Day Fool's April


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"I'm so glad it's you Bill. You're so forceful."

He was clearly a sucker for flattery and let go of my wrist. His arm found its way around my waist and he guided me up the stairs. The tables had been turned. Once we reached the landing I took him by the hand and escorted him into a spare bedroom where the curtains were drawn. I unhitched the toggles of his dungarees which fell down to his ankles. He was wearing a pair of grubby 'Y' fronts which I pulled down with indecent haste so as to stay in contact with them for the minimum amount of time. A pointless gesture really because he was about to ram their former contents into my unlucky little cunt. Not very deep though. His knob was rock hard and quite thick, but sadly lacking in length. I was delighted and told him

"I can't wait to feel this inside me."

He was lost for words and unable to take his 'Y' fronts and dungarees off over his boots. I helped him to shuffle towards the bed, laid back and pulled him onto me.

"Quickly my lover, ease my panties to the side and give it to me. I need it right now!"

I first felt his thumb and then his knob on my vulva as he did my bidding. I winced, not because of his girth, but due to the fact that try as I might, I couldn't will myself wet.

"That's it lover, force it in. It's so thick you'll need to ram it harder!"

I was laying it on so thick it would have been getting embarrassing if he hadn't believed every word. I closed my eyes and imagined it was Francis who was attempting to penetrate me with his massive cock. It did the trick. I loosened up and the juices began to flow.

"Look how wet you've made me lover. Now give me all of the beast!"

He began to pound away. I started working my pelvic floor muscles as never before. The quicker I finished him off, the better. I thought it was a good sign when he started to sweat, but soon I was being overcome by the odour of stale tobacco. His breath was bad enough, but now the stench was oozing from every pore.

"Oh God, you're ripping me apart!"

I'd managed to avoid looking at him directly since we'd left the kitchen, but it was impossible not to notice his ugly mug as he crudely fucked me from the front. I've heard men say "you don't look at the mantelpiece when poking the fire." They think they're being clever and amusing, but it's an objectionable, sexist and factually incorrect notion. I could have bent over and let him do me doggy style, but he's such a clumsy fucker he probably would have missed and ended up buggering me.

"Yes! Yes! I'm going to cum now! Keep going lover! Make me your bitch!"

I thought of that when I was regretting not opting for an alternate position. It's called thinking on your feet, or in this case, on my back. He was thrusting harder now and the arching effect meant I could see right up his hairy nostrils. It gave me the idea to arch my own back. Now I was full of ideas. I just wish I'd had some during the negotiations.

"Oh my God! I'm full of your cock! Yes! Give me your cock! Make me cum again you animal!"

His nose was nauseating. I had to look away. My eyes were drawn to a skinny arm. As he bore down on me, his basilic vein became engorged.

"Yes, keep pumping me, you sex-god! Send me to heaven!"

I realised I'd told the workmen I was 39. A teeny white lie. Fortunately I knew that at my actual age I couldn't possibly end up with any little Bills inside me. But I didn't want any of his semen in my womb either. Or all over my lovely bedding. I made my Hobson's choice.

"Pump me full of your spunk you beast!"

He let out a cry and did as he'd been told. He collapsed on top of me and his dick plopped out. I eased myself from underneath him and he slipped onto the carpet, exhausted.

As he was laying comatose I took the opportunity to lock myself in the en-suite. I dumped my dressing gown and panties in the washing basket. I could bin them later. Then I showered his rotten stench from my body and rinsed away his seed. It was very handy having en-suites in all the bedrooms. Up to this morning Wolf had been an amazingly good provider. As I purged myself I thought of the day we met.

First impressions are so important. I noticed him entering a bar I frequented in North Soho and the main reason was the massive bulge in his pants. I liked what I saw, but appearances can be deceptive. It was crowded, smoky and dimly lit so I wasn't going to get too excited. I knew it wouldn't be too long before I would get to see it out in the open. Sure enough, he found a table and whopped it out. It wasn't the sort of thing you see in full public view every night, even in North Soho bars and a collective hush came over the place. I have to admit it was an amazing sight; jet black and by far the biggest I'd ever seen. But for me the most impressive aspect was its thickness. I nearly came on the spot. You have to remember that back in those days we didn't have contactless. Most of us didn't even own a credit card at all. Nearly all transactions were carried out using cold, hard cash, and his wallet was packed with the stuff.

