Captain and Crew


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"Wow, look at you! All confident sexually! I'm proud of you!"

"Thanks, Carly. So, I need to ask you something. I was thinking of inviting them for a little day trip, just take Blondie out to sea a ways, towards nowhere, you know? I wanted to make sure you'd be okay with it."

"I think you've got things backward. You're the boss, remember? Of course I'm okay with it. Your guests are your business. I drive the boat."

Johnson smiled. "All right, boat driver. I just wanted to give you a heads-up."

"Sounds good," Carly said. "Blondie could use a little exercise."

Johnson briefly wondered if Carly realized there might be a whole bunch of sex onboard, but she was smarter than he was in most ways, so he was sure she'd gotten the gist.

Carly was curious how the little cruise would play out, and she didn't have to wait long to find out. Two days later, under a strong southern sun, Johnson welcomed his guests onboard.

Carly kept her distance, as a good captain should. She watched the arrival from the pilothouse while she was refreshing her memory with the nautical charts. She knew her way out of the harbor like the back of her hand but she liked the belt and suspenders approach, especially with an eight-million-dollar yacht. She liked the view out the window, too. Emilio caught her eye immediately — tall, dark and handsome, he was a dance club stud if she ever saw one. All the guests had that look about them, well put together dance-all-night types. They all had easy smiles and there were hugs all around. Johnson seemed to fit right in with them. It made Carly smile. She was starting to feel like his older sister, and seeing him make friends made her happy.

Johnson gave the guests a tour of the main deck, ending at the door by the helm.

"Guys, this is my wonderful Captain Carly. Carly, this is Jayla, Brandon, Erica and Emilio."

"It's very nice to meet you all," Carly smiled. "I hope you enjoy the day."

Up close, Johnson's friends were even more beautiful. Jayla and Erica were stunning, one tall and one petite. Carly guessed it was leggy Jayla who had caught Johnson's eye at the club. She was every bit his type.

Both the young women made Carly keenly aware of her advancing age and her plainer, less curvy body, and both the young men made her plain, less curvy body tingle a little. Damn they were good looking! Emilio's dark, piercing eyes seemed to look right into Carly's soul, and Brandon was a hunk of blonde surfer meat worthy of a movie role. She tried not to ogle.

The wind was dead calm, so Carly was able to handle the dock lines and maneuver Blondie out of the marina on her own while Johnson gave his guests a tour of the rest of the vessel. He left them in the guest staterooms where they changed into their swimsuits for a day of fun in the sun. Johnson went to his cabin and did the same.

It was a perfect blue-sky day so Carly was piloting from the flybridge, up in the open air where she had the best view for threading her way out of the constricted harbor. She had a good view of Johnson and his guests, too, when they all walked up the side deck to the bow as the big yacht cleaved through smooth water on it's way to open ocean. It was an ass parade worthy of a magazine shoot — the two girls wiggling like sex kittens in their tiny bikinis, and the men looking wonderful in their board-short swim trunks. Johnson was the only one with a shirt on, but it didn't last long.

As the city receded from view behind them, the slowly blossoming party moved up to the flybridge deck. An open-air bar, a comfortable sitting area and the hot tub became the center of the universe. Carly was right in the middle of it.

The thing that struck her the most was the sexy perfection of the two young women. It was clear as day why men would fall all over them, even rich guys like Johnson who could have any girl they wanted. Jayla had light brown skin that seemed to shimmer in the sunlight, and long legs that carried an ass that Carly could barely believe. She looked like a runway model, but one that smiled and had curves in all the right places.

Erica was a blonde beach girl, her hair naturally bleached by the southern sun, her skin smooth and perfectly tan. Her bikini was a tiny little miracle. Carly couldn't believe how minuscule the coverage was — a profusion of cleavage and the lovely round sides of her tits were on full view — and yet it didn't look like the kind of too small, shrunken bikini you see on a woman who's trying too hard. The bottom was a perfect little thing, too. Not as blatant as a thong, but Erica's stunning little ass was displayed to perfection, the fabric's curving cut drawing the eye through her beautiful buttocks to the promised land below.

When they reached open water Carly switched on the auto-pilot and started to head down below to the pilothouse, to give Johnson and his guests some privacy.

"Where are you going?" Johnson asked when she passed by the bar.

"I'll be at the lower helm if you need me," she said.

"Nonsense. It's a beautiful day, Carly. Drive from up here."

"You don't want me hanging around, do you?"

"I do," Johnson smiled. "Stay. Enjoy the scenery."

