Dex and the Twins at College Ch. 03


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I waited for my cue from Molly and gripped my cock through the elephant trunk to get the trunk to stand up for my entrance. I couldn't believe how nervous I was. I couldn't believe that I had agreed to do this. I had never got close to doing something like this. Then Molly came back to the kitchen with an enormous grin on her face and motioned for me to come into the living room. I couldn't move. My heart was hammering in my chest. I was glad I didn't have to say anything because I don't think I could. Molly giggled and took my hand and pulled me around the corner into the living room. I knew then what a male stripper experienced when he came out on stage to a crowd of raucous women. I saw Linda's eyes go wide and she mouthed, 'Dex'. The others went absolutely nuts as they hooted and yelled and pumped their fists. No one would have ever guessed that this crowd of classily dressed women with perfect hair and nails and makeup could be so rowdy.

Molly motioned with her hands held high for the group to settled down and then she explained the rules that she and I had already agreed on. I had figured that 'how rowdy could a group of rich, classy women get anyway and I agreed to anything they wanted. Standing in the living room in front of them, I couldn't help wondering if I'd made a mistake. Molly made the rules easy by announcing, "Ladies. This is Max and you'll find out why in a few moments. There are no rules. Anything goes unless he stops you. The safe-word for everyone is 'STOP'." Molly raised her hands again to settled down the murmuring group. I could tell that they had no intention of being content with a strip show. Molly continued, "Mom, as the hostess, you should help Max get out of his ummm... clothes." All of the women burst out laughing.

Amelia, the youngest of the group, yelled out, "That won't take long." The others exploded in laughter again and began whooping and yelling, urging Linda to get things started.

The women were fidgeting in their seats and grinning at each other as Linda made her way to stand beside me. She leaned in close and whispered, "Dex, or rather Max. You are a dear for doing this. Thank you. I'll just have to find a way to make it up to you."

Linda was nearly as nervous as I was. She tentatively ran her hands over my abs and pectoral muscles and then turned me around to show the group my tight ripped glutes. Linda was dragging it out until the group got restless and Frankie yelled, "Oh come on, Linda. Let's get to the meat on the menu." They all burst out laughing and traded high-fives." I turned around and Linda grabbed my elephant trunk. I guess that she thought she would get nothing but furry fabric but my erection went nearly all the way to the end and Linda yanked her hand back like she'd been shocked. She held her hand like it was wounded.

Linda looked at Molly who was standing to the side and said, "Molly, Baby? How did you know I like these elephant trunks?"

Amelia, yelled out, "Linda. You're driving me crazy here. Get on with it."

Molly ignored Amelia and said, "Well, Mom. I use the computer memory to see your searches and they always lead to sex parties with strippers in elephant trunks." Linda's face went red with embarrassment as the others went, "OOOOOO," in unison.

Then the group started chanting, "Take it off. Take it off."

Linda gripped the elephant trunk again and looked at the women and said, "You're not going to believe this but this cock goes all the way to the end of the trunk." This fact quieted the group down.

Dierdra said, "No way. Come on let us see."

Linda lowered herself to her knees on the carpet and began jerking the trunk material and my cock inside. I was unbelievably hard. My skin tingled and I was breathing as raggedly as Linda was. Molly came around behind me and unsnapped the Velcro fasteners and my trunk pulled off my cock in Linda's hand and I was completely naked from the bow-tie down. My cock stood at a forty-five-degree angle above horizontal and bobbed up and down. There was total silence in the room until Midge and Frankie said, "Oh my gggawwdd," in stereo.

Frankie muttered, "Jesus. Ladies? That's one big fucking cock." She looked at Linda and continued, "And you took that thing in the ass?" Linda's face went red again as she looked to the floor and slightly nodded.

There was silence again for a moment until Amelia said, "If you can take it, so can I." That got the other laughing. Linda led me into the living room by my cock and released it to the attention of the others. There were a lot of hands touching and gripping my erection until Midge got things going when she started jerking me off from her seat.

She swooned and said, "This is the biggest and hardest cock I've ever had my hands on." A cacophony of "me too's" went around the room. They all jockeyed for position to get the best view but they were orderly and patiently waited their turns.

Amelia loudly said, "Don't let him cum. I want my chance and I'm not going to waste it jerking him off. I've got an itch that I'm certain he can scratch." They all burst out laughing and nodding.

