Card Game With Couples


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Fortunately, it didn't get much further because Kirstin lost the next hand. As soon as Dante left her side, she groaned in a mix of satisfaction and disappointment.

"That was nice," she told the room, airily.

"I guarantee it wasn't as good as my foot rub," Lauren said.

"At least both of you got something," Gwen said, pretend pouting.

"Fine," Lauren said, "Dante rub Gwen's shoulders. Jacob get her feet."

We all looked at each other. Lauren was the Dalmuti, but this was the first time the winner had ordered something for anyone other themselves.

"Come on now, chop-chop," Lauren said, clapping her hands for emphasis. Dante and I shared a shrug and got up from our seats. Gwen slipped off her shoes and put her feet in my lap. Dante stood behind her chair and rested his hands on her shoulders.

Lauren ordered Kevin to shuffle, then sat back and watched while we all did her bidding. All she needed to do was order Kirstin to peel her a grape and the scene would have been perfect.

Kevin dealt out the cards, but my attention was elsewhere. Like he'd done with my wife, Dante did more than rub Gwen's shoulders. If anything, he got even bolder. Of course, with Gwen's immense chest, it's possible it was just harder to only 'brush' her assets, but it sure seemed to me like Dante was inching towards more of grope than a graze.

Even that though, wasn't what I was wholly focused on. As I rubbed Gwen's feet, she inched them closer to my body. Then closer still. Her cute, pink toes were now mere centimeters away from my growing dick. And after everything that had gone on, it had definitely grown. I was way beyond half-chub now and Gwen was heading straight for the full experience.

I slid back, thinking to give her room, but Gwen quickly reasserted her position. In fact, she moved so close her big toe actually touched my erection. But rather than gasp or jump back, she simply settled there. I looked over at her, my eyes wide, but her own blue orbs were shut, her face looking almost beatific.

Instinctively, I looked over to Gwen's husband. Surely, he was going nuts watching his wife getting doubly manhandled across the table. Instead, though, Kevin's attention was on the cards. As if he couldn't care less what Gwen was getting up to.

Inevitably, Dante, Gwen and I all finished at the bottom of the hand. None of us particularly cared.

"Which was better?" Lauren asked as we broke apart.

"Huh?" Gwen asked. She slouched back, sporting a silly smile.

"Dante on your shoulders or Jacob on your feet," Lauren asked, "Which did you like more?"

Gwen paused, her face screwed up comically in thought. If I knew her like I thought I did, she was trying to find a way to pick both of us. She started going that way, but Lauren stopped her.

"One or the other," the blonde woman commanded.

"Fine," Gwen said, as if being ordered to eat her vegetables, "Feet." She gave me a shy smile.

"Ha!" Lauren said and stuck her tongue out at Kirstin. Why she thought she should be crowing to my wife about a loss for her boyfriend was another question entirely. Still, it was nice to have Lauren take my side for once.

The game, however, was far from over. Kevin had won the previous hand and demanded a back rub from Kirstin. My wife gave me a coquettish wink as she began to work the younger man's shoulders.

"You feel super tense," Kirstin said, her thin fingers now running up and down Kevin's neck.

"Your husband is working me to death," Kevin said, grinning at me. As if I had any control at all over how much he did at the office.

"Oh, poor baby," Kirstin cooed, "Don't worry, I'll take care of you."

Dante won the next hand, but Kirstin kept absently rubbing Kevin's shoulders. I was about to say something when Dante leaned over to me, keeping his eyes on Kirstin the whole time. "Your wife is very beautiful," he told me, quiet enough so that only I could hear.

I wasn't sure how to respond to that. Was I supposed to thank him? Should I have said the same thing about his girlfriend, Lauren?

"Are you sure you never played strip poker?" Dante asked Kirstin, now loud enough for everyone to hear, "I am the Dalmuti now, you have to answer me honestly."

Kirstin gave me a querying look, like she wanted me to rule on whether the Dalmuti could also force people to tell the truth. Not that it mattered.

"I told you before," Kirstin said, finally taking her hands off Kevin, "I wasn't that kind of girl growing up."

"Come on," Dante said, "You get a little drunk one night with the other counselors at summer camp and a cute guy happens to have a deck. You and the sorority girls stumble home after a party and someone suggests a game. It's a late night at work and people want to blow off steam. No?"

"Nope," Kirstin said and shrugged. She sat back down in her seat. "Never happened."

"Don't tell me that you were some kind of geek!?" Dante said. The opprobrium in his voice was overt.

