Bred in the Stables

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Karen succumbs to the lure of BBC.
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Karen eased the big Cadillac Escalade from the school parking lot and made a quick left onto Rte 15. She'd dropped the twins at school 30 minutes early so she could get to the stables for her 8am riding lesson but she was still running late. She'd been taking lessons for two months and it was, without question, the best thing she'd ever done.

"Hello Mrs. Kelly," Jim said as she climbed from the big SUV. He offered her a hand and she gladly accepted his chivalry. He was a big, somewhat imposing black man with dark skin, short curly hair and a thick powerful body but he was always sweet and exceptionally polite to Karen and the other women in her group.

"Thank you Jim, is the rest of the group here already?" Karen asked as she straightened her tight riding pants and smiled up at the big man. He was in his late forties or early fifties with lightly greying hair but his skin was smooth and vibrant as if age had no effect on it. Karen had long been attracted to older men but never before had she felt that way towards a black man.

She was a southern girl, born and raised in a small town on the border between southwestern Virginia and North Carolina and even in the late nineties when Karen was entering high school "good" white girls didn't date black boys. That atmosphere had helped form her outlook on society but despite her slight, subtle prejudice she was attracted to Jim in a way that she'd never experienced. She had often fantasized about him when she was alone with her box of goodies after her morning rides.

"Yes ma'am," Jim said with warm smile, "they are all waiting for you on the other side of the stable. I got Cupcake ready for you after you called from the car." The glimmer in his dark eyes made her stomach flutter and he held her gaze for a moment before she giggled softly and looked away like a smitten school girl.

Karen turned away quickly as her cheeks began to flush and she felt a familiar tingle between her thick, toned thighs. It had been over a month since her husband had laid a hand on her and her mind had recently been filled with erotic thoughts and images. She and Bill had been married for twelve years and while they had enjoyed a satisfying sex life for the first ten much of the passion they'd shared had evaporated in recent years.

"You're too good to me," Karen praised over her shoulder as she walked briskly towards her riding group. She could feel Jim's eyes lingering on her ass and she smiled. Her tight riding pants did make her ass look fantastic.

It had taken Karen a long time to embrace her body after her pregnancy. She had always been slender and fit before then but the rigors of giving birth to twins, and big twins at that, had changed her shape forever. Her hips had widened and her c cup breasts had gone up to a dd when she was nursing, but they'd stayed at a full d cup afterwards. Her waist had remained thick at first but she'd worked hard to trim down and it was almost as narrow as it had been when she and Bill were first married. But, try as she did, nothing she did could get rid of her wide hips and big ass and she was glad her tits had grown in proportion with her bottom half.

Karen rounded the corner and Kyle, the riding instructor, had Cupcake ready for her. The other ladies were already mounted and waiting and Karen placed her foot into the stirrup and threw her leg effortlessly over her powerful mare like a seasoned rider.

"Thank you Kyle," Karen said in a sweet, sexy southern drawl as she flashed him her prettiest smile. She was white trash at heart but she'd learned to fein southern bell and it had served her well over the years.

All of the other women in the group were smitten with Kyle and she could certainly see why. He was young and incredibly fit with chiseled arms and bulging pecs. He had "boy next door" good looks and in his cowboy hat he looked like he belonged on a movie set, but Karen had never been drawn to pretty boys.

Her husband had been a nerdy and brooding outcast when they'd met in college. She'd have had her pick of athletes back then as a varsity cheerleader but she hadn't wanted any of them and she had chosen wisely. Bill had become successful beyond either of their wildest dreams and before the twins were born they'd moved from their small ranch on the edge of the DC metropolitan area, closer to West Virginia than the District, into a huge 5,500 square foot home in a wealthy town in Loudon county.

Kyle mounted his horse and Karen couldn't help steal a furtive glance at his tight buns. He wasn't her type but he was nice to look at and she glanced to her left and made eye contact with her friend Nancy. They both smiled knowingly and Nancy nodded slowly as she openly ogled the young man's firm cheeks.

