Blood Slaves Ch. 07


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Sara's POV-

Sweat poured down my face.

Strange, I thought since the basement was freezing cold thanks to the snow falling outside and the lack of heating indoors. Even as I looked over at Kimberly, I could see her shivering and hugging herself in an attempt to stay warm.

But for me...I was on fire. I had been, for nearly two or three hours now. My stomach hurt, too and I could feel my heart pounding in my chest at a strange pace that almost made me sick with anxiety. Or maybe, it was just because of anxiety.

Maybe the fear of never getting out of this basement was just catching up with me...

Or, maybe it was something else. Something that I didn't exactly want to think about at that particular moment. I knew I needed to feed. It had been hours since the last time I had tasted blood since I had fed on Lisa before we had fucked and both passed out.

I was still "young" and "fresh" so to speak, when it came to being a Vampire and I understood as it had been explained countless times since I'd been turned, that it was harder to go extended periods without feeding when you're newly turned.

Was that what this was?

Was my body starting to react to the fact that I hadn't fed? How pathetic could I be, if that were the had only been two days. Even if I was still young, by now I should have been able to last longer than a day or two. At least, that's how I felt about myself anyway.

My suspicions were only reinforced by the fact that I could also hear another heartbeat, over my own. It was stronger. Louder. Not as fast, though it did not beat at the pace a normal relaxed heart probably would. It was like a drum pounding away in my ear, getting louder and louder with every beat. "Sara, you okay?"

Kimberly waved her hand in front of my face, snapping me out of a daze that I hadn't even realized I had slipped into until then. I shook my head, looking over at her and that's when I realized...that second heartbeat was coming from her. Why was it so fucking loud? So much louder than mine.

"Y-Yeah," I said, shaking my head again. I wiped the sweat from my face and forced a smile, looking back over at her and taking a breath. "Sorry, I just...was thinking."

She smiled back weakly, but only for a moment before she seemed concerned. "You don't look so good," she said.

"What's wrong?"

I took another deep breath, leaning forward and burying my face in my palms as I sighed slowly. I started tapping my feet and pulling lightly at my hair, to Kimberly I probably looked like a junkie on the streets going through withdrawal. In a way, I was going through withdrawal I realized...just not from heroin or any other drug.

"I need to feed," I said, acknowledging now that I knew what this was.

"It's been two days..."

"Oh," Kimberly said softly. "I-Is it that bad?"

"It's just starting," I said through my fingers.

"Because I haven't been a Vampire for very long yet, I can't go longer than a certain amount of time without drinking blood. It catches up with me faster than it does, for Morgan and Amanda, or even Elyse for that matter."

"What happens, if you don't you die?"

"No," I shook my head slowly. "From what I told though, it's not very pretty. You lose your mind and just...turn feral."

Kimberly didn't seem like she liked that risk any more than I did. I looked away from her, as she sat on her knees and pulled nervously at that chain around her ankle. Suddenly, I was standing straight up and pacing back and forth, my abrupt movements seeming to have startled my friend as she jumped a bit and pulled into the corner.

I didn't like that...

I didn't like how the slightest sudden move could make her jump, as though somewhere in the back of her mind she was more afraid of me than she cared to admit. Even after we'd confessed our true feelings after we had just fucked like animals just hours ago. After she promised that she wasn't afraid of me, despite what I had become.

Not that I could blame her. Knowing what I had done to Courtney, knowing what Amanda and Elyse had done to HER so far since she'd been here...I was just like them.

I looked down at her with shame for a moment, and I could hear her heartbeat pounding even faster as I stared until I felt obligated to look away. I had to turn away. When I looked away from her again, I bared my razor-sharp fangs at the wall and suppressed a low hissing sound that I prayed she hadn't overheard. My sides were aching as my skin started feeling hotter and hotter, and my head started aching now.

The chains clinked behind me, as Kimberly adjusted herself on the mattress and the room fell silent for a few seconds before she would finally speak. "Use me..."

That was all she said.

I just stared at the wall a few seconds more, before looking back over my shoulder and feeling a bit agitated. "What?"

"To feed," she said nervously. "Just...take my blood."

