Bound Friends Pt. 13

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Sophia and Lea get new companionship.
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Part 13 of the 19 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 08/15/2014
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Part 13 - Lea and the Unexpected Companion

"Alright Leota, are you almost finished?" Marian asked as she barged into the hotel room Lea had been staying and working in the past few days. Lea looked up from her computer wearing only a bathrobe, nervous about how to respond. She knew that as soon as she was finished with her project she had the remainder of her two week sentence to return to. "Well, can we start printing collars or not?" Marian continued.

"Sure.. I guess the hardware's finished. The company was working on wearable controls already to try to have them ready for the holidays, so that wasn't that hard to match the hardware to the looks of the collars you use here and elsewhere. I've been working hard.. I just don't know about how.. it'll all.. I think I need some more time," Lea explained.

"Well.. see there's the problem," Marian said in a look of disappointment. "That's a lie, you've been wasting a lot of today," she said as she tapped around on her tablet. "The system picked up that you've not been working much the last few hours. So either you're going purposely slow, or you already finished but didn't want to tell me.. If you had been honest and offered some explanation that might have been something I could excuse.."

"Please, no, I'm sorry I can explain!" Lea said as she dropped to her knees. "I.. I got it ready earlier today but I started panicking about going back out there. I mean I'm sure there's got to be some software side you need me to work on right? I mean.."

"We have lots of techs ourselves, and I had them look at what you had before I came in here. They said they should be able to have them up and running system wide by tomorrow. I just wanted to hear from you if there was anything more that needed to happen first." Marian said, causing Lea to nervously swallow. "Now, I have the printers lined up to start producing, is there any reason I shouldn't tell them to start?"

Lea looked down and shook her head. "I'm sorry, please, I'll do anything you want!"

"That's what your contract says you'll do, yes. And the policy is, we always follow through on any matters of discipline. That way everyone knows there is no talking their way out. In fact that lie you just told has added another two days to your sentence. So be cooperative, and I'll make sure you get one of the first collars printed up today. That should hopefully make your time down there a little more bearable yes?" Marian asked rhetorically. "Now are you going to go cooperatively or do I need to have you escorted?"

"I'm sorry, I'll be good I promise."

"Good girl Leota. Now go clean up if you need, then head back down there and we'll be by shortly with a new collar." Marian said

"Right away Marian," Leota said as she ran back to the bathroom for a quick shower. She wanted desperately to take her time but made herself hurry, fearing she might be on some kind of clock. She walked briskly back towards the dungeon, once again in her collar and hugging the walls of closely through the maze of staff hallways to keep all the signs visible and not get lost. Back here, everything looked the same. All of it just a maze of florescent lighting, cream walls and cheap white linoleum. She came out the back staff entrance of the dungeon and poked her head out hoping to be seen and be directed somewhere.

"Good, right on time," one of the staff members dressed as a guard said as he rushed towards her. He however kept walking past Leota to meet someone else standing back by the door.

"And you must be Leota right?" the someone else said from behind her. "Hi, I'm Trevor, I've got this collar to try out on ya, see if it all works. If it does I've got a lot of work to do the next few days," he said as he reached around to put this new collar on after the guard took the old one off. "It'll just be a moment then I can send you back out there.."

"Take your time," Leota joked as she otherwise stood cooperatively still.

"Give me your hands," the guard said as he held out two long white half cylinders. They were just over a foot long and selectively hollowed out with padding on the inside. Leota frowned as she recognized the devices, extending her right arm while Trevor still fiddled with her collar and his computer. Her arms sat most of the way into the cylinder, bringing her hand into a fist around a padded bar. When the top half was clicked into place with the bottom, the guard inserted a plug to inflate the padding to give cushion and ensure a tight fit. From the outside it looked like her hand was replaced by a long mostly featureless white plastic cylinder that went up not quite half way up her forearm. There were metal indentations near the base to let it attach to things. It prevented her from moving her fingers or even bending her wrists. Soon a matching one was put onto her left hand rendering her hands totally useless.

