An Erotic Ghost Story Ch. 02

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Lilly goes Back in Time.
6.2k words

Part 2 of the 6 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 06/08/2014
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This story is a multi chapter book. Please go back and read Chapter one. I will try to write a chapter every week or so and post it here. Please be patient. If you enjoyed this tale please take a moment and rate it. Feedback is greatly appreciated and I really enjoy your emails! I try to write back to my readers.


A Ghost Story, Erotic Dreams in the Haunted House

Chapter 2

Edward Kahn strode impatiently across the thick sprawling Persian rug in the grand hallway of Daniel Taylor's home. His friend urged him to be ready and waiting at 2:00. He arrived precisely ten minutes early. Edward yanked a gold watch from his waistcoat pocket, 2:30 pm. David's tardiness was legendary. His friend lost all concept of time when he was deep in thought and kept others waiting longer than a female beleaguering over her appearance before an important social event.

Edward was ushered into the lemon colored sitting room with fussy button tufted settees and richly appointed rose damask chairs. When a maid offered him tea and sweet meat, Kahn knew he was in for a wait. On the rare occasion when David spied Edward as he walked through the front doors, he would gallop down the grand staircase and greet him like an errant child with consummate excitement. Edward admired his friend's exuberance. With all good friendships however Kahn took the good with the bad.

Tardiness was certainly his worst attribute. Friends since Oxford University, Edward quickly admired his brash, intrepid American friend. David exemplified the enthusiastic, 'can do' positive and hard working attitude prevalent in the US during the progressive late nineteen hundreds. Advancing mechanization was burgeoning during the last decade of the century and shaped America into an emerging world power. David didn't need to persuade Edward, already business savvy, to invest in these capitalistic ventures.

Wealthy and powerful men would dabble in these monetary games to their hearts content. Edward was both rich and powerful. His mother was a titled aristocratic English Lady. His roots intertwined with the English monarchy. His father was a cousin of the Persian Shah and made his money from the ultra profitable tobacco trade in his father's home country.

Three years ago he moved from London, his half time childhood city. Edward packed up his belongings and boarded a steamship headed to the New World. The only real comfort he took from his motherland was his mistress, Kayla. A black haired beauty with Caribbean blue eyes whose exotic Persian beauty made every man's heart melt.

Kahn invested well with his shrewd business sense. He already surpassed yearly projections and was ready to embark on a new business venture. He'd invested heavily in stream ships and railroads. He added quickly to his wealth and decided the time was right to plant deep roots in the rocky New England soil.

Kahn was building a stately mansion on a five-acre ocean front plot in Barrington, Rhode Island. The seaside town was centrally located near the Central Falls Mills he owned in Pawtucket. He commissioned building and material experts to follow his exact specifications. The estate would exude old world charm but have all current day modern conveniences. The home would boost sweeping verandas both front and back. Imported marble and exotic woods would cover the floors and walls. No expense would be spared.

David was his attorney and if the blasted man didn't hustle they'd late for their appointment with the other investors. He needed David's savvy legal mind to guide him though all the official rigmarole. Edward was about to trounce through the house and unearth his errant friend. He checked his watch again and dropped the timepiece in is pocket then marched to the grand staircase.

Edward stopped short when a massive swirl of brilliant white light flashed on top of the stairs. The intensity was blinding and Kahn covered his eyes quickly with his forearm. Then a ghostly female shape was hurled through the epicenter of the dazzling vortex. Her body lunged forward then tumbled down the stairs. She made a sickening muffled thud as her body hit the carpeted landing. Edward stood motionless and horrified. He couldn't believe what he just witnessed.

Kahn rushed over to the young woman and crouched over the still body. Her nose was bleeding, a glaring red rash appeared across her lovely cheekbone. She was dressed in a sheer nightgown. Spots of blood stained the pretty fabric. Her absolute beauty struck him. He was too frightened though to indulge in his lascivious desires to allow eyes to roam over every inch of her. Perfectly sized and shaped breasts clung to the garment. Her long blonde hair was thick and curled near the tips. Her long thoroughbred legs poked from the nightdress. Edward scooped her head up carefully and felt the warm blood seeped into his palm.

"Miss, Miss can you hear me?" With fearful trepidation he checked the pulse on her neck. It was weak but at least she had one. The mysterious woman was out cold.

