Extending the MILF List Ch. 23


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When she had the refills, she resumed talking. Following her earlier example, I waited, silent and curious, listening and honestly marveling that two strangers which is what we were, could have this sort of conversation with this sort of comfort and ease. I could not credit the wine, though surely it helped. For me, the conversation with Mr. Sinister was swelling up in me like a sprained ankle. It throbbed inside of me and the angst I'd been feeling turned into a sure and trustworthy paradox. I'd been fucking every chance I had and had no idea if the chances were truly by chance and by golly or it was a skill like Mr. Sinister intimated with such casual aplomb. I'd been...reflex fucking. She would so I did. When I offered, the next thing I knew I was on her. In her. With her. I'd been doing that so consistently and so well that I had lost touch with anything I wanted. Well, I wanted to fuck them all. And that thought was a light in dithering darkness. I was a collector!

That unsettled me a little because that doesn't fit with the "get married and spawn" pattern that most of the rest of the world is operating on. Nor does it match the "you're the one for me", amending it to be "you're the one for me now, but I ain't signing anything" sort of approach. The intervention had done its work in me and honestly I was concerned that I'd lost the grace of the pussy god, gods, goddesses, whatever that pantheon looks like, and that worried me a little. I'd done a lot of fucking with the idea that denial would end the flood of pussy coming my way, cumming with me, for me, clinched around me, so this sudden idea that I possessed a sort of skill that I could wield with the same conscious deliberation I used when starting my car had phenomenonalized my mind. After I data-dumped my mind for Mavis, and as she talked, one thing came clear to me. I needed to get the MILF list out of me somehow in order to see what I could become, to see my options. These thoughts throbbed inside me while she spoke, like I was listening to two different types of music at the same time, terrible for dancing. Gradually though, her narrative captured me, seduced me and I felt my own concerns wither and fade and focus finally fixed fully on her, her words and the story it implied. Perhaps Mavis was in similar straits? Empty of my own swirling thoughts, finally, I focused on what the woman was saying. I love stories.

"So this woman moved into the area the spring Carrie Ann graduated from High School. Barb was working in New York as an intern, having skipped college, for the moment, and Carrie had saved money and went to France for a few weeks, we found out later, to be with a guy she'd met who was an exchange student. The boys were in college. But you care nothing about that. Tara came to my house and fucked my husband on our couch as soon as Carrie was gone...in fact she fucked him while I was taking Carrie to the airport. She was still fucking him when I returned. By then, I had met her and she had told me she was going to take Howard away from me. Tara was a bitch. She was built a little like me, a big woman, broad in the hips, but narrow of waist so she looked like the sort of woman a transvestite aspires to become. She had tits that made her look like a pontoon boat. She always wore these tight sweaters that hugged each tit, so yeah, like a pontoon boat. Unlike my girls, her tits sag when the bra leaves. I am miraculous."

Mavis grinned for real then and I realized I liked her. Still, listening made the most sense. She continued so I did too, listening I mean and sipping cognac.

"My first emotion was fury when I saw him sitting on the couch with that big sloppy bitch mounted on his lap, naked and howling as she fucked him. Howard is hung. I don't mean to dismiss that. He's got a cock that big women drool over and little women gasp at. He is a shitty lover though. A big cock is not all it takes to satisfy a woman, but it can be a valuable asset, used properly. Big hands matter too but if you are an ass or an idiot, size cannot balance that out. Most big dicks are attached to cads and there may be a causal relationship. They grow a big cock and they think they don't have to try and end up with the lesser female genus that requires nearly no effort to satisfy."

Mavis stopped talking and sipped her cognac, a far away look in her eyes. I waited. And waited. And waited. Finally I couldn't stand it any longer, I had to ask.

"So? What did you do?" Mavis's eyes returned to normal presence and focused on me almost like she was seeing me for the first time.