Leota let out a grunt as her NESIC slowly spun to life. She felt it run up in strength and then back down until it was off again. "I take it you felt it?" Trevor asked. Leota nodded her head. "Alright, so I'll leave it up to you or the guests how high it should go, the collar's got these three touch buttons on the side of the collar there. I think the new chips should start coming tomorrow and otherwise it looks like only one of the other girls here has one already. Why don't you get this one situated and then I'll come back with the other collar to show you what to do with the other one," Trevor explained to the guard as he nudged Leota forward by the small of her back.

The guard grabbed Leota by the chin and looked into her eyes. "You've been away a few days now, and I am sure you must have been doing some important work to get that break, so I will give you a single choice as a reward. Would you rather be gagged, or ungagged?"

"Gagged sir," Leota said after a brief moment to consider. She knew her mouth may get sore, but she decided she would rather have something to bite down on than have a slightly more rested jaw. She looked at what he might pick and was glad to see a clear plastic bit attached to a clear plastic head harness. Unlike the tube or ring gags it was also rather good at convincing guests to use someone else's throat, a chance she was hoping for when she made her decision. She opened obediently and let him fasten the straps around her bald head. There would be drool, but that was something she could live with.

Once he was done, he held her gently by the back of the neck and began leading her out into the public area. She had barely walked ten steps before she could feel eyes turning towards her. He walked her to one of the platforms that stood about a foot off the ground and helped her down to a kneel. There were two small indentations about two feet apart. Leota helped as much as she could as he fed the cylinders that encapsulated her arms into the indentations. It held her arms just outside of shoulder length apart and melded to the floor. He reached over and turned on her NESIC before slapping her on the cheek and leaving.

Leota swayed around and moaned. Her position made her keep her arms as they were, making both kneeling and standing bent over awkward to maintain. Laying down was just physically not possible. But right now what Leota wanted more than the ability to lay down was some more stimulation. She had a little, enough to get her worked up, but not enough to get her close to cumming.

"Well aren't you a randy little slave?" a man asked, finally drawing Leota's attention.

Leota couldn't help but nod. She jostled around, wishing there was something she could rub against. She didn't like admitting it, but this small change made the entire experience different. She tried to watch as the guest disappeared behind her, knowing he was probably going to grab something to use on her.

He signaled his return with a hard strike across Leota's back with a single tail whip. Leota screamed into her gag as she bit down. But the sting brought with it a smile, something she didn't expect and something she felt embarrassed but thrilled about. Her minor masochistic tendencies were lit up by the feelings coming from between her legs. When another hit landed, her cry seemed almost more a moan than a scream.

"Oh, you like that?" came the man's deep voice as he whipped her back again. This time though there was not as much pleasure, much more pain. He seemed to pick up the pace, causing her to start to fidget and pull at her restraints. She wasn't enjoying this any more as he continued to verbally taunt her in his deep voice.

"Something the matter slave?" A woman asked as she stepped into view. "Doesn't look like you'll be going anywhere, why are you struggling so hard?"

The whippings stopped as she stepped up to the platform. She was older but still in great shape. Her face had the odd imperfection and wrinkle, but her deep greyish blue eyes were hypnotizing. Her brown hair was neat and tied behind her in a bun. Leota began to breath heavy as she desperately wanted this woman to touch her over-teased sex.

Leota felt hands from behind her on her hips, helping her to her feet. It was awkward to stand with her hands still planted in the ground. She felt a cock, presumably from the man who had been whipping her, sliding deep into her cunt. The woman seemed content to watch as he picked up the pace. Leota began to moan and scream, imagining this woman she was staring at was actually the one behind all this. She found it so much more enjoyable, she closed her eyes to immerse herself in the fantasy. She felt herself approaching orgasm, moaning and grunting loudly as her NESIC enhanced the sensations. Moments before she could finish however, she felt the man behind her stop. He let out a deep grunt as he came, ending things just shy of enough for Leota.

