Forbidden Fruit

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The Produce guy meets a very special mother and daughter.
5.5k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 04/08/2018
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Author's Note: Got another one here for you folks. All the people involved are eighteen or older. This in no way reflects any real people or groups. Any inaccuracies or errors are my own. It's a fantasy in a slightly more realistic world than I sometimes write in so there are no elves. I know sheesha is another word for the hookah, but I've always heard people call the tobacco mixture "sheesha" or "Shisha" down here. If you know what category you're reading in, then you shouldn't be offended by what you're reading. Look at the story tags. There is no transformation in this one. It's a bit more to the point. As always comments are welcome and don't forget to vote. Enjoy.


I first met Crystal at work. She was an older woman than I was used to. Technically just old enough to be my mom. Work was the local grocery store. It was part- time in the produce department while going to college. Friends of mine had been given full scholarships to far away universities while I was left to work my way through school while living at home. It wasn't that bad, and apparently, I was still better off than others of my generation who were working hard to amount to nothing fast. My job was simple and afforded me the opportunity to meet some of the rather well-off older women that lived in the neighborhood. People in the community were intense about working out and eating healthy. They spent a lot of time browsing the produce.

I noticed Crystal while I was building a promo display for oranges. She'd come to the store from the gym in the same parking-lot and wore skin-tight leggings and an old Nirvana t-shirt. She was tall for a woman with an impressive frame. There was no doubt that that she could kick my ass if it came down to it. However, I still noticed the plump breasts behind the confines of her shirt. Her ass was truly epic in its spandex-covered glory. I couldn't imagine how long she worked to achieve that balance of plump and pertness.

When she noticed me looking at her, I went back to my oranges. Most people didn't even notice the store employees until they needed something. I pretended to struggle while lifting a box of oranges, and that gave me a chance to check on Crystal. She smiled and brushed back some of her deep red hair that was soaked in sweat from the gym. I congratulated myself on being clever again. The last thing I needed was one of the rich customers complaining about the produce guy being a creeper. Admiring her from afar would have to do. I didn't get a lot of action. I was an okay looking guy with an average build. Nothing special, and I was used to that.

Crystal filled up a plastic bag with a bunch of kale and left my department. Our time together was done. Twenty minutes later the entire promo display was completed, and I moved on to the next task the produce manager left in his notes. Without the beautiful Crystal to admire, I was left to think about the papers and the dreaded group projects that would be due in the coming weeks.

That was why I had to get my jollies where I could. School was a grind. I didn't even have the novelty of living in some new city to distract me. It was too much like high school.

I was filling up the cucumbers on the wet-rack when I had that distinct feeling that someone was behind me. My instincts told me that it was one of the key-carriers there to make some bad joke. I turned around to see Crystal staring me down. Panicked, I fumbled—dropping the cucumbers. Reflex led me to try and catch them anyway that I could. I caught one between my legs, and it naturally looked obscene.

The beautiful older woman stared down at the large cucumber hanging from my crotch, and she busted up.

"And I thought that I was going to seem awkward," she said. "You're really helping me out today."

"Sorry, Ma'am. It's been a long day."

"You get to work early, huh?"

"4:00 am today. Sometimes earlier."

"Poor baby. Do you go to school?"


I told her my major.

She shrugged. "People often change that one. It's not useful for business. I own a company, so I know. I have a daughter and she just finished high school. I'm worried that she's too much of a home -body. She can't decide on a school or a major."

"Well, it can be hard."

"Some of us know what we want early on."

"I guess...uh...can I help you find something?"

She smiled. Crystal had amazing bright green eyes, and I could feel them probing me

"You're a cute young man," she said. "Are you single?"

The cucumber fell from my legs and tumbled to the floor. I was scared. This was a very attractive and confident woman. I was out of my league.

"Yes," I managed to say.

"Good," she said. "My daughter needs to get out of the house more. I keep telling her to meet guys, and she keeps making excuses, so I'm forced to act on her behalf."

I didn't expect that.

"Well...I'm not so sure..."

Crystal gave me a sidelong glance. "She's cute, I promise. She looks like me, but she's eighteen. How old are you?"