Midge pulled me closer to her and then leaned in and took my cock on her lips and pushed down about a third of the length and started a blow-job/hand-job combination. I glanced over at Molly and Linda, standing against the wall fondling their own nipples. They were both grinning like Cheshire Cats.

Midge's blow-job took the top off the party as Dierdra's hand joined Midge's and then Frankie's hand joined theirs from the other side. Midge looked up into my masked eyes and pushed her lips down my shaft until she gagged and pulled back coughing with tears in her eyes. Dierdra's lips took Midge's place as Midge protested that she wasn't done. No one paid any attention. Amelia's hand took Dierdra's place on my shaft and the blow-job and two hand-jobs synched up together. It was quite a site.

Midge was getting undressed and when she got down to panties, I marveled at her body. She had definitely kept herself in shape. Her breasts were large and round and natural. Her nipples were on high-beams. She had a slight baby-pooch and some stretch marks, but her waist was slim above nicely shaped hips. Her legs were long and slender. Her bush was trimmed neatly and there was a thigh gap below that. She freely fondled her breasts as she contemplated how she was going to get back into the fray.

Linda took Midge's lead and quickly shed her clothes. I already knew that her body was smokin' hot. I could tell that Molly was dying to get involved but I knew she wouldn't. Her mother wouldn't allow it.

The women on my cock started jostling for control as Amelia thought that Dierdra had sucked my cock long enough and while they argued about it, Frankie shoved it in her mouth and grinned around it to both Dierdra and Amelia. Amelia continued with her hand-job and finally got her chance as she pushed her lips three-quarters of the way down my shaft and tried to force the rest in, to the astonishment of the others. Amelia looked up into my eyes and started an awesome blow-job. My knees buckled slightly as Dierdra and Frankie made sure I didn't fall.

Midge brought her big fun-bags over to rub them on my abs and I bent down and sucked on a nipple as she groaned and slithered her body on mine. She humped her wet pussy along my thigh like a dog, leaving wet pussy trails. The look on her face told me that she wouldn't last very long with some attention to her sex.

Both Frankie and Dierdra decided that they should be naked too and their clothes came off. I was groaning with Amelia's blow-job. She had total control of my cock and she grinned with delight.

Frankie's body was every bit as sexy as Linda's and Midge's. She was a blonde and had matching pubic hair. She's very pretty in a cutesy kind of way. She wasn't glamorous like Linda. She was the tallest of the group at nearly six foot. Her legs were longer and her torso shorter than normal. It didn't look like she'd had any children as her stomach was completely flat on a trim waist.

Dierdra was the shortest at about five foot, three inches but that small frame contained a perfect shape, at least in my mind. Her breasts were perfect for her frame and had no sag at all. I suppose they could have been enhanced but I didn't care either way. She had darker skin that the others. She looked like she had a very nice perpetual tan. Her hair was black and straight as it hung half-way down her back. She was strumming her right nipple with one hand and her pussy with the other.

Amelia was determined to pull the first load of cum. She grinned around my cock when I groaned hard again. I was trying hard not to cum. I started working on the grocery list again. Linda came over and squatted next to Amelia and said, "Amelia, Honey. As the Hostess, it's my honor. Okay?"

Amelia reluctantly pulled off and licked her lips and said, "Okay. But I'm going to need it back."

Linda leaned over and kissed Amelia. It wasn't a sensuous kiss and it didn't make me wonder if there were sexual relationships inside this group. Linda said, "Believe me. Max here has incredible stamina. There will be enough to satisfy your needs." Amelia grinned, nodded and stood and moved aside and started removing her clothes. Other than Molly, who was now digging her fingers in her pussy under her skirt, Amelia was the only one dressed. Amelia was the youngest of the group but she hadn't been too cautious with her body. She had a few extra pounds on her average frame, but nothing that made her undesirable. She had mousy-brown hair that had natural waves. Her face was pretty with pouty lips and big eyes. Her nose was too big to classify her as beautiful. She was more aggressive than the others but she seemed to be tempered by their experience.

