For The Love of Family

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Husband asks wife's brother to give her a baby.
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I've had this story growing cobwebs on my hard drive since 2008, just never got around to giving a spit and polish treatment. Hopefully you will still enjoy this tale of love in the family. If you don't like MFF three-ways I suggest you skip this one. This story is a result of my sometimes twisted mind and any resemblance to persons or places (other than Las Vegas) are totally coincidental. Don't fuck with family and always practice safe sex!

This story takes a while to develop. I'm sorry about that but it is a necessary evil. Please bear with me and enjoy! Don't forget to vote!

Hi, I'm Gary Rodgers, and I am currently 23 years old. I have one sibling, well, actually only half of one. Carly is my half-sister, five years my elder. Her dad died in the military when a terrorist bomb blew up the embassy he was assigned to. Her mom eventually married my dad and one year later I was born. Carly accepted my dad and me easily as she was just a little kid herself. We had the usual brother-sister spats, but if someone outside the family picked on one of us, the other was right there to defend the other. I enjoyed playing with my tomboy of a sister and we were very close until she turned 16.

That was when she noticed boys were noticing her! She had finally started to develop into a young woman and was finally getting asked out on dates. I was pissed (I didn't call it that at age 11) that my best buddy was out quite a bit. When I turned 12 I entered puberty and suddenly looked at girls completely differently! Shit, they had tits! Well, at least some of them did. Carly was 'kind' enough to not tell on me when the few times I talked her into our formerly favorite pastime of wresting and I 'accidentally' groped her tits more than could be explained as mere accidents. The worst she ever did was chide me with, "Goodness, little brother is getting frisky tonight!" That always stopped me as I knew that she knew what I was doing.

My world crashed down on me when she headed off for college. How could she? How could she leave her adoring brother at home and go off without me? I KNEW I was pissed then, but I got over it, eventually. She made it through two and one half years of college before dropping out to marry her prince charming! He asked me to be his 'best man' and I accepted just to be closer to her.

I started working for my dad at his remodeling company during the summers after I turned 14 and by the time I graduated high school I new every aspect of the company, from how to do every task to how to bid jobs, get permits, hire sub-contractors when needed, etc. When I turned 19, dad surprised me by making me a full partner for my birthday present! One year later dad surprised me and my mom by purchasing month-long 'Round the World' vacations for him and mom. He said he was confident things would be fine with me in charge while they finally took a real vacation for the first time that I could remember.

Two weeks later I got the phone call advising me of their death on a sightseeing trip up a mountain when the cable for the gondola ride snapped and they plunged over 1000 feet to their demise. Ironically, they landed in a cemetery and Carly and I decided to have them buried there. The only good thing about the trip was getting to re-connect with my sister and also get to know her husband better. It seemed funny that we lived in the same city but hardly ever saw one another.

Carly and I made a pact that we would never again go more than two weeks without seeing each other face to face. Even her husband Darryl agreed that was a good thing. He seldom came with her so we really bonded tightly once again, as adults instead of children. Things were good. I poured myself into running the business, wanting to honor my dad by making his company prosper beyond his wildest dreams. Four years later it had grown by over five times and I seldom did any of the 'work' as I was so busy running everything.

And that brings us to today, Saturday, May 17th. Normally I work about 6 hours every Saturday, but Carly said she needed to speak with me in person about her REALLY needing my help, so instead I'm home getting the barbeque ready for our cookout. They arrived carrying an 18-pack of Bud Light and I asked, "Is this a party?"

"No, my hard working brother, it isn't. But we may do some celebrating later if things go the way I hope they do!" We kissed each other on the cheek as she handed me a cold beer. We sat on the patio and talked for about 30 minutes before I finished my second beer by chugging it down.

I walked over to the cooler and got out three more, gave one to each of them and then sat down while asking, "Are we going to dance like this all day, or are you going to get to the point?"

"Oh gee," Carly gasped as I watched them both turn red before me. "I hoped to have two more of these down my throat before getting to this, but since you asked ..." she looked at me as she paused for several long seconds before finally continuing with, "... we want to start a family ..."

"Well good for you! I've been wondering when I'd finally become an uncle!"

