February Sucks: Tommy's Birthday

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A lot of water under the bridge.
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If you have not liked my other stories, you certainly won't like this one.

Thomas smoothed his jacket and fingered the gold pin at his lapel - a tiny stylized Roman temple, three columns on a base holding up the roof - it looked very much like the Roman numeral three. He breathed deep calming breaths making ready for his entrance. He'd been told by the Mile High staff that tonight was a sellout crowd, more than 76,000 people. He wished his father could be here to see this, to experience the rush that comes with having that many focused on you. Someday, perhaps.

But tonight was his night, two days ago he'd turned thirty-five, at last night's Board meeting Uncle Dave had stepped aside and Thomas had been unanimously voted President of the Foundation. So while Thomas had spoken on behalf of the Foundation before, and had for years, tonight was special.

The lights came down in the arena and a spotlight illuminated the curtains where Thomas would make his entrance. He walked out from behind the curtain as the spotlight followed him up to the podium. The crowd was eerily hushed for so many people; they suspected this was going to be a special event.

Thomas stopped at the podium and rested his arms comfortably on the top and leaning into the twin microphones said in a clear voice, "my name is Tommy and I believe in Respect, Loyalty, and Trust."

The crowd answered him with one voice, "RESPECT! LOYALTY! TRUST!" and then continued chanting those three words over and over. Thomas knew they'd soon lose the rhythm of the chant and it would become cheers. He knew that with a crowd this size it would be a few minutes before he could get to his prepared speech. And as sometimes happened, his mind went to the event that created this movement, that fateful Saturday...


The red convertible roared down their street and pulled up in front of their house. Linda thought that there were an unusual number of neighbors out and about but it was a fleeting thought. She was still on a sexual high from last night and especially this morning.

As they came to a stop Marc turned off the engine and leaned over to her for a kiss. Linda was ecstatic, she had spent the night in a fantasy and this was just more of the same. Marc and she were lost in the kiss, Linda was turned on again as Marc fondled her breast. She would remember this moment for the rest of her life.

"All right you love birds break it up."

Neither Marc nor Linda had seen Jim walk up to the car on the driver's side, he was casually standing there with a gun.

"We're going to have a little chat, and I hope my little friend here will ensure that nobody tries anything. Marc, I want to thank you for the videos from last night and this morning, they really helped solidify my thoughts and understanding of exactly what all this means. Linda, I know your phone is still off so please turn it on and take a look at the file I sent you just a few minutes ago."

"Jim, please. Let's just go inside and we can talk about this. I'm home now, no different than before. Put the gun away and stop making a scene."

"Linda, turn on your phone NOW."

As Linda opened her purse to get her phone she realized that their neighbor Mr. Porter had his phone out and was standing a few feet from her on side of the car, obviously recording. And as she looked further, several other people had their phones out too.

"Jim, you're making a spectacle of yourself. All these people are seeing and filming how foolish you're acting. There's no need for all this, Marc was a perfect gentleman."

"Actually Linda, they're recording you and Marc's arrival. I had warned them that there would be something to see when you came home today. You're famous! You spent the night with the fabulous Marc Lavalliere; before the day is out I'm sure the whole city will know. You'll be able to brag about last night forever."

"Ok Jim, I've got my phone let's see what you sent me so we can get this over with." Hitting play on the file Jim had sent her, her eyes grew wide with horror as the video played.

"Hey cuck", Marc's voice said. And then he mimicked "Hi Jim I am having a wonderful time see you tomorrow!" The first scene was showing Linda naked on her knees sucking LaValliere's cock with cum running down her chin. The next scene showed Linda bent over the bed with his cock in her pussy and a close up showing cum running down her legs then he pulled out and shoved it up her ass; something she had never allowed Jim to do. At the end LaValliere's face came on the screen and he said.

''How do you like that you useless little cuck? Tomorrow after she showers, I am going to fuck her again and send her home so you can have sloppy seconds or perhaps just lick her out and taste the cum of a real man. I must say she is trying very hard to please me but quite frankly she's not much of a fuck and her body really starting to sag with age. Still any cunt is better than no cunt at all and I did so enjoy taking her away from you and proving that I am the alpha-male and you are just a poor beta cuck. Good luck with sloppy seconds, TTFN.''

