Football Widow Ch. 03


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Sue hesitated for a moment. She was by no means a regular at Taliferro's, but she did know some of the staff fairly well. This was playing a dangerous game and she wasn't sure she was ready for the consequences, but when Christa extended her hand and Sue looked up at the small woman, her misgivings vanished like fog under the morning sun. Christa wore a tuxedo that had obviously been tailored to fit her. She was as sexy as anyone Sue had ever seen in one. The older woman felt her stomach lurch and she realized in a stunned way that if the little butch asked she would have sex with her right here in the parking lot. Christa was that hot and Sue was that horny. She couldn't explain her newfound libido, but she no longer tried to fight the urges. She was learning to love sex again.

When she got out of the car the slit in her skirt revealed her long stocking clad leg and Christa whistled. The small black woman offered her arm and Sue took it with a barely suppressed giggle. They walking arm and arm with her into the restaurant. A tall man in evening attire met them just inside the foyer.

"Good evening ladies," he said. He showed not the slightest bit of surprise at two women arriving arm in arm. His name was Jacques and Sue had always thought he was the very model of a proper Frenchman. Nothing seemed to ruffle him and no situation seemed to distress him in the least.

"Martin, table for two," Christa said. The man looked on the register, picked up two menus and led them back to a small booth. Christa held her hand as Sue was seated and then sat across from her. Her dark eyes sparkled in the candlelight and Sue felt her knees go weak. Those dark eyes held passion and hunger, but a love so tender and real that it made her heart sing.

The waitress arrived and Sue felt herself blush, it was the same young woman who had served her and Bernie the last time they came here. She was a tall girl with platinum blonde hair and kind blue eyes.

"Good evening Ms. Martin, welcome back," she said.

"Hey girl, how's it going?"

"Business is slow and tips are even worse, nothing has been the same since nine-eleven. They're cutting back our hours and if things don't pick up soon they're going to start passing out pink slips. Everyone is nervous, even Jacques. With this anti-French attitude that's going around he's walking on egg shells," she said. Her eyes moved from Christa to Sue and a knowing smile touched her lips.

"Good evening Mrs. Prescott, nice to have you back with us," she said. Something in the way she spoke let Sue know she surmised Christa was fucking her. Somehow it didn't bother Sue nearly as much as she felt it should have.

"Thank you," Sue managed. The girl smiled then took their drink orders and left. Once she returned Christa ordered for them both and then lifted her glass.

"Too us," she said.

"Too us," Sue replied and took a sip of her wine. Christa reached across the table and took her hand. It was a small gesture, but one that seemed entirely appropriate and extremely romantic to the older woman. Her dinner with Christa was everything her dinner with Bernie hadn't been. It was romantic, exciting and tender. Christa ordered for her, selected the wine and in general did all the things she expected of a date. They were playing footsy under the table long before the appetizers arrived and dinner was a lovely period of soft caresses and entertaining conversation.

Christa proved to be exceptionally well rounded and conversation flowed from Monet and Rubens to Bush and Chiraque. For the first time in a long time Sue found herself mentally stimulated and challenged. Christa's views were far more conservative than Dominique's had been, but there were areas where she was quite liberal. Time and again the small woman forced Sue to examine her own assumptions about life and the world. It was profoundly enlightening for someone who had slowly buried her intellect so as not to stand out among her husband and his friends. When the conversation turned to the gay lifestyle and many of the pertinent issues surrounding it Sue found herself listening more than talking.

"How do you feel about children?" Sue asked out of the blue.

"In general?"

"No, I mean for a gay couple,"

"I love kids. I don't think some of the women I know would be any worse at being a parent than a lot of the straights I know,"

"But I meant for you, would you want kids?"

"I'd have to find a wife first, I think kids need two parents," Christa said.

"I don't think you would have any trouble there," Sue said as she blushed.

"Maybe, maybe not, Why? Are you volunteering?" Christa asked with a smile.

"Maybe, maybe not," Sue replied.

"I'd like to have kids. My Bro donated some sperm to a sperm bank before he got killed in a gangland hit. Most girls I know would make shitty moms, so I haven't really thought about it," Christa said with a shrug. Her foot slipped up Sue's leg to her knee and the blonde bit her lower lip. The conversation moved on to other things, almost as if the subject had been dropped by mutual assent.