"QUIET!" she yelled, then looked embarrassed and much softer went on, "That's the problem, we HAVE been trying for a long time, really trying! And as you see, not much to show for it." she patted her bare midriff.

I gave her a wolf whistle and said, "You still look hot, for an old married lady!"

She punched my arm gently and said, "Behave, bro, but thanks. Any way, we've been to lots of doctors and have tried all sorts of methods, charts, pills, and on and on and on and on. But still no bump. That's why we need to talk to you."

Darryl finally spoke up, "Let's just put it on the table, hon. Gary, there is nothing wrong with your sister, she can have lots of children." He let that hang in the air and about ten seconds went by before my eyebrows went up and he said, "Yup, you've got it, it's me! I can't give her the child she so desperately wants! So here we are, ashamed to have to ask you to father my baby."

It felt like half a bottle of beer shot out my nose at that and when I finally could speak I said, "You want me to do what? With my sister?!"

"No silly boy!" Carly said. "We just want to have you donate the sperm I need to get pregnant!"

"Jesus," I said, "you two nearly gave me a heart attack!"

"You surprise me, I figured you would WANT to do it with me instead of into a cup," sis said with a mock pout.

"Hey, I'm not 13 years old anymore," I said as I took a big swig from the beer to hide my true feelings. "So just how does this work, if I say yes?"

"Well, we just go down to the clinic and you go into a special room with lots of GOOD magazines and stuff, then when you are finished they put some of it inside of me and freeze the rest, just in case they need to do it again." Carly leaned forward and put her hand on my knee before saying, "Trust me, your job is easy compared to mine! It will be sooooo embarrassing to be laying there as the doctor puts it inside of me."

"Oh sure, and I won't be embarrassed at all when some cute nurse takes me into some small room and tells me to have fun, knowing I'll be jerking off into a cup! I know I don't get out very much but shit, this is NOT how I expected to get some woman pregnant!"

Carly's defenses reared up and she snapped at me, "I am NOT 'some woman' and if you don't want to help me just say so!"

"HEY, hey, hey, calm down sis. I never said I wouldn't say yes! But you kind of blind-sided me with this and I have to get a handle on it. So just let me think this through for a bit, okay?" They both agreed so I put the steaks on and in no time we were enjoying a fantastic meal of Allen Brothers porter house steaks, complimented with some of their great salads. Hey, I can grill a great steak, but that's about it!

After we finished eating Darryl surprised me by giving Carly a kiss, then he turned to me and shook my hand saying, "I'm going to leave now. You two have a lot to discuss and sort out. I can't help with this any more than I can with ... well, you know. Call me when I should come pick her up." Then he left us alone to figure out where to go with their problem.

Carly and I went inside to talk, her on the couch and me across from her on the recliner. We talked about their efforts at doing things the natural way, cost, insurance, adoption options, and on and on. "But, sis, why me? Why not just some anonymous sperm donor?"

"I don't want to have just anybody's baby! I want the father to be a man I love. Besides my husband, you are the only man I love, so it has to be you!"

"But doing it at the clinic will be so ... um, antiseptic, sterile, hell even clinical! That's not how babies should be made!"

"Damn you, you just want to fuck your sister!" she choked out as her tears welled up. "God damn, I can't believe you are still like that!"

I jumped up and was sitting beside her by the time her first tear slipped out of her eye, my arms around her tight as I held her to me. "No sis, that's not what I meant at all! Yes, I admit that long ago I lusted after you Carly! My god, who wouldn't, you were so damned hot back then. Oh shit, I didn't mean it like that, sis, you are still hot! But I have grown up as well, and I know there is no way we could do that."

"Phew, good, I'm glad you finally feel that way. Our insurance will pay all but $2000 of the $50,000 cost. We've been saving up and all ready have enough to cover our part of it."

"My god, sis, getting pregnant is expensive! Why so high?"

"Well, I guess they have to check the little buggers after you pump them out, you know, just to make sure they will do the job. Then they have to deep freeze a bunch of them for later use, if the first one doesn't take, or the second, or the third. Besides, that plastic cup that they give you is realllllllly expensive!"

