Goblin Queen's Plan Ch. 04


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When it was time for bed, the others agreed that Awka had earned another night with me. I wasn't about to complain. The bath had felt wonderful.

The blue-eyed goblin writhed beneath me as I fucked her - not quite pounding her - but stroking in and out of her hard enough and fast enough to bounce her tight little butt against the ground and keep her moaning. The second time she climaxed, I let myself go and came with her. She snuggled against me for kisses, and we fell asleep.


After breakfast, Awka filled everyone's canteens with cool water. We were going to be in trouble if anything ever happened to her. I could see how the change in our routine was going to become normal quickly and we'd forget how dependent travelers were upon access to water - especially a group the size of ours.

We played with our skills as we walked (or rode). Everyone was looking forward to seeing what Zora would get from joining with Kia and Bish. Zora had finally announced that she was going to do it. She was a little anxious - but had decided that the possible benefits outweighed the down-sides - especially since I'd be on-hand to mitigate any health problems.

Reav discovered that he could teleport us. It sort of made sense. He was able to teleport with his clothing and his dagger. The test was to see how big and how far. He could "jump" with me about half his normal distance. On his own, he could jump about as far as he could see - maybe a tenth of a mile or so. I held his hand and we jumped a good distance. He couldn't jump as far when he took Bish. Awka was smaller than me and he could transport her the farthest. Kia changed to a ferret and we discovered that he could teleport her (held in his arms) with no distance penalty at all.

Popping in at the new location was a little disorienting - but the ability to jump from place to place was very useful - in and out of battle. I mussed up his hair as he finished his experimenting and he teleported in to walk beside me.

"Very cool, bud," I told him. "I'm glad you thought about trying that."

"Thanks, da," he replied. "Maybe I can help in fights more now?"

"Maybe," I told him, chuckling.

"I'll be careful!" he insisted.

"You did well the other day. I realize I'm overly-protective. I just remember how you were when we found you. I don't want anything to happen to you."

"I love you, da."

"I love you, too, Reav."

Mid-afternoon, I sped up to join Zora.

"What have you decided to do, when we get there?" I asked.

"Dera says I just need to make an appeal and we'll have lots of people who join us. The hardest part will be to get my sister to agree to let them leave with us without creating a hostile situation."

"I think the hostile situation is how you'll get her to agree," I said, smirking cautiously.

"Yeah, I don't doubt that," she replied. "I just don't want to fight a battle while we're escorting these people two weeks or so back to the valley."

"Can I tell you something?" I asked.

"Anything, my king."

"I was not happy about being captured and sold but this," I waved my hands around to everyone in our group, "is so much more than I'd ever dreamed."

"Cuz you get laid every day?" she said, smirking.

"Well ..." I said, quirking an eyebrow at her as I smiled roguishly.

She laughed and said, "I know you feel bad for smashing my plan to take over the kingdom - but - honestly - my heart is so full right now. I feel like we're doing good things. I trust Dera's dream that others will believe that as well. I've actually been thinking about the kingdom and the castle and - after living in the valley - I don't really know if I would have been happy there anyway. Add to that Reav and Egla - just as the tip of this amazing iceberg - and there's no way I could go back. Sharing blood-gifts with you changed our lives forever and - if the only thing I lose - is a stuffy, smelly castle - I'm not seeing a downside."

"We'll end up fighting somebody," I warned her.

"That peace-keeper?" she asked.

"Him or others like him. Your sister won't be the only one we have to convince through threat of force.

She nodded and said, "I just need you guys to tell me if I'm making bad choices."

"I'll tell you when you're fucking up," Kia volunteered.

Zora laughed and ordered, "Quiet, pet."

Kia transformed into a warg and tried to purr - but it came out as some evil-sounding rumbling laughter. She changed back when we all shivered and stared at her. For once, she actually looked embarrassed. It was such an unusual reaction for her that we all laughed. I didn't know she'd changed into a ferret until she ran up my clothes and curled around my neck. I took her into my arms and rubbed her head - and then scratched under her chin.

