Central High Blues Ch. 01


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Brenda Cahill had graduated high school with my sister and Leanne. You could say she had a bit of a reputation. I hadn't personally seen her do any of the slutty things I had heard about, so I never put any stock in those rumors. Now, she was standing in front of me. She was my English teacher. She cocked her head and looked at me in surprise.

"Then why were you staring at my ass?" she asked.

I gulped. For a moment, I thought about denying it. I sighed and collected my thoughts before I said anything.

"Mind if we sit down?" I asked. She nodded and sat at her desk, and I sat in the nearest desk. "Look, Br—sorry, Miss Cahill. You know that I got sick and that I was in a coma, right?"

She nodded.

"Well, that put me back two years in school. I spent half my summer with my nose in the books to place out of my junior courses just so I could make it to senior classes this year." I held up the English textbook, "I have read every single excruciating word of this book, and I did every one of the exercises and writing assignments."

"Really?" she asked. I nodded.

"So, when you started talking about what parts of the book we were going to cover this year, I knew that none of it was going to be new for me. I wasn't trying to be disrespectful of you, but then I just found myself looking at your, uh, bottom."

I was looking at her face. She flushed a bit when I said that. Not a blush, like I had embarrassed her, but she looked like she was getting turned on. I forced myself to keep talking, but took my time choosing my words. I didn't want to make things worse.

"I was sitting there, and looking at you, and I realized that you had a really nice-looking bottom. It felt like you were trying to hide it under that really conservative dress."

She nodded again. "Yeah,' she said. Her voice was almost a whisper. "This is only my second year teaching here. Because I was so young, and because I had a...history at this school, I had to make sure that I would be taken seriously. I don't even need glasses. I have a whole wardrobe of ugly dresses like this, now. I feel like I have to be the meanest teacher on campus, and I just hate it."

She looked so sad, I just couldn't help myself. I walked around her desk and wrapped her in a big hug. She was startled.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"You looked like you needed a hug," I replied. I held her and could feel her relax in my arms. Then she hugged me back and her face was in my chest.

"Thanks, Josh," she whispered into my chest. "But if anyone sees us like this, I will lose my job."

"Don't worry about me," I chuckled softly as I held her, "Believe me, I can keep a secret."

She pulled back and looked at me sharply at that. "What have you heard?"

"Whoa," I said, "Calm down. I was talking about me, not you. I heard rumors about you when you were in school, but I never took any of that seriously. I've heard some crazy rumors around here that turned out to be nothing."

Her shoulders slumped a bit and she looked down. "In my case, those rumors were mostly true," she said.

"Oh," I replied. "Well, I certainly won't hold that against you. You are my English teacher now. In fact..."

I thought a bit before I went on.

"You know, you could totally use me, if you want," she looked at me strangely, so I quickly added, "I could be your punching bag in class. Any time you want to get the class to take you seriously, just light into me. I won't take it personally and everyone will see you are serious. Then, you can make me stay after class and you tell me what to tell the other students."

She looked at me in disbelief. "Why would you do that for me?" she asked.

I shrugged. "Why not? Like I said, I've already covered everything we'll do in this class except for Macbeth. While everyone else is taking notes and learning English from you, I can be an example."

"So you plan to sit in my class and be disrespectful so I have to call you out?"

"Oh, no," I replied, "Nothing like that. I will still be paying attention. I'm sure you will teach me a lot that I didn't get out of that textbook. Instead of having to be mean to everybody—which you hate—you can just be especially mean to me."

She surprised me again, hugging me and kissing me right on my mouth. Instinctively, I kissed her back, and we quickly had our tongues intertwined in one amazing kiss. She broke off the kiss with a gasp.

"Clearly, I don't have anything to teach you about kissing," she said with a smile.

"Thanks," I got out softly, "That was probably not the best idea, though."

I was definitely hard now. I looked down and her eyes followed my gaze. She groaned as her hand closed on my erection tenting out my pants.

"Damn," she whispered. "That's impressive."

"Unfortunately," I responded, "We have been talking now for half of my lunch. I still need to eat something, and so do you. And I'll have to try to get this under control before it draws too much attention."