"I watched." She said softly. Then like a switch inside her head was flicked, her eyes came on. "Oh, I did myself too, and discovered something I'd never really experienced before." I waited again but she didn't make me ask this time, didn't make me beg to know the next paragraph in her story. "I came. I orgasmed like I had never done before, just from watching Tara ride my Howard. Her tits flapped and she squealed and squeaked like she needed greased and several times she insisted she was cumming. I suppose she was...when she finally dismounted his hogleg, her thighs were wet to her knees and soon, to her ankles. Then he took her ass and I came again...and again...and again, with just my fingers under my dress. I was so worn out when they started to rouse, I was afraid I couldn't escape fast enough. I just went up stairs. I had cum another couple times by the time Howard opened the door to our bedroom." Mavis smiled then, a wistful smile.

"He just stood there. I guess you saw, he said." Mavis cocked her head and looked away off yonder again. "I wonder if he always knew that I like to watch?"

"I have no idea." I answered her rhetorical question just to keep in practice. She ignored me. Made me feel right at home.

"It's not that I don't like to fuck, make love, have sex...fitten mitten...whatever you call it. I do. I just like the idea of setting someone up and then watching it work out, see if they fit together if they both cum at the same time. I had Barb...I mean I arranged for a neighbor guy to seduce her. I thought I was going to faint when I came that time. That was later, on her visit from New York." Her eyes clicked back to the present and focused on me. "Georgia tells me you like the idea of a mother and daughter having sex." I puffed up a little then because I had more than ideas about the idea.

"I have more than ideas about that." I said. She still ignored me. Mavis was on a mission.

"I want to catch you having sex with my daughter. Carrie I mean. So I guess, I am giving her to you. She'll never see you coming. I mean, she's a sweet thing but conceited and high and mighty...she needs someone to give her a little of her own medicine." I raised my eyebrows. She ignored me, it was becoming a thing, so I had to speak.

"What medicine is that?" I asked. As soon as the words left my lips I knew I'd taken a long run off a short pier.

"Humiliate her. She loves teasing and then leaving a guy hard and fast." Mavis smiled. "Oh, I get that, why she does, how she does what she does...she makes me look plain. If I didn't know for sure it was Howard that knocked me up, I'd swear she was someone else's spawn but Howard is the only man ever who has been between these legs." She smacked her thigh loudly. I jumped. "Bet you think I am silly, stupid even for letting him do all that skirt chasing and not nailing his foot to the floor. Well, I tried it and it made him so unhappy and I was lucky enough to have a friend that pointed out to me how unhappy it made me too. She told me that I was stressing about something that didn't matter to me, that I'd been trained to care about it but I didn't. The result was, or would have been if I'd gotten what I thought I cared about, I'd have been just as unhappy. Realizing that changed me. That was how I got here, not caring about where Howard stuck his cock. That and the 500 mile rule that modified it enough to swallow, for us both. That sounds nuts because who knows what he could bring home right? There are worse things and life is too short to stress about things that haven't happened and might not and which I cannot control."

She looked at me and I was real once more. She smiled a little.

"When did Carrie Anne fly off to gay Parie?" I asked, probing to get the time line straight.

"A few weeks ago, right after Christmas." Mavis answered. "Tara mounted Howard like he was Howard Hughes." I didn't get the reference.

"You know he did my sister while they were in Florida?" I said to give the impression I was in the know. Mavis nodded.

"He's talked about Georgia for months now. Told me he finally got her, kept her busy as shit in Florida to get her resistance down then plied her with wine and dance and led her right to his bed. I don't think Dalia will be so easily seduced. She strikes me as caring a lot about the man attached to the cock." In that moment, I realized that Mavis did indeed know my sisters and that her idea that hung Howard was burying his big cock in one or more of them suddenly seemed very real. Mavis looked at me.

"Now that we are talking, I guess I should tell you how I came to be in your room." I nodded, not mentioning she'd been not just in my room but in my bed and wearing one of my shirts at the time. "The two incidents I mentioned, Tara and Howard and then a few weeks back when Mr. Swartzman had Barb...Carrie Anne is a tease but Barb is a round-heeled slut, so it was easy...I didn't know it at the time but suspected it and used poor Mr. Swartzman to prove it, if you can prove a thing like that. I did prove that Mavis likes to watch...which brings me to you." She smiled, drained the last of her cognac and stared at the bottom of the glass as though looking for something there. She looked up at me and smiled a little, her rich lips glistening with the liquor and her arousal. I can't say I knew how I knew she was aroused but I did. The look in her eyes was slightly glassy but she didn't strike me as a woman who didn't know how to hold her liquor. She seemed capable of drinking a lush under the table and still doing laundry early the next morning.