Then a third scene from this morning Linda fully dressed being taken from behind. When Lavalliere finished he held up her panties and wiped his cock on them and said

''I'm going to keep these as a souvenir''

"So you see Linda, Marc wasn't such a gentleman as you thought. I know you want to get into the house for a shower but you can sit there for a few minutes more while we finish our talk. Don't worry about all the cum leaking out of you from this morning, I'm sure the dry cleaners will be able to get the stain out. Of course you may want to save the dress just as it is, a kind of trophy from your 'magical night with Marc, the great gentleman," Jim couldn't help letting a bit of sarcasm creep into his voice.

Linda was crying now, her fantasy crushed, she'd been nothing but a warm hole for Marc. And the videos proved that he got off on humiliating the husbands of his victims. She had been thoroughly fooled; she'd betrayed her husband and marriage for Marc's sick pleasure.

"Jim, honey, let's go inside the house. Let me get cleaned up and then we can talk about getting on with the rest of our lives."

"Yeah Jim honey, put that thing away before you hurt yourself. I gotta get going and this scene is getting boring." Marc was done, this cunt was ok for last night, but she certainly wasn't worth having a gun pulled on him. Who did this cuck think he was? Marc shifted slightly in his seat, preparing to lunge for the gun.

"Now, now Marc, please don't make any sudden moves, you wouldn't get far anyways, you still have your seat belt on. So, as I was saying - those videos really helped clarify things for me. And since I have your attention let me explain. It will only take a few minutes."

Linda was sobbing now, most of the neighborhood was watching, many recording on their phones. She'd realized she'd been nothing but Marc's whore last night. The cum puddling in the bottom of her dress went from being a memento from this morning to a cold reminder of what had really happened. And she really needed to pee.

"I don't suppose you've ever married Marc ol' buddy, so let me explain. A good marriage is built on a solid footing of respect, loyalty, and trust. I know wedding vows say love, honor, and respect; but the reality is a bit different. Until last night when you came into our lives Linda and I had what everybody considered a solid, happy marriage.

"Her sneaking out of the club last night with you showed a complete lack of respect for me and her marriage. I mean really, sneaking out the back door without a word? And getting Dee to run interference for you so you could make a clean getaway?

"The videos clearly show that Linda didn't stay loyal to those same wedding vows while she was getting fucked by you. Oh yeah, have you ever heard about the 'forsaking all others' part? I guess she was too busy cumming on your cock to remember that part.

"Finally when we talk about trust it means that your partner has your back. They will do everything to protect you from harm, even take a bullet for you. Have you ever felt that way about anybody Marc? You don't have to answer, the videos answered for you. You get off on helping the wives you corrupt break the trust of their partner.

"So there you have it Marc. Your conquest of Linda broke the three pillars of our marriage, ruining it forever. I'm sure you and Linda talked about her coming home today and getting on with the rest of our lives. Of course she would have some great memories; you're probably a stallion in bed.

"Jim, please. You've had your say. Put the gun away and let's figure out how to get past all this." Linda was pleading.

"Yeah Jim, you can talk all you want but you're a cuck. I took your wife and she went along willingly. I didn't send you any more vids because she was begging me to fuck her and I couldn't keep her off me long enough to record any more. I bet she was never that hot for your little pencil dick."

"You're right Marc. I'll never be able to measure up to you. You're an elite athlete; you probably have a huge mansion and tons of money. For the rest of my life I'll have to live with my wife not only spending the night with you, but probably getting the fucking of the century. So, let's bring this little drama to a close. Marc, I want you to remember something for the rest of your life too. Those three little words - respect, loyalty, and trust.

"Linda I want you to look at Marc and repeat those words as the last words you say to him. Go ahead say them; respect, loyalty, and trust.

Linda was really sobbing now; Jim was being so cruel rubbing her nose in what she had done, what she had become. She couldn't get the words out.

"Linda look at him and say the words! I want to look him in the eyes and repeat them!"

Linda managed to choke them out in a croaking voice, "respect, loyalty, and trust."

