Every Schoolboy's Dream Ch. 09


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~~~ Friday ~~~

When Kasey's alarm went off, we realized how dark the bedroom was. The only light coming into the room was from the open door to the hallway - and that wasn't much. If that door had been closed, there would be almost none. That was, obviously, one of the downsides - or upsides, depending on how you looked at it - of the Hobbit Hole. The other advantage was that we could - at least until there were kids around - be about as loud as we wanted during sex - and nobody was going to hear us. Delivering pizzas, I knew that people on the street often heard more going on - inside of houses - than the people in those houses knew. If they had known, they (surely) would have been quieter.

The new shower was slightly larger. I jumped in with Kasey and only got swatted twice for "helping". Kelsey heard the commotion and came in to keep me occupied while her daughter finished getting ready.

I picked her up, sandwiched her sexy figure between the cold shower wall and my body, and pumped a load of cock-snot into her - before we scrubbed each other clean to scramble out the door. It's a good thing we didn't have as far to travel now - because we had definitely taken too long in the shower. Kasey just shook her head at me as I slid into my seat - just after the bell - with my hair still wet. She reached over to squeeze my slumbering penis and snickered at me.

At the end of the day - as we walked to our cars - Kasey mentioned that one of the girls from Spanish class had played part of an audio recording of our girls-bathroom rendezvous for her - and was asking when they could get a replay. Kasey was a little worried that one or two of them might be plotting to find a way to get the Spanish teacher to miss class again - to give us another free period with which to occupy ourselves.

When Kelsey got home, we waited for her to change her clothes to something a little more casual, and then we headed for Benny's - where Aunt Betty had a booth - and Cindy had already prepared our favorite shakes.

"The offer for you to consider," she told us, "is 10% higher than your asking price. I can tell you that they're already pre-approved for the amount, from their bank, and I expect no delays or difficulties in that regard."

"Hold-backs?" Kasey inquired.

"They're happy with the inspection and aren't asking for anything," she replied.

"Any reason not to jump on this with both feet?" I asked.

"None that I know of," she said, smiling.

Kasey was bouncing in her seat.

"Am I to assume that I should tell them you wish to accept the offer?" Betty asked.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Kasey cried, throwing her arms around me, and pulling me over for a lusty kiss.

Under the table, her mom's foot was pressed against my growing hard-on - growing because she'd been giving me a foot-job almost since the moment we sat down. I live with succubi.

"I have a couple papers for you to look over and sign," she told us, "and then I think my brother has already started preparing your usual orders - which should be coming out any minute - my treat, of course. This was almost too simple."

".. but you still wish we'd run the Hobbit Hole through you as well?" I asked, grinning.

"Of course," she replied, grinning as well.

Kasey finished the paperwork just as Cindy came out with the food - and extra shakes in Styrofoam cups so we could take them home. I was as full as a tick by the time we waddled to the car to head to the Hobbit Hole.

As soon as we were in the door, my mother-in-law directed me to get her daughter naked, smash her tight little body against the nearest wall, and fuck a baby into her.

Since my two lovers' ovulation & menstruation cycles were now synchronized, Kasey probably wasn't ovulating - and she was still on the pill - but I understood the directive - Kasey needed a load of my seed in her belly in celebration of the countdown to being out from under Grandma Williams' thumb. In a little over four weeks, the old bat would have no hold on us.

I asked my lithe lover where she wanted to do this and - although she wasn't looking forward to the cold walls of the shower - she was determined that I was supposed to fuck her until she squirted - at least once - and she didn't want to have to clean the rugs - again - so we stripped, I picked her up, mounted her on my cock, and carried her in - enduring kisses & a grinding twat - to get the water the right temperature - before I could mash her sexy self against the shower wall and breed her.

She was already frenzied by the time I tucked my elbows under her knees and spread her naughty bits wide so that I could abuse them. I pulled my dick out of her churning pussy and - using it like a cattle-prod - I poked, rubbed, and bumped every part of her vulva - rubbing all around her clitoris - and up & down her slit - across her taint - rimming around her entrance - and back up to abuse her clit again. I didn't shove it back in until she was growling at me.

I fucked her hard until she came the first time - spritzing me a little. After that, I ran my fingers through her female-spend and rubbed it into her clit as I continued to fuck her. She moaned and whined - and came again. I got my right arm back under her left knee - opening her up, fully, once more - bit down on the edge of her jaw - and fucked her hard. Her moaning & whining intensified and I pounded her until her body started trembling - and her channel clenched - and her pussy squirted. I shoved my aching dick as far into her as it would go - and started pumping her full of my seed - releasing my grip on her jaw - and whispering in her ear that - more than anything in the world - I wanted to knock her up. She pulled my face over - attacking my mouth - kissing me until I was out of breath.

