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Life after near death.
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Do you ever wonder how and why things happen the way that they do? Well I used to, but I've learned over the years that regardless of how much we try to plan our lives; fate always has a way of stepping in and throwing a wrench into the works and dictating otherwise. At least, that's how it was for me.

My name is Tom McNeal. I'm 46 years old, stand 6'3" tall, and weigh roughly 220 to 225 pounds. I have dark brown hair with a small spatter of gray at the temples and dark brown eyes, both because of the fact that my mother is full blooded Chiricahua Apache Indian. I was in the U.S. Navy, and was a member of SEAL Team 3, Underwater Demolition Team 26. I never married, not because I didn't want to, but because I could not, in good conscience, put a woman through the rigors and strain of being married to a SEAL. You see, we were subject to be called away at any given time, to go God knows where, and there was no guarantee that we would be coming back alive, if we came back at all. I saw my buddy's marriages falling apart left and right because of it; I'd only had two relationships while I was in the Navy. However; I chose not to take either of them to the next step and because of that, neither one stuck around for very long.


Chapter One

I was seriously wounded in June of 1994, and due to the situation and circumstances involved, and because I'd been in the service since I was seventeen; the Navy gave me an early retirement package. At that time I was only thirty four, and after I was released from the hospital in Bethesda, Maryland; I made arrangements to return home to Florida, where I was born and raised to try and heal not only my body, but my soul as well.

Regardless of how much the media tries to glamorize being a SEAL, and it thoroughly pisses me off, the fact still remains that the kind of work we do is very dangerous, as I've already said. I was also cross trained as a Hospital Corpsman, but when it came to liquidating an opposition; I was trained to basically hit em and forget em. However, once I stopped doing that kind of work and returned to civilian life, I knew my body would heal, but the ghosts of the past seemed to somehow find their way back to me at night while I slept, hence the reason for returning to Florida to heal my soul.

I had no family other than my parents, Harry and Diane McNeal, and they were both retired and living in West Palm Beach, Florida. After they got over the shock of my being wounded a few weeks prior, they realized I was going to be alright and were absolutely thrilled that I was coming home for good. They told me they were going to open the house in Key West and let me move in because they were giving it to me. I did, however, stay with them for a while so that my Mom, who is the kindest soul alive, could fuss over me. When my Dad asked me what I was going to do with myself now that I was out of the Navy, I realized that I hadn't given it one single thought, because I hadn't planned on retiring so soon.


Once I'd healed up well enough and was able to get around with virtually no pain, I applied to, and attended, the University of Florida. Although I lived in an off-campus apartment while attending school, I still managed to make it home every other weekend to see my folks.

Because of my military experience and all the training I'd received there, The University of Florida allowed me to take the CLEP (College Level Examination Program) exams for well over half of the subjects I needed to take in college. Because of that, and a lot of hard work, I managed to get a double Master's Degree, one in Marine Biology and the other in Underwater Archaeology, receiving both degrees in just a little under four years.

Because of my military experience as well as my grades and test scores in my field of study, I had been approached by the Jamaican National Heritage Trust, which is basically, a branch of their government. They asked me if I would be interested in assisting them, as well as Texas A&M University's Nautical Archaeology Program and The Institute of Nautical Archaeology with the underwater excavations that were going to begin, somewhere around eighteen months after my graduation, at what was once Old Port Royal. I was very excited to accept their invitation, hell; who wouldn't be? However, I still wanted to be able to have my own research facilities, hence the reason for basing my operations out of Key West.


I graduated in May of 1998, and after ceremony was over; my parents took me out for a celebratory lunch that afternoon. "We're so very proud of you, sweetheart," my mother smiled.

"Thanks, Mom," I replied, taking her hand and holding it, "It means a lot to hear you say that."

"Are you still planning on moving back to Key West, before you start working in Jamaica next year, Tommy?" my father asked. When I went home one week-end my last semester in school, Dad and I had talked about the offer that the Jamaican government had made, and also about y moving down to Key West, and seeking a Government grant to fund the construction of my research facility.

"I still have to get my grant papers filled out Dad," I replied, "But after that, I'm still planning on going down there and looking for a place to live anyway, why do you ask?"

