Comfort Women Ch. 04


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But Victor surprised her. Instead of ramming his steely phallus into her and fucking her hard he slipped a finger inside her anus and began to tickle her. At least that's what it felt like at first but then when Victor's finger went all the way inside her and the pad of his fingertip found her prostate she realised what he was doing.

Sam groaned around the mouthful of cock she was slurping as rings of pleasure radiated from her anus as Victor stroked her prostatic gland. She felt her knees give way and she had to grip the rail on the examination table to keep herself from collapsing.

"Easy sugar. You just keep doing what you're doing there," Buddy held Sam's head firmly in his groin.

She continued to suckle Buddy's cock, extracting more and more precum from it, feeling it quiver and hoping it would soon ejaculate but it just wouldn't. Meanwhile Victor was wriggling his finger in her backside causing ripples of intense pleasure to spread out from her anus. She'd acquired an involuntary erection and Victor surprised her when he reached under her and squeezed it.

"She likes it Buddy," Victor giggled like a schoolboy.

"I bet she does. She's sucking on my cock like it's an all-day sucker," Buddy chuckled and pushed his cock further into Sam's mouth.

"It's a little trick Wendy taught us," Victor sniggered as he waggled his finger and worked it in out of Sam's asshole causing her to moan again.

Victor pulled his finger out of Sam and then she felt that he had replaced it with his penis as he gripped her hips and slowly inserted his big black cock deep inside her anus.

Sam gasped but it wasn't with pain. Victor had manipulated her rectum expertly with his finger and his cock felt all the more better. Sam felt a fullness as ringlets of delight fluttered from her sphincter and an intense throbbing wave of pleasure swelled form deep in her anus and spread through her body. Her nipples hardened and her cock shuddered.

Buddy felt Sam's lips suckle his shaft, her tongue flickering frantically on his fraenulum and he could hold back no longer. He put Sam in a headlock and fucked her face as his cock exploded in her mouth. Sam tried valiantly to swallow Buddy's issue as the taste and smell of his sperm combined with the grinding action of Victor's cock deep in her ass triggered her own orgasm and she began to shake and shimmy which caused Victor to drive his cock all the way inside her and ejaculate.

All three of them were orgasming at the same time, Sam's semen spattering on the floor as her cock juddered. Ropes of steaming cum hung from her pulsating phallus as it stood firm and throbbing and untouched. Buddy felt an accumulation of sexual gratification swell out from his cock as Sam sucked and licked it, swallowing as much as Buddy's spunk as she could but some if dribbled down her chin. Victor was thrusting his cock deep inside her anus, his bloated appendage juddering as it ejected stream after stream of warm viscous semen.

Victor held Sam by her hips and Buddy kept her face buried in his groin until they both came down from the peak of their climaxes. Sam had never felt so degraded but also never so sexually fulfilled.

Buddy finally pushed Sam's face out of his groin, her lipstick smeared and her face glazed with semen. Victor pulled his cock out of her anus and stared at her stretched sphincter with fascination as his spend oozed from her gaping asshole and ran down her thighs, soaking into the welts of her stockings. He let go of her hips and Sam fell to floor, her body still shaking with lust, debauchery, shame and disgust.

When she thought that she could be degraded no further, Dale Snitterman walked over to her. He had watched the performance from the doorway and had been slowly masturbating as the spectacle unfolded. He aimed his cock at Sam's head and ejaculated. Ropes of steaming jism splashed onto her face and into her hair.

Victor and Buddy laughed as Sam wailed and squirmed on the floor while they pulled up their coveralls. Dale snatched a lock of Sam's hair and wiped his cock with it before he put it away.

"Tell Brody that you're just a comfort girl and public property," Buddy poked Sam with the toe of his boot.

"We'll be back tomorrow to do that medical shit and if we want a blowjob or a fuck while you're at it you better be ready," Buddy slammed the door to the examination room closed and Sam heard the men's footsteps receding down the hallway and then the front door to the infirmary open and close.

She lay on the floor sobbing until she was all cried out and then her fear and loathing turned into conviction and determination. She would not be a victim here. She would tell Brody and he would avenge her and if he didn't she would tell Flagg what was going on in Villawood and their little utopia would come crumbling down.