"Happy now cuck? Can I go now? You really are pathetic you know. Respect, loyalty, and trust; what a bunch of shit."

"You know Marc; I kinda knew you felt that way about those words and the concepts behind them. But I don't appreciate the way you just said them, let's try them again. Say them with me; respect, loyalty, trust." Jim waved the gun a bit to encourage Marc.

"Ok cuck. Respect, loyalty, trust." And Marc sighed, this really was getting tiresome.

Linda was riveted by this exchange; she couldn't understand where Jim was going with this. Was rubbing Marc's nose in it some way of getting some of his pride back? Marc certainly wasn't helping with his attitude, especially since Jim was pointing a gun at him. Did Marc's arrogance know no bounds? She was looking right at Marc trying to understand him.

"Here Marc, let me say them for you so you get the message."

"Respect." BANG! The first bullet entered Marc's left eye and made a big mess exiting out the back of his head and embedding itself in the upholstery behind the passenger seat. Since Linda was looking at Marc in that moment she saw the gore coming at her and splashing over her face.

"Loyalty." BANG! The second bullet went in at Marc's left temple and lodged very near the first one. Linda hadn't had enough time to look away or begin to scream when the second wave of blood and brains splashed her.

"Trust." BANG! The third bullet entered Marc's cheekbone and out the side of his head, this one got deflected and was stopped by the passenger seat headrest. It just missed Linda, who was now beginning a scream that would last for quite a while.

"Respect." BANG! "Loyalty." BANG! "Trust." BANG! Jim put the last three bullets into Marc's face. Later, the coroner could not identify their path as so much of Marc's head was missing by that point. But all six bullets were easily recovered.

Just as Linda paused her initial scream to take a breath Jim said into the relative silence, "Ok Linda, now I'm ready to discuss where we go from here." Throughout the shooting Jim had remained calm and had not raised his voice once. Later when Mr. Porter's recording was reviewed by the psychologist Dr. Harper remarked how calm and collected Jim seemed.


Back in the present Thomas thought that the book and then movie of the whole horrible situation had been brutally accurate. After all, a dozen neighbors had recorded the event. Thomas had no first hand memories of that Saturday, he and his older sister Emma had been at their grandparents house. But he'd seen the vids once he got older, and of course had spoken to all the neighbors over the years.

He stopped his woolgathering and waited for the last few cheers to die down so he could begin his talk.

"On behalf of the Three Pillars Foundation I welcome you to our annual rally!" The crowd roared again, chants of 'Respect, Loyalty, and Trust' intermingled with some chanting 'Tommy, Tommy, Tommy'. It was a good crowd, certainly the largest they'd ever had, but the tenor of the crowd was positive. Thomas was gratified to see that there were more women than ever before. It was good that their outreach program was showing some success.

"Thank you, thank you all. I bring greetings from my father; he apologizes for not being able to be here. He's still a ward of the state but is in good spirits and wanted me to say thank you for all your hard work and participation.

"For those of you watching at home or here in the arena for the first time we send you a special welcome. As you may know, we only hold this national rally, we don't do big conferences. The Foundation prefers to work at the local level. Hopefully you've been able to get to know your local RLT Chapter. If you want to do more than attend meetings please check out our website for ways you can volunteer.

"The Foundation is 30 years old this year, and our mission and organization are strong. I'm happy to report that sales of merchandise, books, and subscriptions are up again this year. And as always all profits are put back into the Foundation so we can carry on our work. Let me remind you that we are all volunteers; there are no paid positions in the Foundation. This rally, the local meetings, travel and administration are all paid for by the merchandise, donations and support from your individual memberships and corporate sponsors.

"I'll keep the rest of my speech short, I just want to report that our various programs - especially the Grade School Buddies, and College Clubs - have increased their attendance by 8% over last year. Our message of commitment and hard work are reaching more and more young people.

"My own speaking engagements, and those of Uncle Dave and a few others, are another source of income. Since we work full time for the Foundation, we keep a portion of the speaker's fees to support our families. All that is fully disclosed on the website for those who are curious about those details. We are committed to full transparency about our finances.