We rinsed off the ejaculate that had escaped, dabbed ourselves dry, and then I carried her - like a new bride - to the bed. I held her in my arms and her mother wrapped herself around my back - kissing my neck & nibbling my ear. Her hand was on my thigh - reminding me that she wanted my next load. I closed my eyes and I was asleep.

~~~ Saturday ~~~

I awoke to my second wife riding my morning wood - trying to coax a hot breakfast from me before we went to help my mom feed the cuties at the zoo again. Kasey grumbled something about her mother being a horny slut and then trudged off to the shower - leaving the two of us to fuck in peace. I flipped her mother onto her back and attacked her lips & pussy - giving her what she wanted. Our fertility window was closing for this cycle - and it would be another three weeks or so before we could start again.

I carried the hot MILF - still stuffed onto my cock - into the steamy shower - shortly after my first wife left to get dressed. Soon, we were in the car, headed for the zoo - where our badges got us inside, once again, without being challenged.

After we spent the morning catching up on cuddles with the various zoo cuties, we took mom to Mexican - where we finished updating her on news for the house-swap. We dropped her back off to her car and headed to the store for groceries and a few supplies.

Once everything was put away, Kasey talked us into going to the school so she could swim laps. Her mother and I only lasted through a half-dozen and then we sat on a bench and made out while she swam.

We got a little carried away and, soon, she had the bottoms of her pink bikini pulled to the side - with my anxious dick buried inside of her treacherous trench. She whispered, "Don't cum. I'll take you to my office and blow you when we're done."

I fought against the images in my mind - anticipating the erotic oral scene that I had requested - and my older wife's pussy wringing the shit out of my cock-meat. I pulled her top up and gnawed on her fabulous breasts. When she started panting - and her pussy was clenching on me - I thought I had escaped, unscathed - only to realize that her daughter was standing behind her, dripping wet, waiting for her turn.

As soon as Kelsey climbed off, Kasey climbed on - and I was hanging on for dear life. I don't really know how long it usually takes the wicked little vixen to cum when we're fucking - but I swear she was stretching it out to get me to nut inside of her. My moaning and writhing only made her ride me harder. I was gripping her ass-cheeks in my palms - undoubtedly leaving bruises - trying to tell my testicles that there was nothing to get worked up about.

My hot little cheerleader finally grunted - and her pussy sprayed me - and I just about lost it again. I swear there were teeth-marks on my tongue and the insides of my cheeks from trying to use pain to distract myself.

The mermaid succubus gave me a nut-wrenching kiss - in thanks - and then dove back into the pool to finish her laps. Her mother stepped up and wrapped her arms around me and I groaned. Her fabulous fun-bags were smashed against my chest - and she hadn't pulled the top back down yet - so her nipples were tracing erotic tattoos across my pecs as she kissed me hard enough to have my testicles aching.

I finally told her that - if we were going to do this - we needed to go - before I threw her onto the pool deck and flooded her pussy.

She giggled, fixed her top, and the two of us walked hand-in-hand - in our swimsuits - to her office. If anybody but her saw this camera footage, they were going to wonder why the building administrator was escorting a former student - with a massive hard-on - into her private office. Actually, they wouldn't have to wonder - it would be pretty fucking obvious.

I stood in front of her chair and whimpered as she locked her lips onto mine, once more, and dragged my swimsuit to my ankles. Her tiny pink bikini lay, discarded, on the desk, behind her. I caught a glimpse of her shaved pussy as she crawled under the desk and got situated. As I scooted the chair forward, I warned her that this would be brief.

I felt the molten heat of her hot mouth envelope my cock-head and it was over. She barely got the nozzle of my firehose shoved down her throat before gallons-upon-gallons of semen gushed forward. She held my phallus deep in her throat until the pulses stopped - and then pulled off to start sucking & licking me.

I was sure there were no fluids left in my body - but my lusty lover was determined to find more. By the time she had sucked, licked, and stroked me long enough to get me to cum again, Kasey had arrived with our things and was hunched over me - alternately feeding me her lips and her taut titties. As soon as Kelsey took my second load, she was ready to get out from under the desk. I hugged her nakedness to mine and kissed her. I would have gladly given her another orgasm but my dick had gone into hibernation.

We stopped by the taco truck on the way home. (They even gave Kelsey a couple Jarritos and a little bottle of tequila to go.) We ate (and drank) and worked on homework.

Kelsey warned me that the interim-principal would be around a little more often now - since she had made enough progress in her classes that she was ready for mentoring - and that we wouldn't be able to be as free with our school escapades as we had been. I gave her a puppy-dog face and she came over to sit on my lap. My penis was interested - but my testicles were still snoring.

At bedtime, we kissed & cuddled and fell asleep.

~~~ Sunday ~~~

Sunday's sermon was "Do unto others as you would have them do to you" - and - of course - my two companions started making motions like they were giving me head. Apparently, tonight was going to be all-oral. That was fine with me. Between the two of them, they'd just about killed me, the previous day, at the school, and I was more than happy to nibble their bits until they showered my face with their gratitude. Somehow, oral always got them cumming hard. I shoved my hard-on away as we stood up to leave - and greet Pastor John on the way out.

