Comfort Women Ch. 01


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William Brody turned to face the other five men.

"Ok. Let's get inside the building and find out what this shit show is all about," he said, picking up his duffle.

"Who put you in charge Brody. There ain't no rank here. We're all inmates; we aint got no rank," Senior Airman Buddy Flintock snarled at William Brody.

Brody walked over to Buddy and put his arm around him convivially.

"You're right Flintock. Ain't no rank here," he smiled viciously.

Then he punched Buddy Flintock in the stomach and Buddy fell into the dust. Brody kicked him in the midriff three times and Buddy lay on the ground trying to breathe.

"Anybody else wondering who's in charge?" Brody glared at the other young men.

The men filed meekly into the Administrative building following Brody. Airman Samuel Steele knelt down and assessed that Buddy Flintock was just winded and helped him to his feet.

The building smelled of new paint and was spartanly furnished with office equipment; just two offices and a conference room. In the main office a folder lay opened on the desk at the title page Villawood Rules & Regulations. Sitting in one corner of the desk was red telephone on a wooden box with the words For Emergency Use Only painted in bold letters.

"I guess we know what that's for. As the person in charge here I'm going to say up front that no one except me is going to use that phone, unless of course I'm incapacitated and need help," Brody patted the phone and sat down in the chair behind the desk.

"You all tell me who you are and what your MOS is," Brody began to open drawers to see what was in them but he was listening.

"Airman Samuel Steele, Medical Corps," Steele said in his high-pitched almost effeminate voice.

"Well there's our nurse boys. What you in Leavenworth for?" Brody studied Steel's slight build and meek composure.

"I was caught stealing drugs and other medical supplies," Steele said blushing with guilt.

"Ok. I'm guessing a town as isolated as this shithole has its own infirmary. You'll check that out," Brody began to flick idly through the Rules and Regulations.

"Private Dale Snitterman, Army catering corps," Snitterman said, stepping forward.

"Well I hope you know how to cook something better than shit-on-shingle brother because your MOS speaks for itself. What you in for?" Brody stopped at random pages in the folder as the contents caught his interest.

"I was fudging the victualing orders at Camp Grohn in Germany. I was in cahoots with the civilian providore and we split the profits," Snitterman shrugged his shoulders.

"I did a stint in Germany too kid. As you can see it didn't do me any good either," Brody sniggered.

"Petty Officer First Class Wesley Meakins, Disbursing Clerk United States Navy," Wesley said in a voice that was almost camp, his demeanour was epicene.

"Let me guess... you had your hand in the cookie jar?" Brody raised his brows questioningly.

"Yes sir. I was convicted of fraud and theft. I stole cash from the Pursers safe and doctored the books," Wesley blushed bright red and Brody suspected he was lying but he let it go.

"Don't call me sir Meakins; I work for a living. You're the second ranking NCO here and your MOS ideally suits the task of being my clerk and Girl Friday," Brody chuckled and Snitterman and Benning laughed with him.

Meakins just blushed a brighter red and hung his head.

"Seaman Victor Benning, Electricians Mate USN. AWOL, insubordination, drunk on duty and just about every other fucked up charge that Uncle Sam could throw at me," Benning snarled.

He was a wiry angry young man with a quick temper but proud of being one of the few black men in the USN with a technical trade.

"Well you'll be useful," Brody dismissed him.

"Senior Airman Buddy Flintock, Mechanic, US Air Force," the resentment in Flintock's voice was still evident.

"We going to have a problem Flintock?" Brody glared at the Airman.

"No Staff Sergeant," Flintock said through gritted teeth.

"Well good because this place has its own generator. Says so here in this file, so were going to need you to keep the lights on son," Brody stood up and closed the file.

"There's no rank here so we can use first names. That said I'm running the show unless someone wants to challenge. I got twenty years in and have combat and organisational experience and I doubt that there is anyone more qualified than me to lead this rag-tag bunch," Brody looked each of the inmates in the eye.

"It's early days yet but looks like we might be on easy street here boys and girls. Let's fan out in pairs and check this place out and meet up here in two hours," Brody pointed to a position on a map of Villawood mounted on the wall.