She opened her eyes and was sad to see that the woman was gone. She tried to look around, but she could not turn much and anything more than a few feet away began to get hazy. She saw the man leave, zipping up his pants and walking out. She spread her legs trying to get more comfortable, but with her chip still running all she wanted was for that woman to return and stroke her now very desperate pussy.


Leota was utterly exhausted by the time she was released to rest. They turned off her chip, which had been on for most of her service. She was brought over to the wall around the corner from the main chamber and her collar clipped to a dangling cable. The cylinders remained around her hands and they were clipped into the small indentations in the floor they fit into. She prefered it when they simply cuffed her hands behind her but she was not in any real position to complain. She looked over and saw two others resting against the wall, one in the cylinders one one simply with her hands cuffed behind her. Once they took out her gag she leaned her head against the wall and tried her best to relax.

But as she closed her eyes her mind continued to project to her the woman it had been day dreaming about all night. The real woman had never returned, at least not that she noticed. Leota didn't know her name or anything about her. However, when she pictured this woman then everything seemed more palatable. The arousal that had been emanating from her chip needed something to focus on, and tonight it had been the grey eyed girl.

"So," came the voice of Marian that snapped Leota back to the here and now. "You are the first to finish a rotation with your chip in, and I find out you got a few complaints."

"I'm sorry, what were they?" Leota said as she looked up at Marian.

"It seems you were very distracted. Guests were saying it was like you weren't even there. I don't like hearing that and considering you're trying out new technology I want to implement more widely, it's doubly troubling. Which is also odd because other guests seemed to still find you mostly enthusiastic. Is there a problem with the chip?"

"No, no nothing like that. I'm sorry for being distracted but.. that was on me I think. Mostly," Leota replied.

"What the hell does 'mostly' mean? Is the new collar something I shouldn't widely implement or does it work?" Marian asked.

"Oh no, it works. It really kept me sexually engaged like I hadn't been most of my time here. The problem is.. well.." Leota replied suddenly feeling intimidated by the large assistant standing beside Marian. "Well.. you know how I said I was gay? Yeah, the chip excites me but it doesn't change that part of me. It was making me try to imagine there wasn't actually a guy even though it almost always was. Some guests were quiet so it was easy to pretend, others not as much so that must have been where I seemed distracted. That I think might be a kind of unique problem that only really applies to me, nothing to do with the collar or the chip."

"Oh.. well.. that makes sense," Marian said as she half cocked a smile. "Well for now then, I think maybe it's best if you're just blindfolded when you go out there, would you agree?" she asked without any resentment or irritation. Leota hesitated but eventually nodded her head in agreement. "Alright, well then I won't add any extra time for the complaints I got today. Chock it up to not knowing how to use the new technology best. So from what you can tell there's no reason I can't start issuing the collars more widely right?"

"As far as I can tell there shouldn't be a problem with the collars. And, Marian, thank you for not adding more time," Leota replied.

Marian just nodded her head in recognition before turning to leave. Leota watched her disappear before taking the opportunity to close her eyes again and visit with her mystery woman for a few more minutes before she drifted off to sleep.


Sophia sat naked and held the new collar in her hands that they said will hook into her NESIC. She waited for the staff member to finish removing her old one as she examined her new one. It looked nearly identical, brushed smooth inside with a rough outside, with the same metal disk hanging from it. The only difference was the faint sight of three small nubs at the side in the shape of an up or down arrow with a circle in the middle. As soon as she felt her old collar come off, the man behind her grabbed for the new collar and clicked it shut.

He tapped the arrows on the collar, clicking Sophia's long dormant NESIC chip to life. She leaned her head back and let out a low grunt. As he continued to press the sensation continued to get stronger, making her feel suddenly flushed. Satisfied with the test though, the man turned it back down before letting it go off entirely.

Sophia ran her fingers up to the new buttons, examining the new device. But as she pushed, the buttons seemed to do nothing. "So what's the deal, did you turn this off?" she eventually asked, feeling no response and no indication that the buttons pushed in.

"Nope, but it'll detect that it's your fingers. We thought as we try this out it's probably best if you can't turn it on or off yourself," he said as demonstrated by touching it back on and then immediately off. "So guest, staff, the guys in the remote control centre via wifi, basically anyone not in a collar is who you need to see about turning them up or down."