She started to unzip my trousers. Clearly she had an idea what she wanted to eat for lunch. I stopped her, grabbing her wrists and holding them above her head.

"That would be a serious mistake," I said. I kissed her lips again and pulled back. "You are wearing a black dress. Any bodily fluids would stand out on that and draw all kinds of attention."

She growled at me, but nodded her head. I let go of her hands. Just before she unlocked the door, she said, "I'll make sure I wear something else tomorrow."

That didn't help my erection situation one bit. I held my textbooks in front of my crotch all the way to my locker. I had it back under control by the time I got there. Our cafeteria had a little fast food bar in addition to the regular meal line. I grabbed a hamburger and wolfed it down quickly, sucking down a little carton of chocolate milk to wash it down before heading to my next class.

After lunch, I was a 'lab aide' for an AP Chemistry class. This class consisted of all upperclassmen, and a lot of my friends were in it. Trina was among those friends. I had a lot of people welcoming me back to school as they filed in.

Mr. Delgado was the instructor. He was not only my parents' age, but he and my dad had been friends for years. I kept myself busy while he talked with the class, just going through all the supplies so that I would know where everything was. I helped pass out the textbooks and gave everyone their own periodic table of the elements.

I realized about halfway through walking down the aisles to hand those out that every girl in the class was staring at my crotch. I hadn't been hard, but I started to stiffen when I was aware of that scrutiny. Trina looked a little embarrassed when I caught her looking. I leaned over her when I reached her desk.

"Et tu, Brute?" I whispered.

"Sorry," she whispered back.

I moved on, and when I had finished handing those out I took cover behind a lab table.

After that class, I had Home Economics. I had originally signed up for the class thinking it would be an easy A, and that it was a class that would have a lot of girls in it. What I had not thought of at all was that the teacher was a gorgeous Italian woman named Mrs. Bollinger. In addition, she had a student teacher who was a 21-year-old college student. Her name was Miss Smith. Both women looked at me like I was a tasty cut of meat when I walked into their classroom. I was the only guy in the entire class. I spent the entire class period fighting down an erection as I was under constant female scrutiny.

My sixth period art teacher was named Miss Rogers. She was in her late fifties, and she dressed like a flower child. I was worried that the class would be disorganized, but she surprised me by having a very clear, college-style curriculum for us. She also had a young college girl as a student teacher. Miss Chase was pretty, but you couldn't tell what her body was like beneath that baggy smock she wore.

I read through the curriculum. We would be starting off with sketching and pencil drawing, but the course covered a wide variety of art media and techniques. I was a bit surprised to see we would be working with Photoshop toward the end of the year.

I had PE for my final class. This was another class in which all grades were represented, so I towered over everyone else. Only one senior girl was over five and a half feet tall. Everyone groaned and looked at me when the coach announced we would be playing basketball that first six weeks. Our gym coach had been a world-class gymnast, even though very few of the students knew about it. She had been an alternate for the US Women's Olympic team ten years ago.

I got up and handed her the medical form that Charlene had filled out for me. Coach Perrine glanced at it and then gave me a hard look.

"Does this mean you expect to sit out of my class?" she asked.

"No, ma'am," I responded. "I had to have this filled out so I could participate fully. After I was in the hospital," her look softened and her eyes opened wide then, when it registered who I was, "I had to go through a lot of physical therapy. The nurse had to sign off on this, or the school's liability wouldn't cover me for participation in any sort of sports."

"Oh," she said softly to me, "I'm sorry, Josh. I didn't recognize you at all. Welcome back."

"Thanks, Coach," I smiled down at her. We had been the same height when I was a freshman in her class. I leaned down and whispered, "I'll take it easy on these guys in basketball."

She laughed at that as I turned and made my way back to the bleachers.

We didn't actually play basketball for three days. We got our PE uniforms—shorts and tank tops—and coach stood in front of a portable chalkboard and explained the history and rules of basketball. I kept thinking of how much Coach Perrine had changed since her Olympic days. Her breasts had clearly grown, and now filled out her snug tank top nicely. I looked around and noticed that almost all the guys were checking out the coach's sexy body when they thought she wasn't looking.