"I happen to like geeks," Kirstin said, then blew me a kiss.

For some reason, it seemed like this line of inquiry was getting to my wife. I thought back to what I'd overheard her saying to Lauren. About how, now that she was older and settled, she wished she'd been a bit wilder when she was younger. I guess I took that a bit personally. After all, one of the reasons Kirstin hadn't done those things in her twenties was because she was with me.

"It's fun, you know?" Dante said, "The risk of being exposed. Sharing your beautiful body. I think I will give you a taste of what you missed out on before. As Great Dalmuti, I command you to bring me a drink."

"We agreed no more alcohol," Kirstin said. I recognized that tone in her voice. She was about to hit this guy. Hard.

"Some juice or a soda would be fine," Dante said, "But you have to do it topless."

I actually, physically winced, waiting for the *slap*. But none came. Instead, Kirstin just sat in her chair -- legs crossed, arms folded -- and stared back at Dante. Her tongue worked around in her mouth. Was she actually considering this?

"It's no more than I saw earlier with the rain," Dante said, "If that makes you more comfortable."

My wife's face went red. Still she said nothing. I looked around the room at everyone else. Instead of glares or embarrassment, I saw nothing but intense interest. Surely Lauren would interrupt her boyfriend. Or Gwen would say it wasn't fair. But then, maybe they were all waiting for me to speak up.

Should I have said something? In the moment, I felt strongly, again, that I didn't want to be that husband. Shouldn't my wife be capable of choosing for herself? In retrospect, I think I was too drunk. We all were. High on alcohol and the possibilities that the evening had already promised.

It felt like hours sitting there, waiting. It was only seconds.

"Fine," Kirstin said. She pulled her green v-neck over her head and tossed it to the side. She had on a black, lacy bra that wasn't revealing but still showed oh so much. The room, already silent with tension, went completely dead. Everyone focused on Kirstin's chest.

My wife stood up like it was nothing. Her ample breasts swayed back and forth as she walked to the kitchen. While her back was turned, Kevin gave me a thumbs up. Dante's eyes never left Kirstin's body.

Kirstin came back holding a Sprite. Her nipples were erect from the cold of the fridge. Or at least that's what I assumed. She put the can down next to Dante, who made sure to get a good, close look at my wife's chest before she sauntered back to her seat. Kirstin reached for her shirt.

"Ah ah," Dante started, but Kirstin immediately interrupted.

"You said to bring you the drink topless," Kirstin said, "That's what I did."

Of course, Dante could have corrected himself in that moment. After all, he was still the Great Dalmuti. Instead, he graciously waved away his mistake and, once Kirstin had pulled her v-neck back over her head, asked her to deal the cards.

"See?" he said, "It's fun being the center of attention. Taking risks."

Kirstin didn't say anything, but she didn't argue either. And, when Dante turned away, I saw her give Lauren a quick, guilty look.

I didn't have time to worry about what had happened with my wife. I was already focused on what was sure to come next. After all, one falling domino tips the next.

Sure enough, when Lauren won the next hand, she turned right to Kevin, who had lost, and simply wiggled her finger at him. The tall, brown-haired boy shook his head in despair, but he lifted his shirt off. His chest was thin and pale, almost hairless, but not bad. In fact, without his shirt he looked more lithe than skinny.

Kevin eyed the room shyly, his shoulders hunched. The girls all came to his aid immediately.

"Nice," Lauren said.

"Very nice," Kirstin said.

"I know, right?" Gwen said.

Lauren hadn't set any guidelines, had provided no parameters, so Kevin stayed shirtless through the entire round. When it was over, and Gwen was declared the new Dalmuti, Kevin reached for his shirt.

I don't think any of us expected what happened next. Including Kevin himself.

"Uh uh," Gwen said, "Keep it off. I like it that way."

Kevin straight up blushed, which was adorable, but he left his shirt by his side. Gwen then turned to me and wiggled her finger the way that Lauren had done to her husband.

"I'm not even the Great Peon," I said, sounding whinier than I wanted, "Lauren lost."

Gwen shook her head at me. "The Great Dalmuti declares that all boys must be shirtless for the rest of the game."

"Can she do that?" Kevin asked, "Make rules for everyone in perpetuity?"

"It would stand until another Dalmuti undoes it," I said, "But it seems kind of risky to me, considering the likelihood of retribution."

Gwen shrugged at me. And I started to realize that maybe that was exactly what she was hoping would happen.

