Boss Lady

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A young man falls for older woman.
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Thank C.R. for all your help with my last few stories

When I first started posting here I was embarrassed about my writing, but now I feel very proud of what I do, my real name is L.A. Wicker, I wish I could change my username to that. Thank you all.


“Damn, I hate that bitch!” Carl muttered as he walked from the building. Carl was a short, fat and rude person that nobody really liked, they just put up with him. “Friday night, five o’clock and she want every computer counted.” He added looking to his friend Todd.

Todd just tilted his head, “Well, it’s her company and she pays us pretty good.” He said thinking that he didn’t mind. He had more time to look at her wonderful, mature body.

“Oh fuck! That tight ass cunt is a millionaire and pays us crap. You just pull wood for her old dried up ass.” Carl laughed looking back to Todd. “Give me your lighter so I can light this up.” He smiled pulling a fat joint from his shirt pocket.

Todd laughed at his stupid friend, “Can’t you wait until we’re out of the parking lot?” he gave Carl a dirty look. “What if someone sees you? I don’t want to loose my job, I like it here.”

“You fuckin’ freak, you just like her old ass. You need to find a nice young girl your own age to sit on your cock.” Carl said pointing to Todd. “Man that bitch is old as your mom.” Carl added making a sour face. “It would make me sick going down on some old cunt like her.”

Todd shoved Carl into a car; “Fuck you man! She’s not a cunt and I think she’s a babe!”
He took a deep breath, “The way her blouses hug her breasts. She always wears a matching bra under them, in the morning her nipple are always so hard they stick out a half inch or more.” Todd smiled and went on, “The way her pretty, blonde hair lays just above them makes me crazy. Oh God and the skirts are out of this world. Her ass fills them better than any girl here does. And when she sits down, her long sexy leg comes out the side.” Todd smiled feeling his cock coming to life.

“You little fuck! You’re hard for an old lady!” Carl yelled to Todd. “Find your own way home, PUSSY!” he yelled again getting into his car and drove away.

Todd kicked his foot on the ground and started the two-mile walk home. He only hoped someone he knew would see him and give him a ride home.

Peggy Jones stepped from behind the company truck, not believing what she had just heard. Todd Pollen had defended her and knew so much about her. Not normal things, but tantalizing sexual things. Peggy had seen him looking at her a lot, but never thought he liked her so much. She thought of him looking at her hard nipples in the morning and smiled.

“Mr. Todd, I would have never guessed you knew so much about me.” Peggy said and could feel wetness forming inside her body. The body that hadn’t had a man inside, for over 15 long years.

‘BOOM’ a crash of thunder rang out in the air.

“Oh shit!” Peggy said running to her Phoenix Red Jaguar XKR. The rain began to pour down as she tried to get the car remote from her purse. “Come on! I’m getting drowned here!” she yelled out pulling it from deep within the purse. Once inside she looked over her soaked body. “Piss! This blouse better not get stained.” She said looking to the white silk blouse that she had paid one hundred dollars for. “Mmmm, how nasty!” she purred seeing that it had turned transparent and her rounded breasts could be seen as plain as day. She gave her hard nipples a little pinch and started the car.

Todd walked through the pouring rain with no hope of getting a ride. He looked ahead to see a gas station and would wait out this summer storm there.

‘HONK HONK’ Todd turned to see a beautiful car beside him.

“Come on, I’ll give you a ride!” the woman yelled from inside the car.

Todd ran the other side and jumped in as fast as he could, “Thank you!” he said looking to see Peggy Jones sitting behind the wheel with a big smile. “Hi, I never would have dreamed you’d stop to give somebody a ride.”

She looked at him, “I saw you walking before it started raining.” She lied; she had been looking for him as she drove down the street. “Why didn’t your vulgar little friend give you a ride?” she asked knowing why.

“We got into a little fight.” Todd replied, not wanting to tell her the real reason. How could he tell her they got into a fight over her?

She smiled at his answer, “Don’t you have a car?” she asking looking to him and saw him looking at her breasts through the wet blouse.

“Um, no. I live at home with my mom and we can’t afford one right now, but we’re saving for one.” Todd replied being a little embarrassed at telling her.

She just smiled and drove down the street, feeling his young eyes looking over her wet body. She glanced at him and saw him looking over every inch of her. From her supple breasts down to her firm legs.

“Todd, do you think I’m a bitch?” she asked and seeing him put his hands over his cock. She laughed to herself thinking the poor boy had got a hard on looking at her.