Oh what? You thought he'd plonked something else onto the table? And after I warned you earlier to get your mind out of the gutter? Let me just mention that I'm not cross with you, I don't even feel sorry for you. It's just yourself that you've let down.

Suffice it to say, I realised at once that he could have his pick of the ladies. This was no time to play hard to get. I hitched up my tits and while my rivals were still drawing a sharp intake of breath, made my move.

"Is this seat taken?"

He stood up. What a gentleman!

"No, you're welcome to it."

And we're off!

"You're sure you're not waiting for your girlfriend?"

Good question.

"I'm sure."

Good answer.


Another good question.


Another good answer.

"Wife then?"

I might be sounding a bit desperate, but he'd surely get the message.

"No, I'm not married, or engaged and I don't have a girlfriend at the moment."

An excellent response. "I don't have a girlfriend at the moment" means that he's had girlfriends in the past. So no need for the old "You're not a homosexual are you?" That really would have made me sound a bit desperate. And very rude.

"Really? I wouldn't have expected a man as attractive as you to be drinking alone."

Not rude at all. The opposite in fact.

"Well I assure you I am, so you're more than welcome to take the chair."

"That's very kind of you."

I sat down on it.

"I'm sorry, I expected you to take it over to your friends."

"Oh, I'm not with friends. I'm alone too."

"Really, I wouldn't have expected a woman as attractive as you to be drinking alone."


"I won't be if you allow me to join you."

"No, I suppose you won't. I'm Wolf."

"That's a very unusual name."

"Yes, it's the diminutive of Wulfric."

By an amazing co-incidence I happened to be a bit of an expert in the High Middle Ages period having studied Medieval History at University.

"Of course. St Wulfric, the 12th Century miracle worker."

I could tell by the surprised look on his face that he hadn't realised that I'd studied Medieval History at University.

"That's amazing. I've never ever met anyone who's heard of him before."

"Well, I happened to study Medieval History at Bristol University."

Wolf didn't snigger at all. I happen to be very well-endowed and up to that point every man I've ever met sniggered when I mentioned the word Bristol. I don't like sniggering, so I was now starting to appreciate Wolf for more than the size of his wallet.

"Of course, I believe he came from that area. My mother was also an historian. She chose my name. What's yours?"

I could easily have replied "Mine's a gin and tonic" but I wanted to show him at some point that I had a good sense of humour and besides I drink rum and coke.

"I'm called April."

"A beautiful name for a beautiful lady."

He was so charming.

"Thank you. I was so named because I was born in April."

"Then you're an Aries or a Taurus."

A man who knew his zodiac. Impressive.

"April 1st."

He smiled. Nice smile. Good teeth.

"A ram. Aren't you frightened of being in such close proximity to a Wolf?"

Again he hadn't sniggered at all. Every man I've met sniggers when I mention that my birthday happens to fall on April 1st. Wolf was above that sort of thing and really quite witty. I laughed, he ordered champagne and it didn't taste just like cherry cola.

That was a long time ago. Now I was carefully drying myself off and unlocking the door. I opened it a fraction and smiled to myself when I saw that Bill was lying exactly where I'd left him. Presumably my other clients thought he was still fucking me and were waiting patiently for their turn. As far as I was concerned I was on the clock. The sink would be fixed whether he had me again or not. I decided 'not', wrapped myself in a towel and settled down by the dressing table to continue reading 'Strumpet City'. It was a little past nine by the time he stirred. I dumped the towel and strode naked to the door.

"Lads! Who's next?"

Almost immediately I heard one of them climbing the stairs. To my surprise it was Roger who emerged onto the landing. He'd removed his socks and boots. I closed the door on him and shouted

"Just a moment, Bill needs to get dressed!"

I caught Bill in the act of pulling up his 'Y' fronts.

"You were magnificent Bill. I'm just going to powder my nose. Could you show young Roger in on your way out?"

I had no concerns about him seeing me naked, but there was no way I was going to let him touch me again. I wrapped myself back up in the towel and waited. Sure enough when I emerged he was nowhere to be seen and Roger was sitting on the bed. I was firmly impaled on the horns of a dilemma. I would have preferred to rush the youngster and firmly impale myself on the horn of the gorgeous Francis for the remainder of the session. But what if this left enough time for Bill to return to the scene of the crime? I decided to take it nice and easy with Roger.

