Crystal Clear Ch. 12


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She paused and answered Edie's question, "Why now? In the midst of our little orgy, I had a flashback to a film I'd done -- a 'gang bang classic' was what Andre called it. There was one other girl and about a sixteen guys, plus the crew who was supposed to join in if they weren't filming or doing the audio. No one cared about anyone else; there was no love or caring; not even a thought of concern for the two women. We were just holes in the bed for them to stick their cock into and cum. So much different from what I felt tonight with all of you."

"You might not have been watching, but on the TV -- that film -- it reminded me of what I'd done. I mean, it made me horny, but I also remembered." She thought for a minute and added, "Talk about screwed up -- I felt conflicted. It made me want to talk about it and to not have a secret any more -- to not be 'Mysterious Claire.'"

"My flashback reminded me that telling you would only get harder the longer I waited. I've tried to muster courage over and over again since we got serious about each other -- even before we went to Nicaragua, but I just couldn't ... the time never seemed right. I guess when you have a big secret, there is no 'right' time."

I wrapped my arms more tightly around Claire; "Oh, Claire, we do love you so. We don't care what you've done in your past. We live in the now -- this is where it's at. We know you love us, and we wouldn't take our love from you over something you did in your past. We just want you with us. Thank you for sharing and for opening up with us."

Crystal joined me from Claire's other side, and we packaged her between us and both kissed her cheeks still damp from her renewed tears. Claire just leaned into the two of us and shut her eyes. The tears silently rolled down her cheeks, nonetheless.

* * * * *

We spent the next day rehearsing for the concert. Crystal and I had been coached to not use our singing voices, and to save them when we really wanted to belt out a song, so, many rehearsal songs were quiet whispering of the lyrics as we worked on our choreography on the stage. Terry, Dan, and a woman named Dee worked with us about our onstage moves.

We broke for drinks and dinner at five o'clock -- three hours before concert time. The first twenty minutes would be handled by our opening band the Hobo Palace. In an aside, Terry confessed to me that he "still had a soft spot in his heart for their lead singer -- Cindy Wonder."

My comment back to him was, "You don't have a soft spot for her, you have a hard-on for her, and so do I." He nodded in strong agreement.

I'd only met Cindy a couple of times before to talk to. Their band had rehearsed at an off-site studio in Sarasota. Just as we went into a VIP box up over the entire Forum arena, we saw their band start to setup their gear with the help of a dozen roadies. I watched Cindy wander around out of 'costume' -- wearing cutoffs and a t-shirt. There was no doubt that even from a distance the girl was pretty, busty, and desirable.

Terry walked by me, saw where I was looked, and said, "Looks as though she has the same effect on you that she has on me. Maybe we can talk her into playing with us some day soon."

I knew he meant trying to get her involved in some of our sexual games. I concluded that I wouldn't mind that at all, and I suspected that Crystal, Ellen, and Claire wouldn't either, providing she went both ways.

Dinner was quick and light; neither Crystal nor I wanted to feel bloated from a full dinner when we went on stage. I recalled we barely ate before the start of a mission when I'd been in Special Forces; we wanted to be 'lean mean fighting machines.' The arena doors opened at six-thirty, and we watched the first arrivals for the concert file in and find their seats.

We went down to the green room. Crystal and I had opted to share a dressing room rather than use separate facilities. We sat side-by-side putting on facial makeup that would make us look better for the television cameras. We're weren't going 'on air,' but we were going to be projected up onto four giant screens that hung in strategic locations over the crowed. Everyone would be able to see us 'up close and personal' on those screens, so we wanted to look our best. As usual, we'd also get a tape of the entire concert too. Crystal and I studied the tapes to see how we could improve our choreography, songs, presence, or onstage banter.

Exactly at eight o'clock, I heard the sound of the crowd rise in shouts and applause at The Hobo Palace started their first song. Cindy's husky voice rang out over the crowd and came through into the green room over speakers loud and clear. We could watch them on stage on a TV in the room. The opening group was getting the crowd pumped up. Terry's ability to spot talent such as this group never failed to amaze me.

The two bands and the roadies had worked out a drill where they could change the band instruments in fewer than two minutes in near darkness. So, as the Hobos finished their last number the lights dimmed, and some canned music of our band playing what I called 'idle chords' started to play. The music started without a defined melody, just random notes and chords, and slowly built in pace, volume, and texture over the two-minute period.