Todd gave her a funny look, “Why do you ask?” he replied glancing back to her right breast.

“Just wondering what you guys say about me when I’m not around.” she smiled at her young admirer.

He looked to her big, brown eyes, “Some of them say you have a cork up your ass and some say you’re a bitch, but most like you. You pay us good; we get off all the holidays.” He said hoping she wouldn’t be upset.

Peggy laughed at Todd, “A cork up my ass?” she looked to him with a smile. “What do you think of me?” she just had to ask him. She was dying to hear such sweet things said to her face. She couldn’t remember when the last time a good looking man had told her how pretty she was.

Todd’s face turned red, “I like you.” He smiled to her, thinking that he should have said what he really thought. How much he wanted to hold her, love her, and be inside her sexy body.

“Thank kind sir.” Peggy replied feeling the warmth between her long legs. “How long have you been working for me? Three years now?” she asked thinking she had to do something nice for him after all of the wonderful things he had said about her.

“Yep, going on four at the end of the summer.” He smiled looking down to see her long right leg and the top of her stocking.

Peggy moved her leg to free it from under the skirt; she was beginning to really get excited at Todd looking at her this way. She knew that tonight her toy would get a good work out. “Are you going to apply for the Tech job?” she asked Todd. “I think you should, I’ve seen you fix a computer faster than anyone in the building.”

“I think Carl wants it.” He replied glancing at her leg again.

“Fuck Carl, you’re a hundred times better than he is and I like you not him.” She froze at what she had said. Now her young admirer knew she also liked him.

“Thank you. That means a lot coming from someone as pr… nice as you.” Todd stuttered out.

‘Pretty?’ Peggy thought to herself. He was crazy about her and deep down she loved having a 20-year-old guy horny for her 45-year- old self.


Peggy walked into her bedroom, kicking of her high heels and walked to the mirror. “Damn, that little guy made me horny as hell!” she said reaching under her breasts giving them a good firm squeeze. “Oh I need a good fuck.” She added knowing darn well that she really needed someone to hold, kiss, and love her.

Peggy slowly reached to unbutton the blouse, letting it fall to the floor. Her hands gently caressed her flat stomach, working their way to the thin bra covering her aching breasts. She unclasps it letting it fall to the blouse on the floor.

Her fingers softly circled her hard nipples, sending waves of pleasure through her lonely body. “Todd my young friend, you have succeeded in making me very excited tonight. To bad you’re not here to see me like this!” Peggy giggled and began to roll her hardened nipples between her fingers.

“Mmmm, I’m on fire!” she moaned out in the empty house, wishing she had a man to please all of her desires. “I guess it’s ‘toy’ time.” She said moving to her big lonely bed. She lie flat out on it, reaching under one of the pillows, she pulled out a ten-inch vibrator. “Good to see you friend. A very handsome young man has turned me on today so be ready for a long night.” Peggy giggled turning it on.

She began by running it over her stomach in slow circles. Making sure she teased her belly button, she had always loved it to be teased. She slowly moved it towards her hard nipples, thinking of young Todd looking at them with lust in his eyes.

“I wish I had a sweet man to suck you.” Peggy moaned looking at the vibrator as it moved around her hard nipples. “He could suck you in his mouth real hard and pull away, letting you ‘pop’ from his mouth.”

Peggy closed her brown eyes, moving the toy lower, lower down her stomach to the lonely spot between her long, slender legs, “Oh my God!” she cried out when the vibrator ran over her panty covered clit, sending a rush over her body. “I hate this! I need a man to do this!” she sobbed as she moved the hard, cold vibrator into her warm pussy.

“Mmmm, yes!” Peggy moaned as the toy sank deep inside her wet, heated pussy. “It’s so good!” groaned giving the vibrator a long twist back and forth while pinching her left nipple. “Yes! Yes!” she cried knowing a well-needed orgasm was near.

Peggy thought of Todd. His long blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail, his glasses slid to the end of his slender nose. His firm cheekbones covered by a fine layer of hair. She thought of the very tight jeans that covered Todd’s slim hips and that wonderfully large bulge between his legs.

“OH SHIT!” Peggy screamed when her hot pussy could take no more. She exploded around the slim vibrator with a force that hadn’t been felt in a very long time. Her new admirer had brought her great relief. “Oh Todd fuck me! Fuck my pussy hard!” Peggy screamed again thinking of the young man on top of her body, pounding his nice cock into and out of her lonely pussy as hard as he could thrust it in.

