Extending the MILF List Ch. 17


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Turned out that was accurate. The next thing I was aware was the bang of a door closing.

I opened my eyes and looked to my left, towards the other end of the room, assuming that Holly had made a break for it. I had a sudden sensation of adrenaline as though her leaving was a disaster and I had visions of chasing her down the hall, stark naked until I got outside and the falling snow turned me blue. All that flashed through my brain before I registered two things. Holly sat staring at us, her coat pulled tight around her tits. That was one thing. The other was the shadow of a new person in the room. Genius that I am, I deduced that the door signaled this person's arrival.

"Oh god, Meesa, I'm sorry I didn't...who the fuck are you?"

Well, at least it wasn't a man's voice. God, it sounded vaguely familiar, tickling my memory. I couldn't place it and that disjunction in my brain put everything on hold. The surrealism of leaving class and ten minuets later being balls deep in a stranger dominated my mind and body, or I'd surely have kept fucking Meesa. She certainly deserved it.

"Holly. Holly Romelingame. I'm with him. We are not related though so don't worry. I, I'm a UN observer. Don't mind me." Holly's voice twanged with stress. She sounded like someone had their hands around her neck and she was trying to have a conversation.

I lifted up off Meesa, straightening my arms under me. This levered my cock deeper into Meesa and she groaned. I felt her pubic bone against mine like a Texas belt buckle with one of those little golden beads on the flat surface. Meesa's hips bucked under me. I saw flashing lights as she climaxed under me. The girl was hot! Then I realize I was fluttering my eye lids and someone had turned on the overhead light. Boy did I feel stupid. You can't see the light from someone else's orgasm, now can you? I should know that by now.

"Oh, oh god, Meesa I am so sorry, I didn't...oh my god! You!"

I had turned my head and was trying to focus my eyes. I wasn't crying, you can't let your eyes go all dry and shit without causing glasses or something. I pitched to the side even as Meesa thrashed into a violent orgasm. Her lean body bucked and bucked. Her pussy pinched down on my cock like she was engraving something on it.

The newcomer was polite enough not to interrupt. She went all still and silent and Meesa's battle for breath was the only sound in the room for a couple minutes. Finally, Meesa's hands moved off my ass and tilted me off her chest. I think her fingers probably left my ass cheeks looking like a cantaloupe, with a couple deep digs from her long finger nails. They were painted white, another random thought that flitted through my mind like a pigeon in a train. I realized a moment later than she had clasped my shoulder and pulled me off her chest to wedge me in between her bookish body and the wall and I caught the snow white brilliance of her fingernails as they flashed past my cheek.

The other woman turned away then and reached for the door, opening it.

"No, don't go, Stephanie!" The voice that spoke those words spooked me, badly. It sounded like a cross between a bulldog's growl and a smoker's voice who'd smoked three packs a day since kindergarten. I couldn't help it, I flinched hard and we went off onto the floor.

"Oh shit." That was Holly.

I scrabbled for something to hold onto but grasping the edge of the nearly flat mattress, which did no good because I failed to lock my arm. My hips, wedged between her legs pushed our lower bodies off the bed and the rest of us followed. Meesa, however, reached up and grabbed the two-by-four that was the support at the head of the bed. That stopped her torso from falling. The girl was strong, whippet strong.

I wasn't so lucky or strong. I slid off of her stomach and when she stopped, I slid off her and the back of my head cracked on the bed frame. The world disappeared for a moment. Maybe longer. Maybe a lot longer.

When I came to, I was laying back on the bed and three women were peering down on me, one naked, still.

Then that voice returned and I flinched again.

"I sorry, Stephanie." It said, rough and deep. "I found him in my Econ class. I knew you'd be back about now so I wanted you to catch us."

I blinked my eyes.

"He's awake." The third voice said. Stephanie? Do I know a Stephanie? She turned to look at Meesa and the light caught her face just so and I remembered. She was the black girl who caught Suzanne and I in the stairwell some weeks ago.

"Oh god, really? How did you...I pointed him out to you, didn't I?" Stephanie said, real anguish in her voice. "Oh Meesa, I am so sorry. I didn't intend for you to...."

Man, I really wanted her to finish that sentence.

"He had sex with her again yesterday, after class." That voice came from Meesa. Suddenly I understood her reluctance to speak. Her voice was perfect for scaring normal children right into puberty. My god, such a voice coming from such a body made me know there couldn't be intelligent design because her lily wasp body simply couldn't match that voice!