"I think I like you like this," I said.

She changed back to her normal form and I could barely continue holding her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me a kiss.

"I've got another spot that needs scratched later," she whispered. Her eyes were filled with lust.

I set her on her feet, laughing. She transformed into a wolf, ran between Reav's legs - lifting him onto her back - and they ran around in circles ahead of us, with our little warg-rider yelling, "Death to all who oppose Zora!" as we all laughed.


After dinner, we all gathered around Kia and Zora as they prepared for their joining. They were both down to their wraps. Zora laid on the blanket and Kia prowled over her, stealing a kiss, while the rest of us laughed at the predatory look on her face. They wrapped their arms around each other and I knelt beside them to start working.

The others slipped into place as their bodies started trembling. I monitored things and everything was going like normal - but - normal was always a little chaotic when you were sharing with a new race. Kia had never shared with a goblin and Zora had never shared with a dark elf.

They didn't sleep as long, this time, maybe about a half-hour - and they didn't jump as much when they woke up. Knowing some of what was coming seemed to help. I undid the arteries between their hearts, and we waited for their assessment.

"Reav," turn invisible, Zora ordered him.

"Not you, too?!" he complained when she watched him walking around.

We all snickered at the poor boy.

I distracted him a bit when I said, "You can always turn invisible and carry Kia around and our enemies will flee in fear from the ferocious flying ferret."

Kia cackled in laughter as his head spun to look at her.

In as much of a baritone as he could muster, he proclaimed, "... and they shall fall before us, like wheat before the scythe."

I was not the only one lying on the ground, holding my sides, with tears in my eyes, as I howled in laughter. The troll's turd pulled out his dagger, raised it into the air, and struck a pose - sending everyone into fresh fits of laughter.

Sitting next to Zora and Kia, drying away my tears, I said, "Perception and what else?"

Zora extended a hand towards a nearby boulder. A blade of briar-wood flew from her hand and raced at her target. It didn't do much damage, but the skill would definitely have its uses.

"I can speak Demon-tongue, as well, obviously," she reported. "Not sure how useful that will be."

Kia nodded and said, "I've tried to stay well away from any who speak it."

Zora hugged her and nodded - and then asked, "What did you get, pet?" She smirked after asking her question.

Kia smirked back and said, "Goblin-speak, poison resistance, and a larger mana-pool. I also think my accuracy with thrown blades has improved - and I can shape-shift faster."

I asked Zora if she wanted to wait to share with Bish - but she was up for it. Kia gave the queen a quick peck on the lips after the two of them had gotten to their feet. Bish laid on the blanket and Zora laid on top of her.

"Hello, beautiful," she told the troll-woman.

I wasn't sure how things would go if she was in her half-troll form. Apparently, she'd had concerns about that as well.

"I'm going to weld your bodies together since Zora can't hold on," I warned them.

They both nodded and I went to work.

Zora had a bit of a bumpy ride. She woke a little before Bish. I had already removed the skin-grafts that had glued them together - as well as the arteries that allowed the sharing to happen.

As Zora slid off of Bish's body to sit down, she seemed a little woozy. I wouldn't be doing a double-share on anyone in the future - it was too much, too fast.

Bish sat up, grinning broadly.

I started to ask what she was so giddy about but Zora jumped into her arms and began kissing her all over her huge face. Bish giggled as the lip-assault continued for several minutes. She got to her feet and was holding Zora like a child.

"Alright, my queen. Tell us already," I said finally.

"I got her impervious skill!" she shrieked. "I'm sure it won't last as long as hers but - by the Gods - just the thought of it!"

Once Bish had set her down, on her own feet, she pulled her dagger and stabbed the point into her arm. We all watched as the wound clotted and closed - at about the same speed that mine did.

"What else?" I asked.

She stepped over and put her mouth to my ear.

"Does Bish's pussy do anything special?" she asked quietly.