"Perfect. Give me your number."

I had never thought such a thing would happen. I told her my number, and then Crystal pressed herself against me, and I felt something I didn't expect between her legs. I was speechless. I had looked at transsexual porn on-line. What guy hasn't? But it's hard to get passed the fantasies and stereotypes sometimes.

"My daughter is like me. Get it?"

"Yeah," I said. I was going down the rabbit hole at that point. It was scary, but at the same time I was so intrigued and turned on. My mind was racing with the possibilities.

Crystal said, "good bye", and my eyes were stuck her beautiful ass as she walked away. Not thinking it possible for such a perfect bubble butt to belong to someone who'd been born a man. The rest of my day continued as normal, but clearly something extraordinary had happened. I was stricken by it. I suppose there are guys that get enough action to grow bored with it, but to me it was a major thing. Crystal and her unknown daughter had entered my life and changed it.

Two days later I got a text from an unfamiliar number. I was told to get to an address not far from work. I drove there, and it was a very nice neighborhood. The houses were well maintained, and it looked affluent for the east county of San Diego. I parked on the street and went to the door—unsure about everything, but it was impossible for me to turn away. Desire has that affect on people. There is no way to turn back from it.

Crystal answered the door, and I was immediately taken with her just like I had been at the store. The gym clothes had been replaced by a simple black dress that hugged her athletic but curvy figure. I'm sure she noticed my eyes lingering on her body, and that brought only the warmest smile from her.

She said, "I'm so glad to see you. I was worried for a moment."

"I like to think that I'm a good guy."

Crystal smiled and tilted her head at me. "I hope so. My daughter is special to me. I don't want her hurt."

"I wouldn't do that."

"You better not."

Crystal had me sit in her living room, and I was told to wait. It was well-furnished and quite modern. The home of someone quite well off if not quite rich. There were photos on the wall of Crystal and the girl I assumed was her daughter on vacation and some glamor shots. A few minutes later I was greeted by the loveliest girl I'd encountered for some time. Her mother was right. Amber was the image of her mother only younger. Her red hair hung just to her shoulders and she has the same luscious green eyes. She was shorter than her mom, but both women shared their well-developed breasts and plump back sides.

"Sorry to keep you waiting," she said. "I have a lot of hobbies. I'm Amber."

I told her my name.

Amber was dressed in a rather simple cardigan and a skirt. It was a much more conservative look than I expected based on her mom.

"Hobbies are cool," I said. "Your mom said that you were still wondering about school."

"Yeah. It's really complicated. How do you know what you want to be?"

"Exactly," I said. "That's how they get everyone to take more classes than they need. Then they still get mad at you if you change your mind."

She seemed to like that, and things went well after. We went out to an arcade and after that for ice cream. We didn't even speak all that much. There was some unspoken connection between the two of us. Something concrete but not certain. It was like we were an arranged couple out of the days of old. Our getting to know each other was merely a formality. The relationship continued like that for some time. I brought Amber home to her mom and was promised there would be a next time. The next time would also be nice, and lead to the time after that. We continued in that innocent way for a couple of weeks. I still saw Crystal around when I picked Amber up, but even she seemed to step back ad let things happen naturally between Amber and I.

Amber wasn't nearly as forward as her mother. We'd made out a few times, and during those sessions our hands explored each other. It was like I was dating a much younger girl and not a woman looking for a college to go to. I managed to feel up under her blouse more than once. Her breasts were a little smaller than her mom's, but I could tell they were related. Amber only ever got reluctant when my hands drifted down between her legs. I knew what her mom was, and Amber was supposed to be like her. I told her that I knew. It shouldn't have been a problem, but I didn't feel good about pressuring her. That was a far as we went for a while.

It was later that I spoke to Crystal about it. That hadn't been my intention. I was waiting for Amber to get ready for our date when her mom called me into the kitchen.

"I know that my daughter can be a little shy," she said. "She told me about how far you two have gone. I'm glad that she's been that open. Just give her time. She's still nervous around guys."

"I won't hurt her."

