Frustration Ch. 07

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One last reason to be frustrated.
9.2k words

Part 7 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 09/26/2016
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This is chapter 7, the final chapter of the story. If you haven't read chapters 1 through 6, please do so before reading this chapter as events occurring there, effect those that happen here.


The sun was trying very hard to penetrate the room. The curtains parted only a little, enough for a two-inch-wide strip of sunlight to slowly crawl up the bed towards the face of the sleeping body. Betty woke as it finally reached her eyes and leaked through her closed eyelids. At first, she was confused that this would happen. Her bedroom was on the northwest corner of her house. How could the sun be waking her up? As she became more awake, she remembered she was at her brother's house and laying in her niece's bed.

But remembering that brought back the dilemma of what to do about her niece, Meghan, and her nephew, Matthew. She grabbed her nightgown off the floor where she had discarded it the night before, and then her robe from her suitcase before leaving the room to go to the bathroom. As she sat on the toilet emptying her bladder, she realized she was a little sore though not so much that she couldn't handle it. She was thankful that Matthew had been so gentle as he penetrated her since she wasn't used to so large a member, and that he stopped the minute she had told him to do so. At least she wouldn't have to worry about being asked about the way she was walking.

That brought her thoughts back to the night before when she asked how long he and his sister had been fucking each other. She hadn't gotten a good answer to that question. All she really knew was that last night had not been their first time, and they planned on being together for the rest of their lives. How did they think that was going to work? she wondered.

After finishing on the toilet, she slowly washed her hands, trying to decide whether to tell her brother Vincent or not. On the one hand, he deserved to know. How could she not tell him? She was sure it would be devastating to him and if she didn't tell, when he eventually learned of it, as he would have to at some point, and found that she had knowledge of it and hadn't informed him about it, he would probably never speak to her again.

On the other hand, telling him meant revealing what happened the night before and he would be mad at her for that. No matter what she did, it would probably cost her her brother's trust and friendship. That would be devastating to her and she wanted to avoid that if at all possible.

Then there was her own secret that she had to protect. As progressive as her brother's family was, she knew she couldn't allow them to know about it. Not all of them would understand and, again, it would lead to her having to separate from them.

She turned off the water and left the bathroom still unsure of what to do. While she thought about it, she would say nothing. But she knew she had to make a decision before the weekend was over.

"Hey, Betty," Pam greeted her as she entered the living room. "Sleep well?"

"What time is it?" Betty asked.

"Just after ten."

"Ugh," Betty interjected. "I don't know why I didn't wake up earlier. I must have been really tired. "

"That's alright. Breakfast?"

"Just cereal, " Betty answered. "Too late in the day for anything else. "

"I think we need to talk, Betty, " Pam offered as she rose and led the way to the kitchen. "Will you promise to be honest with me?"

"I guess I can do that. But if I say 'No comment,' you have to accept that. "

"Over the years, we've always been civil with each other, but I think that it's obvious that you don't really like me. Will you tell me why?"

"No comment. "

"Well, that was fast," Pam said. "But it does tell me that I'm right. You do dislike me for some reason. What can I do to try to remedy the situation?"

Betty thought about her question while she poured milk on her cereal. Once she had the carton back in the refrigerator, she was ready to reply. "I don't think there's anything you can do, Pam. You basically trapped my brother into a marriage he didn't want and if you were to correct that mistake, you and I wouldn't have much to do with each other so we still wouldn't be friends."

"I wasn't looking to trap him," Pam replied. "Besides, he's had plenty on the side."

"But you're still there, aren't you? What if there was someone else he was supposed to be with? What if there was someone that he would have stayed with completely. Someone who loves him for him and wouldn't have cheated on him either?"

"I think Vince is pretty happy, Betty. Especially since everything is out in the open. Besides. If I hadn't gotten pregnant, we wouldn't have Matt. He's really a good kid. "

"Uh-huh. Right. Every parent believes that about their kids."

"Are you saying he's not? Just yesterday you were saying he's your favorite nephew. "

"And as he was quick to point out, he's my only nephew. "

"What are you saying, Betty? Do you mean he wouldn't be your favorite if there was another?"