I thought about how she could use her vaginal muscles to stroke my cock when I was buried inside of her. I nodded. I quirked an eyebrow at Zora.

She nodded back at me, grinning wickedly.

"Alright, alright," Imka complained, "share with the class or stop whispering."

"What did you get, Bish?" Zora asked, tactfully changing the subject.

Bish said, "Goblin-speak, poison resistance, and a larger mana-pool."

That kind of sucks, Dera said.

Bish transformed. Instead of a half-troll, she was now the burliest female goblin I had ever seen. Her eyes and cute face gave away that it was still Bish though.

She stepped over, took me into her arms and told the others, "More goblin booty for Zack to plunder."

The rest of our group snickered, chuckled, and laughed as I reached around - grabbing a firm hold on the aforementioned booty - and pulled her in for a good, long kiss.

"No matter your form, Bish, you're still too much woman for me," I told her.

"I love how you look at me, sweet husband. You can have me - in whatever form you choose - whenever you choose."

I bumped her nose with mine and gave her another quick peck.

Zora rewarded the girls - and me - for her new gifts - by letting the three of us have our own little thorny bungalow for the night. I lost track of how many times each of us had cum by the time my two goblin lovers were snoring.


We were up early and on the road not long after the sun painted the landscape with its golden rays. Zora estimated that we'd arrive at the castle by nightfall, and everyone was in a hurry to put this trip behind us.

Awka topped off canteens as we traveled. We gave the oxen a small drink at lunchtime and then continued on. They wouldn't be given too much to drink until we stopped for the night. Too much water would cause problems.

Late in the afternoon, the road began to descend slowly.

"How soon will we enter your kingdom, my queen?" I asked.

"The castle guards most of the homesteads. There's not much on this side of the ravine that belongs to us."

Soon, we could see the castle - and the causeway that led across the wide ravine in front of the outer gate.

"We'll camp on this side," Zora told us. "Any new dreams, Dera?"

"No, my queen."

"Any estimate on how many will join us?"

"I'm not good with numbers, my queen," Dera replied. "It was a large crowd. On the road, the caravan will cover most of a mile maybe?"

"300-500 maybe," Zora mused. "Attacks as we travel home?" she asked.

"I haven't dreamed of anything significant until we settle into the valley, majesty," Dera replied.

When we stopped - several yards from the edge of the ravine - we could see that the portcullis was down. The way Zora shook her head, I assumed that it had never been like that before. Either Vira had warned Zeka we were coming - which I guess we knew she had - or the queen was significantly more cautious than her mother had been.


"My queen?"

"Can you use your impervious skill in your goblin form?"

"Yes, my queen," Bish replied.

"Come, take a walk with me."

"Yes, my queen."

The rest of us set up camp as the two of them headed towards the bridge. They returned several minutes later.

"How'd it go?" I asked.

"I told the guard captain that we would be back in the morning. I warned him that I was going to be asking for an audience with the queen. All he did was nod - so we left."


"My queen?"

"After dinner, If you would be so good as to draw us a bath, I could use a little relaxation."

"Yes, my queen."

I kissed Egla's cheek and hugged her, thanking her for dinner. It was another stew - still made from the wolf-meat we'd dried a week or so before. It was hard to believe that the queen and I had only been traveling for a couple weeks.

Zora created a tub - even deeper this time - with a step on the outside and within. It took a little longer for Awka to fill it - but it was deep enough that we could all - well Bish had to change to her goblin form - sit up and rest our arms on the rim. It felt amazing!

Zora climbed out after a while, Awka dried her, and she went to build our sleeping quarters. She made a space for Egla and Reav, and a large one for the rest of us. When Zora called the kids from the bath, Awka dried them and they went to get ready for bed.

Zora returned to the bath and removed her chest-wrap and waist-wrap. In seconds, everybody else was naked as well. They pulled me to the middle, and they made me close my eyes and guess who was grabbing my cock. They switched to kisses for the second round - and then they were back to glad-handing me once again. By the time the group figured out the order of who I was fucking, I was more than ready to sheath my royal scepter in some willing pussy.