I sat up.

No one spoke.

I was still naked and my cock had gone soft but was now returning to form. I was a little disappointed that I had to be conscious to have an erection. It limited possibilities and that depressed me a little, although I wasn't really clear about which ones were reduced.

"What happened?"

"You fucked me." The third woman, Stephanie said. "And it was great."

"Shit, good for you." I said. "But I am pretty sure your naked friend was the one I was fucking when you called illegal procedure and blew the play dead." An American football reference, but it fits.

"No, oh god. You're Sonny Duncan. You, you were having sex with a blonde woman in the back stairs of the library some time ago and I watched you fuck Mrs. Olivette, both of you. I couldn't believe it. She just...and then I just, my god, I'd been so horny for so long, I just, I just...!"

"She seduced me." I directed the statement to Holly who rolled her eyes.

Stephanie smacked me on the shoulder with a flaccid hand.

"Don't!" Meesa growled, her voice still rough as steel wool.

I must have flinched again. Meesa turned away.

"Hey, its okay."

"I hate my voice!" She said, the sound now appearing to come out of her bowed back, lined with her scapula and spine. I couldn't see her face.

Stephanie looked back at me.

"Apologize!" She said, glaring at me, not at my dick, mind you which was back in full, but looking me right in the eyes.

"For what? Being scared. Shit, she makes Vincent Peale sound like a fairy. Ow!" Stephanie smacked me again but harder.

"She had throat cancer and it ruined her voice box. This is a reconstruction and, well, its better than nothing."

"I doubt that." Meesa muttered, her voice softened when it wasn't loud, lowering to a sort of burled purr. Hearing that sound coming out of her lank frame made my eyes hurt.

For a few moments, no one moved or spoke.

"Are you okay, Sonny? You knocked yourself out on the bed frame." Holly asked. "Your pupils seem responsive and normal sized."

I shook my head. I had a knot on my head but nothing else hurt. I sat up, suddenly conscious that I was naked and my cock was fully afloat, sails billowing and taut. I looked around for something handy to tent the thing with and only found a flat pillow. I covered myself with it.

"Hey, don't use that. Why are you covering up, anyway? You've been inside all of us. What's the point?"

I was about to argue the point, because I hadn't fucked Holly but she did blow me a little yesterday. I sheepishly moved the pillow back to where it was.

"Fuck him, Stephanie. He's here. He's hard. See if it was a fluke." The voice spoke softly and it wasn't nearly so bad but I had to strain to make out the words. Meesa spoke softly. God, making myself put the two sensations together was like mixing milk in my lemonade. Milk? God, suddenly my head was full of Lynn's moaning and the taste of her nipples on my tongue. And people say computers will replace us. Bullshit. No computer will ever be able to do what I did, associating everything with sex.

"Tell him." The voice said again. "I got him here for you." Meesa, it was Meesa speaking. I felt the clamping tension of her pussy and I shivered. God, its like some knucklehead was sitting on the channel changer for my brain and I kept flipping from one to the next without any conscious participation.

I looked at Stephanie. Her face was an expression of chagrin and embarrassment. She blinked a couple times and nodded.

"I will. You, you know when you had sex with me in the stairwell?"

I nodded. I was afraid to speak suddenly.

"Well, it infected me. I came back her and told Meesa I'd just fucked a stranger and his mistress in the stairwell. She didn't believe me and for a few days I thought I'd just made it up. I could summon up that feeling, her lips, your prick, your hands, your kiss. It followed me. Meesa told me I was too horny and I should go have sex with someone. Then I saw you one day on campus and I lost my mind. For days I couldn't go to sleep without dreaming about you inside me, my legs bent up against your chest while we fucked. I'd wake up all wet and slushy. I needed diapers. I was going crazy.

"Then one day we both were there and I saw you. Meesa insisted she knew you, that she had you in a class but she couldn't remember which one."

"Glad I made such a big impression."

"Oh you did, I should sue you for emotional and mental anguish."

"Physical anguish." The voice said...no, Meesa said it. Her name is Meesa! I couldn't keep calling her "the voice", that's just weird.

"Well, yeah, that too." Stephanie looked down at me. Suddenly the silence was awkward. Well, it wasn't the silence, so much as having her stare at my cock.

"I'll go." Holly said. "Whatever you have going on, I don't want to interfere."