"I know you won't, but some guys are not exactly okay with girls like us. It's a little easier today. I had a rough time with it years ago, but I was raised in a tough household. I could handle myself, but I just...I wanted Amber's experience to be gentler than my own."

"I understand," I said. "Every parent wants that."

Crystal's eyes lingered on me for a long time. "You really are as good as I thought you were. That's why I thought you'd be good for her. When I learned that she was going to be like me I was so happy for that. We were going to have so much in common, but it's not easy."

I agreed that it couldn't have been.

"I have an idea," she said. "I'm going to talk to her. When you come back from your date, hang around for a while. Let's see if we can get it to happen."

I caught myself before I started laughing.

"What's so funny?" she asked.

"I never thought that the mom of my girlfriend would be the one insisting that I get intimate with her daughter."

Crystal licked her lips and smiled at me. "Well, her mother has good taste in men, and wants her first time to be special."

It was hot that night. The weather in San Diego can seem schizophrenic. People often carried changes of seasonal clothing in their car for that reason. Amber wore a denim jacket over a t-shirt, and a pair of shorts that went high up to her creamy white inner thighs. They were flawless. I tried not to spend too much time ogling them.

We went to a hookah lounge I'd heard of called Silhouette. Smoking wasn't normally my deal, but Amber had expressed interest in it. The décor was kind of weird to me. I was certain that some of that furniture had come out of a church at some point. Amber seemed to be enjoying herself though. We met up with some people she knew and shared a bowl of sheesha with them. It was something fruity, but then again, I was the only guy in a group of girls, so I wasn't exactly surprised.

The smell and the flavor were interesting though. We spent more time making jokes about the couple on the other side of the room. Some athletic-looking dude who somehow still looked like a nerd and a tall brunette. We were sure they were about to start getting it on in front of everyone. I only got a few glimpses of the girl, because I knew that Amber would be watching me. She looked damn hot though.

Later, we ended up back at Amber's house. Her mom was there to let us in, and then mentioned that she was going to be doing some work in her home office. She said that it was okay if I stayed around for a little bit, and that Amber should offer me a drink. Nothing alcoholic of course. We ended up making out again on her couch, and then she held me at bay with her hand for a moment. I stopped moving instantly. Suddenly frightened that I'd done something wrong, and that she was going to ask me to leave, but it didn't happen.

She said, "I want...would to come to my room?"

"I'd love to."

Her room was what I expected an 18-year-old-girl's room to look like: girlish still but trending towards mature with those cute little signs that tell you to "live, love, and dream." Posters of Katy Perry and Johnny Depp, and a few pieces of what I assumed was her own attempts at abstract painting.

We sat on her bed awkwardly for a moment, before we began kissing again. I was careful not to be too aggressive. I didn't want to scare her away. Crystal may have had a talk with her, but there was no way for me to know what the older woman had told her. I decided to test my luck and went with my usual playful wandering towards her chest. This time, I was surprised to see that Amber pulled off her top revealing her bra to me. Even behind their cloth-prison her breasts looked inviting. When I went to touch her again, she told me to wait. And then surprised me further by taking the bra off.

She was fully exposed to me then. Amber's skin was pale already, and that contrasted nicely with her red hair. The skin beneath the bra was even paler. Her breasts were perfectly formed. The nipples were dark compared to her near alabaster skin. But, Amber herself looked uncertain with the situation, and I wondered if she regretted going this far. She suddenly covered herself.

"You next," she said. "I won't take anything else off until I see you."

I unbuttoned my shirt and draped it over the stool in front of her vanity. My khakis followed leaving my boxers. I waited for her approval, and she nodded. The boxers left too, and I noticed Amber's gaze directed at my swollen cock. Her eyes quickly met mine again, and she blushed at having been caught staring. I thought it was the cutest thing ever.

She sat with her legs crossed on the bed. Her shorts ridding up high, but still covering her. I still had that fresh view of her breasts and they were wonderful. I almost felt unworthy to touch them, but she let me. They were firm and ripe in my hands. Was I expecting them to seem fake in some way? I could detect no fault in time whatsoever.

I moved to kiss her, and she responded in kind. Her lips were plump and sweet. The sort that a man didn't want to pull away from. Our faces mashed together. Our drive was so intense and instinctual.