After class, I returned to my locker and dropped off my book bag, since I didn't have any homework. I saw Trina and Carla talking not far from my locker and I walked up to them.

"So, how was your first day?" I asked.

Carla immediately looked down at my crotch. When her eyes came back up to my face, she realized I had caught her. She blushed and stammered. "It was okay, I guess. I'll see you guys tomorrow."

I turned to Trina. "What the hell is going on around here?" I growled at her.

She sighed and we walked toward the front doors of the school while we talked.

"Everyone has been saying you have a huge dick now," she said. Her voice was low enough that the statement didn't draw attention from the people we passed.

"Who exactly is 'everyone'?" I asked her, "Did you hear it from one person?"

"Four, actually," she responded, "and all at different times."

"That doesn't make any sense," I said as we walked out the front doors, "Nobody here has even seen my dick...except Emily, and I was wearing shorts then."

I looked over at Trina and her eyes were wide.

"What?" I asked.

"It's true, then?" she asked, "You really have got a giant dick now?"

That did draw some looks. I shook my head and kept walking toward my car.

"I don't know about 'giant' dick," I said. I looked at Trina and grinned. "I guess I should just show it to you and you can defuse all these rumors."

"Right here in the school parking lot?" she grinned back.

"Nah, that would be a bad idea," I said, "I can't get myself expelled the first day of school. No college would take me after something like that."

We both laughed at that, and then we were at my car. Trina's eyes shot open when she saw it. She looked at me.

"Yeah," I said, "It's Steve's car. He sold it to Leanne when he left for college, and she sold it to my dad before she headed off to medical school. Can I give you a ride home?"

"Wow," she said, "I never even dreamed of riding in this car." She grinned at me again. "I guess you can give me a ride home and then show me this huge dick I've been hearing about."

"Ha ha, very funny," I said. I unlocked the passenger door and held it open for her. She slid in and I closed it gently before making my way around to the driver's side and sliding into my seat. I started the car and then looked over at her.

"Trina, I have no idea where you live," I said. "Would you like to drive?"

"I don't have a license," she said softly. She looked at me sharply then, "Wait, you would actually let me drive this car?"

"Sure," I said, "I've seen you drive all kinds of vehicles online. Why wouldn't I trust you to drive a car?"

When she just shook her head at me, I realized that trust was in short supply in Trina's real life. I asked for her address and punched it into the GPS. As I pulled out of the parking lot, we were in heavy traffic that was barely moving.

"Wow," Trina said, "There sure are a lot of people looking at us right now."

I looked around and realized she was right. I grinned at her. "You know, with this car, you and I could totally be the power couple at this school."

She slapped me lightly on my shoulder and blushed. "Stop," she said, "You shouldn't tease me like that."

"Why would you think I was teasing?" I asked her.

"Oh, come on, Josh," she said, "We've been friends a long time. I love playing with you and the guys online, but you are so far out of my league in real life..."

She saw the way I was looking at her and stopped talking.

"Trina," I said, looking her square in her eyes, "You must have missed it, but you are one sexy woman now. I would love to take you out on a date...or seven."

"Really?" she asked.

"Really," I replied.

She was awfully quiet after that. We were still barely moving, and I was uncomfortable at the silence.

"You want to find some music on the radio?" I asked her.

She nodded and turned it on, and then started flipping through radio stations.

"This thing has a serious sound system," I warned her. "If you find something and crank it up, just bear in mind that people will think it's our anthem. We may be the power couple whether you want it or not."

"You're kidding me, right?" Her look said she thought I was kidding.

"Trina, we've been back in school for one day and everybody is talking about how big my dick is," I responded, "If you and I are blasting tunes in this car, do you really think everyone won't be talking about us by Wednesday?"

She found a song we both liked, but kept the volume down. She gave me a wry smile.

"I don't think I'm ready for that kind of pressure," she said.

I reached for the volume knob, gave her a grin and said, "I am!"

I pulled my hand away from the knob after I saw her horrified expression. I was laughing hard as I said, "Just kidding." She punched me hard in my arm for that one, but she was laughing just as hard when she said, "You jerk."

