Fools and Their Money


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Sarah took good care of her girlfriends too. She paid for their gym memberships, took them to the spa and lunch was always on her. I liked the fact that she was going to the gym. It tightened up her hot little body and I got to reap the benefits. She was always beautiful and she toned up real well.

After a while she got me to go with her. I didn't add any muscle but I worked out with light weights with lots of reps. It just increased my muscle definition. She really liked my six pack. She called me her hard body. The only thing I missed was the conquest thing that I used to do. I had chances at other women, but Sarah kept me so well fucked that it just got pushed to the back burner.

I hadn't been in her ass yet. We tired once and I was too big. She cried out and we stopped. I found an answer on the internet. I bought a set of butt plugs. They came in three sizes; small, big and bigger. They had a place we could hook ornamental tails to them. I ordered some with colored beads, feathers, rabbit tails, fox tails and a horse tail. She looked real cute running around on our naked days with her tails swinging. For lingerie days she cut some holes in some of her panties so she could wear them. Even after the day I got in her ass, she continued to wear the big one. She took to anal like the animal that she was but she always make me wear a condom. She thought it was nasty to get shit on my cock even though she could wash it.


We were both waiting for her next period to start. It didn't. She bought a EPT thingy and it showed positive. She got all mushy on me with the good news. She started calling me Daddy and of course, I called her Mommy. She made an appointment with a doctor and started buying baby stuff. She wanted me to help but I told her I didn't know anything about it so she went by herself.

A week later I put my plan in action. It was time to make my move.

I fired up her laptop and searched for Cayman Island banks. A few came up. I opened one and looked the page over. I tried to open an account and to my surprise I could do it online. I set it up and put five thousand in it from our savings account. I named it Billings Investments INC. I entered a password and closed it. Fuck Yeah.

The next part of my plan was the hard part. I had to separate myself from Sarah for maybe three days without her getting suspicious. It took a while but I came up with one that I thought would work.


Hey, babe. What did you buy today?"

"Baby stuff, of course."

"I knew the answer before I asked."

"You know me too well.'

"Ummm, Mom called while you were gone. She wants me to drive her up to her sisters. I told her it was a great idea. All three of us could have a little mini vacation. She said she wanted some "alone" time with me."

"Alone time. What does she mean?"

"I'm not sure. She was real mysterious about it. She went to the doctor last week, so it may be something about that."

"Oh god. Is she sick?"

"She wouldn't even give me a hint."

"You should go. It may be something serious."

"I know. Are you going to be OK without me for a few days"

"Of course. I'll miss you, but I'll be OK."

"She wants to leave tomorrow morning."

"Please let me know what's going on with her. This sounds serious."

"I'll call you as soon as I know something."

"How long will you be gone?"

"I'm not sure. It's kind of her ball game. Maybe two or three days. I'll fly back if she wants to stay."

"I want you call me every day. I need to hear your voice.'

"I'll call you every night and tuck you in bed. As soon as I know her plans I'll let you know."


The next morning I called a cab. We kissed goodbye and I was on my way. I got to the airport and bought my ticket. I had about an hour to wait for my flight so I went through security and hooked up to the airport WiFi. I opened both bank accounts and transferred all of the money from the savings except one dollar. The checking had six thousand and I left that to cover Sarah's spending for the next few days. I didn't want to have her Visa card declined.

I landed in Atlanta and caught my flight to the Cayman Islands. I went to the bank and set up my checking and got a Visa card. With my finances all set up, I went and checked into a nice hotel. I was all set.

I stood on the balcony looking off at the ocean. It was a beautiful sight. Did I feel any guilt for my dastardly deed. Not a bit. It was all about me and what I wanted, and I had it all.

The first night there I got a text from Sarah. I took the battery and sim card out of my phone and scattered it in trash cans around the hotel.

Over the next few weeks I started enjoying my new found wealth. I picked up women in the bar, wined and dined them. I fucked a new one every night. I was living like a king.

I woke up in the morning and looked down at the hot little redhead laying on my shoulder. She had lived up to the redhead legend. She was a wild one. I gently moved her over and headed for the shower. While I was lathering I got to thinking. I wondered if I had broken any laws. I thought about fraud and embezzlement. I knew Sarah had discovered the money missing by now. If she went to the police I could be in trouble. I wasn't real computer savvy, but I suspected I had left a trail. I needed to find some way to cover my tracks.

I found a phone book and started looking for help. I saw one that was called "Secure Investments". That sounded like what I wanted. I got dressed and went to the lobby. I left the redhead asleep. She could find her own way home. I gave the cab driver the address and sat back.