"Oh, I was just curious," he smiled, casting a quick, knowing grin at Mom.


I'd been settled in at my parents' house for about a week, when, as I was sitting in the den with Mom, I heard Dad call me into his study.

He asked me to take a seat, sitting behind his big oak desk, and then while smiling at me, said, "Son, I can't tell you how proud I am of you. I always knew you'd do well in spite of a few set backs here and there (me being wounded...ha ha)."

He pulled out a drawer to his immediate right, and then reaching down into it, he withdrew a small attaché case, and placed it on his desk. "What's that, Dad?" I asked.

Grinning, he waved to me, signaling the need for me to come closer to him, and replied, "Your future!"

"What in the world are you talking about?" I asked, wrinkling my brow.

"Open it," was his reply. After I scooted my chair up, I opened the brief case, took out the contents and then placed them in front of me on my father's desk.

I saw three envelopes, and counted four bound stacks of one hundred bills, each stack totaling twenty thousand dollars. "What is this Dad, and what's it all about?" I asked, now totally confused.

Dad smiled at me and replied, "It's your future son."

"But I....."

"I sure as hell won't be able to spend it all so, don't argue with me boy because that's how it's gonna be. Besides, it was your Mom's idea first and I agreed with her. And I know you're not goin to argue with her now, are you?" interrupted my father, with a boyish laugh. Then placing the three envelopes directly in front of me on the desk, he said, "The deed to the house you grew up in, in Key West, is in one of these, and the paper work to your bank account at Key West bank, both of which require your signature, is in the other one."

"What's in the third one?" I asked.

"Open it," Dad said, grinning from ear to ear. I opened the envelope and inside it was a cashier's check for ten million dollars.

"Jesus Christ, Dad! Have you gone insane?" I asked, after picking my jaw up off of the floor.

He laughed wildly and then leaned back in his chair and said, "I know you remember me talking about my buddy, Phillip Hogue," I nodded, "Well, he is the president and CEO of the Key West Bank. I called him not too long ago and asked him what he thought the house was worth. After he gave me an appraisal; your mother and I decided to give it to you as a homecoming gift. We thought that it might help you ease back into civilian life a little easier."

I looked at him and crossly said, "Although I truly appreciate it Dad, this is a lot of money and besides; you and Mom don't have to do this ya know...."

He just laughed and said, "Well, son, aside of the fact that we wanted to be here to see you enjoy your inheritance, now you won't have to deal with the government to build your lab. And, as I've already told you, it was your Mom's idea first so, I dare you to try and argue with her." He had a very good point.

All of my life, I've never seen my Mom back down from an argument once her mind was made up, and because I knew I'd be fighting a losing battle; I more or less conceded and simply said, "Aw Hell."

Dad laughed and replied, "Yeah, uh huh, that's what I thought."

After Dad retired from the Navy, he went to work for McDonnell/Douglas's aircraft division. He still owns the patents on the targeting computers in some of the military's fighter aircraft. Needles to say, financially, he did more than extremely well and was able to retire somewhat earlier than most people his age.


On the last night at my parent's house; I awoke in the middle of the night, covered in sweat from head to toe. I reached over and turned on the bedside lamp only to find my father sitting in a chair across the room with his arms folded across his chest, staring intently at me. I rubbed my eyes and asked, "What are you doing here?"

He uncrossed his arms, and slightly louder than a whisper, replied, "I heard you crying in your sleep so I thought I'd get up and check on you."

"How long have you been here?" I asked.

Dad just smiled sadly, then shook his head and replied, "How long have you been having those dreams, son?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," I lied.

Dad just looked at me and said, "Why don't you tell that shit to someone who doesn't know you, boy?"

"I don't want to talk about it anymore," I said, angrily.

My Dad looked at me sternly and said, "You're going to have to deal with it sooner or later, and that's a fact," and then he stood up, and saying nothing more, walked out of my room, leaving me all alone in just the light of the bedside lamp.

I reminded myself to apologize for snapping at him before I left, tomorrow.