She pulled her long legs to her breasts and drove her toy in more, “Todd! Yes! Yes! Fuck me! Fuck me, my handsome young man!” Peggy cried out with her hand pumping the vibrator in and out of her pussy as fast as she could go.


Todd stood at a workbench looking over a computer, “How’d ya get home Friday night?” Carl asked as he walked by Todd laughing. “Still got that old bitch in your mind or did that rain wash her dried up old cunt from your…?”

“Fuck you, ass hole.” Todd snapped on his friend. “She is a babe and you know damn well you ever got the chance you’d fuck her, too!” Todd added pointing his finger in Carl’s face. “So shut the fuck up!”

Carl was shocked at Todd; he had never seen him like this in their ten-year friendship. He walked away not saying another word to Todd.

“Good morning Miss Jones.” Todd heard someone yell from the loading dock and he could hear the loud clicking of her high heels on the shop floor. He felt his heart beat increase with each of her long strides towards him.

He turned to see her wearing his favorite outfit. A blue business suit with a baby blue blouse. “Good morning, Todd. How are you this fine morning?” Peggy asked moving next to him and looked to see what he was working on. “I expect to see your application for the Tech job by lunch.” She smiled and brushed a long strand of hair from his face.

“I’m fine, and how are you today?” Todd asked seeing that she looked very good on this Monday morning. She seemed much rested and there was a nice pink color on her face. “I’ll have my application there waiting for you.” Todd added smelling her sweet perfume going up his nose and straight down to his growing cock.

“Very good. Drop it by my office at...” Peggy looked to her watch and thought of a good time for lunch. “At noon.” She smiled seeing Todd had his eyes glued to her hard ‘morning’ nipples. She had given them a good twisting before walking into the building. She had remembered that Todd loved seeing them in the morning.

Todd returned her smile, “Sure thing.” He said looking into her very alluring eyes wondering what it would be like seeing them as he kissed her full red lips.

“Until noon.” She said giving him a wink with her right eye. She turned and walked away knowing a pair of young eyes would be watching her. Therefore, she added a little more sway to her hips as she walked across the shop and into the office area.

“Oh God I want a piece of your ass so bad!” Todd said as he watched her firm ass and the great wiggle it had today. He went back to work on the computer, thinking of her touching him and that great ass of hers. Trying to imagine how good it would have looked in sexy pair of white panties with his face buried in it.

Later that afternoon, Todd looked at his watch, “I better go get an application or she might kick my ass.” He laughed heading off to get one from the office.

He walked into the office seeing Miss Jones and some of the office girls laughing and giggling about something. Miss Jones had a reputation of being very unfriendly, so this was very strange for her. Todd enjoyed seeing her pretty face filled with a big, warm smile instead off her normal cool businesswoman look.

“Well, look who it is.” Miss Jones said giving Todd one of her new warm smiles. “Ladies make sure my new Tech man gets help in filling out his application and when he’s finished send him into my office.” She added turning away and vanished into her office.

“Shit!” Sasha Barnes said with a shocked look on her face. “What’s gotten into her today? She must have got laid over the weekend or something.” She added pulling a paper from a file cabinet and put it in a computer printer.

Todd looked to Sasha, “Who knows, but it sure looks good on her.” He said smiling with a mental picture of her great ass still in his mind.

“I’ll fill in everything for you and then all you have to do is sign it.” She said as she began to type on a keyboard.


Todd knocked on Miss Jones office door; “Come in.” he heard and made his way in. She sat at her desk in her giant chair; she had taken off her jacket. Peggy pulled her arms over her head knowing it would give Todd a great view of her swollen breasts.

His eyes took in the beauty off her rounded breasts and could see that her nipples still were very hard. "Here it is, right on time.” He grinned at her looking into her eyes handing her the application making sure he looked to her swollen nipples.

She took it from him, making sure that she lightly touched his hand. “Very good, I’m glad you did it. Have a seat.” She said crumbling up the paper and tossed it in the trash can next to her desk. “You really didn’t need it; I was giving you the job anyhow.”

Todd watched as she stood and walked around the desk. She reached behind her moving her nameplate on the desk and slowly sat down, giving Todd a perfect view up her skirt. They gazed into each other’s eyes as she leisurely crossed her long legs.

“What about the other’s that wanted the job before me” he asked giving her legs a quick look over.