"Ok then, I guess we..." I looked over and saw that Dante was already shirtless. We'd all seen this once before, when he was changing into dry clothes in my kitchen, but it was still shocking. The man was straight up cut with strong pecs and a six-pack stomach, all covered in dark hair. He was the essence of masculinity. The type of man who wasn't so much born as sculpted.

While the women all gaped at Dante in awe, I quickly pulled off my own shirt. To my surprise, Gwen turned her attention to me, gave me a good once over, and showed me a thumbs up. Just like her husband had done for my wife a few minutes before. I guess my bit of a dad-bod wasn't so bad after all.

This might have seemed enough already. If we'd been sober, maybe we'd have stopped. Instead, the next round was hard fought as everyone realized we were only starting. Gwen hadn't just gotten us to show some skin, she'd drawn battle lines. Boys versus girls. Neither side willing to surrender. Fortunately, Kevin was able to sneak in with the surprise win.

He didn't have to say anything. The women all reached for their tops as soon as the final card fell. First, Kirstin took off her green v-neck, again revealing her black, lacy bra. My wife has very nice breasts, on the larger side and plenty perky. The room definitely appreciated them.

Gwen went next, shedding her white, fluffy sweater with ease. We saw why she was so confident immediately, the cute brunette had on a t-shirt under her sweater.

"Shirt too," I said.

"You're not the Dalmuti," Gwen said. I could see a bit of nervousness dancing behind her azure eyes.

"Shirt too, hon," Kevin said. I think he was enjoying the chance to get back at his wife for what she'd done to him earlier. Gwen paused for a moment. I think this was the first time I'd ever seen her falter. Finally, she smiled to herself and took off her t-shirt.

Like I said, Gwen seemed top heavy, even though she always wore layers. I realized that I'd been underestimating her. Even wearing a totally unrevealing, spandex bra, I could tell that Gwen's breasts were at least a cup size larger than I'd anticipated. She almost looked comical. The cute, girl-next-door face and body fitted with the tits of a porn star.

Finally, Lauren made her usual exasperated sigh and took off the red turtleneck that she'd borrowed from Kirstin. The skinny blonde was wearing a light blue bra with a racy, quarter cup that shoved her little tits outwards. Lauren was also better endowed than I'd anticipated, though it was still just a b-cup at best. We all gave her a little round of applause, even the girls, but Lauren shook her head as if to make it clear that we were all acting very immaturely.

"You're going to regret this," Lauren said.

"Deal, Peon," Kevin said.

Dante won the next hand and Kirstin lost. As soon as he dropped the last card, a smile crept across Dante's face, like he knew a juicy secret that no one else had figured out.

"I think our Peon should entertain her new Dalmuti," Dante said, "With a lap dance."

"No Dante," Lauren said it almost immediately, like disciplining her dog. Bad Dante. Bad boyfriend. Go to your crate.

"I think that's too far," Kirstin said. She gave me a questioning look and I nodded in agreement.

"No offense intended," Dante said, raising his hands in mock surrender, "How about you sit in my lap, instead?"

The group agreed that that would be more acceptable. Kirstin got out of her chair and perched on Dante's knee. Almost immediately, he put his hands on my wife's taut, bare stomach and pulled her back, so she was leaning against him. Kirstin gasped, then settled.

Their setup looked more uncomfortable than sexual. They kept bumping into each other and chuckling nervously. Still, I noticed a few times that Dante slipped his hand around my wife's bare tummy and even tickled his fingers upwards to the bottom of her bra. And, once, I caught Kirstin grinding her round buns back into Dante. But I only saw it for a second.

Maybe I was naive. Probably, I was distracted. Instead of worrying what my wife was up to (or, really, what Dante was up to with my wife) I was more focused on how much fun it would be to have Gwen, or even Lauren, on my own lap.

Or, for that matter, what item of clothing might come off next. Pants or bras was a heck of a choice to make. Like picking between burgers or burritos. The idea that Kirstin would be making the same decision didn't bother me in the moment. We were all friends. We were having fun. If everyone was happy where was the harm in it?

Kevin won Dalmuti. Kirstin, without even being asked, hopped off Dante's lap and climbed into Kevin's. She hadn't even lost the hand, but she perched on his legs anyway. At least Kevin didn't reach around to pull her close. If anything, he looked particularly nervous.

Gwen was the actual Great Peon, and she took it upon herself to issue her own punishment. After all, if my wife was sitting on her husband, then she should obviously do the same. Before I could process what was about to happen, the busty brunette slid onto my lap. Her butt bounced against my straining erection.