"Hurray.." Sophia sarcastically moaned. It made her unprepared when her chip jolted back to life at a low setting without him touching her collar.

"Alright, and now you're in the system so we got ya covered anywhere," he said as he looked over his tablet.

"Double hurray.." she said through gritted teeth trying to get more accustomed to the feelings of arousal coming from between her legs. The man grabbed her wrists and pulled them in front of her into waiting cuffs. Sophia grunted but cooperated.

"Alright Savina, I want you to go to room 215. Lock your collar to the chain attached to the bed and wait seductively. You're only allowed to cum when the client's there, you got it?" he said as he bent down and handed Sophia a key card. Sophia nodded her head and got up to go.

The room was a little on the small side, there was a large bed with a metal frame, a small bathroom, but not room for much else. She sighed as she wondered how long she would be in here, but quickly went and locked herself into place all the same. In boredom, and with the continued presence of her NESIC, her hand started to wonder. The touch felt so good, she could not help but moan and bite her lower lip. She writhed on the bed as she brought herself closer and closer to an orgasm, remembering only at the last minute that it was actually not allowed. And that the passive monitoring would know. She pulled her hand away in a pout. She tried again to turn the device off but once again the collar didn't respond to her touch.

She sat up as she heard the door open. She was most of the way through her rehearsed greeting before noticing that the man who walked through was Rob. "Rob? Oh, this isn't a good time. Seriously, it's sweet that you check up on me over the last week and a bit, but whatever snack or goodie you might have, this is not the right time! And I doubly don't have time if you're just here to ogle or worship or whatever it is you want to call it. Some client's going to be here any second and it'll be bad for both of us if you're here when he shows up.," Sophia said in a hushed tone.

"I know," he said as he set his bag down. "The client's me."

"What? You better not be joking, come on you can't afford all this," she said as her eyes went wide.

"No, no the money's from one of your friends. And they did some talking and if I never rent you for a full day the casino isn't going to care if we do anything... you know anything.. I mean unless my Mistress wanted to.. um.. well" Rob said nervously as he started searching through the drawers for a key.

"Come on, I'm naked and chained to a bed, you can say it. Anything sexual. That's what you're trying to say right?" Sophia said with one eyebrow slightly raised. Rob blushed as he came to hand Sophia the key.

"I mean.. I dont want to try to tell you.. or.. I mean.."

"Normally you'd be right," Sophia said as she unfastened her cuffs. "But you see you caught me in a good mood and I've just got this new collar that's been teasing me now for a while."

"I heard they were rolling those out," he said as he looked at the collar.

"Well, come over here," She said as she beckoned him over with her finger.

Rob nervously climbed on the bed. Sophia crawled forward to close the distance, placing her arms on his folded legs and leaning in to kiss him. "Now, take off your clothes," she said before pulling back to unfasten her collar. It was still attached to the bed, and still sending its signal, but it was at least not around her neck any more. Once Rob was down to just his boxers, Sophia came back to Rob and placed the collar around his neck.

Rob froze, breathing heavy but locked in on Sophia's eyes. He ran one hand around the collar and chain but the other one sat limply at his side. He was pulled by the collar to the centre of the bed before being pushed down onto his back. From that position it was impossible to hide his quickly hardening cock creating a tent in his boxers.

Sophia pulled his boxers off before slowly straddling him. She sat just above his knees, just short of his cock. She slowly ran a single finger up and down, circling around the head and smiled at ever jerk and squarm it elicited. "Does my slave like being toyed with?" She asked as she grabbed hold of his cock with her whole hand and began to slowly stroke.

Rob squirmed and gasped, being overwhelmed by the attention. Cum began dripping out of his cock in thick milky streams. "Uh, seriously?" Sophia said as she let go of his cock, letting him hump the air as his orgasm was ruined. She collapsed to the side of the bed in a grunt. She looked over and saw Rob staring off a thousand miles away.