It took me another two hours to finally get over my hang-ups about shooting into the cup, but finally I said, "Okay, Carly, if my beautiful sister wants me to give her a baby, then I shall be honored to hand one over, literally." As I said this I gave the familiar signal of jerking off and she laughed as she smacked my arm once more.

Then it dawned on her what I really said and she jumped onto my lap hugging and kissing me happily. I was surprised when her tongue pushed into my mouth but after a few seconds I returned the kiss with equal enthusiasm. Just as suddenly she pushed away from me apologizing vehemently for the kiss as she slipped off my lap and moved to the other end of the sofa.

"So when do we do this?"

"I will check with the doctor, but probably in a couple weeks. They have charts of my periods and will know the best time to schedule it for success. I will let you know early Monday morning!"

We had another beer to celebrate my/our decision as we waited for Darryl to show up. The following Monday Carly called to say our appointment was set for June 6th, timed to be right in the middle of her most fertile five days.

The appointed day finally arrived and I picked her up in my pickup, then drove us to the clinic. As I was being checked over by the nurse for my vitals, (BP, temp, blood pressure, blood draw, etc.) the nurse said, "It certainly is nice of you to do this for Carly. Most friends would say no to this!"

"Oh she's more than a friend, she's my half-sister!" I blurted out. The look on her face told me I had made a huge mistake. She ushered me back out to the waiting room, and I was soon joined by a crying Carly who walked-ran right past me and out the door. The receptionist glared at me as I got up and followed her out.

"Damn you, Gary! Damn you! How could you tell them we are brother and sister?" I started to tell her I didn't exactly say that but she silenced me with, "To them a half is the same as a whole sister! They will not be a party to incest, even though the chance of a problem is really minimal!"

She stopped talking as her tears and cries made talking impossible. I just held her in my arms until she cried herself out. It took her a long time to stop. "I am so sorry, sis, you didn't tell me NOT to say we were related! I just never even thought it would be an issue!"

"Well, THEY seem to think it is an issue! It is such an issue they have all ready called all the fertility clinics in the area to warn them about us!" More sobs. "Damnit, now I am so screwed!" Eventually I took her home, a very quiet ride and she just got out and told me goodbye, no invite inside, no hug or anything.

Two weeks later Darryl showed up at my office and invited me out for a few drinks. I accepted as it was a first for him, and I really was worried about Carly as she wouldn't talk to me or come over. Our drinks arrived and he chugged his immediately and ordered another one. After that arrived he sipped at it and said, "This is okay, I took a cab to your place. I know I won't be able to drive when we are finished here. Trust me, this is the most difficult thing I have ever had to ask of anyone."

He looked off into the air and sat there, his lip twitching wildly before he slowly looked at me again and said softly and very slowly, "Gary, I want you to make love to my wife!" I looked back at him totally stunned as he continued. "I want you to fuck your sister and give her a baby! It is really important to her to get pregnant, but her conditions point only to you, and you know the problem that causes. No clinic will do what she needs if you are the donor!"

"But ..."

"Shut up! Please! I told you this is difficult enough, so don't interrupt me. I've booked the two of you a room in Vegas for four nights starting the night of July 2nd. Just in case she has a hard time getting a handle on my decision, I have a hold on the room for a fifth night! Don't you dare say no or so help me I will kill you!"

I wanted to speak but he gave me the evil eye and I bit my tongue. After once again mustering up the courage to go on he said softly, "No, I don't expect this to be easy for either of you. That is why I booked the room for four nights, to give the two of you enough time to accept the idea while she is at her most fertile time of the month. If this works she should be confirmed pregnant before the month ends. This is important to her as well as me, and trust me, I would rather be able to give her the baby myself! I also have two round-trip plane tickets for the two of you that can be used for the return as early as July 5th. Her doctor told me the fourth is the 'best' day for her to become pregnant, but all four nights are primed for success."

I just leaned back in my seat, shocked at what he was asking of me. All Darryl could do was look at the floor as he awaited my decision. Eventually I very softly asked, "So Carly is all right with this?" He simply looked at me through sullen eyes so I pressed harder, "She does KNOW about this plan of yours, right? She is a willing participant in this scheme?"