Brody had found a stack of town plans in one of the drawers and he handed them out.

The men divided themselves up in twos: Steele and Snitterman, Flintock and Benning, Brody and Meakins.

They were heading out the front door when Flintock stopped and turned to Brody.

"What did you do Sergeant Brody?" he looked William in the eyes.

"Shit don't stand on ceremony son; just call me Bill. I'm in for rape and assaulting a superior officer. She had it coming but they threw the book at me. Now let's get going people; we're burning daylight," Bill stepped out into the brilliant sunlight.


Berlin Germany -- American Sector, 1947

During the post-war occupation of Germany the US Army maintained a military installation in Steglitz-Zehlendorf, Berlin. In 1947 then Corporal William Brody was stationed at Andrews Barracks as part of the military security force. Male and female GIs were stationed there as part of the occupying forces and the barracks was well supplied and included a church, barber shop, movie theatre, service club, and a restaurant for soldiers use and spacious living quarters and public spaces.

The barracks mess hall walls had murals depicting military scenes and regimental insignia and American soldiers ate at tables which the civilian waitresses had decorated with flowers. One of those waitresses was thirty year old Heidi Baumgartner. She was an attractive buxom lass with creamy-white skin, blonde hair and blue eyes. Her fluency in English had landed her the job.

The civilian population were living just above the poverty line and any job working for the US occupation forces was considered a blessing. Even though Heidi was well paid relative to most of the population everything was rationed so she had to hand over exorbitant sums to black marketeers to pay for essentials and luxuries so that she and her young son could live a decent life. Heidi supplemented her income by offering herself to American servicemen who traded money and gifts for her company. Corporal 'Bill' Brody singled Heidi out not long after he arrived.

Heidi had caught Bill's eye in the mess hall and she had returned his smile and went over to bus his table ensuring he was treated to a view of her ample cleavage. Her last lover, a supply Sergeant had shipped home a couple of weeks earlier and she needed a replacement. She slipped Bill her address on a napkin before he left the mess hall and crossed her fingers.

Bill arrived at Heidi's apartment later that evening as she had hoped. Bill was still getting used to the desolation of Berlin. The German civilian population were living in squalor while they tried to rebuild their war-torn city. Heidi's second floor apartment was at the top of a rickety staircase in a bombed out building where temporary repairs had been made to make it just about suitable for human occupation.

Heidi was wearing a black dress, battered high heels, heavy makeup and her blonde hair was coiffed as best she could, given the conditions in which she lived. The dress was nice but old and threadbare in places. A toddler lay sleeping in an iron drop-sided crib.

"I'm sorry, there is no one to take the child while I entertain you," Heidi pulled a makeshift curtain across the room to isolate the infant.

Heidi's eyes were big and beautiful and filled with hope and hunger, constantly drawn to the carrybag that Bill was carrying. Nylon and silk supplies during the war had been directed towards the war effort and stockings were in very short supply. Nylon stockings became increasingly popular on the black market, and sold for up to $20 per pair. Women who could not get their hands on nylons resorted to lotions, creams, stick cakes and painting seam lines down their legs to give the illusion of nylons.

There were riots in America as women scrambled to acquire the much sought after product when DuPont eventually began to release stockings onto the market after the war and in war-torn Europe they were still a rare commodity.

Bill noticed that Heidi had painted seams up the back of her legs and darkened the tops of her thighs with cosmetics to imitate the welts.

"That's fine Heidi I understand things are tough," Bill handed Heidi the carry bag and she almost snatched it from his grasp.

There were small quantities of chocolates, coffee, sugar, cigarettes, cosmetics and powdered milk in the bag and Heidi placed the items one at a time on the old wooden table, admiring each one like it was a Christmas present.

She offered Bill a seat on a battered couch that was draped with piles of comforters to cover the broken slats and exposed springs and she sat down beside him. She leaned in and kissed him and Bill pulled her to him and returned the kiss.

"Thank you very much Bill, you've no idea how hard things are at the moment," she smiled at him and Bill could see that under the makeup she wore on her pretty face, her face was lined with fatigue and worry.

"I have a couple of other things you might like too," Bill beamed at her and she looked at him expectantly.