Sam regained her composure after she had showered, washed and dried her hair and put on her makeup. Her hatred for Snitterman, Flintock and Benning burned like a ball of fire deep in her belly but she kept her emotions in check. Bill Brody would make things right. He wouldn't let those men get away with what they had done to her. He might treat her like a chattel but she knew that deep down he harboured genuine affection for her.

She couldn't put on another nurse's uniform. It was too soon after the rape. She put on her navy-blue pencil skirt suit and soft cream satin blouse. Under it she wore translucent lace-trimmed full-cut panties and a garter belt clipped to the coffee-coloured welts of her fully-fashioned nylon stockings, the seams running down the back of her legs in dead straight lines.

Dressing professionally, fashionable and tastefully eased her shame and guilt. When she had stepped into her panties she had seen the bruises on her hips where Victor Benning had held her while he fucked her. When she put on her lipstick she recalled Buddy Flintock's cock ejaculating in her mouth, her lipstick smeared on the shaft of his penis, her face glazed with his come. She had shaken her head to clear it of those vulgar images.

She put on her black high heels snatched up her pocketbook and strode purposely to the town hall, bypassed Wendy Meakins and went straight into Bill Brody's office and caught him slumbering in his chair behind his desk.

"Those fuckers raped me!" Sam shrieked.

She had resolved not to show any emotion but she broke down and cried as she told Bill what had happened at the infirmary.

"What do you expect me to do?" Bill Brody asked.

Bill was afraid it might come to this. His position as Company Commander was far from legitimate. He had put himself in charge and beaten Buddy Flintock to prove his point but there was no way he could take on three men by himself. Sam and Wendy would be useless in a fight.

"I want you to take revenge. To restore by honour!" Sam was almost screaming.

"What honour Sam? You're a comfort woman," Bill twisted his hands in a helpless gesture.

"How can you be so obtuse? Those three men took your woman!" this time Sam did scream.

"My woman?" Bill said without trying to suppress his sarcasm.

"You're just a convenience Sam. Something to amuse me and satiate my desires," Bill said coldly.

Sam was gobsmacked. She meant nothing to Bill. She was just his plaything. She really was just his comfort woman.

"I'll tell Flagg what's going on here! I'll bring this whole study down on our heads. He'll close down Villawood and send us all back to Leavenworth!" Sam said vindictively.

"You'd rather go back to Leavenworth than see out the study and eventually earn your freedom?" Bill rose from behind his desk.

"What freedom? I live like a woman. I feel like a woman. I think like a woman. I don't think I can ever go back to living as a man but I can't live here either if those three men are going to use me a plaything," Sam said sternly but tears were streaming down her cheeks.

"But you were my plaything," Bill came around from behind his desk.

"Yes but I felt something for you Bill and I'm sure you felt something for me," Sam could barely make out his face through the tears.

"You're nothing to me Sam. You're just another comfort woman. Now leave my office and go back to work," Bill brushed past her and opened the door.

Sam left his office crying but she didn't go back to infirmary. She sat across from the town hall and waited for Bill to leave and then she snuck upstairs back to Bill's office.

She looked at the telephone only briefly before she snatched up the handset. The telephone was the same colour as her fingernail polish: bright red. It sat on top of a wooden box on the large oak desk. Printed on the box in bold letters were the words For Emergency Use Only. As far as she was concerned this was an emergency.

Sam unclipped the earring from her right earlobe and put the phone to her ear.

"What is the nature of your emergency?" the disembodied voice said.

"This is Airman Samantha Steele... I mean... Samuel Steele. I don't know where to start... things have gotten out of control here," she said breathlessly.

"What is the nature of your emergency?" the disembodied voice repeated itself.

We know what happened to Sam: how Bill punished her and how she begged to be allowed to finish him orally because she had been anally raped by Victor Benning only hours before. How Bill hand taken no pity on her and bent her over the desk and when he'd finished with her he'd used his belt on her.

Afterwards she had gone home and tried to reconcile what had happened to her. How could she face any of the men in Villawood ever again? It was no good going to see Wendy and telling her of her plight because Wendy was as bad as the men.

She stayed home, not going to dinner at the Cobalt Café or going to the Copperlode for drinks. Sam knew she would be punished. She guessed the men would get drunk and come looking for her. Her heart sank at the thought of it and fell even further when she heard Bill Brody's jeep pull up in her driveway.