Carly couldn't help but smile too. The "scenery" Johnson was referring to was Emilio, leading the others toward the bar for a round of tequila shots. He really was a stunning looking young man.

Carly went back to the helm after turning down a shot. When Blondie was safely back in port she'd have one, if they were still offering. There wasn't much for her to do with Blondie steering herself, other than keep a lookout for other vessels and monitor the gauges. She sat back, sort of sideways in the big helm seat, soaking up the sun and keeping a furtive eye on the partiers.

A nice tequila buzz hit the girls after two quick shots, rendering them topless and giggly as they splashed into the hot tub. The three men joined them, Johnson with the bottle in his hand. After another round of shots an orgy was underway. Carly was astonished at how quickly it had happened. Kissing and fondling led to five naked bodies, all in a matter of minutes. The girls guided Emilio and Johnson up onto the edge of the tub so they could suck their hard cocks. Brandon lifted Jayla's hips and started fucking her doggy style. Water splashed. People moaned. Carly tried not to be too obvious with her looking, but she wanted to watch, and nobody seemed to care that she was. Had Johnson said something to them, she wondered? Did he tell them I'm a dirty voyeur?

Watching Jayla's spit roast raised Carly's temperature more than a few degrees. The sun suddenly felt ridiculously hot, but she couldn't do much abut it. She was glad she wore her gray shorts instead of her usual gray slacks, but her crisp white shirt was getting a bit soggy. She tugged at the front of it to draw in some cool air.

As Jayla's pleasure grew in volume, Carly became more uncomfortable with being there. She turned away and tried to focus on the oncoming sea, but the miles of emptiness seemed to raise her awareness of the rapture just fifteen feet behind her. The sounds were unmistakable — Brandon was fucking the shit out of Jayla, and she was cumming hard with a cock in her mouth.

Blondie pressed on through the crystal blue water. Carly took another look at the gauges, but Erica's rising moan's were too much to ignore. She sat back in the helm seat, a bit sideways again, and glanced at the action. Jayla had Brandon's cock in her mouth, a nice thank you blowjob for the big orgasm he'd given her. Erica was up with Johnson, riding him on the edge of the tub. She was stunning looking out of the water, her wet skin sparkling in the sun, her tits bouncing as she really got going.

Emilio was the odd man out. Carly wondered if he'd cum in Erica's mouth and was soft for the time being. She got her answer when he stood, his big cock hard and proud. He looked unbelievable to Carly, like she imagined a movie star would look in a Hollywood hot tub. Cary Grant, maybe, or Javier Bardem. Dark chest hair, sparkling eyes. And that cock!

Oh, God, he saw me, Carly said to herself. I shouldn't have been staring. Fuck! He's looking right at me!

"Does your captain party?" he asked Johnson.

Carly heard him, but her brain couldn't make sense of it. She saw Johnson smile at her.

"Go for it," Johnson said. "Only if she wants, though."

Carly's brain suddenly unscrambled. Of course I want, she said to herself, but I can't. I'm the captain. The vessel's underway. I just work here. It's wrong on so many levels.

Emilio walked toward her with two full shot glasses, a big smile, and a bigger hard-on. It was like a scene straight out of a porn movie, and Carly let out a nervous giggle.

"Join me?" Emilio said, holding the tequila shot out for her.

"I can't drink," she said. "Maybe...later?"

Emilio's eyes twinkled. He downed both the shots.

"When I drink tequila, it makes me hunger for the taste of a woman. May I kiss you, Carly?"

His soft Latin accent and the fact that he remembered her name were the last two straws that brought Carly down. She was as horny as she could ever remember. Before she knew what was happening, a wet, naked man was in her arms. Their mouths locked in a furious kiss, and his hard cock was in her squeezing hand.

Johnson watched with a smile as Erica rode him.

"You're naughty," Erica said to him. "Do you fuck her?"

"No," Johnson said, getting back to some serious thrusting. He thought about telling her how Carly had taught him about female orgasms, but he didn't.

"Join us in the tub, Carly?" Emilio said, his lips teasing hers.

"I need to keep watch," she said, stroking the hard cock in her hand.

Emilio started to unbutton her shirt. "Have you ever driven a boat naked before?" he asked.

Carly giggled. "Maybe. I'm not telling."

Emilio smiled, opened all the buttons and unfastened her shorts. She was nervous about the unveiling, partly because it was crossing a professional boundary she hadn't crossed before, but mostly because the other girls were stunning and she wasn't. Emilio didn't seem to care, so she went with it, first down to her bra and panties, then topless with a gorgeous man nuzzling her tits. She almost had an orgasm from his teeth on her nipples.