Nancy was in her mid twenties and she was beautiful in a plastic, Barbie Doll way. She had married a rich older man who doted on her every wish but she had confided to Karen that her husband was impotent and while he was talented in other ways the buxom blonde hadn't been fucked by him in two years. Consequently she had let it be known to anyone in the group that she would fuck Kyle in a heartbeat if the opportunity presented itself.

Karen liked Nancy and her brash outspokenness but many of the other women in the group did not. They were threatened by her looks and they made fun of her behind her back about her seeming lack of intelligence and her "poor breeding." There were rumors that Nancy had been a stripper when she met her husband but Karen had never confirmed them.

Karen had escaped the venom of the other women not because she had a better pedigree than Nancy but rather because she was less attractive and thus less threatening to the other women in the group than her blonde bombshell friend. She didn't know if the rumors were true but if they were she'd have liked Nancy more because they'd have even more in common.

Karen had secretly tried stripping her freshman year in college. She had run out of money and needed to do something to pay her car payment and insurance as well as food and rent. Her grandmother had died the following summer and the inheritance Karen received had left the young coed with enough money to pay for her remaining school. But, it was a mixed blessing because she and her Nana had been close and she'd lost her one familial confidante.

Karen felt her body respond as the group broke into a brisk trot towards the treeline. She loved the feel of the horse beneath her and as her big ass slapped against the saddle her state of arousal increased exponentially. It didn't help that Nancy was directly in front of her and she had a great view of her friend's fantastic ass.

Karen had never been with a woman, at least not all the way, but like many married women she sometimes wondered what it would be like to do so. She had kissed girls numerous times and she'd even fooled around with another girl when she was stripping. The experience had left a lasting impression with Karen and her mind often replayed the scenario when she was alone.

Sweat soaked Karen's hair and her riding clothes clung to her thick body like a second skin as she walked Cupcake to her stall after the hour long ride. She was a hot mess and she needed a shower but her body was on fire like it always was after a ride. She found riding to be a great stress reliever but the sensations were also oddly sexual and she was always aroused afterwards.

"Did you have a nice ride Mrs. Kelly?" Jim asked as he helped Karen guide Cupcake into her stall. He smiled brightly and glanced quickly at her big breasts.

"I did. It's beautiful out but muggy and I feel like a hot mess," she answered with a sheepish grin as beads of sweat rolled from her forehead down her round cheeks. She noticed Jim's furtive glance at her deep cleavage and her nipples stiffened of their own accord while butterflies danced in her belly. The chemistry between them had been apparent the first time she met him but it had grown stronger of late and she was already creating a story which she'd use later when she was alone.

Karen was a creative soul and she had written two romantic novels under an assumed name. Both had been published but neither had sold well and while they were available as ebooks neither could be bought in print. She often created scenarios in her head while masturbating and she would spin a new tale on her way home after a ride almost daily.

She made small talk with Jim as she brushed her big brown horse, helping her cool down, and cleaning the dirt and grime from the trails off his glimmering coat. Jim's dark eyes caught hers several times while she worked and she recognized the unspoken promise in them as he lingered in the stall.

Sweat glistened on Jim's dark chocolate brow and she smiled when he caught her eyes moving discretely over his big, strong body. He was at least a foot taller than Karen and in his youth he'd likely had the lean muscular build of an NFL linebacker. In middle age, however, he was carrying a bit of a belly but he carried it well and the net effect was very sexy in Karen's smoldering eyes.

Karen's pretty blue eyes paused at the crotch of Jim's jeans and her pulse quickened. She hadn't noticed the prominent bulge in his pants before, or at least not how impressive it was. She could clearly see the outline of his dick running down his right thigh and she shivered as she imagined it bare and uncovered.

She had never considered size that important. She'd slept with dozens of men before she'd met her husband and she'd had good sex and bad sex with well hung and average sized men alike. That said, the best sex she'd ever had was with a man whom she'd met whilst stripping. He'd been much older than she with thick grey hair and an aggressive demeanor, and he'd had a fantastic cock. He was European and his big unclipped dick had touched places, and in ways, she'd not felt before nor since. They'd had a brief, fleeting affair before her guilt over him being married became too much and she'd ended it. Shortly thereafter her Nana had died and she quit the business forever. She never saw nor spoke with Marcel again but she had fond memories of the sex.