At 8:00am the next morning, I had my Jeep packed up and ready to head south. I wasn't going to need any furniture because the house in Key West was, according to Mom, already furnished and I wouldn't need anything else, save my clothes and personal items. "When you get into town and get settled, I want you go to this place called Crabby Dick's. The owner's name is John Stone. Tell him I said, 'Hello' okay?" replied my Dad, as he hugged me right before I got into my Jeep.

I looked at him and said, "Dad, about last night I'm...."

"Don't worry about it Tommy Boy," replied Dad, grinning.

"I love you, Dad," I said.

"I love you, too," he laughed, "Now, get the hell outta here; you're cluttering up my driveway, ya bum."

I got on I-95 South to Miami where, once I arrived there, I would take U.S. 1 out of Miami, all the way into Key West.


I hit the outskirts of Key West around 2:30pm that afternoon, and thirty minutes later, I was pulling into the driveway of the house I grew up in. Mom and Dad told me earlier that they'd had some "improvements" made to the house, but it wasn't what I thought it might be. I hardly recognized the place. It had been repainted and was now a brilliant white with baby blue trim. I was pleased that I was now the owner of such a nice house. Because my parents had made the residential utilities arrangements by phone before I'd left West Palm Beach, the lights and telephone were on when I got there. As soon as I opened the front door; the cool air conditioning hit me right in the face, causing my entire body to instantly relax.

After I brought all my belongings inside, I sat down on the couch in the den to relax for a bit. My Mom had seen to it that I'd eaten something before I left their house, but that was earlier in the morning, and now, which was about 3:00 pm, my stomach was beginning to growl. I knew there was no food in the house as I hadn't gone grocery shopping yet so, I figured I'd go out and get something at any one the many restaurants found all over Key West.

I decided to take my Dad's advice and look up his friend's place, the one called Crabby Dick's. So, after I showered, shaved and then cleaned everything up, I put on a pair of shorts, sandals, and an old favorite tee shirt and headed out the door. I got in my Jeep, fired her up and then backed out of the driveway and headed to Duval Street.


I drove up Duval Street, navigating through not only motor traffic, but pedestrian tourist traffic as well, and twenty minutes later; I was there. I was lucky enough to find a parking spot right in front of the restaurant so; I turned off the Jeep, then got out and went in.

The minute I walked into the place I felt something oddly familiar about the atmosphere. I was greeted by the hostess, whose name was Karla. I asked to be seated near the window, and after following her briefly; I sat down and relaxed at my table. My server came shortly thereafter, and my heart nearly stopped after having looked at her only once. As she took my drink order she smiled, and while handing me a menu, said, "Take your time deciding what you'd like, sir. My name is Sara so; just call me when you're ready to order."

"Thank you, I will, but before you leave; can I ask you if John Stone is here?" I replied.

She looked at me oddly then said, "Yes, he is. Is there something wrong, sir?"

"No, no, everything is perfect," I smiled, assuring her that all was well, "It's just that he is an old friend of my Dad's, and well, I wanted to tell him 'hello' for my father."

Her smile returned as she replied, "In that case, I'll go and get him for you right now," and then briskly walked away.

She couldn't have been gone for more than two or three minutes, when a man my father's age appeared at my table and said, "My server tells me that you wanted to see me, sir."

I smiled and asked, "Do you know a man named Harry McNeal?"

"Yes," he replied, "I was his wing man when he and I were in the Navy together."

, "Well, he's my father," I smiled, "And he told me to tell you hello."

John grinned and said, "Then you must be Tommy, huh?"

"Yes, I am, and how did you know my name?" I asked curiously.

He looked at me, and still grinning, said, "Do you mind if I sit down with you?"

"Not at all, please, I'd be honored," I replied.

As he took the seat across from me, John smiled and began, "The last time I saw you, you were three days old. Your Mom and Dad had just brought you home from the hospital and they were both about to bounce off the walls because they were so excited. Ya know, your Dad has kept me up to date with your Naval career. He says you're fearless."

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat and replied, "Oh Yeah? Well, first of all, my Dad has a big mouth and sometimes he talks way too much."

John began to laugh and said, "Yes, he does. I guess some things never change huh?" I just laughed and shook my head as John asked, "What're you doing here in Key West? I thought you were still in the Navy."