By the time dinner was done Sue wanted nothing more than to go home and make love. Christa's gentle compliments, stealthy caresses and hungry glances made her feel special, beautiful, sexy and loved. Her mind was active and she knew a god deal of her sexual energy at the moment was fueled by having to think on her feet throughout the evening's conversation.

As soon as they were in the car and moving Sue leaned over in her seat and gently brushed her lips along Christa's ear. The smaller woman's hand moved from the stick to gently squeeze Sue's knee then back to the stick as she negotiated the late evening traffic. Sue continued to nibble on her ear and neck, occasionally running her tongue over the soft skin.

"What's gotten into you?' Christa asked as a shiver ran through her.

"You just make me feel sexy," Sue whispered. Christa smiled.

"Well, sugar, wait till I get out of the city, you're making it hard to drive," Christa said. Sue contented herself with resting her head on Christa's shoulder and stroking her arm. Christa pulled off at the first scenic overlook. It offered a stunning view of the Hudson and of Yonkers just across the river. The trees were all stark and leafless, the river was filled with ice flows and snow was piled on the ground. There were two other cars, both pulled to secluded ends of the parking area. Once Christa stopped the car the windshield began to fog immediately.

Sue slipped her hand down to Christa's lap, expecting to cup her pussy and try to get her worked up. She let out a little squeal of delight when she felt the hard thickness of a dildo.

Christa smiled and eased her seat back as Sue's hands deftly undid the fly of her trousers. She was quietly amazed at how quickly the leggy blonde was becoming a nympho. Not that she was complaining in the least, she was ecstatic. Still, even with her eyes excited and her hands fishing inside the short woman's trousers, she was a lady. Something about her was just so innocent and lady like. Christa had to wonder if she had even dated as a teenager.

The dildo was a jelly type, one that was very flexible and not a pain to wear under her pants. It was dark green and not overly large, but it was still pretty stout. Sue's hand wrapped around it and she began to slowly stroke it as she pressed her lips to Christa's. Christa waited a moment, but Sue's lips only grazed hers. When she thrust her tongue out the blonde's sweet lips parted and they began a long soul kiss. When the kiss broke Sue giggled self-consciously and sat back in her seat.

"What's the matter?" Christa asked. "Nothing, I just…I mean…well, can't we just go home?" Sue asked blushing prettily.

"Don't tell me you never made it with anyone in a parked car?" Christa said incredulously.

"Well, no. I never have," Sue said and looked down at the floorboard. Christa wondered how anyone could be so fucking sexy and so incredibly cute at the same time. This woman simply drove her mad.

"Well, its time you learned then baby,"

"Are you sure? Is it safe?"

"No, it isn't safe at all, anyone could pull up and see us, that's half the fun of making out in a parked car," Christa said and smiled.

"I don't know," Sue said blushing again. Christa smiled and grasped the base of the dildo.

"Don't be shy sugar, let go and live a little," she said.

"What do I do?" she asked.

"Just hike your dress up and climb on,"

Sue looked furtively out the windows of the small car and hesitated, but Christa smiled encouragingly and the older woman seemed to gather her courage. She rose to her knees and pulled the blue dress up, exposing her stocking tops, garters and the G-string. When she was holding the dress above her waist she hesitated.

"What about my panties?"

"Just pull them to one side babe," Christa said. Her voice sounded husky in her ears and she could smell both her and Sue's arousal. Sue nodded and climbed across the small console and stick shift. She then put her knees on the seat, straddling Christa's lap. Christa pushed the cock along Sue's wet lips until it pushed a little into her hot entrance. The blonde was so tall she was actually hunched over, with her head in the back seat. Christa smiled when she heard the contented sigh Sue let out as her hips settled onto the thick dildo. Her tits were right in the smaller woman's face, but Christa resisted the temptation to try and get her dress off her shoulders, instead she let her hands roam to Sue's soft ass and began to knead the fleshy half moons as Sue began to rock in her lap.