"Forget about it," I scoffed and shook my head. Then, I was pacing

back and forth again with my hands clutching at my sides as I tried to block out the sound of her heartbeat.

"Why not," Kimberly asked. "You need it, you just said-"

"I know what I said, Kimberly! But I'm not going t-to do...t-that. Not to you. Not like they've been doing to you for days as they did to me when I was locked up down here, I'm not a fucking Monster."

"It wouldn't be like that," the girl argued.

"They've been using me like that, to torture punish you for what you and Morgan did. They could have gone off and kidnapped another girl from town, fed on her if they wanted, I'm just a tool in their game that's it. You NEED to drink right now."

"I-I can't do it," I said defeated, as I stopped pacing and looked down at the concrete floor. I'd struggled a little bit even with Lisa, a few nights earlier but I had managed to get past my fears of feeding in the end.

This was different though. And if I was being completely honest, there were other reasons aside from just not wanting to use Kimberly the way Elyse and the others had used her so far.

"You're too weak right now anyway," I said with a sigh.

"They've been feeding on you twice a day, every day for almost a week. You need rest. The amount of blood I feel like I could drink right now would probably kill you in your current condition and I j-just..."

"Okay," Kimberly said quickly. "Okay, I get it."

Her voice was soft, gentle, and sympathetic. I was relieved that she didn't try to push me much further on the subject, but I knew she was still deeply concerned and probably hoping that I would change my mind. I wasn't going to change it though...

"Come here," she patted her lap gently.

I stared at her and then shook my head, not sure if I should even be anywhere near her right now. Looking back over at her again though, I could tell she just wanted to comfort me and all I wanted was to let her do just that.

I caved, slowly crossing back over the basement floor and kneeling on the side of the mattress. Without waiting, Kimberly embraced me, taking me in her arms and holding me for a few seconds before she kissed my cheek. Then she pulled me closer to lay my head in her lap and began gently stroking my hair, brushing it out of my face as I lay there.

Her touch was soothing. I smiled up at her and let my eyes slowly fall shut, as I tried to drift off to sleep. It was surprisingly easier to do than I had anticipated.


Morgan's POV-

I parked the car just a little way down the road.

The last thing I needed, was for anyone to hear the snow crunching underneath the tires as I pulled up in the driveway...the element of surprise had to be strong with this one if it was going to work. Not that sneaking up on Elyse was an easy task in my mind, and she did not like surprises.

After grabbing the Katana from the trunk, I tied it to my back with the velvet rose to sheathe securing the actual blade and with my black hair whipping across my face, I started walking towards the cabin. My plan?

Alright, I didn't have a plan.

Like I said, sneaking up on Elyse wasn't going to be easy no matter what my plan was. When I came upon the cabin I stayed back a few feet, relying on the trees to stay stealth as I watched the front door closely. I ducked down when I saw Amanda making her way up from alongside the cabin and towards the entrance...a familiar face beside her.

She had been friends with that cheerleading bitch, if I remembered correctly...Heather, I thought her name was. So, Heather must have been the other one that Elyse took along with Kimberly for bait. Why wasn't she chained up in the basement with Kimberly though...

Had Elyse turned her?

Nothing was out of the realm of possibility, with Elyse but I couldn't understand why. Even if she had turned Heather as she had done with Sara, the girl should still be locked up so she could be used as a slave. Unless Elyse had only turned her, Heather could take my place at her side. What about Kimberly then?

If she had been turned to, I knew that would only cause even more stress on Sara in the long run.

No time for thinking...I watched as the two reached the front step, with Heather reaching for the door when Amanda paused and seemed to hesitate. Heather looked back at her as my sister looked up to the sky and almost seemed to sniff the air like a cat or a dog. I held my breath and stayed low to the ground, still relying on the tree line to stay out of sight.

It was very likely, that Amanda may have already picked up on my energy or my scent. If that were the case...this battle would probably start now, right here, outside the cabin. So I braced myself and continued holding my breath, while I reached for the katana and gripped the handle...ready to draw my weapon at any given moment, if necessary.