I very briefly touched on what all had happened to me and how I ended up here. When I told him that I was living in the old house, his face lit up and he said, "In that case, tonight you eat and drink all you want, because it's on the house."

"You don't have to do that, Mr. Stone," I said.

He winked and replied, "Number one, my name is John and that's what I want you to call me from now on. Number two, don't argue with me Tommy Boy." Then he turned his head toward the back of the restaurant and yelled, "SARA???"

No sooner had he called her name than she was standing at the table smiling, asking, "What can I do for ya, boss?"

Motioning towards me with his head, he looked at her and said, "When you get ready to total him out, bring the ticket to me. You got that?"

Sara looked at me and smiled, then replied, "No problem John, what would you guys like to drink?"

John smiled, and looking at me, said, "If I'm not mistaken, this man likes to drink Jim Beam on the rocks. Am I right Tommy?"

"Yes, you are," I replied with a grin.

Then he turned back to Sara and added, "And you know what I like, oh, and one more thing, before you leave."

"What is it?" she asked.

With what I now know as a devilish smile, he looked back at me and said, "We're going to be here for a while, and I know your shift ends in half an hour so, when you get finished with this order; I want to extend an invitation to you to join us. Would that be okay with you?"

"That would be nice, boss. Thank You, I will," she replied, slightly blushing.

John watched her as she walked away then cryptically said, "That Sara is a really hard worker, not to mention a very nice girl."

Not realizing what he was up to at the time, I simply smiled and said, "She seems to be, I guess."

"Well, I'm glad you think so Tommy," he replied.

Sara returned shortly with our drinks, all the while smiling at me, and then said, "What would you like to eat, sir?"

And before I could reply, John replied, "Sara, let me introduce you one of my oldest and dearest friends that I've known since he was a baby. This is retired Master Chief, Tom McNeal. Tommy, allow me to introduce to you Miss Sara Hartley."

"It's nice to meet you, Master Chief McNeal," Sara said, while extending her hand.

Not noticing until now how truly breathtaking she was, I smiled, shook her hand, and then nervously replied, "It's just plain old Tom, and it's nice to meet you, too."

She took my food order, and then right before she left; she smiled at me and said, "I guess I'll see you guys in a little while then."

When the food arrived, the aroma made my mouth water, reminding me how hungry I was. The pan fried Grouper was absolutely delicious. I had just finished eating when Sara came to the table, sat down beside me and said, "Hi Tom. How was the food?"

"It was very good," I replied.

She smiled and said, "Good, I'm glad you liked it."

"Tom here just graduated from FSU with a double Master's Degree, Sara," said John.

"Oh really, what in?" she replied, looking at me quizzically.

I cleared my throat and said, "Marine Biology and Underwater Archaeology!"

Sara's eyes got wide, and she excitedly announced, "I just got my Master's in Underwater Archaeology from The University of Miami. Now, how cool is that?"

I smiled and replied, "I take it you like to SCUBA dive too, yes?"

She seemed like a child at Christmas as told us of how she had been doing it since she was a child, and that her father used to take her with him and let her ride on the boat. "He was a treasure hunter," she said sadly, while looking down.

"Was?" I replied.

"He was killed in a diving accident when I was little, and then Mom died when I was fifteen," she replied quietly.

"I'll bet they'd be very proud of you," I said, trying to lighten her mood.

She raised her head up smiling, and with shimmering eyes, said, "I sure hope so!"

I smiled and told her, "What do you want to bet that they're smiling proudly and looking down on you right now."

She reached over and patted my hand and replied, "Thank you Tom, that's a very nice thing to say." Then she smiled, and with eyes shining brightly, she asked me, "Now, tell me what you're doing down here."

I told her about how I'd been born here and that I was living in the old house that I grew up in and everything. By the time I was finished talking, she stood up and politely said, "It's been very nice to meet you Tom, and now that you live here; I'm quite sure I'll see you around."

"Where ya goin, girl?" asked John.

Sara smiled and said, "Its 5:30 and I've got a date tonight so, I really need to get going. You guys take care," and with that she was off.

As I watched her walk away, John smiled and said, "So?"