She sat in the chair listening to his footsteps on the porch, a feeling of dread descending on her when he opened the door.

Bill entered carrying two suitcases. His face was bloody and bruised; one eye almost closed shut and the cheek below it swollen. His clothes were torn and she could see more bruises and scratches on his chest.

"What happened to you?" despite her vow to hate Bill Brody she couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

"You should see the other guy," Bill tried to crack a joke but he winced because it hurt to smile.

"Snitterman sat it out like the coward he is but Flintock and Benning nearly got the better of me. It was close but I beat them both. Wendy has taken them to infirmary to fix them up," Bill dropped his suitcases on the floor.

"What's in those," Sam pointed an accusatory finger at the two suitcases, brand new from the Excelsior Department Store.

"My personal belongings. You have too much stuff to lug to my place so it's easier for me to move in here. You might have to move a few things around in your bedroom so I can hang up my stuff and give at least one drawer," Bill said matter-of-factly.

"Who says you're sleeping in my bedroom?" Sam said defiantly, hands on hips.

"I do. How else am I going to keep my woman safe? Besides, despite your nagging you've kinda grown on me," Bill limped over and put his hands on Sam's shoulders.

"But I'm just your comfort woman," Sam refused to kiss him as much as she wanted to.

"You're no one's comfort woman. You're my woman and mine only," Bill's lips were cut and bruised but he kissed Sam anyway and after a moment's hesitation she returned the kiss.

"I'll bring your bags upstairs. Go and shower so I can see what needs to be fixed," She patted Bill on the shoulder and kissed his uninjured cheek.

Sam heard the water running in the shower as she lugged Bill's suitcases up to her room one at a time. Her head was still spinning. Bill had defended her honour and fought with Buddy Flintock and Victor Benning. Dale Snitterman proved to be the coward she had always suspected he was; always hanging around the edges but never getting fully involved. Even when the three of them come to the infirmary to rape her, Snitterman hadn't really fully participated.

But had she heard Bill correctly? Was he really moving in with her? Was he going to sleep in this room or in one of the two spare bedrooms? She opened a suitcase and searched for something for Bill to wear when he came of the shower and she found a shave coat. She laid it on the bed with clean underwear and then went and fetched her little home first aid kit.

Bill came out of the bathroom, a miasma of steam following him down the hallway as he padded towards her. He was wearing only a towel and she couldn't help but admire his body. She seldom got to see it because despite their intimacy Bill usually undressed or she undressed him and then they immediately hopped right onto the bed and Bill was never one to linger after sex.

Even with his beat-up face you she could tell that Bill was handsome with his ice-blue eyes set in a tanned handsome face. She patted the bed beside her and Bill sat down on it, his weight shifting the bedding like it had a hundred times before, but this time it was different.

Sam examined his face first and dabbed at the cuts on his cheek with antiseptic. Bill didn't cry out but he winced at the sting. There wasn't much she could do about his eye socket but the eye itself was uninjured and the wound would heal itself. She applied some gauze bandages to the scrapes and cuts on his chest after sterilising them and Bill sat silently and unmoving while she do so.

"I'm just going to dab your lips Bill and it might sting," Sam whispered as she poured antiseptic on a cotton ball.

Bill had been staring at Sam's perfect face framed by her brunette shag, dark eye makeup enhancing her ice-green eyes, those fine cheekbones enhanced by a little rouge, those full pouty lips defined by her red lipstick. How could he have ever been cruel to this beautiful feminine woman? Yes she was different but up until today Bill had never realised it was that difference that fascinated him.

"Bill, are you ok?" Sam was disturbed by his silence.

Maybe he was concussed?

Bill reached out and pushed aside the hand holding the cotton ball and leaned in and kissed Sam full on the lips. The kiss surprised Sam, it was soft and tender and she figured that Bill was kissing her softly because lips were cut and bruised.

"Stop fussing and come to bed," Bill whispered.

Sam stroked his chest, her fingers lingering on the battle scars. Two bullet wounds near his shoulder and a bayonet scar on his right hip. These were scars of honour and as far as Sam was concerned the fresh wounds on his face and body were also scars of honour.