"Mighty white of you...oh shit. I'm sorry." I said, looking away to avoid everyone.

"For what?" Stephanie said, half smiling. "You white people think you can't mention white or black in a sentence without getting in trouble." She giggled. "I do want to, you know but, ah, oh god, I can't believe what I am thinking!"

"Tell us!" Said...Meesa.

Stephanie giggled. "I'm thinking that having the blonde woman there watching made it better. I popped like a firecracker. It didn't take anything but a little slurp and a bump and boom I was over the moon." She laughed then, a throaty, hoarse tone that harmonized with the voice. Shit, with Meesa, I mean.

"Oh Christ. Sonny, you must be the black hole of sex. Everything that comes close to you get sucked in and disappears!" Holly muttered sourly, clearly not understanding her role as UN observer and sex slave on a leash. Shit, I should make her put it on, maybe she' remember to be quiet.

"Hey, I'm not sure I like the sound of that."

Stephanie laughed. "What part? The sex part or being called black?"

"I think its the 'hole' part. Being a green hole is no better, so it isn't the color." I grinned, "A hole by any other name is still as deep."

"Hole!" The voice giggled. "I have a hole and god it felt god to have something in it finally."

"We are track athelets." Stephanie. "Meesa runs the marathon and I run the two and four hundred meters with the AAU. We scare most men off and those we don't are arrogant assholes. So having you do me like that, without any complicated dick measuring, that was pretty fine. I'd do it again...." She hesitated and turned away. She spoke from over her shoulder. "If you'd like to, if you wouldn't mind?"

The pause was entirely too long.

"Jesus, Sonny, you can't just go blank like that and not leave a mark!" Holly muttered.

"Oh, sorry. I must be concussed. I thought you just asked me to have sex with you and I want to do you both but there isn't enough room in this bed for one of us much less three."

"Four." Stephanie said, touching Holly's elbow.

"Nope. I am an observer. Or maybe a judge. I give Sonny a 4.5 for his dismount."

I had to laugh then, at least until I noticed that the two black women weren't joining in. They were looking at each other.

"I will if you if you will." Said the voice. I give up.

Stephanie nodded. Five minutes later the narrow futons from both beds were arranged on the floor, side by side and the four of us were standing around it like it was a fire and we were MacBeth's witches. Double double, toil and trouble. Fire burn and pussy bubble.

"What now?" Holly asked into the sudden silence.

"We've talked about doing one man together but I never thought we'd actually do it. We've been roomies for three years and, well, now that its here, I'm suddenly really nervous." Stephanie whispered. She laughed but it sounded more like she had a kernel of popcorn stuck in her throat and she was trying to hawk it up.

"I'll go first." Said the voice.

"Fuck you. You came, I know the look, well, only because you're a serial do-it-yourselfer. You always have that cockeyed look...." Stephanie glared at her friend.

"Cockeyed? Sure you want to go there?" I gave her a look and she actually looked abashed, at least for a moment. She did retreat.

"I'm just going to sit down and do my observing from over there." Holly interrupted Stephanie and likely saved her more embarrassment. She did too, she pulled a chair to the other end of the room and sat down, crossing her legs. She wore jeans and a sweat shirt, which she called "slumming it".

The two women stood staring at each other. I looked back and forth between them, one still clothed the other naked.

I pointed to the naked one.

"You, on your knees here." I pointed to the floor in front of me, my intention clear. She made a face at Stephanie and got to her knees on the mattresses, or mats may be more accurate. She bent her head back, closed her eyes and opened her mouth.

I pointed at her tilted face, giving Holly a look.

"See this? This is what it looks like."

"I got it already." Holly groused.

"Got what?" Stephanie asked. Messa opened her eyes.

I needed to give Holly some pointers on shutting the fuck up and not distracting a woman on her knees, her eyes closed and her mouth open! I stepped forward. Messa saw me and grasped my cock, bending it down to meet her lips She sucked on the end, kissing loudly in the suddenly still room. Her head bobbed back and forth, taking my cock steadily into her mouth, maybe half-way before she stopped to run her tongue around it.

"Stephanie?" I said, my voice glancing off her eyes fixed on her friend with her mouth full of cock.

"Yes? What?"

"Come here." I whispered, like I didn't want to spook the wildlife.