Christa smiled to herself and let her boss's wife fuck herself silly. There wasn't enough clearance for Sue to actually ride, the most she could do was undulate her hips in Christa's lap. With the seat fully back Sue's pretty head still was pressed against the car's roof. Her eyes were closed and her face was set as she rocked back and forth in Christa's lap. Gradually her movements became faster and more powerful. Christa just relaxed and watched, only occasionally squeezing Sue's firm ass. She wanted Sue to enjoy herself and in this situation she didn't mind being the passive partner during sex. Sue's features slowly began to relax as her excitement heightened.

There was one thing Christa did want to try and now seemed as good a time as any. She pulled Sue's firm cheeks wide and pressed her finger against the older woman's rear entrance. Sue let out a little squeaking noise, but didn't stop what she was doing. Christa contented herself with just massaging Sue's rosebud, she planned on taking Sue from behind, but that could wait. If the blonde was as inexperienced as Christa surmised, she might even take her anal cherry. That was something that Christa really hoped to do before the weekend was out.

Sue was moaning and really working her hips when the lights of a car illuminated her. Christa really enjoyed the glimpse of her lover in the headlights before the car moved and the illumination shifted away from her lover. The car was a red Corvette and it pulled in next to them, but Sue didn't stop. She glanced out the window to see a couple watching her. They were both young, a Hispanic guy and a girl with long black hair. They were both smiling as they watched her and Sue felt she should be embarrassed, but the audience only heightened her pleasure. She was too close to stop now anyway. The muscles in her pussy were clenching and unclenching, trying to hold the cock still as her hips slid forward and back. The harness and Christa's barely opened trousers rubbed against her mound with each motion and Sue barked sharply as her orgasm hit her. She rode the waves of pleasure, totally absorbed in what she was doing. When she came down and gathered her thoughts she blushed and glanced back out the window.

In the other car the driver was leaned way back and Sue saw the girl's head bobbing up and down in his lap. It occurred to her that this overlook was probably one of the local make out spots. Back home the local spot had been a parking lot by the municipal lake called cherry point. Bernie had never taken her there and she felt a pang of remorse. Not for Bernie, but for herself, that she had missed that opportunity as a teenager.

She crawled off Christa and into the passenger seat pulling her dress down as she did so. The little butch sat back up and shoved her cock back into her trousers. She started the car and let the defroster clear the windows. Christa noticed that Sue was still watching the couple in the car next to them. She smiled, thinking how nice it would be to have someone watching Sue's blonde head bobbing in her lap as the sexy woman gave her a blowjob. Maybe next time, she thought as she started the engine.

The drive home was quiet and dark. Sue felt relaxed, full, satiated and just plain old sleepy. She rested her head on Christa's shoulder fell asleep before they even reached the New York state line. In her dreams she was the girl in the car next to them, giving Christa head. Somehow it just seemed right.

Christa woke her with a kiss and Sue was surprised to find they were home. The little woman barely let her in the door before stripping the dress from her body and staring at Sue in her lingerie. Sue's libido finally seemed to be put to rest and somehow Christa seemed to know that. They curled up on the sofa, cuddled and watched an old movie before retiring to the bedroom.

Sue fell asleep in Christa's arms almost instantly and slept the sleep of the dead.


Christa awoke suddenly, gasping for breath and covered in sweat. The room was dark and unfamiliar. For a moment she panicked, no longer able to differentiate between reality and the ghosts of her dream. She felt a warm soft body snuggle up against her and with it came a flood of relief and memories of where she was.

Christa sat up and slipped out of the bed. Moving slowly and quietly, so as not to wake Sue, she struggled into her jeans, a shirt, her heavy leather jacket and boots. She walked carefully down the stairs and let herself out onto the back porch. It was freezing out, but the crisp wind and cold seemed to snap her out of the half dream that still filled her head. Christa lit a cigarette and sat in a patio chair. She let the warm smoke fill her lungs and relax her.

The dream always left her like this, disoriented and tense. For three years now it had been the bane of her nights and it never changed. She walked through a world where she was queen and anything was hers with just a word. She had but to reach out and take it and she could have anything, anyone. It seemed perfect until she actually reached for something, as soon as her fingers brushed it, no matter who or what it was it turned to ashes. The dream always ended the same, with Lexi running into the throne room and throwing herself into Christa's arms even as the small black woman tried to dodge out of her way. She was never fast enough.