Betty opened her mouth to speak then closed it again as she thought about it a moment. She had the power to hurt her sister-in-law. All she had to do was tell her about what she knew. She could do that and Pam would be devastated. But then there were the repercussions. Pam would likely kick her out right away and she would never be welcomed back to her brother's house. He wouldn't want anything to do with her either. And the two kids in question would be more than a little angry with her and decide not to have her around anymore either. The whole idea of not seeing any of them anymore scared her and she made her decision. She was going to keep her nephew and niece's secret.

"No," she said calmly. "You're right. He's a good kid. And so is his sister. You've done an excellent job raising them. I've always thought you were a good mother and I have to admit you've been a good wife to Vincent." She raised a spoonful of cereal to her mouth as a sadness seemed to come over her. "As long as Vince is happy with it, then that's fine with me."

Pam noticed the change in her sister-in-law's demeanor and heard the resolve in her voice. Something clicked and a realization came to her. Perhaps this wasn't going to be as difficult as she thought it would be, she considered. She had been prepared to wage a battle to push forward her plan. Perhaps not all of it would be necessary.

"Anyway," she began as she changed the subject to press toward her goal. "It seemed that Meghan was really doing a good number on you last night by the sound of it. "

"Wha-what?" Betty fumbled in a bit of panic nearly choking on the cereal in her mouth.

"Your moans were quite noticeable, you know?"

"I, I," the teacher tried unsuccessfully to think of a way to defend herself.

"You what?" Pam asked confrontationally.

Finally, Betty thought of something. "I didn't mean to. She started it and I was just so horny I couldn't help myself." She knew she sounded lame. It was as bad an excuse as any she had heard from the students at her school.

Pam laughed. "That's about the worst excuse there is. That's like something little kids would use, " she replied. "'She started it.' Do they still try that in your high school?"

Betty hung her head. "Yes, they do. But you're right. I don't have any excuse for my actions and I'm sorry. Please don't throw me out. I haven't anyone else in my life other than you guys."

"You have all those gigolos. I'm sure they'd be happy to keep you company as long as you kept them paid. "

Tears were forming in the teacher's eyes. "What can I do to make this right?"

"You had sex with my daughter, your niece, and my son, your nephew, and you want to make it right?" Pam almost yelled as if she were very angry.

Betty gasped. "You know about Matthew, too?" she asked as her eyes widened in shock. Her heart sank as she realized she was in as much trouble as she could be. She was surprised the police weren't there when she woke up. Her job as a teacher would be over at the least if she managed to stay out of jail, and there was nothing she could do.

"I know everything, " Pam declared.

Not everything, Betty thought but did not say. She would guard that secret as well as she guarded her own.

"I do have a proposition for you, " Pam continued. "I think you will even like it."

"You mean to blackmail me and you think I'll like it? I doubt it."

"Well, I guess I am blackmailing you, aren't I? I never thought about it that way. Still, what I'm proposing is something I think you will enjoy just as much as last night's activities and it could make things better all the way around."

"Let me guess. You want me to be your sex slave and lick your cunt whenever you tell me to."

"Interesting idea, but no. If we get together, it will be because you want to. No, what I have in mind is something far more, shall we say, ribald."

"What do you want, then?" Betty asked with a bit of anger and wariness, almost hatred.

Pam leaned toward her before answering. "I want you to fuck Vince."

Betty's expression changed to one of incredulity. She couldn't believe her ears. "Are you mad? That cannot happen!"

"You've already demonstrated that you're not bothered by incest, Betty. You took Matt's seven and a half inches up your puss. Well, as much of it as you could anyway, and on top of that, you made a decision, didn't you? You decided to keep quiet about the fact that Matt and Meghan are fucking each other." Again, Betty's eyes widened in surprise. "I told you I know everything. Didn't you believe me?"

"I didn't think you knew that, " Betty answered.

"Yes, I know. And that relationship is the reason it is important that you and Vince fuck. If he is involved in incest, he'll be more open to them being together. Or for that matter, my own."

"Your -," Betty didn't understand at first then a smile came to her lips. "Do you realize that you just threw away your chance at really blackmailing me? I thought I was seeing things at first, but I wasn't, was I? You and your father?"