She drifted over to me. She that heel to toe stride of a ballet dancer, smooth and effortless. She wore a tight pull-over sweater with a vest and tight jeans. Her body looked like it had been poured into them. She stepped daintily around Meesa. I put a hand on Meesa's head and gently pressed on the back of it. She gagged and glugged around my cock. I felt teeth and released her.

Stephanie looked up at me, her artfully decorated wide dark eyes fixed on me, flooded with sensual expectation. I extended a hand and pulled her past her posed friend, circling her body with my arm. She closed her eyes and tilted her head back. I kissed her. She moaned. Meesa pushed down onto my cock, sucking hard. The bitch was trying to distract me.

I broke the kiss and turned Stephanie's back to me. I peeled off the little furry brown vest and tossed it on the bed behind us. Meesa sucked on my cock, having given up on taking it deep. Her tongue lashed the end. I found the lower edge of Stephanie's sweater and pulled it up and off of her. Her hands went straight up, allowing me to reveal her slender body. I tossed that the same direction as the vest and missed the bed entirely. I unhooked Stephanie's little bra and she let it flop forward. She just tossed it away and it ended up hanging on the doorknob. I shit you not but I have no idea if she meant to or not. She reached behind her and found my elbows. She pulled at them till she found my hands. She pulled them around her body and lifted them up to where her tits should have been.

"Caress me, please." She whispered. "Guys always think little tits don't need love. They do. I do."

I palmed them and they disappeared. I didn't panic. I knew what had happened. Nothing. Stephanie denied that assessment, groaning loudly. Meesa, below her groaned too but it sounded fake. Her mouth on my cock was real enough though. She needed lots of practice.

Stephanie unbuttoned her jeans and pushed them down to her thighs with her hands, unwilling to bend. I maneuvered her around to my left side and pulled her bare back against my chest. I pressed my hands against her...well...her nipples anyway, and moved my hands around a little, grinding them and scrapping them this way and that. She sagged against me. She grasped my right hand and dragged it down between her legs, bare of everything but fresh air, well, air anyway. The girl was boiling hot, I could smell the fumes.

I found her pussy and she pressed my middle finger between her nether lips, deep into her body. Her finger stayed on mine, escorting me into the depths of her body and then moving it around herself till she stiffened and grunted, jerking back against me so violently I thought she was starting a seizure. I pushed her away. I grabbed Meesa by the hair and gingerly pulled her off my cock. She sat back, a complacent look on her face. Stephanie wobbled and dropped to her hands and knees. I stepped around Meesa and got behind Stephanie like I was sliding into third base.

With one hand I probed between her legs. She tensed, dropping her head. I held my cock with the other. When I found her entrance, I pushed a finger deep into her to make sure it wasn't some blind alley. She was a one street town though, so my finger penetrated her. She grunted a little. I pulled out of her and her pussy tried to take off my fingernail. I positioned the head of my cock against her pussy and pushed. The penetration summoned up memories of her mounting me and ending up with her back against the wall. She'd lifted her legs clear up to my shoulders. She was tight as wet leather but slicker. I shoved against her lean ass. She tilted forward then steeled herself, hitched forwards and rammed back at me, slamming her body against me, pounding my cock deep into her. She cried out a little, then shook.

"On her back. Do her on her back. She talked all the time about you doing her against the wall and how she wanted to feel you balanced on her clit like a beach ball on a seal's nose." Meesa spoke from somewhere behind me.

"Shut up and lie down." I growled, not liking the image she created in my fevered brain, mostly because in my version, I ended up being juggled by her feet, spinning in a blur. I gripped Stephanie's hips and pulled out of her. "Lie down." I said through gritted teeth. If I'd worn a condom, Stephanie's fine pussy would have peeled it off if I tried to leave. As it was I might have lost a little skin. Meesa appeared beside me and lay down.

"No the other way around." I wanted her head below Stephanie's. As I recalled, Stephanie had experience with other women and I wanted to see if Stephanie'd kiss her roommate while I fucked her on her knees. Meesa lay down. I moved between her legs, bent my cock down to her pussy and closed my eyes. I relaxed my pose an let my body thrust my cock down into her compliments of dependable gravity. I felt her body hunch under me. She groaned and I just collapsed. She grunted really loud then. I struggled first to my elbows and then pulled back to my knees, pulling completely out of the lank woman. She stared up at me like I was a Great Dane or something. Stephanie remained beside us on her hands and knees, watching us copulate. I moved behind her and entered her from behind.