Bill reached into his field jacket and produced a five dollar note. American currency was much sought after and five dollars was a lot of money; Bill's wage was just over $100 a month.

Heidi snatched the money from his grasp and then she looked at him apologetically.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. Thank you so much Bill you are more than generous," she leaned in and kissed him again.

"I haven't finished," Bill produced four packages of nylon stockings from his field jacket and Heidi's eyes lit up.

She reached for them but Bill snatched them out of reach.

"You get three pairs for yourself. The other pair are mine," Bill grinned at her salaciously and Heidi looked at him confused.

"What do you mean?" Heidi was puzzled.

"You get three pairs to wear with your best clothes but the forth pair you wear for me in bed," Bill explained.

"Oh I see," Heidi said dispassionately.

"You didn't think I was giving you all this stuff so we could play parlour games all night did you?" Bill grinned at her.

Corporal William Brody was a good looking young man with ice-blue eyes set in a tanned handsome face. His body was lean and rangy, his teeth white and his sandy hair clean and combed. Her last paramour had been a fat supply Sergeant with body odour and bad breath who pawed at her before climbing on her and humping her briefly with his stubby penis until he was satisfied and then he set about eating most of the delicacies that he brought to her in exchange for sex.

"I like a man who knows what he wants," Heidi's grimace softened and she leaned in and kissed his cheek.

"Why don't I put them on now for you?" Heidi smiled at him coquettishly.

Bill sat back and watched Heidi take off her dress and step into a satin and lace suspender belt. She lifted her chiffon underskirt, a gift from a young Lieutenant who had dropped by for a one night stand, out of the way and adjusted the suspender belt around her hips.

Heidi's was wearing tricot and lace full-cover granny panties with a seamless crotch, another gift from a generous serviceman, and Bill watched fascinated as Heidi threaded the garters through the leg holes of the panties. His cock became fully tumescent as he watched her carefully roll the nylons up her legs and clip the welts to the garter snaps.

"Would you be a dear and straighten my seams?" Heidi stood close to the couch and turned her back to Bill.

Her panty-clad derriere was at eye level and her long legs sheathed in the gossamer nylons were within his reach. He could smell her perfume and she gasped as Bill reached out and stroked her stockings and straightened the seams.

His fingers lingered as he traced the black seams along the back of her legs and then stroked the welts of her stockings. Heidi gasped as his fingers strayed under the leg-holes of her panties and found her soft bush. His fingers found her labia, fleshy, warm and wet. He could smell the musk of her sex mingled with her perfume and he pulled her down into his lap and kissed her passionately.

They wrestled on the couch as Bill awkwardly removed his jacket, tie and shirt and pulled down his pants. He freed her ample bosom from her brassiere and sucked her thick juicy nipples. Heidi guided his face from one teat to the other. She could feel his hard appendage pressing into her buttocks and she wriggled so that her silken-shrouded bottom pressed on his manhood.

Bill was hot and excited; he hadn't had a woman for some time and he was eager to take this beautiful mature woman. He wrenched his face from her bosom and kissed her, driving his tongue into her mouth as he prodded at her, trying to find her sex.

Heidi reached down and took his turgid manhood in her fingers and guided it inside the leg-hole of her panties into her downy bush. Bill sighed as she placed it at the entrance to her sultry moist sex. His glans slipped past her fleshy labia and into her steaming passage.

Heidi bit his lip as his huge cock slipped into her vagina. She pushed her sex against him so that his pelvis was pressing on her clitoris and then she began to ride him. Bill held her tightly by the hips and drove his cock in and out of her warm wet vagina, kissing her, tasting her lipstick, feeling her velvety panties and silky nylons on his flesh, smelling her sweet perfume and the pungent scent of her cunt.

Heidi draped her arms around Bill's shoulders and rode him, trying to slow him down as he galloped towards his climax whilst she spawned a slow and steady progressive accumulation of carnal pleasures which would culminate in an earth-shattering orgasm.

She managed to time her orgasm with his as Bill pulled her down into his lap and buried his cock deep inside her and filled her with his scalding issue. Heidi gyrated her hips and ground her pudenda against him to heighten the delightful rings of gratification that radiated from her sex.