She was so caught up in Emilio she didn't notice Brandon sneaking up on her. Johnson had quietly sent him. Brandon's big hands pulled down her panties, and he buried his face between her ass cheeks, his long tongue searching for her openings.

Carly was overwhelmed and nearly fainted. She'd never been with two men before, and never even with one that was as beautiful as Brandon or Emilio. She suddenly felt like she was dreaming, and damn it was a good dream!

Johnson was keeping an eye on his favorite sex-ed teacher. He was fucking Jayla from behind, and Jayla was eating Erica's wet pussy. Johnson had them positioned so he could watch Carly. He was hoping she'd get involved, and the look on her face as the boys ravished her was priceless.

Soon she was bent at the waist with Emilio's big, dark cock in her mouth and Brandon's deep in her pussy. Her first spit roast was thrilling to the point of delirium. A big orgasm rose up in her as easy as breathing. There was no stopping it, not that she would have wanted to. It blossomed into a monster, making her convulse and her legs quiver. Her moaning groan was almost as deep as the thrum of the engines.

Johnson had to work harder to get Jayla there, but it was fun work and Jayla came beautifully. Her smile glistened with pussy juice when she turned to kiss Johnson's happy mouth.

He was happy for many reasons, one of which was the sight of Carly taking on the boy's the other way around — Emilio was fucking her while she cleaned up Brandon's sticky cock with her mouth.

Emilio was a girthy boy. Carly had noticed it when he was in her mouth, and when he slipped into her pussy she really felt it. The fat cock was the perfect second course after Brandon — she felt full to the brim and had another eye rolling orgasm. The boys both loved how easy she got there and the way her legs shook when she came.

Things settled down a bit after the first flurry. The boys tried to get Carly to leave the helm and join them in the tub, but she held firm to her duties. She felt delightfully wicked standing naked at the wheel in the warm breeze as the guests settled back into the bubbly water. After a few quiet minutes Johnson's voice startled her with it's nearness.

"Are we on course for nirvana?" he asked. Her post-orgasmic brain was low on willpower. Johnson's beautiful smile, and his hard cock, were too much for Carly. She reached for the throbbing thing without even thinking. It was warm and wet from the tub. Carly's hand moved on it. Her mouth was open and Jonson could hear her breathing.

"I guess we are," he said quietly, looking deep into Carly's lusty eyes.

A minute later she was deep in another real-life dream, bent at the waist with her hands on the big ship's wheel and her pussy full of Johnson.

"You drivin' me? Yeah? I'm drivin' your boat. You drivin' me?" she grunted. "Oh fffuck!"

Johnson's held her hips tight and fucked her with smooth, deep strokes. Carly's insides felt like a wild organism to him, like a hungry mollusk, or a moray eel. Extraordinary constriction. Like the deep dark ocean was swallowing him cock first. It was a magical feeling, almost overwhelming, beyond anything he'd felt with the other girls.

"You gotta be fuckin' kiddin' me!" he grunted. The feeling was too much. Johnson's cock unloaded, much to his embarrassment, deep in the ocean of Carly's insides.

"Ohhh fffuck," she moaned, her body hunched and spasming, lost in the moment. The big orgasm swept through her like warm rain in the tropics. Everything she'd learned about acting professional while captaining a ship was gone. She'd fucked it all up. The rules had been swept overboard. No fraternizing? That was history. With the owner's cock inside her, making her cum, 'fraternizing' seemed quaint.

She could tell Johnson's orgasm was intense, and hers was too. Wildly so. It was almost too much to comprehend. Her head dropped, but she never let go of the wheel.

"Fffuuckk!" she said quietly when it was over. Johnson was still in her, thrusting slowly, feeling bigger than the other boys even though he wasn't. Carly didn't know what to think.

"You got things...under control?" Johnson asked, breathlessly.

Carly looked over her shoulder and laughed, still overwhelmed by the feel of Johnson's cock moving inside her. "If this is control, then...I got it."

The big diesel engines thrummed out a subsonic rumble as Blondie cleaved though open ocean, heading for nowhere in particular. Carly wondered if they could just stay out there. Johnson smiled at his captain, and she smiled at him. His dream of operating a big yacht by himself seemed ridiculous. Carly had come into his life for a reason. As he slowly fucked her still twitching pussy and listened to her soft moans, the trophy-girls in the tub and all his anxieties about women seemed a million miles away. Carly was the one. She was Johnson's girl.

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