Slowly he lowered his head again and quietly said, "No, Gary, she doesn't even know we are having this talk! This was my decision; it is something that must be done for my wife to be happy and with child. I am certain once she thinks this through she will realize I am right. That is why I booked so many nights, to give her time to come around to the idea."

"Excuse me but it sounds as if you will not be telling her anything about your plans."

"That's right, otherwise she might not even go."

"Thanks for giving me two very hard things to do. Not only do I have to convince her to fuck me, but I have to tell her that is why we are there and that it was all your idea! Do you really expect her to believe me on that one? Shit man!"

Well, in the end I did agree to his scheme, although I had serious doubts of its success. They picked me up at 9AM on the 2nd and we drove to the airport together. Crap, he even had a ticket for himself so he could go to the gate with us. Twenty minutes before the flight was to board he got a phone call and said he couldn't go with us. When he said he would try to get there as soon as possible as he gave me a wink. Carly looked quite pensive as we boarded the plane, not perking up until we were half way there.

We checked in at the Luxor and rode the slope-elator – or what ever they call it – up to our room. This is where my sister got her second surprise of the trip. First no husband, and then the huge suite had just ONE bed. It was huge, bigger than king sized, and round! Carly had a shit fit!

I faked calling the front desk to complain, then told her they were sorry for the inconvenience but they were booked solid and would be unable to switch our room for at least two days. She slumped down onto the bed and moaned into her hands, "Damn it Darryl, where are you when I need you!"

"Don't worry sis, the couch looks quite comfortable! I'll sleep here."

"Oh don't be silly. This bed is big enough for eight people, I am sure the two of us can sleep on this bed without any problem. Just don't you get to frisky!"

"Thanks for the vote of confidence, sis." I said as I tried to think of a way to tell her this was all a set up and get her to believe it.

For some reason she needed to take a shower so I waited watching TV for her to finish. I know, either you expect me to say she walked out looking like a vision of loveliness, her hair and makeup just perfect. Or to say she stepped out naked and we fucked for nearly 72 of the next 96 hours. Nope, that didn't happen. She walked out wrapped in the terry cloth robe and said, "Thanks for being a gentleman about the shower; I kept expecting you to slip in there and peek at me through the shower door! I wonder why there isn't a door on the bathroom."

I mumbled something that I knew she wouldn't hear, then went back to watching TV. After she 'did her face and hair' she dressed and off we went to explore this huge place. We passed the maid in the hallway and she gave us a knowing smile. We were about 50 feet passed her when Carly said, "I'll be right back," and dashed back the way we had come. I heard her telling the maid that we needed more towels, then she walked back to me biting her lower lip and looking puzzled.

"Is everything okay sis?" I asked as she caught up with me.

"Um, yeah, I guess, yeah sure, everything's fine." Then she looped her arm in mine and we walked together down the hall.

After two hours she said, "Is this your idea, coming here?" I answered truthfully with a definite 'no' and she thought for a moment then asked, "Who made the reservations?"

"What's with the 20 questions, sis? I thought we were supposed to have fun. If you must know, Darryl handled everything, the room, plane tickets, everything."

"Okay, if you say so. You go have some fun while I go to the little girl's room. I'll catch up later."

Off she went and I watched as she walked right passed the ladies room, so I followed at a distance. Damn, she went to the check-in counter and talked for a long time before I had to duck out of sight as she stormed right passed me. I somehow managed to get to a slot machine in the area she left me at and was pulling the handle as she walked up to me, smiling brightly. "So what's up little brother?"

"Nothing, big sister, just pulling on the one armed bandit." Just then I hit a jackpot and had to wait for my $1000 from the slots workers. Hey at least it wouldn't be a total waste of time coming here.

Once I got paid she said, "Come on, let's go celebrate!" and she grabbed my hand pulling me with her. I found myself going back to our room and wondering just what she knew and how pissed she was. Instead she grabbed my sport coat and said, "Here, let's get dressed up and go catch a show!"

I changed into dress slacks, shirt and tie and then put my sport coat on. She stepped out of the bathroom area and I gasped before saying, "WOW sis, you are looking fine! If you don't hit me I'll even call you HOT!"