Mavis, it turned out, was utterly and blissfully domestic, with very little inclination to look beyond the fluffy confines of her little estate. She never let the maids into our room, borrowed their tools and cleaned and scrubbed the room herself. Even did my laundry. Howard took good care of her and she was safe and warm and kept her mouth shut. When her nest emptied however and Howard's five-hundred mile rule collapsed about him in the form of floppy Tara, she simply shifted out of that domestic bliss into a much more inquisitive mode.

"Which brings me to you." Mavis said again giving me a long stare. I felt that long stare and met it as best I could which was pretty good. Mavis has this sort of manner that is both mom-like and redolent of the dark-site CIA conceits but that may just have been my impression as a holdover from Mr. Sinister. Mind you, I was still in a conceptual shock at that moment, during this whole exchange of views, Mavis and me. It is entirely possible that I was prevaricating, regarding confronting the implications of him in my room like that. The whole "can I fuck anyone I wish or is it just chemicals" angst and existentialism may have been just a diversion, keenly relevant but nonetheless a diversion.

"Me?" I squeaked. Suddenly I saw Mavis in all her physical presence and realized that if she got on top, Sonny would not be able to lift her very far. Mavis was a big girl. I confess, my hands itched to cup her tits and my cock swelled right up with the idea of having her mounted on me. I didn't focus on that though. I had to be polite. "What about me?" I prompted when she didn't respond quick enough.

"Georgia thought she was making a trade. I get to fuck you and she got to fuck Howard. How that made sense to her, I don't know, well, didn't know. Now, understanding that you have been fucking your own sisters it makes a little more sense to me. Now, don't panic. I know the family that shares together is still in danger of being arrested in some states but I don't have a lot of room to squawk since I arranged for my own daughter to be mounted by the big dick up the street and after that the neighbor dick in New York. Mr. Swartsman is famous in our neighborhood for bragging about the size of his cock and eventually, nearly all the females gave him a ride. Never two though. See my earlier comments about the man attached to the dick. Swartzman is a classic dick so he became a collector, a bed post notcher and the bitch has notches in his bed post, like twenty-three which isn't bad for a dick like him. Being hung gets you something with a certain type of woman. You can ask Howard."

"I will." I interjected. Mavis looked at me with that bland amusement that makes a guy wilt and I wilted.

"Yes, you." She understood the intent of my interruption, steering her back to the unfinished business at hand. "I agreed to Georgia's offer because I thought you would allow me to watch, watch you seduce, and have sex with at least a few of your putative MILF List." I gasped at little.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry about that. I got behind on school." All that urbane manner I fancied I'd picked up seemed to vanish in a puff, like sneezing on a mature dandelion or Woody Allen's mound of cocaine. Mine was hardly a persuasive explanation. Mavis waved a hand at me. Then waved to the waiter to refill her glasses. He did and was gone before she spoke again.

"You know, I was nervous as a long-tailed cat in a rocking chair factory waiting for you that night. When you ignored me though, it was a relief, I mean I had been scared witless and didn't know it. Isn't that odd? Terrified but unable to recognize it?"

"Yes." I agreed. I wanted to ask about it but didn't know how.

"I mean...I'd never had anyone in me besides Howard and I didn't know how I felt about it, about finally joining Howard in cavorting over the boundaries of what has been a pretty good marriage for both of us. I still don't." My cock had an opinion. My mind was peeking around the big clump of conundrum I'd left in the middle of it, wondering if fucking Mavis would relate to it at all or if it was an entirely new sort of situation. She continued.

"After I got over the shock of being ignored...." She began but I interrupted, I guess to alleviate the implied slight and my guilt in the matter.

"I am sorry about that." I said. Mavis smiled.