They pawed and ground against each other, gasping and groaning until their orgasms began to recede but they weren't done with each other.

Bill kept his cock buried in her vagina while she clung to him with her arms and legs wrapped around him as he rose from the couch and waddled to the bed where he lay her down, took off his pants and boots and started all over again.

Later as they lay in bed drinking schnapps and smoking cigarettes Bill asked Heidi about her son. Had his father been killed in the war?

Heidi rolled over on her side and propped her head in her hand and took a long drag on her cigarette.

"The Russians arrived in Berlin first and shot every man they saw. They looted the stores and rounded up the women. Most of the women tried to make themselves look ugly, blackening their faces with soot, wearing rags and so on," Heidi whispered.

"I knew what was coming and that there would be no escape. I hid in a bombed out house but instead of making myself look ugly I put on my best dress and high heels, put on my makeup, brushed my hair and waited until I saw a Russian officer arrive in an armoured vehicle."

"He was shouting at the soldiers but they ignored him. I saw soldiers gang rape a woman in the street, ten men lined up one after the other. I leapt from where I was hiding and ran to the officer, barely escaping the clutches of the barbarian soldiers who tried to grab me. They were drunk and could hardly stand."

"I spoke no Russian and he spoke no German but he understood. I was put in his vehicle and driven to a house the Russians had commandeered as a Command Post. He took me into a bedroom and I willingly allowed myself to be used by him. In exchange for sex he gave me food and shelter and kept the other soldiers away from me."

"After a few days he brought in an NCO who spoke German. The NCO took me with him in his car and we rounded up women who were young and good looking. I was made to explain to them that they could come with me and be fed and have clean clothing and a bed to sleep in or they could take their chances on the streets with the roaming gangs of drunken, undisciplined Russian shoulders bent on revenge."

"Most came with me and we were set up in the basement under the Command Post. Fifteen beds lined up in rows with only curtains between them for privacy. We were given clothing and cosmetics that the Russians had plundered from the stores and nearby houses and told to make ourselves presentable."

"We serviced a ceaseless procession of officers and senior NCOs stopping only to sleep for a few hours on the beds on which we were ravaged, fed twice a day with leftovers from the soldiers mess, but we survived. We had food, shelter and we were safe from the soldiers roaming the streets who often bayoneted women after they raped them."

Bill nodded sagely. He had heard about the atrocities that the Russians committed in Berlin before order was restored and the city divided into sectors.

"It must have been awful," he said taking a slug of schnapps.

"I have no sympathy for the Russians but they were poorly disciplined and in some cases encouraged to take revenge on the German population. Stalin is alleged to have said that people should understand it if a soldier who has crossed thousands of kilometres through blood and fire and death has fun with a woman or takes some trifle."

"The rapes continued until the Soviet occupation authorities finally confined Soviet troops to strictly guarded posts and camps, completely separating them from the residential population in the Soviet zone of Germany. A senior officer arrived to take charge of the Command Post and was horrified to see that a brothel was operating in the basement. We were thrown out into the streets and I was one of the lucky ones who managed to get into the American Sector."

"We were called 'zhenshchiny dlya utekh' or 'women of pleasure'. It's how I survived the first months of the occupation and why I have a son whose father he will never know. He could be any one of the hundreds of faceless Russian soldiers who lay on top of me."

"I know how the American soldiers look at me in the mess hall and what they think. They know that I and some of the other waitresses whore out our bodies for the sundries that you take for granted but that's how I survive. You are not the first American to use me as a woman of pleasure or a comfort woman and you won't be the last."

Heidi crushed out her cigarette and raked her polished nails down Bill's chest.

"Do you want to fuck me again or can I go to sleep. I have to get up early to feed my son," she looked at him with those beautiful eyes that concealed so much pain.

"I think I'll go," Bill climbed out of the bed and began to dress.

"I understand. I am what I am Bill and I make no apologies for it," Heidi rolled over and pretended to sleep, tears running down her cheeks.

The next day in the mess hall Heidi bussed Bill's table. He was sitting alone languishing over coffee and a cigarette. Bill reached out and his fingertips brushed hers as she reached for his plate.

"Can I come around again tonight?" he looked at her with both compassion and desire.