I felt a new grip on my cock and I looked down at Linda getting into position on her knees. She grinned up at me and said, "Are you ready to give it to me?" I nodded and she went to work. She feverishly drove her lips up and down my shaft as the other surrounded me. They were all diddling their own pussies as they urged Linda on with a chant of, "Go. Go. Go." Linda cupped my balls more to hold on than anything else as her head bobbed quickly in front of me. The chant continued.

I wanted to cum in Linda's mouth and I urged my orgasm forward. My balls churned in her hand as she rolled my testicles around with her fingers. I pitched slightly forward but caught myself as I let out a loud and long groan. Linda's hand came up off my balls and started furiously jacking on my cock as her lips pulled back to the ridge. Our eyes locked with her puckered lip-lock on my cock as I launched my hips at her with the first long stream of cum.

Linda was aware of the quantity of jizz I put out, but she was still shocked as the first shot filled her mouth. Her eyes went wide as she motioned Amelia down with her hands. Linda's eyes watered immediately and I knew she would be forced off as the second shot, just as powerful, launched. Cum flooded from Linda's lips and down my shaft. Some went to the carpet. Linda grabbed Amelia's head and pulled her to my cock as she yanked her head back gagging and coughing. The others didn't laugh. They stood there as if they were in awe of what was happening.

Amelia had watched Linda struggle with my load but she had no idea what was coming as she took her time positioning her lips. The third equally powerful blast splattered across her face and all over Linda's big tits. Linda was still struggling with her own mouthful of cum and paid no attention to the cum raining down on her. Amelia was startled and yelled, "Jesus Christ," as she tried to catch the last of it in her mouth. The fourth shot arced directly into Amelia's mouth and was too much for her to handle.

She let it drool down over her lips and then pushed her lips on my cock to collect diminished shot five and weak shot six. She swallowed hard and licked the underside of my cock as she pulled off and smacked her lips and dragged her tongue around to collect as much of the stray cum as she could. Then she said, "Holy Shit, Max." She looked at Linda and continued, "Fuck Linda. You should have warned us to expect that." She wiped her hand along one cheek and licked the residue from her palm.

Frankie knelt beside Amelia and began licking any globs of cum they could find and then Frankie turned to Linda and licked stray cum from her shoulders and tits. Linda was scooping cum off her face and shuddered violently when Frankie's tongue dragged across her nipples. Frankie continued and Linda groaned from the contact.

I stepped back from Amelia to let Midge get at the cum on her chest. I don't think Midge's intent was sexual. She just wanted her share of the cum. None the less, Amelia reacted to Midge's tongue on her nipples the same way Linda had.

If these ladies had never got together in a lesbian romp before, they might just start after today. But today was about cock and not pussy and other than Linda, they all seemed amazed that my cock was still as hard as before. Linda giggled at the quiet mumbling going on between the others as Amelia pointed at my erection standing at just about the same angle.

Dierdra hadn't scooped up any cum from the faces and bodies of Amelia and Linda so she went to her knees and pushed her lips on my cock and licked her tongue through the 'eye' to at least get a taste. She pulled back and mumbled, 'Yummy. It's been way too long since I've tasted cum. My husband's cum was way more bitter than this." She grinned and pushed back on to see if she could find more. I knew there would be more chances for her to get some.

I wasn't sure what was next and I looked over at Molly, leaning back against the wall. She was furiously diddling her pussy as her hips spasmed. Her head was back against the wall. Her eyes were pinched tight and her mouth hung open. She was muttering something to herself, but I couldn't hear.

The others turned to look where I was looking and they recognized instantly that Molly was in the middle of an orgasm and that set them off. As if a starting gun had fired, they began digging their fingers into their own pussies and they began moaning very quickly after that. Some were concentrating on Molly orgasm and some couldn't take their eyes off my bouncing cock.

As Molly settled down, she became aware of the moans and groans and she pushed off the wall and dropped her soaked fingers from under her skirt and said, "Wow. That was intense. Who wants to get laid?"

Five free hands shot in the air. Molly's went up too, but she reluctantly lowered it as her mother gave her nasty looks. Molly came into the living room with a bedsheet to spread out on the floor. She giggled when she saw dollops of cum on the sofa and floor, "I guess we should have put this down earlier." Amelia looked away with an embarrassed look. Molly looked at the sultry looks of the group and said, "Just tell Max what your favorite position is and he'll go from there." From the looks on their faces, I couldn't tell if any of them had a favorite position. They just wanted my hard cock inside. Molly said, "We'll go by age."