"It was perfect, just what I needed. I could calm down. There I was having been carted off to a man's hotel room like a slab of meat for him to fuck at his leisure and he ignored me completely. It rather brought me back down to earth but also let me see something clearly. Howard and I fuck just fine but what I want is to watch. I know, not the usual female trait, but I don't care a bit for traditional roles, in spite of my willing participation as a breeder in Howard's life. I work in the home and do homey sorts of things and I love it. I am a little frightened that I'll lose it all but Howard is going to fuck other women now anyway...I just as well follow my passion too." She shook her head and drank. "I need to get to the point. Sonny, I want to watch you fuck."

There it was.

Now, it's not like I hadn't had an audience plenty of times when I was busy inserting tab A into slot B. And C. And D. Like with Jamie...oh shit. I was thinking down this line and suddenly I thought of someone I'd not thought of for three days! So much for my man crush on Jamie St. Vincent. I'd forgotten he existed. For a terrible moment I thought I'd made a huge mistake but then, it occurred to me the sort of business he was in, compared to where I fit into the cosmos and realized if I ignored him, he'd not be likely to notice. That put me in my cosmic and karmic place. Oddly, that humble perspective calmed me a little.

"Well, okay. But I can't do that alone." I said. Mavis smiled and I liked that feeling. I wasn't trying to be funny, just stating facts. She reached over and patted my hand beside my empty wine goblet.

"I know that, obviously you need someone to fuck while I watch. I understand you better now...even though we may be on the same path, we seem to be going in different directions. I am running toward the cock forest and you are running away from the plethora of pussy that has engulfed you lately. It's a little comforting to me to think that you have had too much pussy and that you are fending it off now, that you are ignoring me for reasons that have nothing to do with me. There is...something, something important there that I cannot quite articulate just now but it seems to calm me and that is a benefit to me. If you, at your age and with your apparent aptitude for artisan sex can have too much pussy, my clubfooted Howard will eventually exhaust his appetite and return home to momma."

I actually gasped. Not at the end, it was before she said, "not that I am needy, wanting him to return, I may want that space myself, which is convenient since he wants to give it to me." No, it was that awful phrase I had avoided till now, "too much pussy". I hesitated to even think it but hearing it made me gasp and I gasped. Mavis did not notice but my mind, pleasantly placid and empty to that point was suddenly once more awash with the dithering conundrum. Could I fuck any female I wanted or did they select me?

Mavis was sated. The meal, the booze and yes, the words, heard and spoken had pacified her and our return to the room was more of the same silence we'd begun with. I returned to studying and she read what she read, whatever it was until I put on ear buds and she returned to the TV world. Focus remained with me until about midnight and then it dissipated like a good idea had in a dream upon waking. I lay on my back beside the sniffling snorts of the woman beside me and I grew erect, a relief I confess.

However, it was not the simple, "I will if you will and if I can" sort of erection. No, this one grew out of my thicket of confusion, a bouquet of doubt and mistrust of the past as determinate of my future. Not to mention Mavis's clear declaration that she loved to watch and was in my bed not to be fucked, but to observe my proclivity for fucking from close in. I lay awake, unable to focus on homework but equally unable to sleep, mulling over Blue Man and Mavis and how they seemed to participate in my confusion. I glanced at the digital clock glowing scarlet on the night stand to my left and had a very interesting thought.

"It's almost two o'clock and Karen will be getting off her shift."

Karen? Karen!

The coalescence of that thought arrived. I could go investigate my own conundrum and if I found I read Karen aright the other night, then I'd provide dear Mavis with the first taste of intentional exhibitionism for her explicit pleasure. Maybe she discovers being surreptitious is important. Maybe not. The prospect of starting that with and for her immediately appealed. The open door was my own conundrum but if I find Karen amenable, then Mavis may benefit too. Such was my thinking. I had not gotten past this point by the time I arrived at the door to our room with Karen in tow and realized it might be awkward to present her with the observant Mavis in the room with us.

I'd been slick and easy to that point, sitting down in the booth in the nearly empty diner and waiting while Karen cashed out a customer before she arrived to sit across from me.

"Hey you." She said with a knowing smile, inviting, hopeful, arousing. "What can I get you off...the menu?" She asked with a shy smile. She had brown hair and slight breasts evident from the unbuttoned small-checked blouse she wore under the apron. She was angular, not curved, still feminine but with little of the plush promise Mavis offered but with plenty of her own pleasure on offer. I read her right and said so in my question.