Peggy laughed at his words, “Fuck them! They didn’t stand up for me like you did Friday afternoon.” She replied looking into his eyes. “They didn’t say all those wonderful things about me.” She added as she began to unbutton her blouse. “They don’t know my breasts the way you do.” She pulled the blouse from her skirt. “They don’t know my nipples the way you do and how excited they are in the morning.”

Todd watched as Peggy pulled the blouse off her shoulders and tossed it on the floor exposing her wonderful breasts. His dream of seeing her had come true. Her nipples were still very hard and so full of hot blood.

“They don’t gaze at my firm ass the way you do, if they did I’d fire them.” She giggled unzipping the skirt. “I’ve always felt you looking at me and for some strange reason I never cared, but I enjoyed it so much.” She grinned and let the skirt slide down her stocking covered legs to the floor.

Todd could feel his long cock coming to life as he looked at her wonderful hips and legs. She was his dream come true. Her hips were so smooth and so firm. Her pussy looked wet as her dainty panties covered it.

“I’m yours. You may do anything and everything you want to me.” She smiled seeing his eyes light up. “I’ve never had anyone say nicer things about me in my life.” She added as tears formed in her pretty eyes. “I’ve thought of nothing but you all weekend and only hoped you really meant want you had said.” By this time tears were running down her face and dripping on her breasts.

Todd stood, looking at the beautiful woman before him. He grabbed her by her arms and pulled her against his body. “I didn’t mean a word of it.” He said looking into her shocked eyes. “What I really wanted to say was how much I loved you and wanted to make love to you until we passed out.”

A happy smile filled her pretty face as she leaned her mouth to his, “Hope you know that I’m lost in you already. So be easy with me.”

They began a nice slow, deep kiss as Todd moved his hands around every inch of Peggy’s body. He caressed places she had forgotten about. They kissed and kissed as Peggy enjoyed her young lover’s hands on her burning flesh.

“Oh please!” Peggy gasped trying to catch her breath. “Love me!” she moaned as she rubbed her soaked mound against Todd’s growing cock. “Fuck me hard!” she begged rubbing on his shaft more.

Todd took her graceful hand and led her to the sofa just to the right of her desk, lying her down he asked, “Can I do a few things first?” he asked sitting on his knees, leaning to her swollen nipples. He kissed each of them with great care, making sure each nipple received the same amount of love.

Slowly Todd kissed his way down her silky body, kissing every inch as he moved lower. Peggy softly moaned each time that his warm lips touched her flesh. She hadn’t been loved in so long.

“Oh Todd!” Peggy purred as she enjoyed the touch of a man. “I’m on fire!” she moaned when his lips met her soft panties. She looked into his eyes, “Please me with your tongue, Please!” Peggy begged him remembering how much she loved to have a hot tongue deep inside her wet pussy.

Todd smiled up to the beautiful woman and began to trace his tongue over her wet pussy mound. Kissing, licking and sucking every inch of it, sending Peggy into a state of rapture.

“Oh my God!” she screamed arching her back with delight as he pleased her burning pussy. “Eat it, please!” she cried out as he teased her more. “Please!” she moaned.

Todd pulled down her soaked panties, exposing the most private part of a woman, “Yes!” he moaned seeing her bare pussy and how swollen she was. He began placing small kisses on it, letting his tongue move over the swollen clit.

“Todd!” Peggy screamed when he touched her inflamed bud sending a rush of hot blood through her already excited body. She watched her young lover as he continued kissing her special place and the care, he showed in pleasing her.

He kissed deeper, letting his tongue enter her body for the first time. He savored the taste of the woman under him. He had tasted young girls, but never a woman like this. “You’re wonderful!” Todd gasped looking up to Peggy.

She returned the smile and gently caressed Todd’s face as he pleased her body. She watched him move between her legs, lying with his face on her pussy, he began to drive his tongue deep inside Peggy. “Oh fuck!” she screamed out not knowing the office workers were coming back from lunch. “Yes! Oh Todd eat my pussy!” she screamed again.

“Oh my Lord!” Sasha laughed as the girls moved closer the door. “Todd is fucking the shit out of her!” she said leaning closer to door.

“Okay, I need your cock in me.” Peggy said looking to Todd as he ate her wet pussy. “Please put your hard cock in me!” she begged him. It had been years since Peggy had the pleasure of a stiff cock up her pussy. For years, she had been using her toys, but today she needed the cock of a young man inside her.