Amber pulled away.

"I like being with you," she said. "But it's not going to work. Even I want it to."

"Why not?"

"You know why. My mom likes you, and I can see why, know, right?"

"I told you that I did."

"You know exactly what she meant?"

"I want you to show me yourself. Don't hide."

"Why? So, you can be disgusted?"

"I promise I won't be. If I didn't know what I was in for and didn't like it then why would I be here with you like this? I'm here in bed with you. That should say something."

Amber thought about it for a time. I could only imagine how scary it was for her. Being intimate with someone was always risky enough for anyone today, but a person that had a secret like this was on a whole other level. People could be cruel, and a person that expected cruelty had some time to harden themselves. Her own mother had dealt with that by her own admission.

Finally, Amber smiled at me, and I was relived.

"I'm so sorry for doubting you. My mom has always told me to be careful. Some people have nothing but hate today."

I couldn't disagree with that.

Amber unbuttoned her shorts and slid them down and off leaving on her underwear. I waited anxiously. When I almost couldn't take it anymore, Amber slid her white cotton panties down revealing what I knew was there. She had only the smallest trace of fine red hair. The area between her legs was quite feminine aside from the hairless cock and balls that lied hidden there like forbidden fruit. It was partially erect, and not quite as large as my own. I did notice the tip was slick with precum.

Amber noticed me staring and looked away. The blush was even more intense on her face.

"I tied to warn you," she said. "It's one thing to say that you're okay with it, but it's different when it's right in front of you."

I only smiled and leaned down to take her semi erect cock in my mouth. Amber gushed with delight Her hands clutched my head—her little fingers playing with my hair. This wasn't something that I'd ever done before, and part of me wondered what the hell I was doing, but there was this desperate need inside me to please her. I worked my mouth on her for some time before she spoke.

"That's wonderful," she said. "I've only been able to fantasize and play with myself before. Having someone here..."

My tongue caressed her cock as it grew within the hot confines of my mouth. My hands moved up her belly and still on to tease at her breasts from below. She writhed under me—enraptured by my manipulation of her body. I had her in every way at that point. Any request or demand that I made would've been granted, but all that I wanted was for her to feel as good as she deserved to feel. I wanted to give this girl complete bliss, and while I knew that I was far from some expert lover, that didn't impede her from enjoying herself to the fullest.

I pulled my left hand down her body—feeling every soft inch of her vulnerable middle. I lightly clasped her silky sack that was under my chin. Her balls were a delight to play with. On her they didn't seem to be a masculine thing at all. In fact, it was impossible for me to consider Amber to be anything other than the beautiful young woman that I was pretty sure that I was falling for. That hadn't even crossed my mind that first moment when Crystal had mentioned her daughter. I hadn't even thought that things would escalate as far as they did. That inner drive of desire was a powerful force in people. You rarely found it when you were looking for it, and once it took you by the reigns there was no telling where the journey would end.

Amber whispered my name and told me that she was almost there. I sucked on her with even more zeal—not wanting to let this priceless treasure escape my grasp. Amber cried out. Her cock spasmed in my mouth, and her hot cum geysered forth. She shook under me as her seed poured. She was lost the reverie of her great release. I greedily swallowed every sweet drop of the nectar that issued from her insides.

When it was over, my lover stretched out her body and went limp atop her bed. I felt her begin to soften in my mouth—my tongue teasing her cock as an after-thought. I pulled away with a soft wet sound, and watched her organ decline into a resting state. I cleared my mouth-swallowing the last traces of her gift.

I sat up and looked down at the gorgeous creature there with me. She was glowing in the aftermath of her orgasm. Tired but renewed at the same time.

"Get over here and kiss me," she said. "I don't know what to say after this, so I just want you to kiss me."

I eagerly obeyed her.

We kissed and writhed together in the softness of her bed. Our bodies hot against each other. My hands found her ripe breasts again, and we were perfectly joined in the afterglow. There was no need for conversation. My cock was rigid and wanted its own release, but for the moment I was satisfied that Amber had been pleased so well by my humble efforts.