Awakenings Pt. 01


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I was grateful for her intervention, and set to work getting sunblock on her back. I started by her shoulders, which has been shielded somewhat by her hair, and worked over her arms. She stretched them out, sighing occasionally but otherwise lying still so I could work. I returned to her back, getting her sides as well. I ventured close to the soft tissue of her breasts but did not actually make contact. Flirting with the boundaries was enough to keep my erection going, and I had to surreptitiously adjust my erection several times as I worked the tingling lotion onto her skin.

"Does this hurt?" I asked at one point.

"No, only a little, but it hurts even if you don't touch me, so don't worry about it."

I moved down her back and stopped just before the small of her back rose again to meet her ass. Her butt was sticking up a little, a perfect bikini clad bubble. I switched position and got her legs, working from her ankles upward. As I moved up her legs she parted them slightly, and then more. I worked up her thighs, enjoying myself a little too much, but always staying away from her inner thighs. Her legs spread a little more and she spoke.

"Will, I hate to ask this, but can you get everywhere? I don't want to blister. Here," she said, and reached backward with a wince. She grabbed her bikini bottom and pulled upward and then downward. The effect was dramatic. She had pulled much of the fabric into her ass crack, exposing her ass cheeks, and then she had pulled it down, revealing two inches of her ass crack. I stared as her half-exposed butt, my hands trembling.

"Start with my thighs," she said, spreading her legs wide, so I was able to kneel between them. I looked down and sure enough I could see part of her labia poking out from her bikini on the sides. Blonde curls of pubic hair were visible on each side. Was she aware of how much I could see, and did she care? I guessed she was oblivious to the free show I was getting. "Go ahead," she said.

Carefully, I put lotion on her thighs, working outside and slowly cresting the top and working toward her inner thigh. She flinched once or twice, either from pain or perhaps it tickled. As I rubbed lotion her body moved under my hands, giving me larger and smaller glimpses of her labia. I was so hard that I could feel pre-cum running down my dick, and I was worried that my khaki shorts might show through if I wore them much longer.

"Alright, can you get my butt?" she asked. I hesitated for a second and she added, "I'm giving you permission, get everything you can see," she said, and wiggled her butt slowly. It was too much. I crossed to her other side, away from her face, and adjusted myself. Sure enough, a wet spot was forming on my shorts. I adjusted myself again and pulled my shirt lower, hoping to hide the evidence. I put more lotion on my hands, and put my hands on her ass. I rested them there for a split second, enjoying the feel of her bubble butt under my palms, but quickly started applying lotion. I massaged her ass, and she sighed. Much of her skin was visible after she wedged herself, and I marveled at how her ass moved as I massaged her skin.

She drifted off to sleep and I kept rubbing her ass. As I did more fabric pulled into her ass cheeks, and I never wanted to stop. It was only after I heard an "ahem?" that I snapped out of it. There was mom, in her scrubs, leaning against the door.

"Asleep?" Mom whispered. I nodded. She beckoned me to come over to her. I carefully got up, turning around and sliding off the far side of the bed in order to make sure my shirt was pulled down low. I hoped to god that my erection wasn't obvious. Mom put the lid on the lotion and I followed her out of the room.

"That was fast," I said.

"I've been gone for hours," Mom said. "Have you been in there the whole time?"

I looked down at my watch, and noticed that she was right.

"Hungry?" she asked.

"Yeah, are you?"

She nodded, "That was nice of you, by the way."

"Oh, it was no big deal," I muttered.

"Clearly, to have done it for so long," she said, fishing through the refrigerator. "Looks like you got an eyeful as well."

I said nothing, but I could feel my face turning red. She laughed quietly. "I'm just teasing." She pulled out leftover pizza from the night before. "Sorry, it's not the greatest dinner."

"You were busy," I said, pulling plates out.

"So were you," she joked. "Put on a bathing suit and come eat this outside with me." She headed to her room, and I went up to mine. I peeled off my clothes, my shorts and boxers coated with pre-cum. I knew I should probably jerk off but I didn't want to keep mom waiting. I had never gone this aroused for this long without taking action. I pulled on my suit, and headed outside. Mom had changed into her usual one-piece swimsuit, a piece of pizza on her plate.

"Jen's going to feel that burn tomorrow," she said as I sat down and took a piece of pizza.