Bill pulled Sam down on the bed and she put her head on his chest and Bill ran his fingers through her hair. He wasn't patting her like a good dog like he did after she had fellated him, she could feel the genuine affection.

"Get undressed," Bill whispered.

Bill got under the covers and watched Sam kick off her heels take off her dress. She slipped into a pink satin chemise, the same colour and material as her panties. Her flesh-toned stocking she kept on because she knew that Bill like for her to wear them during sex. She turned out the lights and Bill lifted the covers and she slid in beside him.

This was strange. She had never been under the covers with Bill before. He fucked her on top of the bed on a coverlet that she kept just for that purpose. When Bill pulled her in close she slipped easily into his arms, her little body contoured to his perfectly. He kissed her softly and stroked her hair, gazing into her eyes illuminated by the starlight though the open window.

"I'm sorry," he whispered.

"For what?" Sam was genuinely surprised because Bill didn't apologise for anything.

"For everything Sam. For the way I've treated you. Using you and then casting you aside with no consideration for your feelings," Bill sighed.

"But I was your comfort woman Bill. Isn't that what you were supposed to do?" Sam stroked his uninjured cheek and smiled at him, almost breaking his heart.

"I should have cherished you, not abused you. It wasn't until today that I realised what I had. It wasn't until today that I realised how special you are and how undeserving I am," Bill squeezed her gently and kissed the tip of her nose.

Sam just sighed contentedly and wondered if she was dreaming and if the real William Brody would return tomorrow.

"Do you mind if we just cuddle until we fall asleep. I'm too tired to do anything else," Bill murmured and Sam nodded her consent.

She was surprised that Bill had asked her but Bill was full of surprises tonight.

"Sure Bill. We'll just cuddle," Sam sighed and snuggled up even closer to him if that were possible.

His hard body smelled of soap and Old Spice and his breath sweet with Listerine and with his arms encircling her Sam's body fitted perfectly into his. Bill was inhaling Sam's scent, the feel of her body was comforting and delightful. Whenever she moved her satin chemise and nylon stockings tickled his bare flesh and despite his declaration that he just wanted to cuddle, Bill's cock slowly came to life.

Sam could feel it pressing on her belly through the chemise. She could feel the power of it. It was animated with raw sexual energy. Despite her best efforts Sam began to become erect too and she was soon fully engorged and concupiscent. She could feel it pressing against Bill's leg through her satin panties and she knew it would enrage him. It would spoil the illusion.

"I'm sorry Bill. Let me roll over," Sam began to untangle herself from Bill's embrace.

Her intent was to spoon for him so he could rub his cock on her ass if he wanted and not be annoyed and displeased by her penis but Bill wouldn't let her.

"Where do you think you're going," Bill held her tight.

"I know you don't like it," Sam whispered.

"You mean this?" Bill slipped his hand between her legs and squeezed Sam's penis through her panties, causing her to gasp.

"It's part of you Sam. It's a part of you that gives you pleasure and I shouldn't deny you that," Bill began to stroke Sam's cock through her panties and she whimpered.

"Stop Bill or I'll make a mess and you hate that," Sam was almost crying'

"Shut up Sam," Bill whispered tenderly and nipped her earlobe.

He kissed her passionately and adjusted himself so that his cock was pressing hers, only the delicate fabric of her panties between their turgid flesh. Bill ground his cock on hers as he slipped his tongue into Sam's mouth and Sam gasped and flooded her panties as the most erotic orgasm she had ever experienced washed over her.

Bill gasped into her mouth and climaxed with her, his scalding semen saturating her panties as their seed comingled. Sam had a stocking-sheathed leg around his thigh and she pulled him closer with it and held him there as her fingernails traced soft furrows down his back. They breathed each other's air, their bodies locked together shuddering, holding each other tight as their cocks rubbed together, jittering and juddering as they spurted their issue, saturating Sam's panties.

Bill hadn't experienced anything so rapturous. He thought he would be disgusted by it but the tenderness of their embrace, the shared delight in their closeness and consideration for each other was overwhelming.

They kissed and cuddled and mewed and sighed, neither of them uttering an intelligent phrase but both understanding what the other was saying. They fell asleep like that, comforted in each other's arms.

When Sam awoke the next morning she thought that she had dreamed it all but she was still in the warm embrace of William Brody who was already awake and staring at her.