Amelia yelled out, "Youngest first?" Midge objected to that since she was the oldest." Then they all started to squabble.

Molly calmed them down and said, "Age before beauty." Amelia frowned and before the rules changed, Midge grabbed my arm and said 'doggy'. The others giggled. I'm sure they expected her to suggest 'missionary'.

Linda stepped forward and calmed the group again and said, "If anyone is nervous about having sex with Max while we watch. My bedroom, with closed doors is available. Just let Max know. He knows the way." The others all burst out laughing and Linda's face went red with embarrassment again.

Midge exhibited a few nerves as she got into position on her hands and knees on the sheet as I got into position behind her. Amelia was furiously diddling her pussy and said, "Fuck the shit out of him Midge." The others laughed.

Frankie said, "Just don't use him up." They laughed again as they all nodded vigorously.

As Midge looked back at my cock moving in behind her, she suddenly seemed too nervous to continue and instead dropped her hip to the floor and began talking. "I've only had sex with one other man other than my husband. John was a good man but he thought there was only one position to have sex."

Before she could say it, the others all said, "Missionary," in unison. They laughed as they realized they were all thinking the same thing.

Midge smiled and grabbed my cock and started jacking on it as she continued her story. "I thought so too and I was satisfied with our sex-life. Then I had a one-night fling with a co-worker at a convention. He wanted to do 'doggy', which startled me. He fucked me that way for a long time before I collapsed forward on the bed and he kept right on going. I had multiple orgasms for the first time in my life. I didn't want it to ever end, but of course it did. I was furious with myself for succumbing to his charms. I never told John. I went back to the missionary style and never suggested that he try any other position for fear that he'd wonder where I'd learned that. I've reminisced about that night at the convention all these years since."

The group had gone silent as Midge told her story and jerked me off. Linda spoke up finally and said, "Midge, Honey. You can re-create that night right here, right now. Go in my bedroom with Max and make everything just like that night."

Midge's sad face smiled as she looked at me. I nodded and stood up and offered her my hand to help her up. Everyone was grinning at her as she got to her feet and grabbed my cock again and followed me to Linda's bedroom. Molly shot past us and pulled a blanket from a closet and spread it across Linda's bed and then left and closed the door.

Midge released my cock and pushed herself to me and I bent down to kiss her. She had tears in her eyes and I kissed the salty fluid from her cheeks. I let her lead. It was her fantasy. She climbed up on the bed in a missionary position and spread her legs with knees bent. She ran her fingers through her sopping wet pussy and smiled up at me. She was nervous. I was certain that she hadn't led the action that night and wasn't a leader anyway. I would relieve her of this responsibility as soon as I had her in the position she took that night.

I moved between her legs and dragged my cock through her wetness and then I leaned forward and put one arm under her back and lifted her easily and turned her over. She was all grins as I lowered her to the bed face down. I took her hips in my hands and pulled her up to her knees. She put her hands on the bed and grinned back at me and nodded. She watched me get into position and I was barely inside her before she groaned loudly and her pussy began spasming in an orgasm. She dropped to her elbows and I could feel her pussy quaking on my cock.

Midge groaned again and muttered, "Oh my ggawwdd Max. I haven't cum on anything but a dildo in years." Tears rolled down her face and fell to the bed. I eased my cock deep inside her as her pussy spasms subsided. She started pushing back on me. She looked back and said, "I didn't move a muscle that night. I was terrified. I always wished that I had fucked him back."

We got into a rhythm with her pushes back in synch with my pushing forward. The pace increased as she got the hang of it and it wasn't long before she exploded into a second orgasm. I stopped to let her experience it but she didn't. She was gasping for air as she slammed her pussy on my cock. I let her go. She hadn't done this that night, long ago, and she wasn't going to miss it this time. She wailed loudly as a third orgasm coursed through her body.

Then Midge let her torso fall to the bed, like in her story. She was still on her knees with her ass up in the air and I began fucking her like that, just like in her story. She groaned as I pulled out to the ridge and then out completely before pushing back in for a stroke and then repeated. She thrashed her head on the bed and began muttering a steady stream of, "Oh my gggaawwd. Oh my gggaawwdd."