitement, enjoying Kam's attention. Glancing back to Harry, I caught him looking right down my dress front. He looked up, saw me watching him, he looked embarrassed.

"Sorry," he mouthed.

I shrugged, grinned. "You can look, just don't touch, okay." I was actually enjoying this.

He grinned. Laughed. "Your husband's a lucky man Isabelle."

"He's going to think so later." I giggled. Oops Isabelle, you've been drinking.

Harry threw his head back and laughed. "As long as he's not the jealous sort."

"Relax, if he was, I wouldn't be here dancing with you." Not that I'd ever danced with anyone like this before, but there was a first time for everything.

The track ended, a new song started. Latin? Something South American? It was a different tempo, faster, Harry raised an eyebrow, questioning whether I wanted to keep dancing. I glanced across at Kam, saw him watching me. He nodded, keep dancing. I turned back to Harry, we melted back into the now crowded dancefloor. I made sure we stayed where Kam could see us though.

My eyes widened at the style of dancing. The close contact, the way couples danced together. Harry grinned, dancing with me, his arms on my waist as he danced behind me, our hips swaying together to the sounds of Latin music. I turned, turned, swaying in Harry's arms, my breasts almost touching him. I felt a little crazy, wild, excited. This was far more fun that I'd expected to have tonight. Harry looked like he was enjoying himself as well.

After that song ended, Harry and I rejoined my husband and Albert.

"I need a break," I told Harry with a smile.

"Me too," he grinned, eyeing my breasts.

"Be strong, resist temptation," I told him, smiling. Wow, Isabelle. You're flirting.

"I need a drink," I told my husband as we rejoined them. I took Albert's seat, warm from his body.

The barman slipped me another chilled white wine. I sipped gratefully. Half a glass later, Kam asked me if I'd like to dance. With my husband? Of course. A nice slow romantic song, perfect for dancing in his arms. Dancing closely, his arms around me, mine around his neck, swaying with him. He was hard, I could feel him. Ohhh yes Isabelle, your plan was a success.

"Would you like to leave soon honey?" He was grinding against me, I was melting.

"Another couple of drinks," he smiled down at me, one hand sliding down to my butt.

"Okay," I smiled.

The track ended, far too quickly. I didn't want to stop, I loved feeling how excited he was. I loved the anticipation, I loved knowing he was excited enough to take me when we got back to our apartment. He held my hand as we walked back to rejoin Albert and Harry.

"You can dance with Albert honey," Kam said, picking us his scotch. "Otherwise he's going to feel left out."

Albert grinned, held his hands out to me. "May I have this dance Isabelle?"

I smiled back, placing my hands in his. "If my husband says you can, Albert."

"Permission granted," Kam chuckled. "Another drink Henry?"

Albert wasn't just a good dancer, he was magic. We floated over the dance floor to that slow romantic music, I didn't even have to think about our movements, his hands guided me, he held me with such assurance, so that I danced without a second thought. Danced closer and closer, in a dream, my hands around his neck, my body close to his, brushing his. Easing in against his. He was hard. I could feel he was hard, brushing against me. I did nothing, made no move to pull away. I continued to dance with him, feeling him press against me, rub against me, closer, harder, tighter, one of his hands on my butt now, holding me even closer.

I half-closed my eyes, feeling him rubbing against me, feeling myself so wet, my clitoris swollen and sensitive, his shaft pressing against me through the dress and my panties, pressing and rubbing, rubbing.

"You're such a good dancer Isabelle." Albert's voice in my ear was soft, soft and gentle, his hand on my butt hard, hard and insistent.

"Am I?" I didn't know. Maybe I was. Maybe he just liked rubbing his cock against me. Only Kam had ever done that before. Why was I letting Albert? Should I stop him? I glanced at Kam, saw him glance at us. Saw him smiled at me as I looked over Albert's shoulder towards him. After that dance was over, I had to sit down. My legs were jelly. I perched on the bar stool, Kam standing next to me, one of his hands on my leg halfway between my knee and the hem of my dress.

"You enjoyed that dance didn't you?" Kam was smiling at me. A happy and excited smile.