"You look tense young man. A nice shower will relax you."

I held my hand out. He took it and I led him to the en-suite.

"Have your shower and I'll be naked waiting for you when you finish. There's a fresh towel in the cupboard."

I took my book and went back to the bed for another sneaky read. When I heard him opening the door I flung it onto the floor and opened up the towel. Roger who was wearing his around his waist approached slowly. He was actually very well built with a flat washboard stomach and powerful shoulders. When he arrived he studied me earnestly and whispered

"You're the most attractive woman I've ever seen. I can't believe you're 39."

I could feel myself start to blush and whispered back

"I find it fairly hard to believe myself."

I guessed we were keeping our voices down because we both thought that Bill was listening from outside.

"Could you go and lock the door for me please?"

He made the round trip and sat down beside me.

"They think I'm a virgin."

I thought I'd overheard him telling them about that earlier, but maybe it was the other way around.

"And are you?"

He looked worried.

"You won't tell them will you?"

Things had taken another very strange turn.

"It's nothing to be ashamed about. You just need to meet the right person."

"Do you reckon you could be the right person?"

"What do you think?"

"I actually do think you are. But the circumstances are all wrong. I'm ashamed of what's happened to you. It must have been disgusting to be pawed by that horrible old man."

"It was, but it's over now. And I've learned a very valuable lesson. Now come and lie down by me. We can just talk if you like."

He climbed onto the bed and kissed me on the cheek. I heard myself tell him

"You can do it properly now."

He held me to him and pressed his lips to mine. So tender a kiss that it felt like my first.

"I've never kissed a woman before."

Perhaps that was the reason.

"Would you like to kiss me again?"

He leant towards me again and this time I parted my lips and allowed my tongue to dart into his mouth. For a moment he drew back, but the next thing I knew his mouth was pressed back onto mine and we were snogging like two teenagers. I let my hand caress his face. It was quite a shock to find that it was so soft. The acne had completely disappeared! After a few blissful minutes Roger broke away from our embrace.

"Could I kiss your breasts now April?"

"I would love you to kiss them Roger. You're a wonderful kisser."

He kissed my breasts all over. They're very sensitive and my nipples hardened even before he turned his attention to them. He rolled his tongue over each one in turn as I savoured every moment. I was becoming wet and told him.

"You're really turning me on."

I should have been more explicit because he responded

"I'm sorry. I'll stop kissing you."

I was forced to deliver an ultimatum.

"You can kiss me again, but if you do I'd need you to make love to me too."

"Are you sure you're the right person?"

"I'm sure. And I'm sure it's the right time too. Nine fifteen on April 1st 1985. We'll just try to be quiet. It's a special, special occasion and we don't want any eavesdroppers to hear do we?"

"Of course not."

He pressed his lips back against mine and I reached down to remove his towel. My fingers brushed against his erection, and went on and on brushing against it.

"You have a magnificent cock Roger. But I'm going to be in control of it now. Is that clear?"

I didn't have much choice in the matter. I could tell by touch alone that I'd need to go on top. Somehow Roger knew knew this too.

"Yes April. I think that would be best."

"Good, then lie on your back."

He was very compliant as I took hold of his monster and attempted to ease it inside. At first I could manage only the tip. I pulled back and with the next effort took in a little more. It took quite some work, but my cunt was producing a river of love juice and every time I pulled away I was able to push again and squeeze even more of him inside. Finally I was able to remove my hand from the base of his cock and with one last great effort I'd accommodated every inch.

"Are you enjoying this?" I asked.

"Yes, very much." He replied.

"Well remember this moment. It's the moment you lost your virginity. Picture me too, your first lady with her cunt full of your cock."

"I will. I'll never forget you no matter how long I live."

"Good. Because I have a feeling neither of us will ever experience this again. No matter how long we live."

"You're like my queen."

"Queen April the First, sitting on her throne!"

He laughed and I placed my hands on his muscular shoulders and started to ride him.

"Should I do anything? He asked.

"You're doing just fine." I gasped as I'd already started to cum. "But you can touch my titties if you like."

Instantly he brought his hands up to grope my right breast.

"Is that what you mean?"