Heather must have muttered something along the lines of, "are you okay," judging by the movement of her lips to which Amanda eventually looked back at the girl, but said nothing. She just brushed past the former cheerleader and into the cabin, as though nothing had happened.

I breathed a slight sigh of relief.

Maybe she hadn't picked up on me as I had worried. That seemed unlikely though if I thought about it. I had seen the look on her face as she had studied her surroundings, feeling the energy around her before walking into the cabin. She knew something was out of place.

That was beside the point.

Standing slowly, I stepped out from behind the trees and brush and quickly started towards the backside of the cabin, heading straight for those storm doors that led into the basement...the same storm doors that me and Sara escaped through when we first broke out of this shit hole.

Now, that same escape plan would be my re-entry.

I paused as I looked around, just to make sure that no one was around and trying to spy or keep eyes on me...then quickly, I drew the katana from its sheathe. The scraping sound it made as the blade slid out into the cold air, sent shivers up my spine and brought a smile to my face.

It had been far too long.

In one swift move, I was slicing through the new padlock that had replaced the one I broke last time, and sliding the blade back into its sheathe. I moved like lightning and it made my heart flutter.

"Still got it, don't we baby?" I asked as if speaking to my katana like a person.

With the padlock broken, I grabbed the handles on the two doors and pried them open. A cold burst of air shot out to greet me and I stepped back slightly, staring down into the dark hole that led into the basement. It had creaked quite loudly when I opened it...

hopefully, no one in the house had heard it though I was sure that if Sara and Kimberly were down there right now, they probably heard.


A vaguely familiar voice calling out to me confirmed my took a few moments but I put two and two together, convinced it was Kimberly who had spoken first.

Jumping down into the hole, I landed on both feet with a slight thud and looked across the room, and...there they were...there they both were.

Sara sat straight up on the mattress, naked as was Kimberly who had been holding her head in her lap and they both stared at me in total shock. "Morgan," Sara whispered, her face pale as the snow looking like she'd seen a ghost.


I smirked, stepping forward slowly and noting as I got closer just how terrible Sara looked. It wasn't just the shock of seeing me here either, there was something else wrong. She looked sweaty like she'd just been running through a desert and she seemed like she was trembling, shaking almost violently as Kimberly looked from me to her and began rubbing the bare skin on her back.

"You're one lucky bitch you know," I said, as I knelt before her and Kimberly.

"I don't put my life on the line like this, for just anyone..."


Sara's POV-

A slight laugh escaped my lips, despite my shakiness, and with it came a grunt of pain as I clutched my sides again, keeling over as Kimberly panicked and slid forward on the bed to get a better look at me.

"T-Thanks," I said to Morgan. "I guess...I-I must be someone pretty i-important to you then, huh?"

Morgan chuckled, rolling her eyes, and shrugged.

"Don't get excited."

She was looking down at me as I sat there, shaking harder now with Kimberly running her fingers loosely through my sweaty hair and kissing my shoulder.

"What's wrong with her," asked Morgan.

"She's sick," Kimberly replied fast. "S-She needs to-"


Morgan knew what was wrong, as soon as Kimberly said I was sick. She almost looked ashamed of herself, for not being able to figure it out sooner. "Makes sense. I guess they wouldn't be feeding you around here, since they're probably pretty pissed."

"I told her she could feed on me," Kimberly said.

She sounded angry as she spoke. "She won't let me."

"It's too dangerous, I told y-you already," I choked as my sides ached again. Kimberly's heartbeat was the loudest it had ever been now, and I was starting to struggle with the urge to give in and just grab her, sinking my fangs straight into her flesh. It would be so fast.

So easy.

One bite and I'd be feeling better again.

"Sara's right," Morgan said, coming to my defense.

She then moved to sit between me and Kimberly, pushing the girl over slightly and then looking at her as if to say "don't worry" before holding her hand up to her wrist up to her mouth.

"I can feel your life force energy, Kim. You're too weak right now. Sara would drain every drop of blood you've got to offer in her current state, no way you'd survive."

"What a-are you...d-doing," I asked, looking up at Morgan. She ignored me and I watched, as she bit into her wrist and drew blood before holding her hand out to me with her palm turned upward. "Drink."