We were sitting at KFC, with mom - and dad - who was home for once - when Mrs. Jordan texted Kelsey to say that a seemingly very-confused older woman - in a white Lincoln Continental - had staked-out #24 Mulberry Street - trying to figure out where we had disappeared to. The message included a picture of her - parked in the drive - standing in the yard.

Kelsey forwarded it to me - and I passed it along to the police officer who'd been dealing with the situation all along. He replied that he would add it to the file.

Since dad was home, we went over - after lunch to play cards. By the middle of the afternoon, Kasey informed all of us that we were treating them to dinner - at a cozy little place she had discovered. Mom tried to get the details out of her - but she said it was a surprise.

Two hours later, mom & dad climbed into the backseat of my car and we headed off. Kasey grabbed my phone, entered the address, and held it so that I could follow the turn-by-turn instructions. As soon as we drove onto Grandma Mitchell's street, dad knew he'd been had.

I pulled into the drive and all three women dragged him out of the car and up the steps - into the arms of his mother - who was waiting - wearing an apron that was splattered with the remnants of the meal she & Kasey had planned all afternoon.

We made him say grace - and tell his mother how nice it was to see her - and give her cheek-kisses - and play Uno.

He and I ate most of the oatmeal cookies - so gooey and buttery and warm that they melted like ice cream in your mouth. I hadn't known they were his favorites but - of course - his mom did. They were immediately my new favorite as well.

On the steps, after hugs & kisses - as we were heading to the car - dad grumbled about the whole nefarious plot, vowing that it would be a long time before he was home again. I laughed so hard that I collapsed to the ground as four women surrounded him with angry looks on their faces - and violence in their eyes.

My younger wife summed it up for him: he was lucky to have a mom as kind & giving as his - whose only requests were personal visits - and who always spoiled us with good food - and that he'd better take advantage of every chance he had to spend time with her before she wasn't around anymore.

He apologized - to his mother first - wrapping her up in a hug - and then to the rest of us - still holding Grandma Mitchell in his arms. He gave her a little peck on the lips and she hugged him tightly before allowing him to go.

Grandma then wrapped Kasey in a hug and gave her cheek kisses, whispering her thanks.

As we drove back to their house, mom hugged dad close in the backseat.

When we arrived, Kasey asked dad if he'd like to stop over and visit the Hobbit Hole. We spent the next half-hour taking him on a tour. His eyebrows raised a little when he saw the nursery. Without being told what the room would be, it was obvious that he had looked at the color-scheme and figured it out.

Once our visitors were headed back to their home - next door - the lights went out - and the bath towels covered the couch - and two sexy women sat - side-by-side - holding hands - as I dropped to my knees to worship their bodies.

Using every weapon in my arsenal, I worked - first on my daughter-in-law - bringing her to a wet orgasm - and then on my mother-in-law - accomplishing the same result - and then I switched back to begin the cycle anew.

Once they were both sated, they had me lay sideway on the couch. Kasey crawled between my knees, grabbed a hold of my ass-cheeks, and started licking my balls & cock. If I hadn't been a stiff as a missile before, I definitely was now. Her mother knelt beside me and leaned over to destroy me with kisses. Her fingers teased my chest as she kissed me to death. The stimulation the two of them were creating had my body tense - trying to process everything.

Kelsey too my hand, pressed it to her breast, and squeezed my fingers on her. My lips & mouth were buzzing, my balls were churning, and my cock was aching.

"He's ready," Kasey called - as she felt my nuts tighten.

Kasey sucked my nuts into her mouth as her mother switched from my lips to my cock - and suctioned me into her throat - quickly bobbing her head as she fucked her esophagus with my penis. The intense stimulation detonated inside of my brain - and my cock started blasting my seed down her throat.

When the aftershocks stopped, she pulled off, sucked & licked me dry, and gave her daughter a kiss - their two faces rubbing against my weary genitals. They each stood, helped me up, and escorted me to the master bedroom - where we tumbled into a happy pile.

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AnonymousAnonymous18 days ago

Don't get the rush to have a baby. They are both freshmen in college and only 18. They dated for a few months and only been married for a handshake. She wants to cheer in college. Seems like holding off in kids for a few years would make sense. Kind of lost it with just mindless frequent sex with both mom and daughter/wife.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

you lost your plot and are just dragging it out. too redundant

Ravey19Ravey197 months ago

Still going great but I think I'd like more plot than sex. 5⛤

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

It's far too dragged out at this point. Over-the-top amounts of sex in place of an actual plot. There's an occasional hint of something going on with the evil grandma but I'm having doubts we'll ever see anything come of that. 9 chapters and there's still no fucking pregnancy yet. Time to wrap this one up and move on. And yeah, have you heard of a comma? Stop using dashes constantly. It's hard to read at times. This - is awkward - to - read. Instead, use commas like this, to break up the flow of a sentence. :)

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

good as always

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