Awka used her powers to calm the waves I created as I took each of them in turn, slamming each of them onto my aching prick until I filled them with my seed. Once they'd had their turn, they relaxed back in the warm water and giggled and laughed as I fucked the next one - calling out encouragement and teasing taunts in equal measure.

Once they were all sated, we stepped out of the tub. Zora removed part of the wall and our bath-water ran to the perilous ravine and tumbled over the edge. Awka dried us (and our things) while Zora dried the wood and broke it up for the fire.

Naked, the seven of us moved to the shelter that Zora had raised, laid down our mattress of skins & blankets, and cuddled together to fall asleep.


Early in the morning, I heard movement outside of our shelter - followed by a shriek.

"My queen," a voice stammered out, obviously under duress.

Zora removed part of the wall and she and I stepped forward to meet our visitor - who was being held at knife-point.

The white-haired goblin woman, with the hood of her cloak pulled over her head, looked from my flaccid cock to Zora's face.

"Who are you?" Zora asked.

"That's Vira," Dera said, from where she was laying.

The woman's eyes widened.

"Reav," I said. "Ease up a little, buddy."

He didn't move.

"How can I help you, Vira?" Zora asked the woman.

The woman knelt down on her knees. Reav gave her a little more room but still watched her closely.

"I wish to join you," she said.

"You have seen what we can do?"

"Some, yes."

"Does my sister know?"

"Some. I didn't tell her everything."

"You'll need to tell her," Dera said, standing and stepping over to join our group. "She won't let you leave unless you do. She needs to know how scary we are - and - if she thinks you've kept stuff from her - she'll want revenge and come after you."

"I will do as you say, mistress," the seer promised the dreamer.

"You see the now," Zora told Vira, "she sees pieces of what will be."

"Yes, my queen," Vira replied, eyes still wide.

"I will take all who will join us - if they come willingly - and pledge to support our cause. The trick will be in convincing my sister that this is in her best interest. Anything you can do to help her believe that to be true will hasten the time of our departure."

"I will do everything in my power to see that it is done," she promised.

"See that you do and I will grant you a private audience with my king," Zora told her.

I willed my cock to harden.

"Yes, my queen," the white-haired goblin gushed. "Thank you, my queen!"

"Go, then, unless you have something else to tell us?"

"You already know my heart," she said, glancing at Dera. "I will do everything I can, to see that those you've come to rescue are brought safely into your fold."

"Good," Zora said, raising the woman to her feet and embracing her.

Vira looked over at me - focusing on my lips.

"You'll have to wait for that," Zora told her, "but I'll give you a down-payment."

Vira's eyes never left mine as Zora kissed her, hard.

"Gods below!" she gasped, when Zora released her.

"Hurry now, tell my sister that I'm here to take away everyone who would threaten her rule - and that I will never return - so long as she leaves us in peace."

"It will be done, my queen," Vira said, turning to hurry off.


End of Chapter 4.

(There are 6 in total.)

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DragosLoveDragosLove5 months ago
Too many characters too fast

This reads like a "story of the day" tv show with each new character being a different unrelated story that doesn't affect the whole. You've rapidly hit a point where you have a large number of forgettable characters that have nearly zero character development other than "what power did I get". I read the first three chapters, but it's become too much.

Coochielover71Coochielover715 months ago

Another really, really entertaining submission. Always looking forward to more, more, moreā€¦

shadrachtshadracht5 months ago

The only thing that stood out to me as a negative was the peace keeper. Not because he was basically racist, but because the whole "burn the bodies" thing was just dumb. He could've demanded the pelts, or the meat, or anything else. It sruck out as just being dumb, and potentially suicidal. 90% of gaming groups would've just murdered the asshole.


Other than that, I'm still really enjoying everything. 5*

FrethnorFrethnor5 months ago

Why do I get the impression that dear kindly sister isn't going to make this very easy and will need to be spanked a couple times (figuratively and probably literally) before she agrees?

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