Groping wasn't the sort of thing that turned me on but I wasn't concerned because I was cumming anyway. I'd agreed to try to be quiet and managed to completely suppress my first orgasm. I was squirting all over the place now but I guessed that due to his size it didn't make much difference to Roger. He could feel me no matter how wet I might become. Then as my orgasm ebbed away I answered his question.

"Oh yes my dear, that's just what I mean."

A stupid answer that encouraged him to squeeze my breast harder which was exactly what I didn't want. I knew that Roger was inexperienced and meant well, but like so many men who've encountered my oversized twins, he seemed to think I would enjoy being milked like a cow.

"You can caress the other one gently now."

"Thank you. I'll be gentler."

"Yes, be gentler with me."

He was. His fingertips explored every part of my breast as I slowly rode his tool, allowing it to rub against my clitoris until I started to cum again. I had to lean down and cram my tongue into his mouth to stop myself from screaming in ecstasy. I've had hundreds of orgasms, but this one built to a level I've never known before. The pleasure became so intense that it was almost too much to bear. I was in control, but I didn't have the willpower to stop grinding away. Finally thank God I began to climax. I fought tenaciously to suppress the screams of delight as the orgasm ripped through my entire body. When it finally subsided I realised I was still packed full of firm young cock.

"You haven't cum yet?"

A stupid question, I know, but I was confused.

"No I didn't want to."

As if I wasn't confused enough before.

"You mean you're able to control your cock?"

"Isn't every man?"

Well he'd out-stupided me! I've read a lot of history books, but I haven't read every history book. So I'm not certain that this was the stupidest question ever asked. But it had to be close. Wherever it might rank, I knew the answer.

"Oddly enough, no. In fact the opposite. Up to now every man I've ever met has been controlled by his cock."

"I was worried that you might get pregnant."

"Oh Roger, that's so nice of you. There's no need to worry though. I should have mentioned it earlier actually. I'm on the pill"

Roger smiled and just lay there respectfully, waiting for further instructions.

"Now you know what it's like to be fucked by a woman. So I think you're ready to fuck me yourself now. Would you like to fuck me Roger?"

"Yes April, I think I would really enjoy that."

"But if you do, you'll have to be very careful not to hurt me."

"I will. I'll be very gentle with you."

I smiled and managed to clamber off him. There was an immediate feeling of great emptiness. A great void needed to be filled and straightaway. I lay on my back and opened my legs to give him a view of my welcoming cunt. He straddled me and guided himself onto my vulva. I shivered in anticipation. He hesitated for a moment and asked

"Are you ready?"

My cunt was damper and distended as never before.

"As ready as I'll ever be."

At which point he squeezed the whole thing back inside.

"Does that hurt April?"

It was such a joy to be filled up again. I gasped with delight and managed to hold him for a moment before replying

"No. It feels wonderful."

He withdrew and eased it back inside me. As he'd promised he was a considerate lover who screwed me nice and slowly. In return I was able to move my hips and contract my cunt muscles a little to increase our pleasure. Soon a third orgasm started to build and Roger could tell that I was about to break my pledge to keep quiet. He put a hand over my mouth to quieten me until my back arched and I came with a ferocity the likes of which I'd never experienced before. Without delay Roger turned me around and placed me on my knees.

"Now I want us to come together."

I wasn't sure if he meant that we would come together in the emotional sense of if he was trying to talk dirty. Either one was alright with me so I said nothing. He had gained in confidence and took control with some authority, penetrating me fully with a single lunge.

"I'm going to fuck you hard now April. Provided that's alright with you."

Well, it was his first time, so he wasn't yet totally authoritative.

"Yes. I'm ready for my close up now Mr DeMille."

"My surname's Muldoon, April, not DeMille."

A gaffe. This was no time to misquote dialogue from 1950's American film noirs. But probably not my worst mistake of the day.

"I'm sorry. You can roger me now Mr Muldoon."

With that he began to plunge his mighty member in and out with ever increasing speed and power. My breasts slapped against my ribcage with every thrust which was uncomfortable so I sank down onto my elbows. This gave my boobies some support and meant he was able to penetrate a little deeper. Needless to say it didn't take long before another orgasm began to build and I let my face sink into the pillow to muffle my moans of sheer pleasure. Roger was relentless and made me cum time and again. He kept very quiet but eventually his breathing became more audible.