HI, I'm Brian Billings. I need your help."

"Certainly. How exactly can I help you."

"I made some financial transfers and I don't want my business associates to know about them. I'm wonder if you can do anything to stop them from finding out about them."

He sat for a minute with a poker face on. I couldn't get a read on him.

"We can take care of that. We can move the money around and make it untraceable, for a fee, of course. Let me look at the account and I can explain what I can do.

I gave him the bank name and account number. He turned the laptop around facing me.

"Enter your password."

He turned and looked away as I entered it. I turned it back facing him. He clicked around a little and smiled.

"I see what you've done, and you did leave a trail. It will take a couple of days, but when we're done no one will see any tracks."

"How do you do that?"

"We just transfer it through several offshore banks and then back to here in a new account. I have a, shall we say 'friend', who can take care of the tracks you left."

"One more thing. I might need a new set of identification papers. Maybe a drivers license and passport and a birth certificate. Do you know someone that can take care of that for me?"

He smiled.

"All of this will take a couple of days. When you come back everything will be done."

"Perfect. Just leave enough in my checking for a couple of days. My hotel bill is due and I need to eat."

"We can make that final closure when you pick up your papers."

I stood up and we shook hands.

"I'll see you in two days, sir. And thanks for your service."

"Yes, two days and it's our pleasure."

I went back to my hotel feeling on top of the world.


"Yes, maam. How can I help you?"

"Something happened to my automatic transfer from my savings account. It was supposed to put five thousand in my checking on the first of the month."

"Let me check that for you. Swipe your card and enter you password."

"Maam. There is no mistake. You're saving account only has one dollar in it."

"What! That's impossible. I won the lottery and I have millions."

She turned her monitor around for me."

"See this. That's the balance. There was a transfer from you savings. See there it shows the time and date. It went to an account in the Cayman Islands."

I must have fainted. I woke and a lady was holding a wet rag on my forehead. She helped me up and I sat in a chair.

"It's all gone. He took all of my money. That bastard."

"Did someone have access to your account?"

"Yes. That bastard boyfriend of mine. Is there anything I can do?"

"You need to talk to the police. Maybe they can help."

I managed to get to my car and drove to the police station. The took my statement and said they would turn it over to the detectives. They would call me when they had something for me. I cried all the way home.

"Hi, Sarah. How are you".

"Mom. Brian took all of my money."

"What? All of it?"

"Yes. He transferred it to the Cayman Islands. He took it all.'

"I'm sure there's something we can do. I'll fly out tomorrow and we'll see."

"I already told the police. They said they would call me later. I guess they're checking everything."

"Just sit tight, dear. I'll call you to pick me up at the airport."

"Wait, Mom. There's more.'


"Mom, I'm pregnant. It's Brian's."

"Oh my god, Sarah. What have you done? You've made a complete mess of you life."

"I know, Mom. I got caught up in something I couldn't control."

'Well, we'll talk more when I get there. Maybe we can get some of this straightened out."

"I love you. Mom."

"I love you too, just stay calm. Everything will be OK."

"I hope so. I want them to get that bastard."

"Bye bye. I'll call you."

"Bye, Mom.


I woke up from my nap starving to death. I showered, got dressed and went down to get something to ear. I decided on prime rib, baked potato and a tossed salad. I finished up with a discrete burp and headed to the night club. I needed to get some pussy lined up for the evening. I dropped a two twenties on the table and left. The host met me at the entrance and I handed him my Visa card.

"Run a tab for me, please.'

"Very good, Sir. Right this way."

I sat for a minute waiting for my drink. I gazed over the room looking for a likely candidate for my cock. I saw about three that looked like they would be worthwhile. The host came back to my table.

"Excuse me, Sir. There seems to be a problem with your Visa card. It seems that you have insufficient funds."

"What? You must be joking. I had plenty there. Run it again."

"Perhaps you should check for yourself. There's an ATM just outside to the right."

I went out and swiped my card. I selected checking and saw a zero balance. I selected savings and had a zero balance too.

'What the hell. They must have made a mistake and transferred everything instead of leaving me a balance.'

I pulled out my wad of cash and counted it. I had just over two thousand dollars. I decided to go back to my room and not spend anything till I got my new accounts straightened out. I fell asleep watching a movie.

The next morning I caught a cab and gave him the address to Secure Investments. He pulled up in front and I saw the windows were covered on the inside with brown paper. A sign on the door said, "Office for lease or rent".

My vision tunneled down to a pinpoint and then to black. Some time later I felt my eyelids fluttered and I came too. I was laying on the back seat of the cab.