"I'm sorry, what?" Karen asked averting her eyes as she continued to brush her big pretty mare. She felt a strong flutter in her her belly and a surge of wetness flooded her needy pussy.

"I asked if you are okay Ma'am," Jim explained in a deep masculine voice. "You look flushed."

Jim was a manly man and Karen suspected that beneath his polite, quiet exterior was a strong dominance that would undoubtedly make her weak in the knees. She had always fallen for alpha males and even her nerdy, brooding husband was a take charge man, at least outside of the bedroom. He'd been that way between the sheets too at first but he had become docile and sexually submissive as he grew older and that frustrated Karen to no end.

"I'm okay," Karen said wistfully. Her eyes returned to the outline of his big dick and her bottom lips curled into her mouth as she brazenly ogled his bulging manhood. "It's just a little hot in here." She fanned herself and breathed deep.

"Maybe you should sit down," Jim said sweetly and he moved quickly to her side. The heady, masculine scent of his body wafted over her and she inhaled sharply, drawing it into her lungs as Jim helped Karen into a folding metal chair against the wall of the stall.

Karen looked up at him and a warm calmness washed over her as he grabbed her riding boot and extricated her small foot from it. Her eyes traveled down his body and her hands moved of their own accord to the rough denim of his jeans while he removed her other boot. She listened hard for signs of other people but the stable was quiet and she assumed that the next riding group had already left giving her at least an hour to sate her ravenous appetite.

"Are you sure?" Jim asked softly as he looked down at her with a hungry gaze. The glimmer in his dark eyes made her shudder and she nodded as she deftly unfastened his jeans and freed his big black snake from their warm confines. It was a majestic sight and she sighed longingly.

Jim moved his hands to Karen's head and he inhaled as her soft, supple lips closed over his swollen, meaty cock. He was only half hard and he was already larger than any cock Karen had ever seen. It stretched her lips and she purred quietly like a happy kitten.

Her heart was racing and she was acutely aware of the flood of juices pouring into her hungry pussy. It had been over a dozen years since she had tasted a cock other than her husband's and a low, soft moan rose from her chest. The salty flavor of cock had a profound effect on her and she sucked hard drawing precum from the tip like a milkshake from a straw as her hands gripped his huge, thick shaft.

"Oh yeah," Jim sighed. His hands gripped Karen's head and he laced his fingers into her short, wavy brown hair as he jogged his hips slowly fore and aft. His powerful forearms flexed and he felt her resist slightly as his cock touched the back of her throat.

Karen felt the power in his grip and her belly tightened. Her assumption that he was a dominant man had been correct and her hands trembled as she stroked the base of his shaft whilst he fucked her hungry mouth. She prided herself on being good at giving head and she could easily take her husband's average sized dick to the root but she'd never tried to take a cock like Jim's down her throat. It was not only much longer than Bill's it was significantly thicker and she gagged when it slammed against the back of her throat.

Jim was undeterred. He continued to force his big cock into Karen's warm, inviting mouth. His big balls swung like pendulums and her choking, gagging sounds added to his growing desire. He a bit of a sadist and he enjoyed making women choke on his cock.

"That's it Baby, swallow that dick," he said quietly.

Karen reached down between her thick thighs. She felt the warmth of her overheated cunt and she let out a long, low moan. She liked what he was doing. His aggressiveness and his natural dominance were exactly what she wanted but while she liked the feel and taste of his black anaconda in her mouth she needed it inside her tight wet pussy.

Karen gasped for air as Jim's slimy, saliva coated dick bounced before her. Tears streamed down her cheeks, smearing her mascara and her nose was running like a fountain. She looked up at Jim with a pleading gaze and chewed excitedly on her bottom lip.

"Fuck me," she panted breathlessly, "please." She felt ravenous and wanton and her desire was evident in her raspy, pleading tone. Every fiber of her being was on fire and she knew she'd never been more turned on in her life.

Her hands moved under his shirt and rubbed his warm belly further stoking the fire raging inside of her. Even his belly was sexy. She rubbed her lips up and down his slippery shaft and gazed longlingly into his eyes.

"Not yet," Jim said as he glanced out of the stall and checked the time. He had at least 50 minutes before the first afternoon riders started to arrive for their session and 45 minutes before the last morning session riders came back from the trails. "Keep sucking."