Crystal and I had left the green room and were each standing squarely on two "X's" of masking tape on the floor at the end of two cleared aisles leading through the VIP seating to the steps up to the stage. One of the stage hands with a headset on stood near us and gave us a count down: 10 -- 9 -- 8 -- 7 ... the music built up and definitely carried the prelude melody of 'The Naked Truth,' our current big hit, 6 -- 5 -- 4 ... I could hear the live band pick up the sound from the canned music -- an almost imperceptible transition as the canned music faded away and our band got louder and louder -- the crowd started to cheer and yell; 3 -- 2 -- 1 and the stage lights came up and two high powered spotlights illuminated Crystal and me as we started our run down our aisles and simultaneously up to the stage from opposite sides.

Just as we reached our positions on the stage, we started singing the opening verse to the song. The crowd had been whipped into a frenzy by this time. Even our singing had trouble competing with the shouting and cheering. If we hadn't been wearing headsets with boom mics so we could hear ourselves, we would have been all over the map with our singing -- off key, off tempo, out of tune. As it was it was hard to hear, but we rocked the crowd. Everyone remained on their feet and screaming.

I shot Billy a smile and a got a huge smile back from him as he played his electric guitar next to me. As we sang we walked back into the band and alternated duets with each of the band members as they sang some of the chorus with us. I repeated the process with our backup singers. When I was singing, Crystal would dance around center stage flaunting her sexy body, a delight to men and women of all ages. I briefly wondered why I didn't get a hard-on on stage with her.

Crystal and I sang for ninety minutes straight. We had saved 'Texas Dawn' for our encore, and when we came back out and did that number the crowd went wild all over again before they quieted down to appreciate the love song. There were twenty-one-thousand happy fans when the lights dimmed, and we vanished back down our exit aisle into the bowels of the arena. The applause and screaming continued for almost five minutes after we stopped. I heard the canned music come on again, this time at a lower volume.

Terry grabbed us just before we got to the green room. "Come on, we're going up top again." He led us to a private elevator, and a minute later we were back in the VIP box we'd had dinner in. Billy and the band members filed in a couple of minutes behind us. The Hobo Palace band was there too, along with cute Cindy Wonder. Below us, the crowd slowly thinned as each section of seats tried to exit the same door simultaneously. A few smart people remained seated, letting most of the throng leave. I could only imagine the nightmare in the various parking lots as all the cars tried to exit at the same time.

Terry thrust a glass full of ice with white wine poured over it into my hand, and a glass of champagne into Crystal's hands. We were all giving each other accolades for our performances. Terry kept repeating how great we had all done; he was a superb cheerleader.

I walked over the Cindy, "Hi. I'm Jim Mellon. Tonight was the first time I've really heard you sing. You are really going places -- you're good." I stood a head taller than Cindy. In close conversation, I realized I could look down the bodice of her peasant blouse and admire the natural wonders that God had blessed her with -- two of the roundest, most natural, smoothest, firmest, and best-formed breasts I had ever seen. I made a mental note to myself that savoring the taste and texture of those mammaries would be a worthy goal from that time forward.

Cindy reached up and pulled my head down to hers so she could plant a kiss on my lips -- a long kiss that instantly got my blood boiling considering the source and the promise the kiss held. She finally said, "Coming from you that is one high compliment. Thank you, and you were not just good tonight; you were fabulous. You and Crystal are my role models."

Crystal slid up next to us, and Cindy turned and met her with an equally long kiss on the lips; "And the same goes to you. The two of you were spectacular out there tonight. I watched your every move, and I learned so much about how to reach the crowd ... how to work the audience. It's not just about singing well. You both have charisma and stage presence; you interact with the audience -- even people hundreds of feet away. Watch me next time, I picked up at least a dozen pointers from you again tonight."

Crystal was touching Cindy's arm; "Thank you ... Jim and I listened to your entire set. You are good. I want us to do more with you guys instead of just having you open with us. We should join you or vice versa for some duets or group songs."

Cindy especially glowed with the praise and the idea of singing with us. I could imagine how she felt; I'd been there only months earlier when I first met Crystal, and she wanted me to sing with her. Now, we could return the favor to one of the next up and coming country music stars.