"Yeah, it looks bad," I said. "I should have told her to put on sunblock."

"Knowing Jen, she wouldn't have done it anyway," she sighed. "She flies by instinct." Mom sat back, taking a bite and looking pensive. I too was lost in thought. My near-constant arousal had sparked some primal instinct. I was looking at my Mom's tits, straining her bathing suit and the slight amount of cleavage visible. I shook my head, trying to clear my head. What was I thinking?

"Everything okay?" she asked.

"Yeah," I said, trying to maintain eye contact. She looked at me for a moment and then took a sip of water before standing up and stretching. She had a really flat stomach for her age, and her tits were compressed in her bathing suit, and I wondered what she'd look like in a bikini, or with nothing at all. She turned to go to the water, and my eyes followed her ass the whole way. Like Aunt Jen, her butt was firm and round, and just the right size. My dick twitched and I wondered what was wrong with me.

Yes, I was adopted, but wasn't I also her son? Was I abnormal? The answer came to me from deep in my subconscious, bubbling up from the depths after years of repression. I was normal, she was an attractive woman to whom I had no genetic relation. I loved my mom more than anything, but there was no reason why I could not objectively enjoy how she looked. I told myself this repeatedly as I got up and headed over to the pool. I took a running start and jumped over her, landing in a ball and splashing her.

She splashed me back and swam off laughing. I laughed, splashing again, and we swam for a while and talked. Our conversation was normal, which was comforting despite my animalistic urges. It wasn't until the conversation turned to Aunt Jen that things got strange.

"So, that rubdown," she said, pausing.

"Yeah," I said, blushing and avoiding her eyes.

"Was that her idea?" she asked. "The amount of coverage."

"She said I should get everyway and past the burn as well."

"She's right," Mom said, musing. "That's a lot of skin."

"Well, it was your idea," I said, smirking.

"True," she agreed. "But was it weird for you?"

"A little," I said, and she laughed. "I mean, at first. After a while I got used to it."

"And she wasn't wearing very much. I could never pull off a bikini like that," Mom said.

"Sure, you could," I said, again cursing myself inside. I needed a better filter between my brain and mouth, if my brain was even part of the equation anymore. I seemed to be doing my thinking with something else.

"Very sweet of you, but I doubt it," she said, splashing me. I splashed her back, and she laughed and swam away from me, toward the steps. I swam after her, grabbing her shoulders and pulling her under with me. She laughed as we went down, our bodies pressed together as we play struggled. I went rigid in terror as I realized that her ass was pressed against me, and my left hand was accidentally cupping half her breast. My dick, erect and throbbing, was pressed against her soft ass. She too had stopped moving as we sank to the bottom of the pool. I let go of her and she swam to the surface.

When I broke the surface, she was treading water. Her face betrayed nothing, and when she spoke it was nonchalant.

"It's late," she said, looking at her watch. "I need to shower and get some sleep. Long day tomorrow."

I nodded, and she splashed me playfully one more time before swimming to the ladder. I hesitated, following her out only after she was halfway to the back door. I gathered up dinner, throwing away the mess and heading to my room. I was naked before I was three steps into my room, and I turned off the light and fell onto my bed. I was hard, oozing pre-cum, and dying for release. Without hesitation I wrapped my fingers around the shaft of my dick, using my pre-cum for lubrication as I stroked myself. I thought about Jen, her bikini wedged into her ass, my hands all over her, the feel of her skin against mine. I was close to coming, and my thoughts suddenly shifted to Mom's tits in her bathing suit, on how her ass swayed as she walked, and I came.

I came more than any other time in my life. I kept coming, until my penis finally shrank completely and my heart stopped racing. I lay there, letting my cum run down the sides of my body, a thick pool of it covering my pubic hair. I was a disaster, my whole body spent, as I drifted off to sleep, my thoughts a blur.

Chapter 2

I woke up late the next morning. I grabbed my glasses and propped myself up. I was covered in dried cum, the telltale signs all over me. I sat up and realized with a jolt that in my haste to relieve my tension last night I had left the door halfway open all night. I pulled on shorts and put on a shirt, making sure no dried cum was visible, and looked out the window. It was early. Mom was still on her morning swim, but was getting out of the water. I watched, enjoying the view of her cleavage from the second floor, but as she entered the house I headed down the hall. Jen's door was closed, and she was most likely still asleep. Had mom ventured down the hall this morning and seen me sleeping naked like that? If she had, did she investigate closer and see what looked like an explosion of cum in my bed?