"Thank god." He whispered.

"Help!" he shouted at the top of his lungs

"We need help, anyone, dear god this lady needs help! His voice boomed and echoed throughout the hall.

Within seconds, servants appeared from various areas of the house and scurried toward him like a colony of wild ants. Edward smoothed the long wheat blonde hair from her face. A small gash across her forehead was bleeding. He carefully stroked her cheek and marveled at her beauty.

When David appeared and saw the pretty blonde curled up and bleeding on the staircase he flew to her.

"What the hell happened to my sister?" he shouted to his friend.

"Your sister?" Kahn was surprised.

He never met the youngest Taylor sister. She was away at school on the few occasions he visited his schoolmate. He then remembered David told him she just graduated from college.

"She fell down the stairs, David, I don't know how but she just stumbled and landed here. I couldn't get to her quick enough."

Edward wasn't going to try to explain how she propelled from a fantastic brilliant light. It was too unbelievable. He was still in shock. Kahn couldn't understand how such a thing was possible.

"She is bleeding. Oh sweet Lillian!" He lifted her gently and cradled her in his arms. Worry lined David's expression as he stroked her face.

"It's bleeding from here."

Edward pushed her hair aside to expose the deep gash. He pulled out his linen handkerchief and pressed the material firmly into her wound in an effort to slow the bleeding. He noticed her lips were full, crested in a pretty cupid's bow. Edward adored beautiful woman. He cursed himself for his insensitivity. Now was definitely not the time to become enraptured by his best friends unconscious sister.

Servants zoomed about anxious, nervous waiting for their master's command. They peered over the young pretty blonde. One of the older women began to bawl when she her pretty mistresses bruised body and the blood dripping on her face.

"Don't just stand around damn it! Someone fetch the doctor!" David barked to his staff.

"Get some towels and warm water. We need to carefully move her upstairs."

David jabbed his arm in various directions and the servants scurried away. He smoothed more hair away and began to check for other injuries. Two of the younger men offered to help carry her.

"I can mange. Go get Mary. Hopefully she hasn't left for town yet"

The two servants nodded and rushed off. He gently eased his bleeding and battered sister closer to him. His brow furrowed and he was ashen.

"What if she's broken any bones Edward? I might hurt more than help her. David was anxious and concerned what to do next.

"We can do a quick check to see if anything visible is broken." Kahn suggested.

"I'll check her Edward, now please avert your eyes."

Kahn turned his back while David examined his lovely sister. Edward of course worried for the young woman's health but he couldn't stop thinking how lovely she was. How she stumbled out of a flash of light only added to her mystery and allure.

"I can't find anything that looks broken and hell I'm certainly no sawbones. We'll have to wait until the doc gets here. Help support her head Kahn while I pick up her up."

David carefully lifted her frame while Edward handled her head like it might be a fragile eggshell ready to crack. Lilly's brother walked up each stair with slow agonizing precision so not to rattle her fragile body. Her head dropped against his pectoral muscle as she sagged in his strong arms.

"There, there my little sweetheart. I'm here now. The doctor will be here soon little one," David cooed.

David kissed her forehead, pressing his lips into her clammy skin. Edward was both touched and a tad jealous of his friend's affectionate gesture toward his younger sibling. Kahn had no brothers or sisters. Affection wasn't widely dispersed in his home when he was a child. His mother was somewhat demonstrative but she died when he was fairly young. Clearly there was a lot of love in the Taylor family.

Once he reached her bedroom. Servants were already buzzing around, placing towels on the bed, filling a washstand with warm water. He lowered her onto the bed just as his sister Mary reached the threshold of the room.

"Lillian!" She cried out when she saw her sisters limp body.

She rushed over to her baby sister's side and began to smooth her forehead. When she noticed blood seeping through the cloth Edward held firmly at her temple she quickly covered her mouth so not to cry out.

"David, why is she bleeding?" Mary began to wring her hands tightly.

"She fell Mary. Edward saw the accident happen." David tried to be calm for the sake of his sister but he too was frantic.

"I know that Jake and Harrison told me when they came to fetch me. How did it happen?" She glared at Edward expecting an answer.

"Try to calm yourself Mary. I don't have the facts and Edward isn't even sure how she fell. The doctor should be on his way. Hopefully, we'll know soon enough."