Terry joined us. He was ebullient about how the night had gone. I knew that tomorrow he'd have a list of suggestions for how to improve our next concert, but that took nothing away from the genuine feelings of elation he showed. He hugged Cindy. He hugged Crystal. He hugged me.

Billy and Dan joined us, chatted with Cindy, Crystal, and me, and I introduced them to Cindy. Ellen and Claire arrived in the box, and we made more introductions to Cindy and now Hal Minor, the good looking band leader of The Hobo Palace. Billy and Hal immediately started to talk shop and sound systems in a vocabulary that quickly became a foreign language. Edie and Cal Becket, the man who ran the arena came in too. Everyone tried to talk at once. The party was joyous and made us all feel warm and successful.

Around eleven we broke up the party to head back to the hotel. We had several stretch limos waiting outside the VIP entrance. Crystal and Cindy had been canoodling away most of the party, their heads close together cooking something up, so I wasn't at all surprised when the pair stuck together and got into the limo with me, Terry, and a few others. It only took us five minutes to get from the Forum to the Vinoy Hotel that time of night.

* * * * *

The closed bedroom door opened a crack, and Crystal said in a loud voice to get my attention, "Jim, can you come and help us with something in here?" It sounded as though she had some kind of project underway and needed some muscle.

Crystal's tone of voice was unrevealing. A group of us had been sitting drinking in the living room of the large hotel suite; Crystal and Cindy had gone into our bedroom to 'freshen up.' I did note that they'd been in there quite a while.

I stood, grabbed my drink, and sauntered over to the bedroom door. When I opened it, I found the room seductively dim. In the middle of the large bed, Cindy lay naked and propped up on a pile of pillows. Crystal nestled between her legs eating out the younger singer who had a look of bliss on her face.

Crystal rolled slightly to one side against one of Cindy's legs; "Oh, good, you're here. I have this hole that needs filling and my tongue just doesn't seem to be doing the job." She pointed at Cindy's gaping vagina that she had clearly had two or three fingers in until only a moment ago. Even across the room, I could see the opening into her body -- a dark, warm, and inviting nest, surrounded with an abundance of beautiful trimmed pubic fuzz.

I went from what I called a "1" to a "10" in about three seconds. Cindy turned out to be sexier nude than in the alluring costumes and revealing outfits she liked to wear. Couple that with my earlier lust, Crystal's nude body lying in front of Cindy's quim with her face full of Cindy's pussy juices, and I found myself ready to do whatever it was these ladies wanted -- and I thought I knew exactly what that was.

"Get naked," Crystal commanded in a pleasant voice as she put three fingers back into Cindy's slit and started to twist her hand back and forth. Cindy moaned as she looked across the room at me through slitted eyes and gave me a wan smile. I took about ten steps to the bed, losing a piece of clothing in each step.

At the bed, Crystal grabbed my erect shaft with her other hand as she continued to excite Cindy with the other. "You need a fluffer," she proclaimed. She was wrong, but I knew this was just her opportunity to enjoy some oral sexual contact with me. As she engulfed my penis, I thought she might actually be performing for Cindy. In two of three tries, she swallowed all of me until her nose pressed tightly against my pubes. I wondered if on my scale of cock hardness there could be a '10-plus'.

Crystal announced to no one in particular, "Why, I do believe he's ready? My, what a fine specimen of manhood we have here." She used her hand to guide me to Cindy's vagina, and not being one to dally, I pulled Cindy to the edge of the bed and slowly sank to the hilt into the small woman.

Cindy moaned, "Oh, fuck. I have wanted you inside me like this for months, and now this is a dream come true. Fuck me." As I started to move in wanton ways into her body, she added, "I don't know that I've ever felt so full ... OOOOOH, don't stop doing THAT!" I had started to rotate my cock in her body, using the tip to search for her G-spot.

Crystal looked pleased at Cindy's pleasure; she knelt next to me and we French kissed and then had a brief duel with our tongues. I had one hand either fondling Cindy's ripe breasts or diddling her clit, and the other stroking Crystal's pussy.