We eventually got out of the school traffic and I followed the GPS directions. Like I said, I had no idea where she lived. I realized as we got closer that this was not a nice neighborhood. My mom is a top-notch realtor. She wouldn't touch the houses we were driving past. When my car was new, it cost more than these houses did. I felt bad for Trina when we pulled up at her house. I had no idea that she lived in such a rundown place. I didn't want to shame her, so I was careful to keep that out of my face when I smiled at her.

She smiled back. "So, are you going to show me this legendary dick of yours?" she asked. Her look said that she didn't think I really would.

Her eyes got big as I slid my right hand into the top of my pants. I used my left hand to pull down my zipper, and then I poked my index finger out through the zipper and said, "Poing!"

"See, now you can tell everybody I really have a tiny dick," I said.

She was laughing so hard I saw a tear roll out of her eye. I grinned and pulled my hand back out of my pants, but then she did get a glimpse of the shaft of my actual dick before I zipped back up.

"You tease!" she laughed at me. "Come on, Josh, you have to show it to me now."

I feigned a hurt expression. "What kind of guy do you think I am?" I asked.

She rolled her eyes at that.

"Seriously, though," I said, "I really do want to take you out on a date. I don't want to scare you off with my huge dick before that."

She laughed again. Trina really looked beautiful whenever she laughed. When she had her laughter back under control, I asked, "Are you going to invite me in?"

She shook her head. "My mom is still at work. I'm not supposed to have guys over when she's not around."

I nodded at that. "Are you allowed to go out on a date?" I asked her.

"I think so," she said.

She was quiet then. "Nobody's ever asked me out before, Josh."

I was surprised at that. "Well, I am asking you out, Trina. Where would you like to go on our first date?"

She looked at me and saw I was serious. A guy in really ragged clothes came up to my window, then. I looked out, and he held up a Ziploc bag with some marijuana. I shook my head 'no' and turned back to Trina. She really did look embarrassed then. I couldn't help but be a smartass.

"Ex-boyfriend of yours?" I asked.

"Shut up!" she said, laughing again. She grabbed her bag and leaned over to give me a kiss.

I seized the moment, knowing I would never have another opportunity for a first kiss with her. I leaned in to her and made it count. Her eyes shot open in surprise, and I really kissed her the way a woman should be kissed. My tongue never left my mouth, but my lips took hers sensuously. I made sure she knew I wasn't playing around, that I meant it when I said she was a sexy woman now.

"Wow," she said softly as we broke off the kiss.

"Thank you," I whispered to her. She blinked at that.

I got out of the car and walked around to open her door for her. The skeevy guy with the drugs had wandered off by then, and I walked her to her front door. I gave her a friendly hug and smiled at her.

"I'll see you tomorrow morning," I said, "make sure it's alright with your mother if I take you out on a date, and figure out where you want me to take you."

She cocked her head at me. "Won't we talk online tonight?" she asked.

"Yeah," I responded, "but if you and I start talking about going out on a date where those guys can hear us, it will be all over campus that we're dating before that first class starts."

She just shook her head, and then she looked down at my crotch again. "You're really going to keep me in the dark on that, aren't you?" she asked.

I thought about it.

"Trina," I finally said, "we have been friends for a while, and I really do want to date you. I don't want this to influence you one way or the other. If you really want to see it for yourself, then fine. I'll let you see it. But I'm not going to whip it out on your porch or in my car."

She bit her lip, then. "Okay, you can come inside Josh. But just for a minute."

I shook my head. "I don't want to risk getting you in trouble. When does your mom get home?"

"Five thirty at the earliest. We probably have at least two hours before I would expect her."

I really wasn't comfortable with the way this was working out, but I followed her inside after she had unlocked the door. She turned on a lamp and closed the front door behind us. I stood there and looked around. The house was really small. Our living room and dining room were more area than this whole house. I looked at Trina and realized she was just as nervous about this as I was. I had to smile at her.

"So, how did you want me to do this?" I asked, "Just whip it out for you right here?"

She smiled back shyly. "I hadn't really thought it through," she answered.

I blew out a breath. "Let's just get this over with," I said. I unsnapped my trousers, unzipped them, and pulled my boxers down at the same time, stopping when they were at my knees.