"Oh!" she said, then leaned back and whispered in my ear. "Nice."

No one else seemed to notice her reaction. But I definitely did. Especially when she not only stayed right there but squeezed her ass around my hard on. As if nothing at all was happening. Gwen brushed her long, light brown hair over her shoulder to keep it out of my face. I got a deep whiff: vanilla and alluring.

So now we had wives sitting on each other's husband's laps. Still mostly clothed. It's important to note that up to this point, in that moment, everything felt playful. Silly and safe. We were showing skin, sure, but no more than you'd see at the beach. We were touching, yes, but not in a way that would be considered inappropriate. I wasn't nervous or worried. A bit turned on, sure. But there's nothing wrong with that, right?

My cock twitched against Gwen's backside. The cute girl ground back against it. Nothing wrong at all.

"You girls are all wearing too much clothing," Dante said. I hadn't even noticed him winning the hand. "All of us boys are showing our bare chests. You should be bare, as well."

Everyone looked around the room, nervously. I felt myself pulled tight, like taffy. On the one hand, I was definitely down for seeing some bare breasts. Gwen's massive mounds and Lauren's little, pretty titties. On the other, I wasn't sure I wanted the other guys ogling my wife's own perky, near perfect boobs.

The girls, oddly, seemed similarly torn. I'd assumed they'd just shut it down, like the lap dance. Instead, they all eyed each other. As if, maybe, each woman did want to do this but was waiting for someone else to make the first move.

Instead, Kirstin offered a different option.

"I'll do pants," she said. My wife got off of Kevin's lap and put her hand near the snap of her jeans, as if signaling she was willing. I caught her eye and she smiled back at me, just a bit of nervousness leaking through.

"That works," Gwen said, bubbly as ever.

Lauren looked around the room, like hoping for help. Finally, she sighed. "Fine," Lauren said, and stood.

"One at a time," Dante said, wolfish, "Entertain your Dalmuti."

I felt like he was taking this whole role-playing thing a little too far, but I couldn't complain about where it was getting us. Yes, I was nervous about my wife showing off her body. But it wasn't anything more than you'd see at the pool. And, in return, I was getting an eyeful of Lauren and Gwen. Also drunk. Don't forget drunk.

Gwen, eager as always, was the first to go. She unsnapped her jeans and slid them down, stopping to work them over her wide hips. That was sexy as heck. Finally, she stepped out of her pants and did a little twirl. Her epically long hair arcing out around her like a light brown halo.

The busty brunette was wearing a pair of traditional, grey, cotton panties that looked more like men's briefs than something sexy .Just like with her bra; they were quite conservative, but, on Gwen, still quite alluring.

Lauren was next. Unlike with Gwen, her tan slacks slipped right past her near-nonexistent hips. To be fair, the skinny blonde was wearing Kirstin's clothes, so they made her seem even more stick-like than usual.

Lauren was wearing a pair of light blue, bikini-style panties that matched her bra. Dante gestured for her to spin around, but Lauren shook her head at him. The blonde woman seemed suddenly, surprisingly, shy. I was used to the very confident, 'I know I'm beautiful,' Lauren. Yet here she was standing very still. Arms around herself. Bent slightly. Almost like she was hoping we wouldn't notice her.

Dante didn't take no for an answer, so Lauren did a slow, self-conscious spin. Her pink legs tight together. Her little butt clearly clenched. Finally, she sat down, arms crossed, her glare just daring us to say something. That was more like the Lauren I expected to see.

Finally, Kirstin reached down and undid her jeans. She started to pull them down, then stopped.

"I forgot I was wearing these," she said and gave a bit of a nervous giggle. Kirstin stayed still, like hoping someone would let her slip out of this. No one at the table was going to give her an out. As much as I wanted to, having already seen the other two girls, I couldn't interrupt either. Finally, Kirstin gave a little shrug and kept going.

She had on a black, lacy thong. A particularly racy, exceptionally skimpy, actually quite nervy pair of underwear that barely covered her mound and had high straps over her hips. The back, obviously, showed everything.

"The skirt I was wearing shows panty lines," Kirstin said to me apologetically. "I didn't want anyone to see my underwear."

"Yes, that would be embarrassing," Kevin said with a smirk.

"I know, right!" Kirstin said. She did a little spin, showing off her cute, round butt. The bit of cloth barely visible between her buns. Then she sat back down, crossing her legs primly. It only accentuated her long, shapely legs.