Tonight it had been different, tonight it was Sue who ran into the ornate room and as always Christa had not been quite fast enough to escape touching her. Christa sighed heavily and exhaled. She crushed out her cigarette and returned to the warm bed and Sue's soft body.



"Hey hun, sorry to call so early, but we're heading out and will be gone all day," Bernie's voice sounded thick over the phone and even after being roused from a deep sleep Sue could tell he was drunk.

"All right, have fun," Sue said.

"We will," he replied and hung up before she could ask where they were going. Sue snuggled back into Christa's warm embrace and tired to go back to sleep, but she couldn't.

After a while Sue gently disengaged herself from Christa's arms and got out of bed. She pulled her robe on over her sexy lingerie and padded down to the kitchen where she started coffee and began cooking breakfast. Sue was just finishing the eggs when Christa came into the kitchen and swatted her behind.

"Morning," the little butch said as she stretched. She wore only black silk boxers and white T-shirt. Bernie often wore the exact same thing around the house, but on Christa it was sexy where on Bernie it was anything but.

"Good morning," Sue said with a smile.

Christa sat at the table and Sue served her breakfast and then sat with her own plate. They didn't say anything, just quietly ate. It wasn't awkward at all in fact it was just very comfortable. Almost too comfortable for Sue. She realized she could really get used to this.

"What do you have planned for today?" Christa asked as she finished her second cup of coffee.

"No plans," Sue said, smiling softly as she gathered up the plates and took them to the sink. Christa came up behind her and slipped her arms around Sue's waist.

"How bout we spend the day at the Met? And maybe dinner and a club or two afterwards?"

"Sounds like fun," Sue replied as she started to run some water in the sink, but Christa stopped her.

"Go get dressed, I'll take care of the dishes," the little woman said. Sue happily left the chore to Christa and went upstairs. She took a long hot shower, just enjoying the hot spray. She shaved her pits, legs and even her bikini area before she shut off the water and spent some time selecting her clothes. The radio was calling for more snow and temperatures that would fall well below zero sometime after midday. Sue chose a red satin bra and panty set with matching garterbelt and black stockings. She selected her white "winter" dress as she called it. It was a simple dress that had long sleeves and fell to her ankle. It was made of a heavy brocade material with a satin inner lining. The dress had been purchased for the renaissance fair that she, Bernie and the kids attended every year, but Sue had discovered it was very warm and now wore it on blustery days when she had to go out and jeans just wouldn't do for the occasion. White ankle boots with a moderate heel and wool knit hat completed her outfit.

Christa wore black jeans and her biker boots with a black Raiders sweatshirt and her leather jacket. When they went out to the garage Sue waited by the door of the Miata for Christa to open it for her. The little butch smiled as she opened the door. It hadn't taken long for Sue to give up any pretense of trying to take her van. Christa liked the way in which Sue meekly deferred to her in most every situation. As she drove down to the city she and Sue chatted about all sorts of things, but Christa's mind kept going back to her bed and the restraints. She was beginning to get the feeling that Sue would not only acquiesce to them, but might actually find herself enjoying that aspect of herself, if Christa could bring it out in her.

They made an odd pair at the museum, Sue thought. The tall blonde in her pretty dress and stylish little boots with the short black woman in her leather jacket and jeans. When she mentioned the contrast Christa just smiled and nodded. Christa amazed Sue with her knowledge of art, especially with her seemingly limitless knowledge of some of the painters. Sue was really enjoying herself and the day passed far too quickly. On rare occasions she had managed to drag Bernie with her to the Met, but he was always bored, just there for her benefit. Christa seemed to really love the place as much as Sue did. They left at closing time and stopped in at a diner for dinner.

"Where did you learn so much about painting?" Sue asked after their food came.

"I took some courses at the New School. I was going to be a painter once upon a time," Christa said with a shrug.

"Why didn't you?"

"I've gone hungry enough in this life time,"

"Do you still paint?"

"Not since my last relationship ended,"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring up bad memories," Sue said. Christa looked at her with an unreadable expression then slowly spoke.