"Like I said, I never thought of it as blackmail. To tell you the truth, I only cared about making it feasible for Matt and Meghan to be together. Harley and I are just icing on the cake. Will you do it?"

"What makes you think anything like that could happen?"

"Quote, 'as long as Vince is happy with it, that's fine with me,' end quote. You love him."

"Well, of course I love him. He's my brother."

"No Betty. You love him. As in you're in love with him. I saw it in the way you acted. You're dislike for me comes from your wanting to be the one Vince wants. I would think you would jump at the chance to be with him."

"Why would you think that? Do you really think I would jeopardize my chance of being around my brother? You heard him last night. He wouldn't go for that. Like he said. If one loves their sibling like that, that love would rarely be returned. I thought I'd die when he said that. I figured it meant that he knows how I feel and he had to be warning me to stay away from him."

"He doesn't know, Betty. He was talking about his own love for you.


"Recently, I asked him who he would like to be with. Yours was the name he came up with."

"You, you talked about this?"

"No," Pam laughed. "He was, for all intents and purposes, asleep when I asked and he doesn't even know he said it. But you are the one he would be with if he had his way. He wants you as much as you want him. In spite of all the rhetoric that was said last night, you both want the same thing. But you have to be the one to make it happen."

"How? I'm sure he won't just give in to the idea of fucking his sister easily. "

"It will take a little planning, but I'm sure that you can pull it off if you're willing to give it a go. And unlike Matty's big cock, you will be able to take all of his. He's only about five inches and not all that thick, either."

"Um. He doesn't know about last night, does he?"

"No. He was asleep. I made sure he would go to sleep early so you three wouldn't be disturbed."

"You set it up?!"

"A little help from some herbs and your arousal soared. And now it's Vince's turn. I've already set the ball in motion on that.

"You're a real manipulative bitch, Pam."

"I suppose so," Pam agreed. "But I'm doing this for Matt and Meghan. A mother would give her life for her children. Then again, there is the fact that it's what you want anyway, so I don't think what I did to you is all that bad. Will you do it?"

"Are you sure about Vince's feelings?"

"Absolutely. I waited until he was almost completely asleep a couple of nights ago and asked him who he would like to have as a regular partner. You are the one he wants. "

Betty thought for a few moments before replying. "How do we do this?"

Pam's face brightened as she excitedly leaned forward. "First," she said smiling, "we have to get you ready. You have to be dressed to seduce. Next, you will need to make him lunch. When you do, be sure to use this on his food and in his drink." She handed her a number of small packets. "I've already used some on his breakfast and in his water that he took with him to the golf course. He should be back soon so we don't have a lot of time to get you ready. Lastly, it will be up to you to actually seduce him. He'll be as horny as he ever has been in his life, but he won't do it on his own."

"What about the others? They aren't going to walk in on us, are they?"

"Matthew and Meghan are meeting with a lawyer as we speak. Harley set it up for them. I will leave just after Vince gets here and join them. Once everything is done with that, Harley and I will return home to catch you in the act. That's very important. If we don't see the two of you fucking, we won't get it all out in the open and be able to get him to be okay with the kids. The meeting is taking place at a local hotel and the kids will stay there while Harley and I come home. They'll be home tomorrow.


"He's working on establishing a whole new identity for Matt so they can marry."


"Any other questions?"

After showering, it was time for Betty to dress to seduce her brother. But she hadn't brought any clothes that could be said to be seductive. In fact, as a teacher, she wore clothes that were rather conservative so as not to arouse the hormonal teenage males in her class. She figured with her body type, she wouldn't have to worry about it much as they all seemed to focus on girls with a larger bust size than hers, but there was no sense in tempting fate. Pam seemed to have thought of everything, however. Since Vince and her were the only family the teacher had, she had made sure to know her sizes and she and Meghan had spent the afternoon the day before planning and procuring provocative clothing.