As I rounded the corner I saw her coming up the stairs. The look on her face seemed to indicate that she had not, and I breathed a sigh of relief. Of course, there was nothing wrong with masturbation, but I still winced at the idea of being on display like that all morning. Mom was drying her hair with her towel, and she smiled and whispered.

"Jen still asleep?" she said.

I nodded, and she nodded back. She met me at the top of the stairs, and motioned for me to come with her. I followed her to her room, stepping inside and sitting on the edge of her bed as she motioned me to take a seat.

"I was thinking about what you said last night," she said.

"What part?" I asked.

She bit her lip, pausing. "You said I could pull off a bikini. Did you mean it?"

"Of course I meant it," I said. I rarely lied to Mom, and when I did it was minor, a white lie here and there to keep out of trouble. But on major things, I always told her the truth. "What's holding you back? I mean, no offense but I can see most of you in that swimsuit anyway."

"I'm just wondering if I have the stomach for it," she said. "Literally." She paused, looking at me for a moment, and then turned around. She took her bathing suit straps and pulled them down, sliding the whole thing down to her waist. She stopped just past the dimples on her lower back. I could see the sides of her tits, and wished there was a mirror that would show me the front of her. Slowly, as if she was preparing herself, she put her hands on her tits, and turned around.

I stared at my mom. Her hands covered most of her tits but there was no way she could contain them like that. Her bathing suit was bunched up around her waist, and she stood and looked at me, waiting. "Well?" she said, her voice betraying how nervous she was.

"Definitely, you should go buy a bikini today," I said. "You look great."

She laughed, her tits jiggling in her hand. She turned to her side, giving me another view before facing me again. "You think so? Or are you just being nice?"

"Yes," I said emphatically. She laughed again and her hands shifted. More of her tits spilled out, but she was still covered. I wanted her to do anything that would require her to let go. I don't know why, but my desire to see her tits blocked out any feelings of weirdness about standing ten feet from my semi-topless mom.

"Well, thank you," she said with a small grin. She turned around and pulled her suit back up, taking time to stuff her tits back in. I was a little sad to see her turn around covered up, but she was beaming at me. "Listen, can you do me one more favor?" she asked.

"Of course," I said. "What is it?"

"Well, two favors. First, I am going to run some errands since I'm not working until mid-day. Can you put that lotion on Jen again? And, second, don't tell her I just did that."

"Deal, I won't say a word," I said. She smiled and walked me to the door of her room. She smiled, her eyes sparkling, and she shut the door behind me. I walked with a new sense of purpose down the hall. I didn't know what was happening, but I liked it. My dick liked it even more. Before knocking on Jen's door I felt pre-cum drip onto my thigh. I was only semi-hard, almost like I was waiting for another monster orgasm at the end of the day.

"Come in," Jen said when I knocked gently. I opened the door to find the shutters open and her room bathed in bright sunlight. Jen was laying face down under a white sheet, her bubble butt under an apex of soft fabric.

"Mom asked me to put this on you," I said, indicating the tub of medication. "If that's fine with you," I added.

"Of course," she said. "And thank you for doing it."

I walked over and picked up the tub. Jen squirmed on the bed, reaching behind her and pulling the sheet down. She was topless, the sides of her tits visible. I sat down next to her, and realized that she was completely naked under the sheet, the top of her ass just visible to me.

As if reading my mind, she spoke, "The burn hurt too much to wear anything last night. I figured you could just put lotion on under the sheet, if that's okay with you."

I swallowed and managed to say "okay," without croaking.

"Unless touching me naked is gross," she said with a smirk as she settled her head down on the bed.

"I'll manage, somehow," I said with a fake sigh. I started to lotion her back. Her skin didn't feel as hot as it did the day before, but it looked like a deeper red. She winced occasionally, and I apologized and worked carefully. I worked lotion into her sides, daring myself to touch the soft sides of her breasts, but I could not summon the nerve to do it. The last thing I wanted was for my aunt to get the idea that I was enjoying myself. But she was determined the keep up the playful banter.

"This feels so good," she said with a sigh. She squirmed a little, her butt flexing under the covers.