Edward removed the handkerchief to check the wound. He rinsed the material in the basin and gingerly dabbed her head.

"I'll do that Edward." Mary rose and held her hand out to take the cloth from him.

Mary was a typical bossy older sister, but he knew her bark was worse than her bite. She was once sweet on him. She kept her feelings to herself but after a night of rowdy drinking with David he told his friend Mary loved him. He also told Edward if he came within ten feet of either sister he'd clobber him. Which was prudent considering his illustrious reputation.

Kahn had no interest in the older sister though. After that he avoided contact with her. On the rare instance they saw each other he was cordial but cool to her. Mary was a consummate husband hunter as were most of the women he encountered looking for a leg up in society. He however was masterfully adept at avoiding the marriage trap.

"I feel quite responsible for her Mary, please allow me."

He gazed at her with those dark eyes that made every maiden in town swoon. Damn him and his irresistibly handsome face! She thought. Those deep twin dimples kissed each cheek, his perfectly shaped square head and huge deep brown eyes. Mary wasn't immune to his overwhelming charm but knew well enough to stay away from him. When Edward wasn't in the arms of his mistress, he was chasing all the pretty eligible skirts about town. He was a stealth barn cat and women were like tiny plentiful mice to him. Once he captured them, he played with them a short while became bored then dropped them.

Edward chewed the tip of his index finger voraciously as he often did when distressed. He hid in the corner of Lilly' bedroom watching, feeling helpless as everyone hovered around her. Kahn felt nearer to her as he waited in her space. Pretty furnishings and fabrics decorated the room in ultra feminine pinks and gold's. All her possessions were neat and organized. Everything seemed to ooze a sweet jasmine fragrance. 'God, she was perfect, so feminine!' he thought.

With his many dalliances he maintained the upper hand, always had always did. When his latest paramour got too close he ended the romance abruptly, but still as a gentleman. Edward was loathed to admit his tightly controlled feelings were dissolving quickly with this woman. His heart ached the more he gazed upon her lovely shape.

Some supernatural force literally tossed this woman in his life. However her brother would just assume loose a limb or call him out before he allowed his rogue friend to court his baby sister.

Kahn then felt a stab of intense guilt. The poor woman was unconscious and bleeding and he was fixing in his mind a way to woo her. He tried to shrug off his growing obsession and returned to dabbing her head. He hoped in earnest the doctor would arrive soon so he could leave and fetch a glass of David's finest whiskey.

The doctor arrived a few minutes later. He shooed everyone but Mary from the room. Edward left feeling torn. He was still a gentleman and did in fact feel responsible for Lilly and wanted to stay and hear her prognosis. But he also wanted to leave and drink her from his mind.

Kahn was still rationalizing all that transpired. Where did the enormous bright light come from? Was the flash a bolt of freak lightning? Was it the new electricity recently installed? This new technology could be unstable and perhaps the light bulbs in the newly electrified chandelier exploded? Edward couldn't remember any glass shards scattered about though.

Both men made a beeline for David's study. His friend kept his prized bottle of whisky hidden inside a desk drawer. David poured them a tall glass. The man sat silently in the enormous matching leather chairs. Their faces shrouded by the giant wings blocking each man's expression. David leapt out of the chair and began to pace frantically.

"She will be pull through this David," Edward tried to sound reassuring but he too was fearful of the prognoses.

"Such reassuring words to say when the woman isn't your sister! She's just another potential conquest to you, isn't she? I saw the way you looked at her!" David blurted out.

"So nice you think so highly of me my friend." Edward said calmly.

Kahn was ruffled but he tried to ignore friend's uncouth comment. His friend was utterly distressed and in turmoil. Edward took a long swig of whiskey.

"Oh, listen, I'm sorry old man. I didn't mean it. Lilly is so precious to me. I'm her big brother and well, I'm responsible for her." He ran fingers through his lush blond locks. He paused and his eyes widened.

"Jesus Christ, what will father say? Someone needs to wire a telegram to Boston."

"Consider it done David, I will take of the telegram. We've been friends too long for me to take insult. You're worried about Lillian it's understandable.

Edward placed his glass on a nearby table. He would send the wire to David's father just as soon as the physician left.