They had selected three different items for Betty to wear. The top was a t-shirt intentionally bought a size too small, the round neckline plunging rather deep in order to show as much skin as possible. It was tied just below her perky b cup breasts, leaving quite a bit of her midriff visible as well. The skirt was worn as low on the hips as possible using a pair of suspenders to keep it from falling to the floor. The top of it stopped just above the crack of her ass in the back and almost showed the tuft of hair on her mons in the front. The bottom hem fell a little higher than half way between her knees and her crotch. Lastly was a pair of white thigh high stockings. No bra or panties were allowed. Betty's blonde hair, which fell to the small of her back, was braided into pigtails, and a pair of canvas shoes, the only thing the teacher could contribute to the look, adorned her feet. Then the two waited for Vincent to return from his golf game.

When Vincent Davidson pulled into his drive, he didn't want to leave the car. His dick was so hard, it was painful. He was sure that his sister would be awake by now, not to mention the kids, and it would be embarrassing to say the least to walk in and they notice the throbbing piece of meat in his pants. Although he had never sported a very large cock and still didn't, even his herbal enhanced member was making its presence known. It hadn't been very easy hiding it on the golf course either. Mostly, he stood behind the cart he had his bag on when he wasn't pulling it down the fairway or taking his turn. Hopefully, the minister that was part of four-man group hadn't noticed. Throughout the course, he kept drinking his water in hopes that it would have a calming effect and help lessen the swelling. But it seemed to have the exact opposite effect, making the predicament that much worse. He was as hard as he had ever been with no relief available. The waitress who served them after they finished their game would have been a nice way to deal with the problem if it weren't for the fact that she was the minister's daughter.

Finally, he gave up and with a sigh entered the house hoping his sister wouldn't notice the slight bulge. As he opened the door, he met his wife Pam as she made her way towards it while searching through her purse for her keys.

"Hi, sweetie," she greeted with a glance at his crotch. "Betty is in the kitchen. She'll take care of anything you need. " Her eyebrows raised a little as she said the word anything and she again glanced at his crotch with a smirk. "The kids are out, by the way. They won't be back the rest of the day, so it's just the two of you."

"Hey, bro," said Betty as she came out of the kitchen in a thick robe that hid the outfit she wore underneath while swirling the ice in a glass of tea. "Iced tea?"

Vincent quickly brought his golf bag around in front of him as Pam made her way past to the door. He was oblivious to the nod of her head and the closed mouth grin she gave to her sister-in-law. "I'll be back in time for dinner, " she announced before leaving.

Vince finally came to his senses and found his voice. "Uh, yeah. Iced tea. Yeah. Sure." Betty walked toward him proffering the glass. "Sounds great," he answered as he took the herbal spiked drink. He hoped the glance downward that she gave wasn't enough to reveal his condition he was trying so hard to hide.

"Why don't you come into the kitchen?" she suggested. We can talk while I finish preparing lunch."

"Well, uh, I really should get a shower," he said so that he might avoid revealing his predicament.

"You look fine to me," she replied and nearly blushed at the double meaning she unwittingly expressed. "I mean you don't seem sweaty or anything. Please keep me company while I get lunch done."

"O-okay," he stammered. "I'll be there after I put my clubs up."

All but one of them, Betty thought to herself as she glanced at the one in his pants. She quickly turned towards the kitchen.

Vince put his clubs in the closet and grabbed the empty water bottle from its holder on the cart. When he entered the kitchen, his sister was at the stove stirring something, her hips swaying from side to side as she sort of danced while working. He quickly moved to the sink and dropped the bottle in it. She turned to look at him and smiled as he spun the opposite direction to walk to the table and sit on the far side of it, still hoping to conceal his growing problem.

"Have a nice game?" she asked.

"It was alright," he answered non-committedly.

"I guess since you and Pam are in an open marriage you took time to do some busty waitress."

"No. The only waitress there was the daughter of one of the guys I was golfing with. And he's a minister. No way was I going to get myself in that kind of trouble."

Betty laughed. "Poor thing," she pouted sarcastically. "No whoopee from the preacher's daughter. No chance for fun away from the little woman." She made quotation marks in the air as she said the last three words.

Vince felt his face grow warm as it colored in a slight blush. "I'll live," he declared stoically. But as he pressed his hand against his too hard dick, he wondered. He needed to get some relief and soon! he thought to himself. He was sure it would only take a few moments to get the cum to shoot out the end of his painfully throbbing tool.