Cindy spoke softly, "Crystal, I'd like ... Come sit on my face so I can eat you." Crystal didn't wait for a second invitation. She knee-walked across the bed being careful not to pull Cindy's long hair, straddled her head, and settled her cunt down to Cindy's wagging tongue. I watched as Crystal's eyes rolled around in her head in joy. I reached across and fondled her breasts with both hands as my hips oscillated my cock in and out of Cindy. Crystal and I kissed some more. At several points, she grabbed a hold of me and held on dearly as an orgasm induced by Cindy's tongue washed across her.

We changed positions several times: my fucking Cindy as she knelt over Crystal's pussy madly munching away; my pumping my cock into Cindy as she ate out Crystal beneath her as Crystal licked at my balls, or Cindy's pussy in a '69' position; my lying on my back as Cindy bounced on my cock while Crystal sat on my face.

After a half hour, we each had a sheen of perspiration; sex, while the ultimate pleasure, is also hard work. Cindy said to me, "You are a stallion. I've never had a guy last this long, particularly in so many different positions ... and, whenever you want please cum in me."

I told her, "Not yet ... and I have an idea; would you like Terry to join us? The two of us could do some really nasty things to you."

Cindy practically yelled, "Oh, fuck, yes!"

I nodded to Crystal. She moved away to the door to the bedroom, and walked out into the living room totally nude and spreading our combined sex aromas everywhere she went. I heard some conversation, but couldn't make out the words. She came back with Terry, Ellen, Dan, and Billy -- all naked and apparently participants in some group effort in the living room since I'd left.

Crystal said, "If one is good, and two are better, and more are great. I thought that four guys and two women would be absolutely fabulous for you." She laughed maniacally.

Cindy nodded enthusiastically in agreement as I continued to piston into her body with a spreading smile on my face.

I rolled over on the bed pulling Cindy on top of me without breaking our fuck. Terry took his already slick shaft, coated it with some lubricant that Crystal had miraculously produced, and worked his shaft into Cindy's ass.

Cindy screamed, but when I asked whether we should stop, she pleaded "No. No. Just go slow." So, Terry slowly sank his entire shaft into Cindy's other hole. She pushed back against both our shafts to show her willingness to continue with the double penetration.

Next to Cindy's head on either side, Dan and Billy knelt. Cindy grabbed a hold of each of their cocks as though they were anchors for her life stability. She alternated sucking and trying to swallow each of them alternately, stroking the rigid sticks, and even pulling them together so she could gnaw on both of them simultaneously. I noted the men were only mildly comfortable with the intimate contact.

Ellen and Crystal leaned in from Cindy's midsection and sucked on her breasts, one from each side of her. Claire appeared and started to French kiss me.

Cindy's body almost levitated from the bed. She entered that space of continuous orgasmic pleasure as she writhed and twisted around us. She had moved past her dirty talk, and had just started to plead with us to never stop, and then for us to finish her off before she died in bliss. She gasped for air around the cocks in her mouth. Each of her hands had found Crystal and Ellen's pussy, so she fingered their slits as Dan and Billy fed their cocks to her.

Billy said, "Shit, man. I gotta cum. This is all just too fucking erotic for my blood. I can't last any further."

Cindy pleaded, "On my face. On my face."

Billy let loose, and long stands of his white man goo shot from his body until Cindy's face was splattered in his spunk.

Without warning, Dan just groaned, and his cock started to pump out wild spasms of cum that plastered across Cindy's face from the other side, and then on to her tongue as she opened her mouth wide and tried to capture the end of his cock. Crystal and Ellen both stopped sucking on Cindy's breasts and watched the pornographic events less than a foot from their faces.

As the last of the cum stopped shooting from the cocks, Ellen grabbed Billy's cock and Crystal Dan's cock, and the two cleaned the men until they were spotless. They then lunged to either side of Cindy's face with tongues out, and mouths open.

Terry said, "I'm next." I felt him above me, as he started to surge into Cindy's ass. He cursed and emitted a stream of dirty talk, calling Cindy the 'Super Slut of Country Music.' Crystal looked put out by his remarks and said, "I thought I had that title." As Terry grimaced, he assured her that the role could be shared.

With all that as prelude, I felt that yearning deep within my body, and then some part of my body started to pump automatically in a way that I couldn't have stopped if I wanted. Semen raced through my body's plumbing leaving a trail of orgasmic pleasure behind, and jetted into Cindy's warm cunt. Surge after surge pumped into her, until even I could feel the overage oozing from within her as I made the last few lunges into her body.