"Thank you good man! I do apologize for being an ass."

Both men swilled their whisky. David poured another round when a blood-curdling scream echoed throughout the entire house. The ghastly wail came from Lilly's room. Both men slammed their drinks down and rushed up the staircase two at a time.


Lilly woke groggy and disorientated. Her vision was blurry. Two hazy faces were peering at her. She remembered Edwards blood smeared across her face. His horrifying face was etched into her memory. She remembered falling down the stairs while running to get away.

Terrified, she began scream and claw at the shadowy faces. All the shocking events from earlier hit her once, as if someone hit a fast forward button. She fell down the stairs-Edward manifested into a petrifying black mass. He penetrated her and stole her virginity. Lilly felt an achy soreness where his massive prick pumped into virgin body unmercifully.

"Easy, Lilly, be still you'll hurt yourself or one of us." It was a man's brusque voice. Hands tried to grab at her arms but Lilly fought them.

"Get the hyperemic, Mary, we will need to sedate her." The voice shouted out to the blurry feminine 'Mary' figure.

"No, don't touch me! Don't you dare stick that needle in me!" Lilly shriek and continued to thrash at the figures.

The man whom she assumed was a doctor rolled up the sleeve on her dingy nightdress. She continued to claw at him. Lilly managed to slap his arm away and felt a small victory when she heard the steel hit the floor and make a metallic tinny noise.

"Hold her down girl. She's too strong! The doctor cried to Mary. He continued to struggle with the freighted girl clearly jacked up on adrenaline.

The doc was nearly straddling Lilly as Mary pushed Lilly's arms to her side to pin her into the bed. He sunk the needle into her flesh. Lilly howled like a wild animal.

"We don't want to hurt you Lilly. Please just calm down!

The physician tried to reassure her but Lilly was terrified. Where the hell was she now? The voices didn't sound like anyone she knew. She wanted her own home now. She wanted to crawl into bed and sleep away the terrible nightmare she'd experienced at the Kahn Estate.

"Is all hell breaking loose in here?"

David's voice boomed as he entered her bedroom. Edward was close on his heels but waited just outside the door to give the family privacy. He peered into the room. Relief swept over him. Lilly was awake. She was clearly freighted but determined to fight the doctor and Mary. Her vast stormy dark eyes reminded him of a raging ocean, bottomless and riddled with fury.

"Thank god, Lillian, are you ok?"

David reached to embrace her but Lilly shrank away and curled up against the headboard as if she didn't recognize him. Her face stained with tears. Her lids kept drooping. She looked as if she were wracked with exhaustion but fighting sleep. Lilly appeared like a scared caged wild animal

"She's heavily sedated Mr. Taylor.

"Why, what happened? She seems afraid of me."

"I used smelling salts while she was unconscious to wake her. She woke and started screaming and thrashing about so I had to inject her with a sedative. I haven't had a chance to speak with her so I can't give you a complete diagnosis of her injuries until I do. I'm certain fairly she has a concussion. Nothing seems broken but again I wont know until she's calm and coherent enough to have a rational conversation. We need to keep her still. If she does have other injures she'll make it worse beating about.

David was anxious and distraught He saw Lilly still cowering. She seemed disoriented and looked as if she didn't know where she was or knew the people in her room. The doctor began to pack up his things.

"You can't leave yet! We don't know how bad she is. David said.

"I'll check on her tonight. You'll both need to keep an eye on her especially now that she is sedated. I didn't want to have to inject her but I had no choice. Try to wake her every hour or so. If she begins to get wild try to talk to her gently if that doesn't work you'll have to restrain her. I gave her a good dose of tranquilizer. She should be sleeping for quite some time."

Lilly fought the overwhelming urge to sleep. Damn the doctor and his drugs. Lilly's vision cleared slowly. She was able to open her eyes slightly without her head pounding so badly she needed to shut them again.

She looked around the room in a panic. It was decorated with antiques. The strangers were dressed in Victorian era clothing.

"Where am I?" She asked softly.

Her brother and sister crowed around her relived she was somewhat coherent and not flailing uncontrollably or screaming loud enough to wake the dead. Upon hearing her voice Edward snuck into the room and hid in the shadows again. Mary sat on the bed near her and took her hand. Lilly stared at her wide-eyed.