"Lastly I want to encourage you to enjoy this evening's show. We've got some of the biggest singing acts in the nation here to entertain you. Let's make this a positive celebration, have a good time, grab a beer or two, enjoy the show. We can get back to our lives and the Foundation work tomorrow. This rally is meant to be a coming together in fellowship and to celebrate our cause.

"I'll turn it over to the Master of Ceremonies but before I go, let me remind you of the serious work we do as members of the Foundation. Our mission to spread understanding with our words and action, to live up to the three pillars. To always deal with our friends, business associates, and especially our families with Respect, Loyalty, and Trust." Thomas had let his voice boom out with intensity on that last sentence, and he was answered by the chanting of the crowd. Stepping to the side and back from the podium he bowed low, held it for a moment and then walked off the stage.


Dave sat back and with a satisfied sigh settled into his airline seat. Thirty years! And now Tommy, no make that Thomas, was taking over. He could finally relax, take it easy and let Thomas run the Foundation. As always on these anniversaries his mind went back to that fateful Saturday.

He and Dee had been arguing all night, he couldn't believe she'd helped cover for Linda so she could sneak out the back door of the club with Lavalliere. When Saturday dawned after a fitful night sleep they'd started right back into it over coffee. Finally Dave had had enough of Dee's justifications.

"Dee, I'm going over to Jim's to see how he doing. We can continue discussing your part in ruining Jim and Linda's marriage when I get back."

So Dave arrived at Jim and Linda's house just in time to see Jim fire the last three bullets into Lavalliere's head. Dave slammed his car into park across the street and ran up to Jim as Linda was taking a breath to continue screaming when he heard Jim say, "Ok Linda, now I'm ready to discuss where we go from here."

"Jim, hand me the gun." Dave gently reached for the gun and Jim offered no resistance at all, he seemed calm and in control of himself. Dave testified later that Jim seemed perfectly normal.

"Ok buddy, why don't we sit down on the curb and take it easy."

Once seated Jim seemed to realize Dave was with him for the first time. "Hey Dave, glad you came by. I could use a friend right now." They could hear sirens in the distance, growing closer. And of course Linda was still screaming, still seated in the passenger seat of the red convertible, covered in gore. Dave looked around and saw that many of the neighbors had their phones out recording the scene, only a moment or two had elapsed since he'd pulled up.

Dave reached around Jim's shoulder and pulled him into a sideways hug. "Old buddy, you are in for a world of pain."

Jim actually chuckled, "Dave my man, I have been in nothing in pain since last night. I am feeling a little better right now though. Would you listen to Linda, who knew she had lungs like that?" Abruptly Linda fell silent; apparently she had fainted from the shock and lack of oxygen from her screaming. The silence was eerie; the neighbors were just standing around recording with their phones. But of course the sirens were getting closer and soon two squad cars pulled up and four officers scrambled out with their guns drawn.

Two officers went to the convertible and two approached the seated men.

Dave still had his arm around Jim, "Officer, I have the gun, it's here on the ground next to me. This man is Jim Carlyle, the woman in the convertible is his wife Linda, and the dead guy is Marc Lavalliere. I am David Strickland; I'm Jim's friend and lawyer. I pulled up just as Jim was finishing firing. Several of the neighbors were filming what happened this morning, and as you can see they're still recording."

"Dave, help me up so these officers can arrest me." They got up awkwardly from the curb and Jim held out his hands to the officer so they could cuff him. Officer Perrero testified later that it was the strangest arrest he'd ever done, the only sounds were from the squad cars idling in the middle of the street; Mr. Carlyle seemed like it was just another Saturday. As they were putting Jim in the back of their squad car, an ambulance pulled in next to the convertible and the EMT's got out to tend to the injured. They quickly realized that Linda was unhurt, and they saw that Lavalliere would only need a body bag.

Dave's memory jumped around a bit with flashes of the next couple of days. Jim getting booked, making sure the their kids got picked up from Mrs. Porter's by Jim parents, visiting Linda in the hospital where she was under observation, grabbing a quick coffee from the vending machine at the hospital - one for him and one for Dee. He never did figure out how Dee got there so fast. Dee was with Linda the whole time she was in there.