The blood trickled down over her palm, dripping from her fingertips and I sighed, looking up at her desperately and lovingly before I leaned in and grabbed her arm. I pulled it to me and wrapped my lips around the two puncture wounds on her wrist, groaning and letting my eyes roll back as I tasted the metallic flavor.

I barely noticed but my cock began to stir between my legs, as I sucked and moaned, feeling energy slowly but surely rush through my veins now. "Hurry up though," Morgan whispered. "We don't have much time."

"You don't have any time."

I froze, feeling Morgan twitch and pull her arm away from me, leaving me desperate and feeling abandoned. I looked up and Elyse was standing at the foot of the basement stairs, arms behind her back, and that familiar cold smile spread across her face as she chuckled. "I knew you would come back, Morgan."

Morgan jumped to her feet quickly, drawing the katana hanging from her back which I hadn't even noticed until that moment but before she could make another move, Elyse took the initiative.

The pain was agonizing. It came from seemingly nowhere, feeling like something had torn right through my chest, gripping and squeezing my heart and I almost couldn't breathe as I was lifted into the air.

"Sorry Sara," Elyse said through gritted teeth.

"Bad girls don't get to eat around here."


Morgan's POV-

I watched, as Sara was suddenly hurled across the room like a rag doll after being lifted from the mattress by Elyse and her invisible grip. Kimberly had gasped, reaching out quickly in an attempt to grab the girl by the hand and pull her back but it happened too fast. Not that it would have mattered, either way.

Sara crashed hard against the wall, plaster falling from the ceiling and the staircase trembling from the impact. Instead of falling to the floor with the plaster, however, Sara remained pinned there as Elyse smiled over at her.

"Now stay put lover," Elyse spoke softly.

"It'll all be over soon, I promise."

"N-No," Sara yelled angrily. It was a struggle just for her to speak.

Between the invisible force pushing down on her chest to keep her pinned to the wall, pushing all the air out of her lungs and the fact that she hadn't consumed enough of my blood to fully recover yet, she must have been suffering.

"You...p-promised...Elyse! We had a deal! You s-said, you wouldn't hu-hurt Morgan!"

"IF she stayed away," Elyse replied coldly. Her gaze had now shifted to me and we had locked eyes, staring right into each other's souls but she was still speaking directly to Sara.

"Since she didn't get the memo, she's fair game."

"I'm not afraid of you anymore," I shook my head, as I drew the katana from my back and gripped the handle tightly.

"I stopped fearing you a long time ago."

"Clearly," Elyse rolled her eyes at me.

Footsteps came rushing down the wooden stairs now and I looked out of the corner of my eye, to see Amanda and Heather had come to a screeching halt just a few feet away...Elyse held out one hand to stop them both from coming any closer, and both girls started looking from me to Elyse and over to Sara who was still pinned to the wall.

For a brief moment, I locked eyes with Amanda...

Did she hate me?

I couldn't blame her if she did.

Whatever Elyse was feeling, I could give two shits less. Fuck her and the hole she had crawled out of, but I gave a fuck what Amanda might be thinking. I hadn't wanted to leave her. I would have taken her with me, but I had known she'd never leave Elyse...and I had to do what I had to do.

My attention returned to Elyse, as I stepped into a fighting stance with my Katana and my eyes flashed yellow to show that I was ready to fight. She was unmoved though, no surprise there...Elyse just stood in place, looking more amused than anything and shaking her head at me.

"You're as stubborn as ever,'s pathetic."

"Just shut the fuck up," I growled, before I rushed across the basement floor and swung hard and fast, left to right with my katana. Elyse leaned back as though it were nothing, literally bending over backward and my blade passed right over her face missing her by mere inches.

She came back up and stepped quickly to the right, and I spun around and swung again, only for her to step to the left and avoid me again.

A quick lunge forward and I drove my sword forward, ready to drive it straight through her gut. I knew it wouldn't kill her but it would at least take her off guard, showing her that I wasn't fucking around anymore. Of course, she dodged that strike too and I found myself dancing around in circles, as I kept swinging wildly, and all of my attempts to strike her failed.