Jim guided his prodigious cock back into Karen's willing mouth. He pushed deep and held it in her throat as he sneered down at her. She was a nice lady and she treated him much better than most of the rich white women who frequented the stables. In fact she treated him better than all of them except Nancy, who he'd been fucking regularly for over a year. None of the other ladies knew about that but Nancy's husband did. He liked to watch and Jim was just fine with that. Her husband wasn't the first rich white guy who got off watching his trophy wife get fucked by Jim's big black cock. That said, Jim's life, spent mostly in rural Alabama, had given him reason to dislike white folks, and especially rich white folks.

He released his grasp of her head and Karen gasped for air. Her heart was pounding fiercely in her chest and several strands of saliva strung from her bottom lip to the head of his big delicious cock.

"You like that don't you girl?" Jim teased with a playful grin.

"Mmm hmm," Karen responded with a big pouty bottom lip. She kissed the tip of his cock and then rubbed its slimy tip across her face. She inhaled deep and closed her eyes as Jim grabbed her head again. He gripped her short hair with his right hand and aimed his dick at her pretty mouth. He forced 3/4 of his big dick into her throat and held it there briefly before he resumed fucking her warm, sexy mouth. She gave better head than Nancy but they were both good and he wondered if he could get them both at the same time. He'd had threesomes before both with another guy and with two girls but he preferred two girls.

Karen sucked and slurped as Jim's big dick slid in and out of her throat. The sucking sounds and her soft mews rang in her head. Her hands roamed over his warm black flesh and she drifted off to a far away place. She wanted to feel him inside her and she knew that time was running out for that to happen.

Jim pulled his cock from Karen's soft lips and she whimpered like a scolded puppy. Her hands moved quickly to the snap and zipper of her tight riding pants and she scrambled to extricate herself from the stretchy fabric.

The heady scent of her arousa wafted up from her neatly trimmed, soaking wet cunt and she turned away from Jim offering herself, doggy style, for his pleasure. She leaned into the stable wall with her hands on both sides her head. The rough cool wood slats felt oddly nice against her hot, sweaty cheeks and she closed her eyes and savored the feel of his bulbous cock head rubbing her swollen labia.

A deep guttural moan filled the air. It sounded far off and foreign but Karen knew it came from her. She groaned and inhaled sharply as Jim fed his cock into her tight, wet cunt. It stretched her almost to the point of hurting but it felt amazing and an expression of unadulterated bliss washed across her pretty face.

Jim slowly pushed his cock deep into Karen's tight canal. She was wet, as wet any any woman he'd been with, and he'd bedded hundreds of woman over the years. Her pussy smelled sweet and her big ass and wide hips promised a deep pussy to take all of him. Nancy's skinny ass couldn't take him all, certainly not doggy style, and he loved burying his big black cock balls deep.

Karen chewed on her bottom lip and struggled to quiet her pants and moans. She'd been a loud lover before the twins were born, even when Bill had fucked her with his modest cock, but she'd learned to cum quietly with kids in the house. She'd never had to keep quiet with a huge cock tearing her open and beating against her cervix with each powerful thrust and she could barely keep herself from screaming out in blissful ecstasy.

Jim's body slammed hard into her jiggling ass and her face bumped rhythmically against the wall of the stall. She felt a familiar tightness in her belly and she clutched at her big tits with her left hand as she steadied herself against the wall with her right.

"Oh god," she gasped. "Oh fuck." She felt a small tremor shake through her and her knees felt weak and rubbery. His cock stroked her gspot with each stroke and her body quivered and quaked as a second weak climax rolled through her. Both orgasms had felt wonderful but they did nothing to quell the raging fire in her loins and the knot in her belly grew tighter and more insistent as he fucked her from behind.

Jim turned Karen away from the wall and she placed her hands on her big brown horse. Jim was about to fuck her hard and he didn't want her pretty face bouncing off the wooden wall of the horse stall.

Karen leaned against Cupcake. The warmth and soft hair of the beautiful horse felt soothing on her face and she groaned softly as the tip of his big dick rubbed enticingly against her cervix.