"Hey, Man. Wake up. You can't die in my cab. I don't need no trouble."

I looked around and it all came back. They took my money and split. I was fucked and I didn't even get a reach around.

"Take me back to the hotel."

"You gonna be OK? You want to see a doctor?"

"I'm OK. I won't die on you."

I sat on the edge of my bed trying to get my head around what had happened. I had lost all of the money I took from Sarah and I needed to get back to the states. I didn't want to end up broke on a island miles from the states. I should be able to convince my Mom to help me out. I packed up my clothes and caught a cab to the airport. Two hours later I was on my way to Miami.

I could see the mainland out my window. I felt a change in the planes engines as we started losing altitude. We landed and I made my way to customs. I stepped up to the counter and gave the lady my passport and drivers license.

"It will be just a minute. Our computers are running slow."

I waited and noticed three very large men walk up.

"Mister Billings. Will you please come with us?"

Fear struck my mind like a sledge hammer. Two of them gripped my arms and the other guy picked up my suitcase. Because of my previous run-ins with law enforcement I knew better than to talk. The jailhouse lawyers always said keep your mouth shut and ask for an attorney. They gently but firmly took me down a hall and into a room.

"Wait here, Please. Someone will be with you in a few minutes."

I watched the door close and heard the lock click. I knew I was fucked. I sat with my elbows on my knees and my face in my hands. Ten minutes later two customs agents walked in.

"Mr. Billings. There is a Federal warrant for your arrest. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say may be used against you in a court of law. If you cannot afford an attorney one will be provided for you. Do you understand these rights?"

"Yes. I refuse to answer any questions without the presence of an attorney."



The Federal Prosecutor picked up Sarah's case and after checking everything had a warrant issued for Brian. It went into the NCIC computers and of course, knowing Brian was in the Cayman Islands, his name was flagged on Customs computers.

Sarah went home with her mother and waited for the trial. She was the star witness for the prosecution. On the stand they took her through her entire time with Brian from their meeting in Denny's till the day she discovered her money was gone.

Right on time, Sarah gave birth to a seven pound six ounce baby boy. He had the same hair color and the same eyes as Brian. She took one look at him and put him up for adoption. She knew she couldn't have a baby around as a constant reminder of the horrible things that happened. Her Mom helped her get a counselor and after a full year of hard work she finally pulled through.

Sarah managed to get a job at a nice dinner house. She met a guy and after a year they married. She had learned her lesson and kept her legs closed except for him.


With his Dads help, Eric managed to get himself straightened out. He went through counseling and finally got over the anger and pain. He bought a nice four bedroom house with a pool in the back.

He met a lady at one of his buddies weekend barbecues. He didn't tell her about his wealth till year later when they were married. She gave him two beautiful daughters.

Eric shared his wealth with his Dad. He didn't buy a mansion and a bunch of fast cars like a lot of the other lottery winners do. He just had his house remodeled and moved his girlfriend in. He never did marry.


They threw the book at Brian. He was charged with fraud, grand theft, embezzlement and several other charges. They knew some wouldn't stick but they went for it all.

They investigated and established the timeline for all of his activities from the time he bought his ticket till he landed in the Cayman Islands. The tracked him through the airline terminal on video. They saw him using a laptop. The time matched up with the time of the bank transfer.

While he was waiting for his trial they gave him a physical took some blood. He tested positive for two STDs. Just before the trial the results from his AIDS test came back positive.

A jury of seven women and five men found him guilty on almost every charge. His court appointed attorney was just out of law school and it was his third case. He tried to convince the jury that Sarah loved Brian so much that she gave him the money. The women on the jury didn't buy it for a minute. The men had a strong sense of survival and went along with the women.

Brian got twenty four years in Federal prison. He only served eight years before he passed. Seven other prisoners contracted AIDS from him. It seemed he wasn't anal retentive for very long.

None of the money was ever recovered.

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GamblnluckGamblnluck7 months ago

Hated the changing POV 2 stars

MarkT63MarkT63about 3 years ago

Idiots deserve what they get!!!

26thNC26thNCabout 4 years ago

Still wonder about the HIV, but the there was a lot to wonder about in this story.

Huedogg2Huedogg2over 4 years ago
I also what to know how Sarah avoid Aids?

He fucked her all over the place bareback. But then again, every man in this story gets fucked and the woman walks away scott free with millions.

OverthefallsOverthefallsover 4 years ago
Now I understand the story title

A fool and their money are soon parted. My problem with this story was that there were too many fools in it. And they weren't just fools, they were dumber than rocks. That fact didn't make for a good story.

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