"So are you going to stay in bed all day?" I asked as I worked down her back. I was at the small of her back, slowly working toward her ass.

"No, but my options are to go around naked or wear this sheet," she said, smirking again. "What do you think of my options?"

"It's up to you," I said. "I'm just here to help you out."

"Then I'll have to think about it," she said. She scooted a little bit, nudging me to keep moving south. "Get everything, please."

"You're naked," I said.

"Under the sheet, so you won't see anything," she said. She wiggled her butt again and I gave in to instinct. I put more lotion on my hands and slid them under the sheet. I couldn't see where the burn ended, so I rubbed my hands all over her ass. As I did she spread her legs, pulling the sheet further down, exposing another inch or two of skin.

I kept rubbing, feeling up her ass more than anything else, and she let me. After a while I moved, pulling the sheet on her legs aside. Her ass was still covered, mostly, but I worked lotion all over her legs, then returned my hands to her ass. She said nothing as I continued to massage her ass, occasionally looking at me but most of the time closing her eyes halfway. My hand ran down her ass, inches from her pussy, and I wanted more than anything to cross those last few inches and touch her in the most intimate way.

I was lost in my thoughts when I heard my mom in the hallway. "I'm going to run some errands." I looked up at her, both of my hands under the sheet and clearly on her sister's ass. Mom just waved, making a motion with her hand to "keep going" and waved. We heard her leave the house when Aunt Jen shifted on the bed. I took my hands off her ass as she pulled the sheet up her back. I thought our session was over and found myself irrationally upset that we were done. Instead, she rolled onto her back, keeping her body covered with the sheet. She winced as her back made contact with the bed.

She looked so amazing under the sheet, the shape of her tits and hips hinted at by the folds and valleys of cotton. "My front is not as bad as my back, but I burned there too," she said. She pulled the sheet so it was tucked in her arms, and I could see how red she was. "Can you get my front, too, including my face?"

"Um, okay," I said, panicked. Yes, I had just felt up her ass, but the front was a whole different level.

"I could do the front myself," she admitted, "but you do such a good job, it's very relaxing, like a free massage," she said, laughing. Her tits swayed as she laughed, causing my dick to throb.

I nodded. I was dumbstruck, in shock over what was happening. I started with her shins, moving under the sheet over her thighs. She spread her legs a little and I worked her entire thighs, inching closer to her pussy. I knew I was close, and I could feel the heat of her skin radiating, calling me.

Needing a change, I took some lotion and gently applied it to her face. She sighed and closed her eyes. I gently rubbed her forhead, her small nose, her cheeks that retained their youthful spring. I worked her neck, then slowly crossed her collarbones. I was gently rubbing lotion on the slow rise that sloped up to her breasts, and she said nothing. My left hand ventured a little over to the top of her left tit, still far away from the main part, when she shifted upward.

It seemed like a random movement, she had made some already to relieve her back a little. The result, this time, was that my hand moved away and when it returned to its original spot it landed square on her nipple. My hand was on her tit.

"Sorry," she said, "I can't stop fidgeting."

"I should be apologizing," I said, moving my hand.

"It's fine," she said. "No need to feel weird. You're doing me a real service." I worked around her breast again and she shifted a second time. Again my hand was on her tit, and she laughed. "Okay, that was on purpose," she said. "I shouldn't mess with you."

My hand was on her tit, and I didn't move it. Instead I moved the other hand onto her other side, my hands rubbing both of her tits. Her nipples were hard under my lotioned palms. When I pulled away to apply more lotion to my hands, she waited with eyebrows raised. I slid my hand under the sheet directly onto her tits without hesitation. She sighed, closing her eyes as I felt up her tits, barely pretending to lotion them. I didn't know what was happening, but I wasn't dumb enough to question it. My last girlfriend has let me feel her tits, and it was divine, but nothing like this. Jen's were bigger, and she was my Aunt—adopted or not—which made it even more erotic.

"Will," she said, "as relaxing as this is, can you get my stomach too?"

"Yeah, of course...sorry," I said.

"No need to apologize," she said. I moved past her tits reluctantly, noting how hard her nipples were under the sheet. I rubbed more lotion on my hands and slid them under the side of the sheet. As I did she sighed, and I worked slowly downward. I moved slowly, getting her skin covered, until I hit where her bikini must have started.